Menu Path : Monitoring>Ports in Use

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  • Log in to Management Console
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The Ports in Use page displays a list of the ports being used by the engine and standard components in the engine:

The following information is displayed in the list:

Column Description

The name of a component-related port and its path, or the name of an engine-related port. Click on the name to navigate to its associated monitoring page in the Management Console.

Only ports used by components that have a configurable port number are displayed.


The port number, or if a Rhapsody variable has been used, its name and value.

For a list of default ports used by Rhapsody, refer to Ports.

You can:

  • Sort the list of ports by column by clicking on the column name
  • Filter the list by using text-based filtering.
  • Export the list as a CSV file by clicking the Export link.