com.github.liferooter.textpieces.desktop Text Pieces Transform text without using random websites CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later

Powerful scratchpad with ability to perform a lot of text transformations, such as:

The application is extendable with your own script-based actions.

@app-id@.desktop textpieces Gleb Smirnov pointing touch keyboard 360 offline-only

Bug fixes:

  • Script files can be correctly opened using an editor of your choice
  • Newly created script names are generated from tool name

New features:

  • Text Pieces now can open files

Bug fixes:

  • Some translation issues are fixed
  • Some tools are fixed and optimized
  • Shortcuts window is updated and fixed

Bug fixes:

  • Tool arguments now work as expected
  • Translate some untranslated strings

New features and improvements:

  • Add tool for extracting RSS URLs from OPML files
  • Use more verbose error reporting for Base64 decode tool
  • Focus editor on startup
  • Save selected tool between sessions
  • Minor UI improvements

New features and improvements:

  • Add hotkey to open search in replace mode

New features and improvements:

  • Add some keywords to the application for system search

New features and improvement:

  • Add style schemes
  • Add search and replace feature to editor
  • Fix some bugs
Bug fix

New features and improvements:

  • Refresh UI
  • Fix a lot of bugs
  • Add powerful settings
  • Add arguments support for custom tools
  • Add translation support
  • Improve search
Fix theme switcher Add theme switcher for system which don't support color schemes

New features and improvements:

  • Minor UI changes
  • Add XML formatter
Some bugfixes and improvements Bring back tools with arguments

New features and improvements:

  • Redesign the application
  • Add custom tools support
  • Improve search
  • Add ability to text load from file and save to file

New features and improvements:

  • Exit by Ctrl+Q
  • Monospace argument entry
  • Update new runtime

New features and improvements:

  • Sort tools
  • Filter tools
  • Minify C-like code

New features and improvements:

  • Add more tools
  • Make tools popover more powerful
  • Redesign icon
  • General improvements
Add tools for replacement and removing Application release