The Password Policy tab enables an administrator to define a password policy for an engine:

For managing administrator passwords, refer to Administrator Passwords.

The Policy Password tab enables you to apply the following rules according to your organization requirements:



Minimum Length

Passwords must consist of at least a specified number of characters. With this setting, users cannot use blank passwords, and they have to create passwords that are a certain number of characters long.

Minimum Number

Passwords must consist of at least a specified number of numerals; for example, 0 - 9.

Minimum Symbols

Passwords must consist of at least a specified number of symbols; for example, #,@,%, and so on.

Minimum Uppercase

Passwords must consist of at least a specified number of uppercase characters.

Minimum Lowercase

Passwords must consist of at least a specified number of lowercase characters.

Password Expiry

  • Never Expire - prevents a user password from expiring.
  • Expire After - defines the Maximum password age setting so that passwords expire as often as necessary for your environment, typically, every 30 to 90 days.
  • Reuse After - users cannot reuse the same password when their password expires and must wait the specified number of days before they can reuse a password.

User Lockout

  • Never Lockout - user account is never locked out if the password is entered incorrectly.
  • Lockout After - user account is locked out if the password is entered incorrectly more than the specified number of times.
  • Temporary lockout - user account is temporarily locked out if the password is entered incorrectly more than the number of times specified in Lockout After. Refer to Exponential Back-off on Authentication Failures for details.

To edit the password policy, select the Password Policy dialog and edit the password policy parameters as required: