Menu Path : Reports>Message Breakdown

Read Access Rights:

  • Log in to Management Console
  • Generate message breakdown report

Write Access Rights:

  • Export message breakdown statistics
  • View locker

A Message Breakdown report is a combined chart and table showing the number of processed messages, within lockers where the user has the 'View Locker' right, of each type or containing a specified property.

Generating or Exporting Reports

To generate a Message Breakdown report or export the data as a .csv file:

  1. Navigate to Reports>Message Breakdown:


  2. Enter the following details:




    Enter the start date and time for your generated report (set to 24 hours before the current time by default).


    Enter the end date and time for your generated report.

    Time Zone

    If you want to export the data using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) as the time zone, select the Export times using UTC checkbox.

    If this option is not selected, the data is exported using the local time of the Rhapsody engine, which could potentially result in lost or duplicated data if a daylight saving changeover occurs during the period the statistics were collected.

    Report On

    Select whether you want the report to be based on Incoming Messages or Outgoing Messages by toggling the radio buttons (set to Incoming Messages by default).


    Allows you to select input components receiving messages from an external source and add them by clicking the Add Component button.


    Allows you to select output components from which messages exit Rhapsody and add them by clicking the Add Component button.

    Output is disabled if Incoming Messages is selected.

    Using Property

    The indexed property value used to include or exclude messages from the report. This option is used for large groups of messages where that property has a discrete set of values, for example, the message type or source system. Options provided in a drop-down list could include:
    rhapsody:InputMessageType - the input message type (for example, whether it is an HL7 ADT or ORU message).
    rhapsody:OutputMessageType - the output message type (for example, whether it is a message or an acknowledgment to a message).
    rhapsody:MessageControlId - a unique value used for matching the message to its acknowledgment. This option is only available if you have message tracking.

    This list can be disabled if no indexed properties are available (in other words, if the Engine has not processed any messages).

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    If you want to...


    Generate an on-screen display of the collected statistics

    Click the Generate Report button.

    Export the statistics

    Click the Export Raw CSV Data button to export the data as a zipped .csv file.

    To view the Export Raw CSV Data link you must have permission to export message breakdown statistics.

    When the user clicks the Generate Report button, a "Generating Report" message (with a throbber icon) appears indicating the report is being generated. A progress message indicating the percentage of completion is also displayed if the generation is expected to take more than a reasonable amount of time. The user can click the Cancel link to stop the report generation.

    You can navigate to another page without interrupting the report generation process. User-selected values in the fields are preserved.

  4. When you have finished, click the Discard Report link to clear the Message Breakdown report.

Message Breakdown

The generated report is displayed in the following format:

The message breakdown report has multiple columns. The limit of the number of columns to be generated can be set via the file's ReportingService.maximumUniqueValuesForMessageBreakdown property. The allowable range of values for this property is limited to a minimum value of 50 (also the default value) and a maximum of 600.

Users can access the entire set of data by exporting the raw .csv file to which no such limit applies.

Time Period

The Time Period table lists the total message count and breakdowns in divisions of the period covered by the report. Click a date/time range division to regenerate the chart and table for the reduced period. Additional columns are based on the search criteria and the selected property in the Using Property field.

The Message Breakdown report truncates any message property value to 30 characters if it is greater than 30 characters in length.

Table data can be exported to a .csv file by clicking the Export as CSV link.

Communication Point

The Communication Point table lists the total message count and breakdowns in divisions of the period covered by the report for each of the communication points through which the messages included in the report have passed. Click the name of the communication point to display its Details page. Refer to Communication Point Details.

The communication point name link requires the 'View Locker' access right on the appropriate locker.

Additional columns are displayed based on the search criteria.

Table data can be exported to a .csv file by clicking the Export as CSV link.

Error Handling

Error Type

Error Message

No date and time values entered in the From field.

From time is a required field.

Either date or time value not entered in the From field.

From time is invalid.

If characters not recognized as date or time values are entered, the date or time input turns red.

No date and time values entered in the To field.

To time is a required field.

Either date or time value not entered in the To field.

To time is invalid.

If characters not recognized as date or time values are entered, the date or time input turns red.

Value in the To field older than the value in the From field

From time must not be after To time.

No value available for Using Property field.

Using property is a required field.