LICENSE INFORMATION The Programs listed below are licensed under the following License Information terms and conditions in addition to the Program license terms previously agreed to by Client and IBM. If Client does not have previously agreed to license terms in effect for the Program, the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs (Z125-5589-05) applies. Program Name: IBM(R) 32-bit SDK for AIX, Java(TM) Technology Edition, Version 8 Program Number: TOOLS Program Name: IBM(R) 64-bit SDK for AIX, Java(TM) Technology Edition, Version 8 Program Number: TOOLS Redistributables If the Program includes components that are Redistributable, they will be identified in the REDIST file that accompanies the Program. In addition to the license rights granted in the Agreement, Licensee may distribute the Redistributables subject to the following terms: 1) Redistribution must be in object code form only and must conform to all directions, instruction and specifications in the Program's accompanying REDIST or documentation; 2) If the Program's accompanying documentation expressly allows Licensee to modify the Redistributables, such modification must conform to all directions, instruction and specifications in that documentation and these modifications, if any, must be treated as Redistributables; 3) Redistributables may be distributed only as part of Licensee's application that was developed using the Program ("Licensee's Application") and only to support Licensee's customers in connection with their use of Licensee's Application. Licensee's Application must constitute significant value add such that the Redistributables are not a substantial motivation for the acquisition by end users of Licensee's software product; 4) If the Redistributables include a Java Runtime Environment, Licensee must also include other non-Java Redistributables with Licensee's Application, unless the Application is designed to run only on general computer devices (for example, laptops, desktops and servers) and not on handheld or other pervasive devices (i.e., devices that contain a microprocessor but do not have computing as their primary purpose); 5) Licensee may not remove any copyright or notice files contained in the Redistributables; 6) Licensee must hold IBM, its suppliers or distributors harmless from and against any claim arising out of the use or distribution of Licensee's Application; 7) Licensee may not use the same path name as the original Redistributable files/modules; 8) Licensee may not use IBM's, its suppliers or distributors names or trademarks in connection with the marketing of Licensee's Application without IBM's or that supplier's or distributor's prior written consent; 9) IBM, its suppliers and distributors provide the Redistributables and related documentation without obligation of support and "AS IS", WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR NON-INTERFERENCE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; 10) Licensee is responsible for all technical assistance for Licensee's Application and any modifications to the Redistributables; and 11) Licensee's license agreement with the end user of Licensee's Application must notify the end user that the Redistributables or their modifications may not be i) used for any purpose other than to enable Licensee's Application, ii) copied (except for backup purposes), iii) further distributed or transferred without Licensee's Application or iv) reverse assembled, reverse compiled, or otherwise translated except as specifically permitted by law and without the possibility of a contractual waiver. Furthermore, Licensee's license agreement must be at least as protective of IBM as the terms of this Agreement. Technology Preview Code Technology Preview Code (TPC) may be included or distributed with the Program or updates to it but are not part of the Program. TPC is licensed under the same terms as the Program, except as provided below. TPC will be identified as such in the Notices File (or in an updated Notices File accompanying the updates). Some or all of the TPC may not be made generally available by IBM as or in a product. Licensee is permitted to use TPC only for internal use for evaluation purposes and not for use in a production environment. The Notices File may limit this evaluation use to an evaluation period. If so, at the end of such evaluation period Licensee must cease using and uninstall the TPC. IBM provides the TPC without obligation of support and "AS IS," WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTY OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR NON-INTERFERENCE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Licensee may not transfer TPC to another party except as a transfer accompanying the Program. TPC may contain a disabling device that will prevent it from being used after the evaluation period ends. Licensee will not tamper with this disabling device or the TPC. Licensee should take precautions to avoid any loss of data that might result when the TPC can no longer be used. L/N: L-SJAH-9RVD4W D/N: L-SJAH-9RVD4W P/N: L-SJAH-9RVD4W