Menu Path : System State>JavaScript Counters

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  • Log in to Management Console.

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  • Edit JavaScript counters

JavaScript counters are set and used through the getCountersetCounter, and incCounter functions, and can be used to allocate unique (integer) identifiers. The JavaScript Counter page enables you to edit or delete JavaScript counters.

The JavaScript Counter page displays the following information:



Counter Name

Name that is used as a key to store on the engine.

Current Value

Value associated with the counter name.

Editing JavaScript Counters

Inline Editing of Values

To perform inline editing of the JavaScript counters:

  1. Click the Edit link alongside the current value of a JavaScript counter.
  2. Update the existing value in the editable input field.
  3. Click the Save link to save the changes made to the page, or the Cancel link to discard the changes.

Saving and Cancelling Edits

The Save All and Cancel All links can be used to save or cancel all edits when the user has chosen to edit more than one value. The links remain disabled until at least one value is in edit mode.

Deleting Counters

To delete a JavaScript counter, click the Delete link alongside its value.

Error Handling

New values are validated before being accepted during a save operation to ensure they are numerical values. When a non-numeric character is entered, the following error message is displayed: <COUNTER_VALUE> couldn't be interpreted as a number.

If the Save, Save All, Cancel or Cancel All links are clicked and no value has been entered, the following error message is displayed: Counter Value is a required field.