## Deployment configuration controllerManager: replicas: 1 ## Kube proxy config ## In most cases you don't need to change those kubeRbacProxy: image: repository: gcr.io/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy tag: v0.15.0 resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 5m memory: 64Mi ## Controller image manager: image: repository: lightruncom/lightrun-k8s-operator # -- For simplicity of version compatibilities we are keeping the same controller and chart versions # So the most safe approach is to use same version as the Chart. # When installing chart from the helm repo, every helm package version will have controller image set to chart version tag: latest resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 10m memory: 64Mi ################ ## Node selection ################ tolerations: [] ## If you want to set tolerations for operator deployment, delete the `[]` in the line above ## and uncomment this example block # - key: "purpose" # operator: "Exists" # effect: "NoSchedule" nodeSelector: {} # purpose: stage ## If you want to set node selector for operator deployment, delete the `{}` in the line above ## and uncomment this example block # label-key1: "label-value1" # label-key2: "label-value2" ## Controller configuration managerConfig: # -- Log level: 1 - 5 # Higher number - more logs # Documentation of logr module https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-logr/logr@v1.2.0#hdr-Verbosity # On level info (0) (default) you'll see only deployments that are being added or deleted and errors # On level 1 you'll see 1 additional log per every successful reconciliation loop run # On level 2 you'll see all debug prints with intermediate steps while patching deployment per every reconciliation loop run logLevel: info ## Default values of the container inside pod. In most cases you don't need to change those controllerManagerConfigYaml: health: healthProbeBindAddress: :8081 leaderElection: leaderElect: true resourceName: 5b425f09.lightrun.com metrics: bindAddress: webhook: port: 9443 # -- Operator may work in 2 scopes: cluster and namespaced # Cluster scope will give permissions to operator to watch and patch deployment in the whole cluster # With namespaced scope you need to provide list of namespaces that operator will be able to watch. # Namespaced scope implemented by both controller code and creation of the appropriate Roles by the chart # Any change to the list of namespaces will cause restart of the operator controller pod. operatorScope: namespaces: - default namespacedScope: false # -- Metrics service for prometheus compatible poller metricsService: ports: - name: https port: 8443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8443 type: ClusterIP ## Comment out if you want to use Release name as prefix to the resource naming nameOverride: lightrun-k8s-operator