The default locale of Rhapsody is English. To change the locale of Rhapsody (that is, to internationalize the logs and configuration properties within Rhapsody IDE):

  1. Place the locale pack in the $(installDir)/rhapsody/locale/, for example ja.locale.csv for Japanese localization.
  2. Update the generated file which contains the missing locale information, for example ja.locale-missing.csv. Refer to Internationalizing the Management Console for details.
  3. Create the file $(installDir)/rhapsody/locale/default. This file contains the name of the new default locale of the system, for example ja for Japanese localization. Refer to Internationalizing the Management Console for details on the naming conventions for locales.
  4. Rhapsody automatically picks up the default file in 60 seconds.

    To revert to the default locale of English, you can either remove the default file and restart your engine or change the name of the default locale in the file to en.

When installing Rhapsody, if there are any locale packs or a default file in the same directory as the installation media, they will automatically be copied to the $(installDir)/rhapsody/locale/ directory.

Refer to Internationalizing the Management Console for details on how to add an alternative language option to the Management Console.