This section describes the directory structure used to store files on both the Rhapsody server and administration computers.

Rhapsody Engine Directory Structure

The directories containing the core Rhapsody files are listed in the following table. The core engine files are located in the <RhapsodyInstallDirectory> directory.

Directory Description


Holds the .install4j installer. Holds the information needed to stop and remove the Rhapsody service, remove all files created at the time of installation and delete all Rhapsody-related entries from the Registry.


Contains all the executable components. For example, the wrapper and startup script.


Contains OSGi-specific configuration, including any OSGi log files. Refer to Rhapsody Log Directories for details.


Holds the Java Runtime Environment application and license files.


Holds all the third-party license files.


Holds log.txt which contains a record of the Rhapsody engine's activity. Also holds the wrapper.log. Refer to Rhapsody Log Directories for details.


Holds all the Rhapsody modules.


Holds the:

  • Rhapsody properties files, including the file.
  • Default location for the Rhapsody Datastore, unless the location was changed during the install.
  • \locale subdirectory where the Rhapsody locale files for internationalization can be stored.


Contains run-time information for the Wrapper, which manages the Rhapsody service. On Windows® platforms, this directory is empty.


Contains the Rhapsody engine tools (ExtractJavaScriptCounters and ExtractDatabaseKeyValues) and the MIB definitions.

Rhapsody IDE Directory Structure

The directories containing the Rhapsody IDE files are listed in the following table. Rhapsody IDE directories are located by default in the <RhapsodyIDEInstallDirectory>\Rhapsody IDE directory.

Directory Description


Contains the application files common to all Rhapsody components.


Contains the application files for EDI Message Designer and EDI Explorer, along with a number of help and sample files.


Contains the application files for Map Designer, along with a PDF version of its manual and a number of sample files. The \Projects sub-directory is the default location for new mapper projects created with this application.

\Rhapsody IDE

Contains the Rhapsody IDE, manual and help files. If Rhapsody IDE logging is enabled, this directory will also hold the generated log files.


Contains the application files for Composer for XML, along with a number of help and sample files. Rhapsody also requires a local storage directory for the message and Mapper definition files. The default location for these files is \Documents and Settings\<username>\My documents.