  20: "call", // return 0 (Calls another method by name or crc with all arguments, ignoring the first one)
  40: "typeof", // return 0 (Gets the type of the static or variable value)
  500: "log", // return 0 (no-op)
  501: "format", // return 0 (Formats a string like printf)
  503: "substring", // return 0 (Cuts a string at the beginning by n bytes)
  510: "parameter_count", // return 0 (returns the amount of input parameters of the current function)
  520: "random", // return 0 (Take one random from the n arguments and use it as the ceiling to create a random value)
  521: "crc16", // return 0 (0, the value of the argument, or the CRC16 of the string)
  522: "crc32", // return 0 (0, the value of the argument, or the CRC32 of the string)
  600: "math_abs", // return 0 (Gets the absolute representation of a value)
  601: "math_sqrt", // return 0 (Gets the square root of a value)
  602: "math_floor", // return 0 (Rounds to next integer towards negative infinity)
  603: "math_round", // return 0 (Rounds to nearest integer. At .5 towards positive infinity)
  604: "math_ceiling", // return 0 (Rounds to next integer towards positive infinity)
  605: "math_min", // return 0 (Gets the lowest of any 2 or more values)
  606: "math_max", // return 0 (Gets the highest of any 2 or more values)
  607: "math_clamp", // return 0 (Clamps a value between a minimum and maximum, given in that order)
  //608: "", // return 0 (Something with 2*PI and 1/(2*PI))
  610: "math_sin", // return 0 (Gets the sin of the value)
  611: "math_cos", // return 0 (Gets the cos of the value)
  612: "math_tan", // return 0 (Gets the tan of the value)
  620: "math_asin", // return 0 (Gets the inverse sin of the value)
  621: "math_acos", // return 0 (Gets the inverse cos of the value)
  622: "math_atan", // return 0 (Gets the inverse tan of the value)
  14040: "set_daytime",
  13609: "reserve_jump_map", //params: mapid, startingPositionX, startingPositionY, startingPositionZ
  3502: "load_xi",
  13612: "load_battle_ev", //params: battle event id, battle map
  16526: "load_xa",
  3702: "load_xc",
  14051: "reserve_jump_map_2", //params: mapid, startingPositionX, startingPositionY, startingPositionZ
  16532: "get_game_region", //no params
  //Added Feb. 20th. Source: YW1 Mobile binary
  13734: "get_by_texttype",
  13735: "get_by_texttype_idx",
  13736: "build_res_text",
  13750: "delete_res_text",
  15171: "set_play_data_tbox",
  15170: "create_tbox_ext",
  15151: "get_player_name",
  15150: "get_player_type",
  15145: "is_not_obtain_item",
  21302: "set_shadow_type",
  21301: "set_shadow_bone",
  21304: "set_shadow_scale",
  21303: "set_shadow_roty",
  21204: "set_chara_check_ground_attr",
  26003: "cut_info_count",
  26004: "cut_info_setup",
  26000: "cut_info",
  25500: "load_event_camera",
  13410: "set_enable",
  21200: "set_chara_ground",
  13401: "set_posry",
  20051: "proc_start",
  21300: "set_shadow_visible",
  20012: "set_ev_frame_stop",
  21214: "set_icon_to_chara",
  13229: "set_map_build_pos",
  26002: "start_cut",
  21209: "attach_chara",
  22012: "set_rot",
  22011: "set_map_shadow",
  3407: "img_is_exist",
  14001: "get_global_bit_flag",
  15260: "get_qr_result",
  26101: "npc_disable_event_app",
  21205: "set_chara_mesh_visible",
  24101: "set_weather",
  25002: "set_chara_light",
  21002: "create_chara_by_filepath",
  21210: "detach_chara",
  21217: "keep_manip_mot",
  21003: "create_chara_2d_by_filepath",
  23601: "img_set_anm",
  16385: "get_hs_equip_item_desc_text",
  21305: "set_shadow_raycast",
  21201: "set_chara_culling",
  21203: "set_chara_foot_effect",
  15461: "get_view_state",
  24100: "map_filter_fade",
  21004: "delete_chara",
  23501: "img_delete",
  13608: "reserve_event",
  // context clues
  13668 : "set_bike_state",
  13010 : "display_chapter_title", //chapter number
  15310 : "heal_party", //no params
  13792 : "set_game_variable",
  15599: "get_watch_type",
  1103 : "get_controller_input", //unknown
  13101 : "change_character", //parameters (0, baseid)
  13733 : "get_menu_text",
  14000 : "set_global_bit_flag" //(flagID,value)