Read Access Rights:
Write Access Rights:
To log on to Rhapsody IDE:
- Ensure the Rhapsody service daemon is running.
Launch Rhapsody IDE. The Rhapsody Login dialog is displayed:
Enter the username
and the Passwordrhapsody
(which is case-sensitive). This password can only be used once. After your first successful login, you are prompted to change it.Select the engine you want to connect to. If the engine is on another machine, select the Browse... button and navigate to the appropriate installation. By default, Rhapsody attempts to link to the local installation of the interface engine.
The Browse for Rhapsody Engines dialog only includes those engines that are compatible with the current version of Rhapsody IDE.
The Windows® firewall does not allow UDP broadcast messages by default. As this is the mechanism used by Rhapsody IDE to search for available Rhapsody engines, no engines may be listed in this dialog. This issue can be resolved by adding Rhapsody IDE to the Windows® Firewall list of exclusions.
Select the More Options button if you want to:
View or edit the Rhapsody Port or the Broadcast Port.
Access the Rhapsody IDE Trust Manager by clicking the Rhapsody IDE Trust Manager link.
Reset the list of engines you have connected to in the Rhapsody Engine field to
by clicking the Clear Rhapsody Engine List link.
Select the OK button to log onto Rhapsody IDE.
Untrusted Self-Signed Certificate Warning
When attempting to log on for the first time, you are likely to encounter the Untrusted Self-Signed Certificate dialog if your engine is untrusted:
Refer to Rhapsody Server Authentication for details on how to proceed securely.
Unable to Connect
If you are unable to connect to the specified Rhapsody engine the following error dialog may be displayed:
To troubleshoot this, perform the following actions:
- Ensure the Rhapsody service is running.
- On Windows®:
- Navigate to Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services. This path may differ slightly depending on the version of Windows® you are using.
- Right-click the Rhapsody service, then select Start.
On *nix, enter the command:
./ start
- On Windows®:
- Check the Port details.
- If the Rhapsody engine is not using the default ports, ensure that the correct ports are entered on the Rhapsody Login dialog.