Menu Path : Management>General Settings

Read Access Rights:

  • Log in to Management Console

Write Access Rights:

  • Edit monitoring settings

The General Settings page enables you to set and display the engine name, search result limits and the session timeout for a user in the Management Console.

Types of Settings

Engine Name



Default Value

Engine Name

Name of the engine

<Current engine name> (defaults to "Rhapsody Integration Engine" if no text is entered).

Search Result Limits



Default Value

Min. Value Max. Value

Max. Search Results

The maximum number of messages you want a search to return.


1 10000

Max. Error/Hold Queue Results

The maximum number of messages you want the Error or Hold queues to display following a search.

Rhapsody 5 and 6 differ from earlier versions of Rhapsody in that all actions relate to all messages, not only to the messages displayed on a page. For example, if you click Delete All, all messages are deleted, not only those on the currently displayed page.


1 10000

Message Path Display Limits

Truncation is required for very large paths in order to prevent the browser from performing very poorly or even crashing, and to limit the required memory in the Rhapsody engine. Normally, this is not significant for the bulk of messages in Rhapsody, but very large de-batches (in the order of 50,000+ or so) can cause problems.

Truncation works by identifying a de-batching point, and then stripping out messages that are not on the active path to bring it down the configured limit. If this is not sufficient then path nodes are dropped at the end of the message path, with some allowance for nodes on the active path.

If any truncation is applied, then a warning is displayed on the message view page with a link for viewing all the final output messages as a search result.

There are three parameters that control truncation:



Default Value

Min. Value Max. Value

Max. Message Path Nodes

The maximum number of path nodes (this is a guideline for the algorithm rather than a hard limit).


50 1000000

Debatch Threshold

The minimum number of output messages from a component for the component to be considered as a potential de-batching point.


2 1000000

Extra Nodes Allowed On Active Path

The number of path nodes allowed above the maximum if they are on the active path.


0 10000


There are three parameters that configure sessions:



Default Value

Min. Value Max. Value

Session Timeout

The number of minutes after which the Management Console logs the user out if no activity is detected.



0 (no timeout) or 35791394

Max. Sessions per User

The maximum number of sessions allowed per user.

The administrator users are not affected by this setting and have an unlimited number of allowable sessions.


1 0 (unlimited)

Max. Sessions Exceeded Policy

The policy applied when the maximum number of sessions allowed per user has been exceeded. The two available options are: to deny the login attempt or to allow the user to disconnect an existing session.

Deny new login attempt for user.