# Monaco Color Scheme ### Don't you ♥ that colorful **Code**? **Now with extensive coverage of Python and Javascript code.** ## Palette ![monaco Palete](./palette.png) ## Install *

Package Control

Search for 'Monaco' and it should show up in the results. *


Just clone (or download the repo and extract) in 'Packages' directory of your sublime configuration. #### For Ubuntu Linux ```shell $ cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages $ git clone https://github.com/lightify97/monaco-colorscheme ``` And then Select from **Preferences > colorscheme > monaco** in sublime text. ## Screenshots ![JS_Dark](screenshots/JS_Dark.png) ![JS_Light](screenshots/JS_Light.png) ![ES_Dark](screenshots/ES_Dark.png) ![ES_Light](screenshots/ES_Light.png) ![PYTHON_Dark](screenshots/Python_Dark.png) ![PYTHON_Light](screenshots/Python_Light.png)