require('dotenv').config({ path: `${__dirname}/.env` }); const chai = require('chai'); chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')); const assert = chai.assert; const { fundRecipient, newWeb3Engine } = require('../src/gsn'); const { utils } = require('@openzeppelin/gsn-provider'); const { isRelayHubDeployedForRecipient, getRecipientFunds } = utils; const Web3 = require('../src/web3'); const Voter = artifacts.require("Voter"); contract('Voter', (accounts) => { const ROOT_ACCOUNT = process.env.NETWORK === 'ganache' ? accounts[0] : process.env.ACCOUNT; const RELAY_HUB = process.env.RELAY_HUB; let voter; it('should deploy Voter', async () => { voter = await; }); it('should initialize the GSN for Voter by configuring its RelayHub and funding it', async () => { let txHub = await voter.initialize(RELAY_HUB); assert.equal(txHub.receipt.status, true); let hubAddr = await voter.getHubAddr(); assert.equal(hubAddr, RELAY_HUB); const voterAddr = await voter.address; // Register the Recipient in RelayHub const voterFundingPHTs = "10"; const balance = await fundRecipient(web3, { recipient: voterAddr, relayHub: RELAY_HUB, amountInPht: voterFundingPHTs, from: ROOT_ACCOUNT }); assert.equal(balance, Web3.utils.toWei(voterFundingPHTs, "ether")); }); it('should execute upVote TX for FREE from a user without any funds', async () => { const isVoterReady = await isRelayHubDeployedForRecipient(web3, voter.address); assert.equal(isVoterReady, true); web3gsn = await Web3.newEngine(; emptyAccAddr = await web3gsn.eth.personal.newAccount("secret"); const tx = await Web3.contractSendTx(web3gsn, { from: emptyAccAddr, to: voter.address, abi: voter.abi, method: 'upVote', useGSN: true, }); assert.equal(tx.status, true); const lastVoter =['Voted'].returnValues['account']; const newCount =['Voted'].returnValues['newCount']; assert.equal(lastVoter, emptyAccAddr); assert.equal(newCount, 1); }); });