This report is for the submitted HIPAA message. Errors, if any, are
indicated below. The report was generated automatically by Rhapsody.
| | | |
1 | | | ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*123456789 *ZZ*999999999 *090928*0632*^*00501*170928001*1*T*:~ |
2 | | | GS*HC*123456789*999999999*20090928*0632*170928001*X*005010X222~ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
3 | | Transaction Set Header | ST*837*0001*005010X222~ |
4 | | Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction | BHT*0019*00*0001*20090928*063213*CH~ |
| | | |
5 | 1000A | Submitter Name | NM1*41*2*CARTOON CHARACTERS*****46*123456789~ |
6 | | Submitter EDI Contact Information | PER*IC*CARTOON CHARACTERS*TE*7190000000~ |
| | | |
7 | 1000B | Receiver Name | NM1*40*2*INGENIX*****46*999999999~ |
| | | |
8 | 2000A | Billing Provider Hierarchical Level | HL*1**20*1~ |
| | | |
9 | 2000B | Subscriber Hierarchical Level | HL*2*1*22*0~ |
10 | | Subscriber Information | SBR*P*18*******CI~ |
| | | |
11 | 2010BA | Subscriber Name | NM1*IL*1*WHALE*SHAMU*G***MI*111012345~ |
12 | | Subscriber Address | N3*654 WAY~ |
13 | | Subscriber City, State, ZIP Code | N4*OAKLAND*CA*8070~ |
14 | | Subscriber Demographic Information | DMG*D8*19380323*M~ |
| | | |
15 | 2010BB | Payer Name | NM1*PR*2*AETNA*****PI*60054~ |
16 | | Payer City, State, ZIP Code | N4*PAYER CITY NAME*MO*12345~ |
17 | | Payer Secondary Identification | REF*FY*NOCD~ |
18 | | Billing Provider Secondary Identification | REF*G2*647318~ |
| | | |
19 | 2300 | Claim Information | CLM*06010949*720***11:B:1*Y*A*Y*Y~ |
20 | | Mammography Certification Number | REF*EW*FALSE~ |
21 | | Claim Note | NTE*ADD*OON~ |
22 | | Health Care Diagnosis Code | HI*BK:5921~ |
23 | | Claim Pricing/Repricing Information | HCP*02*600*120*999999999~ |
| | | |
24 | 2310B | Rendering Provider Name | NM1*82*1*FUDD*ELMER~ |
25 | | Rendering Provider Specialty Information | PRV*PE*PXC*208D00000X~ |
| | | |
26 | 2310D | Supervising Provider Name | NM1*DQ*1*KILLIAN*BART*B**II~ |
27 | | Supervising Provider Secondary Identification | REF*1G*A11111~ |
28 | | Supervising Provider Secondary Identification | REF*LU*111~ |
| | | |
29 | 2400 | Service Line Number | LX*1~ |
30 | | Professional Service | SV1*HC:00918:P2*720*MJ*92*22**1~ |
31 | | Date - Service Date | DTP*472*RD8*20020917-20020917~ |
32 | | Line Pricing/Repricing Information | HCP*02*600*120*999999999~ |
| | | |
33 | 2000A | Billing Provider Hierarchical Level | HL*3**20*1~ |
| | | |
34 | 2010AA | Billing Provider Name | NM1*85*1*CARTOON*CHARACTERS~ |
35 | | Billing Provider Address | N3*789 STREET~ |
36 | | Billing Provider City, State, ZIP Code | N4*THE SUN*CO*806311111~ |
37 | | Billing Provider Tax Identification | REF*EI*111222333~ |
38 | | Billing Provider Contact Information | PER*IC*OFFICE MANAGER*TE*9705553456~ |
| | | |
39 | 2010AB | Pay-to Address Name | NM1*87*1~ |
40 | | Pay-to Address - ADDRESS | N3*999 VISTA DRIVE~ |
41 | | Pay-To Address City, State, ZIP Code | N4*THE SUN*CO*80633~ |
| | | |
42 | 2000B | Subscriber Hierarchical Level | HL*4*3*22*0~ |
43 | | Subscriber Information | SBR*P*18*******CI~ |
| | | |
44 | 2010BA | Subscriber Name | NM1*IL*1*SIMPSON*BART****MI*123456789~ |
45 | | Subscriber Address | N3*654 BOULEVARD~ |
46 | | Subscriber City, State, ZIP Code | N4*THE SUN*CO*80631~ |
47 | | Subscriber Demographic Information | DMG*D8*19430702*M~ |
| | | |
48 | 2010BB | Payer Name | NM1*PR*2*HUMANA*****PI*61101~ |
49 | | Payer City, State, ZIP Code | N4*SMIGGLES*MO*111112222~ |
50 | | Payer Secondary Identification | REF*FY*NOCD~ |
51 | | Billing Provider Secondary Identification | REF*G2*647318~ |
| | | |
52 | 2300 | Claim Information | CLM*06017574*900***11:B:1*Y*A*Y*Y~ |
53 | | Mammography Certification Number | REF*EW*FALSE~ |
54 | | Claim Note | NTE*ADD*OON~ |
55 | | Health Care Diagnosis Code | HI*BK:73027~ |
56 | | Claim Pricing/Repricing Information | HCP*02*800*100*999999999~ |
| | | |
57 | 2310A | Referring Provider Name | NM1*DN*1*SUN DPM*YELLOW*D~ |
58 | | Referring Provider Secondary Identification | REF*1G*F12345~ |
| | | |
59 | 2310B | Rendering Provider Name | NM1*82*1*FLINSTONE*FRED*T***XX*1114015450~ |
60 | | Rendering Provider Secondary Identification | REF*1G*OTH000~ |
| | | |
61 | 2310C | Service Facility Location Name | NM1*77*2*A OK MOBILE CLINIC*****XX*1609040484~ |
62 | | Service Facility Location Address | N3*123 MAIN STREET~ |
63 | | Service Facility Location City, State, ZIP Code | N4*ANY TOWN*CO*806311111~ |
64 | | Service Facility Location Secondary Identification | REF*LU*111~ |
| | | |
65 | 2400 | Service Line Number | LX*1~ |
66 | | Professional Service | SV1*HC:01470:P3*780*MJ*125*21**1~ |
67 | | Date - Service Date | DTP*472*RD8*20021010-20021010~ |
68 | | Line Pricing/Repricing Information | HCP*02*693*87*999999999~ |
| | | |
69 | 2400 | Service Line Number | LX*2~ |
70 | | Professional Service | SV1*HC:99140*120*UN*1*21**1~ |
71 | | Date - Service Date | DTP*472*RD8*20021010-20021010~ |
72 | | Line Pricing/Repricing Information | HCP*02*107*13*999999999~ |
| | | |
73 | 2000A | Billing Provider Hierarchical Level | HL*5**20*1~ |
| | | |
74 | 2010AA | Billing Provider Name | NM1*85*2*LOONEY TUNES*****XX*1023100500~ |
75 | | Billing Provider Address | N3*123 CIRCLE~ |
76 | | Billing Provider City, State, ZIP Code | N4*VENUS*CO*803011111~ |
77 | | Billing Provider Tax Identification | REF*EI*849999999~ |
78 | | Billing Provider Contact Information | PER*IC*OFFICE MANAGER*TE*3035554567~ |
| | | |
79 | 2010AB | Pay-to Address Name | NM1*87*2~ |
80 | | Pay-to Address - ADDRESS | N3*999 UNION~ |
81 | | Pay-To Address City, State, ZIP Code | N4*VENUS*CO*80310~ |
| | | |
82 | 2000B | Subscriber Hierarchical Level | HL*6*5*22*1~ |
83 | | Subscriber Information | SBR*P**999999******CI~ |
| | | |
84 | 2010BA | Subscriber Name | NM1*IL*2*BEAUTY SLEEPING*****MI*GG77777~ |
85 | | Subscriber City, State, ZIP Code | N4*DUNEDIN**9012*NZ~ |
| | | |
86 | 2000C | Patient Hierarchical Level | HL*7*6*23*0~ |
87 | | Patient Information | PAT*19~ |
| | | |
88 | 2010CA | Patient Name | NM1*QC*1*BEAUTY*SON~ |
89 | | Patient Address | N3*777 AVE~ |
90 | | Patient City, State, ZIP Code | N4*WATER*CO*80310~ |
91 | | Patient Demographic Information | DMG*D8*19961221*M~ |
| | | |
92 | 2300 | Claim Information | CLM*0000004407*75***11:B:1*Y*A*Y*Y~ |
93 | | Prior Authorization | REF*G1*2020202A0202~ |
94 | | Claim Note | NTE*ADD*9999DUMMYDATA~ |
95 | | Health Care Diagnosis Code | HI*BK:4148~ |
96 | | Claim Pricing/Repricing Information | HCP*02*50*25*999999999~ |
| | | |
97 | 2310B | Rendering Provider Name | NM1*82*1*BIRD*TWEETY*D~ |
98 | | Rendering Provider Secondary Identification | REF*G2*B74853~ |
| | | |
99 | 2310C | Service Facility Location Name | NM1*77*2*A OK MOBILE CLINIC~ |
100 | | Service Facility Location Address | N3*999 STREET~ |
101 | | Service Facility Location City, State, ZIP Code | N4*AUCKLAND**1024*NZ~ |
102 | | Service Facility Location Secondary Identification | REF*LU*012~ |
| | | |
103 | 2400 | Service Line Number | LX*1~ |
104 | | Professional Service | SV1*HC:99213*75*UN*1*11**1~ |
105 | | Date - Service Date | DTP*472*D8*20021010~ |
106 | | Line Pricing/Repricing Information | HCP*02*50*25*999999999~ |
| | | |
107 | 2420C | Service Facility Location Name | NM1*77*2*ABC CLINIC*****XX*1234567891~ |
108 | | Service Facility Location Address | N3*123 STREET~ |
109 | | Service Facility Location City, State, ZIP Code | N4*AUCKLAND**1024*NZ~ |
110 | | Transaction Set Trailer | SE*112*0001~ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
111 | | | GE*1*170928001~ |
112 | | | IEA*1*170928001~ |
| | | |