; Best to copy and maintain your own version of this file in etc
; as I don't always have time to update it

; Note that these are regular expressions, not a ordinary string match.
; A period means 'can match any single character' - To match a period
; literally, escape them: \\. (We didn't use that for the sake of clarity)
; The + (which means 'one or more of the defined character') we used
; because in some cases OpenSim uses two spaces instead of one between
; viewer name and viewer version. Otherwise legit viewers would be locked
; out and see 'Your viewer is banned'.
; [0..9] Means any digit 0..9. (\d doesn't work in OS)
; Note the OpenSim regexp interpreter needs \ to be double: \\
; If only the first part of a version is defined, then it'll match any
; additional string part of the version id. So 6.5.6 will match
; and etc
; You can play with and test regular expressions at https://regexr.com/
; Actively maintained viewers
Cool="Cool VL Viewer +1.32.2"
Cool_dev="Cool VL Viewer +1.32.3"
Firestorm="Firestorm-Releasex64 +"
Firestorm_prev="Firestorm-Releasex64 +|Firestorm-Release +"
Firestorm_dev="Firestorm-Alphax64 +7|Firestorm-Betax64 +7"

; Older viewers possibly lacking modern features such as EEP or bento
Alchemy_old="Alchemy Beta +|Alchemy Beta +"
Alchemy_old2="Alchemy Project AgileAkita +|Alchemy Project AgileAkita +"
AvatarLife_old="AvatarLife Release 64 +"
Scenegate_old="SceneGate +1.0"
Singularity_old="Singularity Release 64 +"
Singularity_old_dev="Singularity Alpha 64 +|Singularity Beta 64 +|Singularity Beta 64 +"

; Bugged versions:
;Caused tons of unnecessary maprequest calls:
Firestorm_bad_mapspam = "Firestorm-Releasex64 +|Firestorm-Release +"
;Caused spam in logfiles with var-regions not the size equal to 2^x:
Firestorm_bad_varlog = "Firestorm-Releasex64 +|Firestorm-Release +"
;Caused inventory issues (see https://www.firestormviewer.org/woops/)
Firestorm_bad_inv = "Firestorm-Releasex64 +|Firestorm-Release +"
;First PBR version, caused inventory issues on OpenSim
Firestorm_bad_inv2 = "Firestorm-Releasex64 +"

ds_copybot="Firestorm-Releasex64 +|Firestorm-Release +"
hs_copybot="Firestorm-Releasex64 +|Firestorm-Release +|Firestorm-Releasex64 +|Firestorm-Release +|Firestorm-Releasex64 +|Firestorm-Release +"
rv_copybot="Singularity Alpha 64 +"

; Radegast only sends name, no version info

; It's up to you which of above defined viewers you allow:
;AllowedClients = "${Viewers|Cool}|${Viewers|Cool_dev}|${Viewers|Firestorm}|${Viewers|Firestorm_dev}|${Viewers|Firestorm_prev}"

; Instead of allowing specific viewers, you can blacklist certain bad ones.
; This is better IMHO, copybots usually identify as legit viewers anyway.
DeniedClients = "${Viewers|ds_copybot}|${Viewers|hs_copybot}|${Viewers|rv_copybot}|${Viewers|Firestorm_bad_mapspam}|${Viewers|Firestorm_bad_varlog}|${Viewers|Firestorm_bad_inv}|${Viewers|Firestorm_bad_inv2}"