#!/usr/bin/python3 """ dist_certs.py: create a suite of x509 certificates for the Libreswan test harness Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Matt Rogers Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew Cagney This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. WARNING! Your PyOpenSSL needs a patch from here: https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/pull/161 NSS doesn't allow md5 CRL signatures. This patch lets you use the CRL export method and specify an acceptable signature type. Extended Key Usage The certificate MAY include Extended Key Usage extension. The criticality of this extension MUST NOT impact verification of the certificate, including when the extension includes values that are not recognised to the implementation. If the extension is present at least one of the following values MUST be present: EKU OIDs Server Authentication (OID Client Authentication (OID Code Signing (OID Email Protection (OID IPSec End System (OID - technically deprecated IPSec Tunnel (OID - technically deprecated IPSec User (OID - technically deprecated Time Stamping (OID OCSP Signing (OID eapOverPPP (OID eapOverLAN (OID ipsecIKE (OID ikeEnd IPSec End System (OID ikeIntermediate IPSec Intermediate System (OID pkixSSHClient (OID pkixSSHServer (OID Microsoft Server Gated Crypto (OID Netscape Server Gated Crypto (OID 2.16.840.1.113730.4.1) Any key usage (OID openssl supported EKU names: serverAuth SSL/TLS Web Server Authentication. clientAuth SSL/TLS Web Client Authentication. codeSigning Code signing. emailProtection E-mail Protection (S/MIME). timeStamping Trusted Timestamping OCSPSigning OCSP Signing ipsecIKE ipsec Internet Key Exchange msCodeInd Microsoft Individual Code Signing (authenticode) msCodeCom Microsoft Commercial Code Signing (authenticode) msCTLSign Microsoft Trust List Signing msEFS Microsoft Encrypted File System Key Usage The certificate MAY include Key Usage extension. Key Usage extension MUST include either the digitalSignature, nonRepudiation or both of those flags. It being set as critical MUST NOT impact verification of the certificate. Other flags in the extension MUST NOT impact verification of the certificate. openssl supported KU names: digitalSignature nonRepudiation keyEncipherment dataEncipherment keyAgreement keyCertSign cRLSign encipherOnly decipherOnly """ import os import sys import ssl import shutil import subprocess import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pexpect from OpenSSL import crypto CRL_URI = 'URI:http://nic.testing.libreswan.org/revoked.crl' valid_ku_list = ( 'digitalSignature', 'nonRepudiation', 'keyEncipherment', 'dataEncipherment', 'keyAgreement', 'keyCertSign', 'cRLSign', 'encipherOnly', 'decipherOnly' ) valid_eku_list = ( 'serverAuth', 'clientAuth', 'codeSigning', 'emailProtection', 'timeStamping', 'OCSPSigning', 'ipsecIKE', 'msCodeInd', 'msCodeCom', 'msCTLSign', 'msEFS' ) dates = {} ca_certs = {} end_certs = {} endrev_name = "" top_caname="" dirbase="" def reset_files(): for dir in ['keys/', 'cacerts/', 'certs/', 'selfsigned/', 'pkcs12/', 'pkcs12/curveca', 'pkcs12/mainca', 'pkcs12/otherca', 'pkcs12/badca', 'crls/', 'fake', 'fake/keys/', 'fake/cacerts/', 'fake/certs/', 'fake/pkcs12/', 'fake/pkcs12/curveca', 'fake/pkcs12/mainec', 'fake/pkcs12/mainca', 'fake/pkcs12/otherca', 'fake/pkcs12/badca', 'fake/crls/' ]: if os.path.isdir(dir): shutil.rmtree(dir) os.mkdir(dir) for file in ['nss-pw']: if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file) def run(command, events=None, logfile=None): # logfile=sys.stdout.buffer print("", command) output, status = pexpect.run(command, withexitstatus=True, events=events, logfile=logfile, cwd=dirbase and dirbase or ".") if status: print("") print(output) print("") throw def writeout_cert(filename, item, type=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM): global dirbase with open(dirbase + filename, "wb") as f: f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(type, item)) def writeout_privkey(filename, item, type=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM): global dirbase with open(dirbase + filename, "wb") as f: f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(type, item)) def create_keypair(algo=crypto.TYPE_RSA, bits=2048): """ Create an OpenSSL keypair """ pkey = crypto.PKey() pkey.generate_key(algo, bits) return pkey def create_csr(pkey, CN, C=None, ST=None, L=None, O=None, OU=None, emailAddress=None, algo='sha256'): """ Create the certreq """ req = crypto.X509Req() subject = req.get_subject() subject.CN = CN subject.C = C subject.ST = ST subject.L = L subject.O = O subject.OU = OU subject.CN = CN subject.emailAddress = emailAddress req.set_pubkey(pkey) req.sign(pkey, algo) return req def add_ext(cert, kind, crit, string): #print("DEBUG: %s"%string) cert.add_extensions([crypto.X509Extension(kind.encode('utf-8'), crit, string.encode('utf-8'))]) def set_cert_extensions(cert, issuer, isCA=False, isRoot=False, ocsp=False, ocspuri=True): ocspeku = 'serverAuth,clientAuth,codeSigning,OCSPSigning' cnstr = str(cert.get_subject().commonName) # Create Basic Constraints if isCA: if "badca" in str(issuer.get_subject().commonName): bc = "CA:FALSE" else: bc = "CA:TRUE" else: bc = "CA:FALSE" if 'bcOmit' not in cnstr: cf = False if 'bcCritical' in cnstr: cf = True add_ext(cert, 'basicConstraints', False, bc) # Create Subject Alt Name (SAN) if not isCA and '-nosan' not in cnstr: SAN = "DNS: " + cnstr if "." in cnstr: ee = cnstr.split(".")[0] print("EE:%s"% ee) if ee == "west" or ee == "east" or ee == "semiroad": SAN += ", email:%s@testing.libreswan.org"%ee if ee == "west": SAN += ", IP:, IP:2001:db8:1:2::45" if ee == "east": SAN += ", IP:, IP:2001:db8:1:2::23" if ee == "semiroad": SAN += ", IP:, IP:2001:db8:1:3::209" if ee == "otherwest" or ee == "othereast": SAN += ", email:%s@other.libreswan.org"%ee if 'sanCritical' in cnstr: add_ext(cert, 'subjectAltName', True, SAN) else: add_ext(cert, 'subjectAltName', False, SAN) # Create Key Usage (KU) ku_str = 'digitalSignature' if isCA or ocsp: ku_str = 'digitalSignature,keyCertSign,cRLSign' # check for custom Key Usage if '-ku-' in cnstr: ku_str = '' for ku_entry in valid_ku_list: if ku_entry in cnstr: ku_str = ku_str + "," + ku_entry if 'kuBOGUS' in cnstr: ku_str = ku_str + "," # bogus OID if 'kuEmpty' in cnstr: ku_str = '' if '-kuOmit' not in cnstr: cf = False if 'kuCritical' in cnstr: cf = True if ku_str != '' and ku_str[0] == ',': ku_str = ku_str[1:] add_ext(cert, 'keyUsage', cf, ku_str) # Create Extended Key Usage (KU) eku_str = 'serverAuth,clientAuth' # arbitrary default most often used in the wild # check for custom Key Usage if '-eku-' in cnstr: eku_str = '' for eku_entry in valid_eku_list: if eku_entry in cnstr: eku_str = eku_str + "," + eku_entry # some informal names mapping to non-openssl supported OIDs if '-ipsecEndSystem' in cnstr: eku_str = eku_str + "," if '-ipsecTunnel' in cnstr: eku_str = eku_str + "," if '-ipsecUser' in cnstr: eku_str = eku_str + "," if '-ipsecIKE' in cnstr: eku_str = eku_str + "," if '-iKEIntermediate' in cnstr: eku_str = eku_str + "," if '-iKEEnd' in cnstr: eku_str = eku_str + "," if '-ekuBOGUS' in cnstr: eku_str = eku_str + ",''" # bogus OID if ocsp: eku_str = ocspeku if 'ekuEmpty' in cnstr: eku_str = '' if '-ekuOmit' not in cnstr: cf = False if 'ekuCritical' in cnstr: cf = True if eku_str != '' and eku_str[0] == ',': eku_str = eku_str[1:] add_ext(cert, 'extendedKeyUsage', cf, eku_str) # Create OCSP if ocspuri and '-ocspOmit' not in cnstr: add_ext(cert, 'authorityInfoAccess', False, 'OCSP;URI:http://nic.testing.libreswan.org:2560') # Create CRL DP if '-crlOmit' not in cnstr: add_ext(cert, 'crlDistributionPoints', False, CRL_URI) def create_sub_cert(CN, CACert, CAkey, snum, START, END, C='CA', ST='Ontario', L='Toronto', O='Libreswan', OU='Test Department', emailAddress='', ty=crypto.TYPE_RSA, keybits=2048, sign_alg='sha256', isCA=False, ocsp=False): """ Create a subordinate cert and return the cert, key tuple This could be a CA for an intermediate, or not for an EE """ certkey = create_keypair(ty, keybits) certreq = create_csr(certkey, CN, C, ST, L, O, OU, emailAddress, sign_alg) cert = crypto.X509() cert.set_serial_number(snum) cert.set_notBefore(START.encode('utf-8')) cert.set_notAfter(END.encode('utf-8')) cert.set_issuer(CACert.get_subject()) cert.set_subject(certreq.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(certreq.get_pubkey()) cert.set_version(2) if CN == 'nic-nourl.testing.libreswan.org': ocspuri = False else: ocspuri = True set_cert_extensions(cert, CACert, isCA=isCA, isRoot=False, ocsp=ocsp, ocspuri=ocspuri) cert.sign(CAkey, sign_alg) return cert, certkey def create_root_ca(CN, START, END, C='CA', ST='Ontario', L='Toronto', O='Libreswan', OU='Test Department', emailAddress='testing@libreswan.org', ty=crypto.TYPE_RSA, keybits=2048, sign_alg='sha256'): """ Create a root CA - Returns the cert, key tuple """ cakey = create_keypair(ty, keybits) careq = create_csr(cakey, CN, C, ST, L, O, OU, emailAddress, sign_alg) cacert = crypto.X509() cacert.set_serial_number(0) cacert.set_notBefore(START.encode('utf-8')) cacert.set_notAfter(END.encode('utf-8')) cacert.set_issuer(careq.get_subject()) cacert.set_subject(careq.get_subject()) cacert.set_pubkey(careq.get_pubkey()) cacert.set_version(2) set_cert_extensions(cacert, cacert, isCA=True, isRoot=True, ocsp=True, ocspuri=True) cacert.sign(cakey, sign_alg) return cacert, cakey def gmc(timestamp): return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ", time.gmtime(timestamp)) def gen_gmtime_dates(): """ Generate the dates used for this run. Creating openssl gmtime dates may be simpler than this. """ gmtfmt = "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y GMT" ok_stamp = ssl.cert_time_to_seconds( time.strftime(gmtfmt, time.gmtime())) - (60*60*24) two_days_ago_stamp = ok_stamp - (60*60*48) two_days_ago_end_stamp = two_days_ago_stamp + (60*60*24) # Make future certs only +300 days, so we have a time overlap # between currently valid certs (1 year) and these futuristic certs future_stamp = ok_stamp + (60*60*24*365*1) future_end_stamp = future_stamp + (60*60*24*365*2) return dict(OK_NOW=gmc(ok_stamp), OLD=gmc(two_days_ago_stamp), OLD_END=gmc(two_days_ago_end_stamp), FUTURE=gmc(future_stamp), FUTURE_END=gmc(future_end_stamp)) def store_cert_and_key(name, cert, key): """ Places a ca or end cert and key in the script's global store """ global ca_certs global end_certs ext = cert.get_extension(0) if ext.get_short_name() == b'basicConstraints': # compare the bytes for CA:True if name == "badca" or b'0\x03\x01\x01\xff' == ext.get_data(): ca_certs[name] = cert, key else: end_certs[name] = cert, key def writeout_cert_and_key(certdir, name, cert, privkey): """ Write the cert and key files """ writeout_cert(certdir + name + ".crt", cert) writeout_privkey("keys/" + name + ".key", privkey) def create_basic_pluto_cas(ca_names): """ Create the core root certs """ print("creating CA certs") for name in ca_names: print(" - creating %s"% name) ca, key = create_root_ca(CN="Libreswan test CA for " + name, START=dates['OK_NOW'], END=dates['FUTURE_END']) writeout_cert_and_key("cacerts/", name, ca, key) store_cert_and_key(name, ca, key) def create_pkcs12(path, name, cert, key, ca_cert): """ Package and write out a .p12 file """ p12 = crypto.PKCS12() p12.set_certificate(cert) p12.set_privatekey(key) p12.set_friendlyname(name.encode('utf-8')) p12.set_ca_certificates([ca_cert]) with open(dirbase + path + name + ".p12", "wb") as f: f.write(p12.export(passphrase = b"foobar")) def create_mainca_end_certs(mainca_end_certs): """ Create the core set of end certs from mainca """ serial = 2 print("creating mainca's end certs") for name in mainca_end_certs: # put special cert handling here print(" - creating %s"% name) keysize = 3072 if name == 'smallkey': keysize = 1024 if name == 'mediumkey': keysize = 2048 if name == 'key2032': keysize = 2032 if name == 'key4096': keysize = 4096 if name == 'notyetvalid': startdate = dates['FUTURE'] enddate = dates['FUTURE_END'] else: startdate = dates['OK_NOW'] enddate = dates['FUTURE_END'] if 'other' in name: signer = 'otherca' elif name[:3] == 'bad': signer = 'badca' else: signer = 'mainca' if name == 'nic': ocsp_resp = True else: ocsp_resp = False if name == 'wrongdnorg': org = "No Such Agency" else: org = "Libreswan" if name == 'unwisechar': common_name = 'unwisechar ~!@#$%^&*()-'\ '_=+;:/?<>.testing.libreswan.org' elif name == 'spaceincn': common_name = 'space invaders.testing.libreswan.org' elif name == 'cnofca': common_name = 'Libreswan test CA for mainca' elif 'other' in name: common_name = name + '.other.libreswan.org' else: common_name = name + '.testing.libreswan.org' if name == 'hashsha1': alg = 'sha1' else: alg = 'sha256' if " " in common_name: emailAddress = "root@testing.libreswan.org" else: emailAddress = "user-%s@testing.libreswan.org"%name #print("CA signer is %s"%signer) #print(ca_certs) #print(end_certs) cert, key = create_sub_cert(common_name, ca_certs[signer][0], ca_certs[signer][1], serial, O=org, emailAddress=emailAddress, START=startdate, END=enddate, keybits=keysize, sign_alg=alg, ocsp=ocsp_resp) writeout_cert_and_key("certs/", name, cert, key) store_cert_and_key(name, cert, key) create_pkcs12("pkcs12/"+ signer + '/', name, cert, key, ca_certs[signer][0]) serial += 1 def create_chained_certs(chain_ca_roots, max_path, prefix=''): """ Create the EE->IA1->IA2->IAx-->CA chains. Last in the chain is the end cert TODO: Add more complex trust chain situations """ global endrev_name global top_caname min_path = 1 ca_cnt = 0 for chainca in chain_ca_roots: serial = len(end_certs) + ca_cnt lastca = "" #note there's an issue with the authkeyid in the chain #signpair = () print("creating %s chain"% chainca) for level in range(min_path, max_path): cname = prefix + chainca + '_int_' + str(level) print("level %d cname %s serial %d"% (level, cname, serial)) if level == min_path: lastca = "mainca" signpair = ca_certs[lastca] print(" - creating %s with the last ca of %s"% (cname, lastca)) ca, key = create_sub_cert(cname + '.testing.libreswan.org', signpair[0], signpair[1], serial, START=dates['OK_NOW'], END=dates['FUTURE'], emailAddress="%s@testing.libreswan.org"%cname, isCA=True, ocsp=False) writeout_cert_and_key("certs/", cname, ca, key) store_cert_and_key(cname, ca, key) lastca = cname serial += 1 ca_cnt += 1 if level == max_path - 1: endcert_name = prefix + chainca + "_endcert" signpair = ca_certs[lastca] print(" - creating %s"% endcert_name) ecert, ekey = create_sub_cert(endcert_name + ".testing.libreswan.org", signpair[0], signpair[1], serial, emailAddress="%s@testing.libreswan.org"%endcert_name, START=dates['OK_NOW'], END=dates['FUTURE']) writeout_cert_and_key("certs/", endcert_name, ecert, ekey) store_cert_and_key(endcert_name, ecert, ekey) create_pkcs12("pkcs12/", endcert_name, ecert, ekey, signpair[0]) serial += 1 endrev_name = prefix + chainca + "_revoked" top_caname = cname print(" - creating %s"% endrev_name) ercert, erkey = create_sub_cert(endrev_name + ".testing.libreswan.org", signpair[0], signpair[1], serial, emailAddress="%s@testing.libreswan.org"%endcert_name, START=dates['OK_NOW'], END=dates['FUTURE']) writeout_cert_and_key("certs/", endrev_name, ercert, erkey) store_cert_and_key(endrev_name, ercert, erkey) create_pkcs12("pkcs12/", endrev_name, ercert, erkey, signpair[0]) # this special crl was for a openswan/nss freebl combo bug, both of which should # long be done with. def create_leading_zero_crl(): """ Create our special crl with a signature that starts out with '00:' This signs a CRL and checks for a '00' beginning. Each try increments the days parameter to result in a different signature """ zerosig = crypto.CRL() signcert, signkey = ca_certs['mainca'] days = 1 print("creating a CRL with a leading zero byte signature..") while True: good = False nl = '' crl = zerosig.export(signcert, signkey, type=crypto.FILETYPE_TEXT, days=days, digest='sha256') der = zerosig.export(signcert, signkey, type=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, days=days, digest='sha256') for index, line in enumerate(crl.splitlines()): if "Signature Algorithm" in line and index >= 5: nl = crl.splitlines()[index + 1].strip() if nl.startswith('00'): good = True break if good: print(nl) print("found after %d signatures!"% days) with open(dirbase + "crls/crl-leading-zero-byte.crl", "wb") as f: f.write(der) break days += 1 def create_crlsets(): """ Create test CRLs """ print("creating crl set") revoked = crypto.Revoked() chainrev = crypto.Revoked() future_revoked = crypto.Revoked() revoked.set_rev_date(dates['OK_NOW'].encode('utf-8')) chainrev.set_rev_date(dates['OK_NOW'].encode('utf-8')) future_revoked.set_rev_date(dates['FUTURE'].encode('utf-8')) # the get_serial_number method results in a hex str like '0x17' # but set_serial needs a hex str like '17' ser = hex(end_certs['revoked'][0].get_serial_number())[2:] revoked.set_serial(ser.encode('utf-8')) ser = hex(end_certs['west_chain_revoked'][0].get_serial_number())[2:] chainrev.set_serial(ser.encode('utf-8')) ser = hex(end_certs['revoked'][0].get_serial_number())[2:] future_revoked.set_serial(ser.encode('utf-8')) needupdate = crypto.CRL() needupdate.add_revoked(revoked) needupdate.add_revoked(chainrev) with open(dirbase + "crls/needupdate.crl", "wb") as f: f.write(needupdate.export(ca_certs['mainca'][0], ca_certs['mainca'][1], type=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, days=0, digest='sha256'.encode('utf-8'))) print("sleeping for needupdate/valid crl time difference") time.sleep(5) validcrl = crypto.CRL() validcrl.add_revoked(revoked) validcrl.add_revoked(chainrev) with open(dirbase + "crls/cacrlvalid.crl", "wb") as f: f.write(validcrl.export(ca_certs['mainca'][0], ca_certs['mainca'][1], type=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, days=15, digest='sha256'.encode('utf-8'))) othercrl = crypto.CRL() othercrl.add_revoked(revoked) othercrl.add_revoked(chainrev) with open(dirbase + "crls/othercacrl.crl", "wb") as f: f.write(othercrl.export(ca_certs['otherca'][0], ca_certs['otherca'][1], type=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, days=15, digest='sha256'.encode('utf-8'))) notyet = crypto.CRL() notyet.add_revoked(future_revoked) with open(dirbase + "crls/futurerevoke.crl", "wb") as f: f.write(notyet.export(ca_certs['mainca'][0], ca_certs['mainca'][1], type=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, days=15, digest='sha256'.encode('utf-8'))) #create_leading_zero_crl() def create_ec_certs(): """ The OpenSSL module doesn't appear to have support for curves so we do it with pexpect """ # skip for non-base for now if dirbase != '': return print("creating EC certs") #create CA pexpect.run('openssl ecparam -out keys/curveca.key ' '-name secp384r1 -genkey -noout') child = pexpect.spawn('openssl req -x509 ' '-new -key keys/curveca.key ' '-out cacerts/curveca.crt ' '-days 3650 -set_serial 1') child.expect('Country Name') child.sendline('CA') child.expect('State') child.sendline('Ontario') child.expect('Locality') child.sendline('Toronto') child.expect('Organization') child.sendline('Libreswan') child.expect('Organizational') child.sendline('Test Department') child.expect('Common') child.sendline('Libreswan test EC CA') child.expect('Email') child.sendline('testing@libreswan.org') child.expect(pexpect.EOF) serial = 2 for name in ['east', 'west', 'north', 'road']: print("- creating %s-ec"% name) #create end certs if name == 'west': pexpect.run('openssl ecparam -out keys/' + name + '-ec.key -name secp256r1 -genkey -noout') else: pexpect.run('openssl ecparam -out keys/' + name + '-ec.key -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout') child = pexpect.spawn('openssl req -extensions ec-addon -config openssl.cnf -x509 ' '-new -key keys/curveca.key ' '-out certs/' + name + '-ec.crt -days 365 -set_serial ' + str(serial)) child.expect('Country Name') child.sendline('CA') child.expect('State') child.sendline('Ontario') child.expect('Locality') child.sendline('Toronto') child.expect('Organization') child.sendline('Libreswan') child.expect('Organizational') child.sendline('Test Department') child.expect('Common') child.sendline(name + '-ec.testing.libreswan.org') child.expect('Email') child.sendline('testing@libreswan.org') child.expect(pexpect.EOF) serial += 1 #package p12 pexpect.run('openssl pkcs12 -export ' '-inkey keys/%s-ec.key ' '-in certs/%s-ec.crt -name %s-ec ' '-certfile cacerts/curveca.crt ' '-caname "curveca" ' '-out pkcs12/curveca/%s-ec.p12 ' '-passin pass:foobar -passout pass:foobar' % (name, name, name, name)) def create_mainec_certs(): """ The OpenSSL module doesn't appear to have support for curves so we do it with pexpect """ print("creating main EC root cert") #create CA run('openssl ecparam ' '-name secp384r1 ' '-genkey ' '-noout ' '-out keys/mainec.key') run('openssl req -x509 -new ' '-key keys/mainec.key ' '-out cacerts/mainec.crt ' '-days 3650 -set_serial 1', # must match create_root_ca(<>) events = { 'Country Name': 'CA\r', 'State': 'Ontario\r', 'Locality': 'Toronto\r', 'Organization': 'Libreswan\r', 'Organizational': 'Test Department\r', 'Common': 'Libreswan test CA for mainca\r', 'Email': 'testing@libreswan.org\r', }) run('openssl pkcs12 -export ' '-inkey keys/mainec.key ' '-in cacerts/mainec.crt ' '-name mainec ' '-certfile cacerts/mainec.crt ' '-caname "mainec" ' '-out pkcs12/mainec/mainec.p12 ' '-passin pass:foobar -passout pass:foobar') print("creating main EC end certs") serial = 2 for name in ['east', 'west', 'north', 'road']: print("- creating %s-mainec"% name) #create end certs; west is secp256r1 if name == 'west': alg = "secp256r1" else: alg = "secp384r1" run('openssl ecparam ' '-name '+alg+' ' '-genkey ' '-noout ' '-out keys/'+name+'-mainec.key ') run('openssl req -extensions ec-addon ' '-config '+os.getcwd()+'/openssl.cnf ' '-x509 ' '-new ' '-key keys/'+name+'-mainec.key ' '-out certs/'+name+'-mainec.crt ' '-days 365 ' '-set_serial '+str(serial), # must match create_mainca_end_certs() events = { 'Country Name': 'CA\r', 'State': 'Ontario\r', 'Locality': 'Toronto\r', 'Organization': 'Libreswan\r', 'Organizational': 'Test Department\r', 'Common': name + '.testing.libreswan.org\r', 'Email': 'user-'+name+'@testing.libreswan.org\r', }) serial += 1 #package p12 run('openssl pkcs12 -export ' '-inkey keys/'+name+'-mainec.key ' '-in certs/'+name+'-mainec.crt ' '-name '+name+'-mainec ' '-certfile cacerts/mainec.crt ' '-caname "mainec" ' '-out pkcs12/mainec/'+name+'-mainec.p12 ' '-passin pass:foobar -passout pass:foobar') def create_self_signed(): """ Create self-signed certs - uses openssl >= 1.1.1 syntax """ for name in ['east', 'west', 'north', 'road']: cmd = 'openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout ' \ +name+'-selfsigned.key -out '+name+'-selfsigned.cert -subj /CN=' \ +name+'-selfsigned.testing.libreswan.org -addext subjectAltName=DNS:' \ +name+'.testing.libreswan.org' run(cmd) cmd = 'openssl pkcs12 -export -out '+name+'-selfsigned.p12 -inkey '+name+'-selfsigned.key -in ' \ +name+'-selfsigned.cert -certfile '+name+'-selfsigned.cert -passout=file:../nss-pw' run(cmd) def run_dist_certs(): """ Generate the pluto test harness x509 certificates, p12 files, keys, and CRLs """ # Add root CAs here basic_pluto_cas = ('mainca', 'otherca', 'badca') # Add end certs here mainca_end_certs = ('nic','east','west', 'road', 'north', # standard certs 'west-eku-clientAuth', 'east-eku-clientAuth', # should be enough to validate 'west-eku-serverAuth', 'east-eku-serverAuth', # should be enough to validate 'west-bcOmit', 'eastbcOmit', # Basic Constraints should not be needed 'west-kuOmit', 'east-kuOmit', # Key Usage should not be needed 'west-ekuOmit', 'east-ekuOmit', # Extended Key Usage should not be needed # openssl refuses to generate these # 'west-kuEmpty', 'east-kuEmpty', # Key Usage may be empty # 'west-ekuEmpty', 'east-ekuEmpty', # Extended Key Usage may be empty 'west-nosan', 'east-nosan', # No Subject Alt Names 'west-sanCritical', 'east-sanCritical', # should work 'west-bcCritical', 'east-bcCritical', # Basic Constraints critical flag should be ignored 'west-kuCritical', 'east-kuCritical', # Key Usage critical flag should be ignored 'west-ekuCritical', 'east-ekuCritical', # Extended Key Usage critical flag should be ignored ?? # openssl refuses to generate these # 'west-kuBOGUS-bad', 'east-kuBOGUS-bad', # Should fail because it needs digitalSignature or nonRepudiation 'west-ku-keyAgreement-digitalSignature','east-ku-keyAgreement-digitalSignature', # Should work 'west-ku-keyAgreement-bad', 'east-ku-keyAgreement-bad', # Should fail without digitalSignature or nonRepudiation 'west-ku-nonRepudiation', 'east-ku-nonRepudiation', # Should work 'west-ekuBOGUS-bad', 'east-ekuBOGUS-bad', # Should fail because it needs a recognised EKU # openssl refuses to generate these # 'west-ku-nonRepudiation-kuBOGUS-bad', 'east-ku-nonRepudiation-kuBOGUS-bad', # Should fail # 'west-eku-emailProtection-ekuBOGUS', 'east-eku-emailProtection-ekuBOGUS', # Should work 'west-eku-ipsecIKE', 'east-eku-ipsecIKE', # Should work 'west-ekuCritical-eku-ipsecIKE', 'east-ekuCritical-eku-ipsecIKE', # Should still work 'west-ekuCritical-eku-emailProtection', 'east-ekuCritical-eku-emailProtection', # Should still work 'usage-server', 'usage-client', 'usage-both', 'nic-noext', 'nic-nourl', 'smallkey', 'mediumkey', 'key2032', 'key4096', 'notyetvalid', 'signedbyother','otherwest','othereast','wrongdnorg', 'unwisechar','spaceincn','hashsha1', 'cnofca','revoked', 'badwest', 'badeast', 'semiroad') # Add chain roots here chain_ca_roots = ('east_chain', 'west_chain') # Put special case code for new certs in the following functions create_basic_pluto_cas(basic_pluto_cas) create_mainca_end_certs(mainca_end_certs) create_chained_certs(chain_ca_roots, 3) create_chained_certs(chain_ca_roots, 9, 'long_') create_chained_certs(chain_ca_roots, 10, 'too_long_') create_crlsets() create_ec_certs() def create_nss_pw(): print("creating nss-pw") f = open("nss-pw","w") f.write("foobar") f.close() def main(): outdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) cwd = os.getcwd() if outdir: os.chdir(outdir) global dates global dirbase reset_files() dates = gen_gmtime_dates() print("format dates being used for this run:") # TODO: print the display GMT times for n, s in dates.items(): print("%s : %s"% (n, s)) dirbase = "" run_dist_certs() # create identical set to act as forged with identical parameters dirbase = "fake/" run_dist_certs() # only fake create_mainec_certs() dirbase = "" create_nss_pw() os.chdir("selfsigned/") create_self_signed() os.chdir(cwd) print("finished!") if __name__ == "__main__": main()