The Rhapsody SAP Configuration Editor enables message definitions to be loaded. This allows message paths to be easily selected and inserted into Remote Function Calls simply by using drag/drop, or using the field selector dialog.

The recommended way to load message definitions is to configure them for the appropriate SAP RFC communication point or filter in the Rhapsody IDE, and then launch the Rhapsody SAP Configuration Editor from there. This will then automatically load the configured message definition.

Manually Loading Message Definitions

To load a message definition manually, select the Load Message Definition... command from the File menu. This loads the definition and makes it available where message field paths are required.

XSD schemas cannot be loaded directly into the Rhapsody SAP Configuration Editor. Instead the compiled XML definitions (.xp2 files) are loaded. These compiled versions are generated by the Rhapsody IDE when a definition is loaded into Rhapsody, and are placed into the local definition storage (by default this is in <My Documents>\Local Definition Storage\<Server Name>:<Server Port>\Definitions\<Definition Name>). XSD schemas are loaded correctly and automatically when launching the Rhapsody SAP Configuration Editor directly from the Rhapsody IDE.