The Rhapsody Integration Engine (Rhapsody) provides a REST API which enables users to monitor the status of and perform limited management tasks on a large number of Rhapsody engines remotely through other applications (for example, third-party web-based tools, command-line tools, mobile applications):


REST API authenticates using basic HTTP authentication over an encrypted HTTPS connection.


Sets permissions required to call particular methods of the REST API.

Session Management

Tracks active sessions and purges timed-out sessions.

Auditing Calls

Requests made via the REST API are audited using Rhapsody's auditing functionality.

Cross Site Request Forgery Protection

All PUT/POST/DELETE operations that do not establish a new session must include the CSRF toke, otherwise they are rejected.

Excessive Calls

Protecting the Rhapsody engine from far too many REST API calls within a short period of time.

Monitoring REST API Methods

Administration REST API Methods
REST API Versions Provides backwards compatibility of REST API methods.