# Configuration for KataGo C++ GTP engine # Run the program using: `./katago.exe gtp` # In this example config, when a parameter is given as a commented out value, # that value also is the default value, unless described otherwise. You can # uncomment it (remove the pound sign) and change it if you want. # =========================================================================== # Running on an online server or in a real tournament or match # =========================================================================== # If you plan to run online or in a tournament, read through the "Rules" # section below for proper handling of komi, handicaps, end-of-game cleanup, # and other details. # =========================================================================== # Notes about performance and memory usage # =========================================================================== # Important: For good performance, you will very likely want to tune the # "numSearchThreads" parameter in the Search limits section below! Run # "./katago benchmark" to test KataGo and to suggest a reasonable value # of this parameter. # For multi-GPU systems, read "OpenCL GPU settings" or "CUDA GPU settings". # # When using OpenCL, verify that KataGo picks the correct device! Some systems # may have both an Intel CPU OpenCL and GPU OpenCL. If # KataGo picks the wrong # one, correct this by specifying "openclGpuToUse". # # Consider adjusting "maxVisits", "ponderingEnabled", "resignThreshold", and # other parameters depending on your intended usage. # =========================================================================== # Command-line usage # =========================================================================== # All of the below values may be set or overridden via command-line arguments: # # -override-config KEY=VALUE,KEY=VALUE,... # =========================================================================== # Logs and files # =========================================================================== # This section defines where and what logging information is produced. # Each run of KataGo will log to a separate file in this dir. # This is the default. logDir = gtp_logs # Uncomment and specify this instead of logDir to write separate dated subdirs # logDirDated = gtp_logs # Uncomment and specify this instead of logDir to log to only a single file # logFile = gtp.log # Logging options logAllGTPCommunication = true logSearchInfo = true logSearchInfoForChosenMove = false logToStderr = false # KataGo will display some info to stderr on GTP startup # Uncomment the next line and set it to false to suppress that and remain silent # startupPrintMessageToStderr = true # Write information to stderr, for use in things like malkovich chat to OGS. # ogsChatToStderr = false # Uncomment and set this to a directory to override where openCLTuner files # and other cached data is written. By default it saves into a subdir of the # current directory on windows, and a subdir of ~/.katago on Linux. # homeDataDir = PATH_TO_DIRECTORY # =========================================================================== # Analysis # =========================================================================== # This section configures analysis settings. # # The maximum number of moves after the first move displayed in variations # from analysis commands like kata-analyze or lz-analyze. # analysisPVLen = 15 # Report winrates for chat and analysis as (BLACK|WHITE|SIDETOMOVE). # Most GUIs and analysis tools will expect SIDETOMOVE. # reportAnalysisWinratesAs = SIDETOMOVE # Extra noise for wider exploration. Large values will force KataGo to # analyze a greater variety of moves than it normally would. # An extreme value like 1 distributes playouts across every move on the board, # even very bad moves. # Affects analysis only, does not affect play. # analysisWideRootNoise = 0.04 # Try to limit the effect of possible bad or bogus move sequences in the # history leading to this position from affecting KataGo's move predictions. # analysisIgnorePreRootHistory = true # =========================================================================== # Rules # =========================================================================== # This section configures the scoring and playing rules. Rules can also be # changed mid-run by issuing custom GTP commands. # # See https://lightvector.github.io/KataGo/rules.html for rules details. # # See https://github.com/lightvector/KataGo/blob/master/docs/GTP_Extensions.md # for GTP commands. # Specify the rules as a string. # Some legal values include: # chinese, japanese, korean, aga, chinese-ogs, new-zealand, stone-scoring, # ancient-territory, bga, aga-button # # For some human rulesets that require complex adjudication in tricky cases # (e.g. japanese, korean) KataGo may not precisely match the ruleset in such # cases but will do its best. rules = tromp-taylor # By default, the "rules" parameter is used, but if you comment it out and # uncomment one option in each of the sections below, you can specify an # arbitrary combination of individual rules. # koRule = SIMPLE # Simple ko rules (triple ko = no result) # koRule = POSITIONAL # Positional superko # koRule = SITUATIONAL # Situational superko # scoringRule = AREA # Area scoring # scoringRule = TERRITORY # Territory scoring (special computer-friendly territory rules) # taxRule = NONE # All surrounded empty points are scored # taxRule = SEKI # Eyes in seki do NOT count as points # taxRule = ALL # All groups are taxed up to 2 points for the two eyes needed to live # Is multiple-stone suicide legal? (Single-stone suicide is always illegal). # multiStoneSuicideLegal = false # multiStoneSuicideLegal = true # "Button go" - the first pass when area scoring awards 0.5 points and does # not count for ending the game. # Allows area scoring rulesets that have far simpler rules to achieve the same # final scoring precision and reward for precise play as territory scoring. # hasButton = false # hasButton = true # Is this a human ruleset where it's okay to pass before having physically # captured and removed all dead stones? # friendlyPassOk = false # friendlyPassOk = true # How handicap stones in handicap games are compensated # whiteHandicapBonus = 0 # White gets no compensation for black's handicap stones (Tromp-taylor, NZ, JP) # whiteHandicapBonus = N-1 # White gets N-1 points for black's N handicap stones (AGA) # whiteHandicapBonus = N # White gets N points for black's N handicap stones (Chinese) # ------------------------------ # Other rules hacks # ------------------------------ # Uncomment and change to adjust what board size KataGo uses upon startup # by default when GTP doesn't specify. # defaultBoardSize = 19 # By default, Katago will use the komi that the GUI or GTP controller tries to set. # Uncomment and set this to have KataGo ignore the controller and always use this komi. # ignoreGTPAndForceKomi = 7 # =========================================================================== # Bot behavior # =========================================================================== # ------------------------------ # Resignation # ------------------------------ # Resignation occurs if for at least resignConsecTurns in a row, the # winLossUtility (on a [-1,1] scale) is below resignThreshold. allowResignation = true resignThreshold = -0.90 resignConsecTurns = 3 # By default, KataGo may resign games that it is confidently losing even if they # are very close in score. Uncomment and set this to avoid resigning games # if the estimated difference is points is less than or equal to this. # resignMinScoreDifference = 10 # Disallow resignation if turn number < resignMinMovesPerBoardArea * area of board. # e.g 0.25 would prohibit resignation on 19x19 until after turn 361 * 0.25 ~= 90. # resignMinMovesPerBoardArea = 0.00 # ------------------------------ # Handicap # ------------------------------ # Assume that if black makes many moves in a row right at the start of the # game, then the game is a handicap game. This is necessary on some servers # and for some GUIs and also when initializing from many SGF files, which may # set up a handicap game using repeated GTP "play" commands for black rather # than GTP "place_free_handicap" commands; however, it may also lead to # incorrect understanding of komi if whiteHandicapBonus is used and a server # does not have such a practice. Uncomment and set to false to disable. # assumeMultipleStartingBlackMovesAreHandicap = true # Makes katago dynamically adjust in handicap or altered-komi games to assume # based on those game settings that it must be stronger or weaker than the # opponent and to play accordingly. Greatly improves handicap strength by # biasing winrates and scores to favor appropriate safe/aggressive play. # Does NOT affect analysis (lz-analyze, kata-analyze, used by programs like # Lizzie) so analysis remains unbiased. Uncomment and set this to 0 to disable # this and make KataGo play the same always. # dynamicPlayoutDoublingAdvantageCapPerOppLead = 0.045 # Instead of "dynamicPlayoutDoublingAdvantageCapPerOppLead", you can comment # that out and uncomment and set "playoutDoublingAdvantage" to a fixed value # from -3.0 to 3.0 that will not change dynamically. # ALSO affects analysis tools (lz-analyze, kata-analyze, used by e.g. Lizzie). # Negative makes KataGo behave as if it is much weaker than the opponent. # Positive makes KataGo behave as if it is much stronger than the opponent. # KataGo will adjust to favor safe/aggressive play as appropriate based on # the combination of who is ahead and how much stronger/weaker it thinks it is, # and report winrates and scores taking the strength difference into account. # # If this and "dynamicPlayoutDoublingAdvantageCapPerOppLead" are both set # then dynamic will be used for all games and this fixed value will be used # for analysis tools. # playoutDoublingAdvantage = 0.0 # Uncomment one of these when using "playoutDoublingAdvantage" to enforce # that it will only apply when KataGo plays as the specified color and will be # negated when playing as the opposite color. # playoutDoublingAdvantagePla = BLACK # playoutDoublingAdvantagePla = WHITE # ------------------------------ # Passing and cleanup # ------------------------------ # Make the bot never assume that its pass will end the game, even if passing # would end and "win" under Tromp-Taylor rules. Usually this is a good idea # when using it for analysis or playing on servers where scoring may be # implemented non-tromp-taylorly. Uncomment and set to false to disable. # conservativePass = true # When using territory scoring, self-play games continue beyond two passes # with special cleanup rules that may be confusing for human players. This # option prevents the special cleanup phases from being reachable when using # the bot for GTP play. Uncomment and set to false to enable entering special # cleanup. For example, if you are testing it against itself, or against # another bot that has precisely implemented the rules documented at # https://lightvector.github.io/KataGo/rules.html # preventCleanupPhase = true # ------------------------------ # Miscellaneous behavior # ------------------------------ # If the board is symmetric, search only one copy of each equivalent move. # Attempts to also account for ko/superko, will not theoretically perfect for # superko. Uncomment and set to false to disable. # rootSymmetryPruning = true # Uncomment and set to true to avoid a particular joseki that some networks # misevaluate, and also to improve opening diversity versus some particular # other bots that like to play it all the time. # avoidMYTDaggerHack = false # Prefer to avoid playing the same joseki in every corner of the board. # Uncomment to set to a specific value. See "Avoid SGF patterns" section. # By default: 0 (even games), 0.005 (handicap games) # avoidRepeatedPatternUtility = 0.0 # Experimental logic to fight against mirror Go even with unfavorable komi. # Uncomment to set to a specific value to use for both playing and analysis. # By default: true when playing via GTP, but false when analyzing. # antiMirror = true # Enable some hacks that mitigate rare instances when passing messes up deeper searches. # enablePassingHacks = true # Uncomment and set this to true to prevent bad or bogus move sequences # in the history leading to this position from affecting KataGo's move choices. # Same as analysisIgnorePreRootHistory (see above) but applies to actual play. # You can enable this if KataGo is being asked to play from positions that it did not # choose the moves to reach. # ignorePreRootHistory = false # =========================================================================== # Search limits # =========================================================================== # Terminology: # "Playouts" is the number of new playouts of search performed each turn. # "Visits" is the same as "Playouts" but also counts search performed on # previous turns that is still applicable to this turn. # "Time" is the time in seconds. # For example, if KataGo searched 200 nodes on the previous turn, and then # after the opponent's reply, 50 nodes of its search tree was still valid, # then a visit limit of 200 would allow KataGo to search 150 new nodes # (for a final tree size of 200 nodes), whereas a playout limit of of 200 # would allow KataGo to search 200 nodes (for a final tree size of 250 nodes). # Additionally, KataGo may also move before than the limit in order to # obey time controls (e.g. byo-yomi, etc) if the GTP controller has # told KataGo that the game has is being played with a given time control. # Limits for search on the current turn. # If commented out or unspecified, the default is to have no limit. maxVisits = 500 # maxPlayouts = 300 # maxTime = 10.0 # Ponder on the opponent's turn? ponderingEnabled = false # Limits for search when pondering on the opponent's turn. # If commented out or unspecified, the default is to have no limit. # Limiting the maximum time is recommended so that KataGo won't burn CPU/GPU # forever and/or run out of RAM if left unattended while pondering is enabled. # maxVisitsPondering = 5000 # maxPlayoutsPondering = 3000 maxTimePondering = 60.0 # ------------------------------ # Other search limits and behavior # ------------------------------ # Approx number of seconds to buffer for lag for GTP time controls - will # move a bit faster assuming there is this much lag per move. lagBuffer = 1.0 # YOU PROBABLY WANT TO TUNE THIS PARAMETER! # The number of threads to use when searching. On powerful GPUs the optimal # threads may be much higher than the number of CPU cores you have because # many threads are needed to feed efficient large batches to the GPU. # # Run "./katago benchmark" to tune this parameter and test the effect # of changes to any of other parameters. numSearchThreads = 6 # Play a little faster if the opponent is passing, for human-friendliness. # Comment these out to disable them, such as if running a controlled match # where you are testing KataGo with fixed compute per move vs other bots. searchFactorAfterOnePass = 0.50 searchFactorAfterTwoPass = 0.25 # Play a little faster if super-winning, for human-friendliness. # Comment these out to disable them, such as if running a controlled match # where you are testing KataGo with fixed compute per move vs other bots. searchFactorWhenWinning = 0.40 searchFactorWhenWinningThreshold = 0.95 # =========================================================================== # GPU settings # =========================================================================== # This section configures GPU settings. # # Maximum number of positions to send to a single GPU at once. The default # value is roughly equal to numSearchThreads, but can be specified manually # if running out of memory, or using multiple GPUs that expect to share work. # nnMaxBatchSize = # Controls the neural network cache size, which is the primary RAM/memory use. # KataGo will cache up to (2 ** nnCacheSizePowerOfTwo) many neural net # evaluations in case of transpositions in the tree. # Increase this to improve performance for searches with tens of thousands # of visits or more. Decrease this to limit memory usage. # If you're happy to do some math - each neural net entry takes roughly # 1.5KB, except when using whole-board ownership/territory # visualizations, where each entry will take roughly 3KB. The number of # entries is (2 ** nnCacheSizePowerOfTwo). (E.g. 2 ** 18 = 262144.) # You can compute roughly how much memory the cache will use based on this. # nnCacheSizePowerOfTwo = 20 # Size of mutex pool for nnCache is (2 ** this). # nnMutexPoolSizePowerOfTwo = 16 # Randomize board orientation when running neural net evals? Uncomment and # set to false to disable. # nnRandomize = true # If provided, force usage of a specific seed for nnRandomize. # The default is to use a randomly generated seed. # nnRandSeed = abcdefg # Uncomment and set to true to force GTP to use the maximum board size for # internal buffers for the neural net. This will make KataGo slower when # evaluating small boards, but will avoid a lengthy initialization time on every # change of board size due to having to re-size the neural net buffers on the GPU. # This can be useful for example, for OGS's persistent bot mode that uses a single # bot instance to handle multiple games and may thrash between different board sizes # if there are concurrent games of multiple sizes. # gtpForceMaxNNSize = false # ------------------------------ # Multiple GPUs # ------------------------------ # Set this to the number of GPUs to use or that are available. # IMPORTANT: If more than 1, also uncomment the appropriate TensorRT # or CUDA or OpenCL section. # numNNServerThreadsPerModel = 1 # ------------------------------ # TENSORRT GPU settings # ------------------------------ # These only apply when using the TENSORRT version of KataGo. # For one GPU: optionally uncomment this option and change if the GPU to # use is not device 0. # trtDeviceToUse = 0 # For two GPUs: Uncomment these options, AND set numNNServerThreadsPerModel above. # Also, change their values if the devices you want to use are not 0 and 1. # trtDeviceToUseThread0 = 0 # trtDeviceToUseThread1 = 1 # For three GPUs: Uncomment these options, AND set numNNServerThreadsPerModel above. # Also, change their values if the devices you want to use are not 0 and 1 and 2. # trtDeviceToUseThread0 = 0 # trtDeviceToUseThread1 = 1 # trtDeviceToUseThread2 = 2 # The pattern continues for additional GPUs. # ------------------------------ # CUDA GPU settings # ------------------------------ # These only apply when using the CUDA version of KataGo. # For one GPU: optionally uncomment and change this if the GPU you want to # use is not device 0 # cudaDeviceToUse = 0 # For two GPUs: Uncomment these options, AND set numNNServerThreadsPerModel above. # Also, change their values if the devices you want to use are not 0 and 1. # cudaDeviceToUseThread0 = 0 # cudaDeviceToUseThread1 = 1 # For three GPUs: Uncomment these options, AND set numNNServerThreadsPerModel above. # Also, change their values if the devices you want to use are not 0 and 1 and 2. # cudaDeviceToUseThread0 = 0 # cudaDeviceToUseThread1 = 1 # cudaDeviceToUseThread2 = 2 # The pattern continues for additional GPUs. # KataGo will automatically use FP16 or not based on the compute capability # of your NVIDIA GPU. If you want to try to force a particular behavior # you can uncomment these lines and change them to "true" or "false". # cudaUseFP16 = auto # cudaUseNHWC = auto # ------------------------------ # OpenCL GPU settings # ------------------------------ # These only apply when using the OpenCL version of KataGo. # Uncomment and set to true to tune OpenCL for every board size separately, # rather than only the largest possible size. # openclReTunePerBoardSize = false # For one GPU: optionally uncomment and change this if the best device to use is guessed incorrectly. # The default behavior tries to guess the 'best' GPU or device on your system to use, usually it will be a good guess. # openclDeviceToUse = 0 # For two GPUs: Uncomment these two lines and replace X and Y with the device ids of the devices you want to use. # It might NOT be 0 and 1, some computers will have many OpenCL devices. You can see what the devices are when # KataGo starts up - it should print or log all the devices it finds. # (AND also set numNNServerThreadsPerModel above) # openclDeviceToUseThread0 = X # openclDeviceToUseThread1 = Y # For three GPUs: Uncomment these three lines and replace X and Y and Z with the device ids of the devices you want to use. # It might NOT be 0 and 1 and 2, some computers will have many OpenCL devices. You can see what the devices are when # KataGo starts up - it should print or log all the devices it finds. # (AND also set numNNServerThreadsPerModel above) # openclDeviceToUseThread0 = X # openclDeviceToUseThread1 = Y # openclDeviceToUseThread2 = Z # The pattern continues for additional GPUs. # KataGo will automatically use FP16 or not based on testing your GPU during # tuning. If you want to try to force a particular behavior though you can # uncomment this option and change it to "true" or "false". This is a fairly # blunt setting - more detailed settings are testable by rerunning the tuner # with various arguments (./katago tuner). # openclUseFP16 = auto # ------------------------------ # Eigen-specific settings # ------------------------------ # These only apply when using the Eigen (pure CPU) version of KataGo. # Number of CPU threads for evaluating the neural net on the Eigen backend. # # Default: numSearchThreads # numEigenThreadsPerModel = X # =========================================================================== # Root move selection and biases # =========================================================================== # Uncomment and edit any of the below values to change them from their default. # If provided, force usage of a specific seed for various random things in # the search. The default is to use a random seed. # searchRandSeed = hijklmn # Temperature for the early game, randomize between chosen moves with # this temperature # chosenMoveTemperatureEarly = 0.5 # Decay temperature for the early game by 0.5 every this many moves, # scaled with board size. # chosenMoveTemperatureHalflife = 19 # At the end of search after the early game, randomize between chosen # moves with this temperature # chosenMoveTemperature = 0.10 # Subtract this many visits from each move prior to applying # chosenMoveTemperature (unless all moves have too few visits) to downweight # unlikely moves # chosenMoveSubtract = 0 # The same as chosenMoveSubtract but only prunes moves that fall below # the threshold. This setting does not affect chosenMoveSubtract. # chosenMovePrune = 1 # Number of symmetries to sample (without replacement) and average at the root # rootNumSymmetriesToSample = 1 # Using LCB for move selection? # useLcbForSelection = true # How many stdevs a move needs to be better than another for LCB selection # lcbStdevs = 5.0 # Only use LCB override when a move has this proportion of visits as the # top move. # minVisitPropForLCB = 0.15 # =========================================================================== # Internal params # =========================================================================== # Uncomment and edit any of the below values to change them from their default. # Scales the utility of winning/losing # winLossUtilityFactor = 1.0 # Scales the utility for trying to maximize score # staticScoreUtilityFactor = 0.10 # dynamicScoreUtilityFactor = 0.30 # Adjust dynamic score center this proportion of the way towards zero, # capped at a reasonable amount. # dynamicScoreCenterZeroWeight = 0.20 # dynamicScoreCenterScale = 0.75 # The utility of getting a "no result" due to triple ko or other long cycle # in non-superko rulesets (-1 to 1) # noResultUtilityForWhite = 0.0 # The number of wins that a draw counts as, for white. (0 to 1) # drawEquivalentWinsForWhite = 0.5 # Exploration constant for mcts # cpuctExploration = 1.0 # cpuctExplorationLog = 0.45 # Parameters that control exploring more in volatile positions, exploring # less in stable positions. # cpuctUtilityStdevPrior = 0.40 # cpuctUtilityStdevPriorWeight = 2.0 # cpuctUtilityStdevScale = 0.85 # FPU reduction constant for mcts # fpuReductionMax = 0.2 # rootFpuReductionMax = 0.1 # fpuParentWeightByVisitedPolicy = true # Parameters that control weighting of evals based on the net's own # self-reported uncertainty. # useUncertainty = true # uncertaintyExponent = 1.0 # uncertaintyCoeff = 0.25 # Explore using optimistic policy # rootPolicyOptimism = 0.2 # policyOptimism = 1.0 # Amount to apply a downweighting of children with very bad values relative # to good ones. # valueWeightExponent = 0.25 # Slight incentive for the bot to behave human-like with regard to passing at # the end, filling the dame, not wasting time playing in its own territory, # etc., and not play moves that are equivalent in terms of points but a bit # more unfriendly to humans. # rootEndingBonusPoints = 0.5 # Make the bot prune useless moves that are just prolonging the game to # avoid losing yet. # rootPruneUselessMoves = true # Apply bias correction based on local pattern keys # subtreeValueBiasFactor = 0.45 # subtreeValueBiasWeightExponent = 0.85 # Use graph search rather than tree search - identify and share search for # transpositions. # useGraphSearch = true # How much to shard the node table for search synchronization # nodeTableShardsPowerOfTwo = 16 # How many virtual losses to add when a thread descends through a node # numVirtualLossesPerThread = 1 # Improve the quality of evals under heavy multithreading # useNoisePruning = true # =========================================================================== # Automatic avoid patterns # =========================================================================== # The parameters in this section provide a way to bias away from moves that match # patterns that this instance of KataGo has played in previous games, by auto-saving # moves to a directory and then auto-loading and biasing against them each new game. # Uncomment them to use them. When using this feature, all parameters must be specified. # Different board sizes are tracked separately, but all board sizes share the same # parameters by default. Every parameter *except* for autoAvoidRepeatDir and # autoAvoidRepeatSaveChunkSize can be overridden per board size, # e.g. "autoAvoidRepeatMinTurnNumber13x13". You must ALSO specify the # defaults even if you have specified board-size-specific values. # Directory to auto-save moves KataGo plays, to avoid them in future games. # You can create a new empty directory and put its path here. # If you run parallel instances of KataGo, use different directories if you # want them not to share their biases, use the same directory if you want # all of them to bias away from past moves that any of them have played. # KataGo will also automatically DELETE old data in this directory, so it is # recommended that if you do share the same directory between parallel instances, # that they all use the same settings that affect data saving/deletion. # autoAvoidRepeatDir = PATH_TO_NEW_DIRECTORY # Penalize this much utility per matching move. # Values that are too large may lead to bad play. The value of 0.004 is fairly large # and might be large enough to result in some early weird/bad moves when trying # to avoid past games' moves if enough games begin the same way. You can experiment with it. # autoAvoidRepeatUtility = 0.004 # Per each new move saved, exponentially decay prior saved moves by this factor. # This way, the bias against moves from many games ago is gradually phased out. # For example, 0.9995 = 1 - 1/2000, so would be roughly 2000 prior moves worth of # penalty weight remembered, in steady state. Depending on what turn number range # you are saving, this might equate to a different number of games For example # saving the first 50 moves per game would make this roughly 2000 / 50 = 40 games # worth of memory. # autoAvoidRepeatLambda = 0.9995 # Affects data saving/deletion. # When the number of saved moves exceeds this, outright delete them to avoid too many # files and disk space building up. Also may affect the speed of saving/loading on start # of each game if this is set large and a lot of data builds up. # autoAvoidRepeatMaxPoses = 10000 # Affects data saving/deletion. # Only save data for moves within this turn number range of those games. # E.g. setting autoAvoidRepeatMinTurnNumber to a number like 4 or 5 would tend to make # KataGo not develop a bias against the initial 3-4 and 4-4 corner moves in almost every game. # autoAvoidRepeatMinTurnNumber = 0 # autoAvoidRepeatMaxTurnNumber = 50 # Affects data saving/deletion. # Within a single run of a program, wait to accumulate this many samples # (possibly across multiple clear_boards/games) before saving the data. # Can help to avoid writing too many small files to disk, especially when GTP is used # in a way that clears the board very frequently (e.g. gtp2ogs pooled manager). # autoAvoidRepeatSaveChunkSize = 200 # =========================================================================== # Avoid SGF patterns # =========================================================================== # The parameters in this section provide a way to avoid moves that follow # specific patterns based on a set of SGF files loaded upon startup. # This is basically the same as the above "Automatic avoid patterns" section # above except you supply your own SGF files to avoid moves from. # Uncomment them to use this feature. Additionally, if the SGF file # contains the string %SKIP% in a comment on a move, that move will be # ignored for this purpose. # Load SGF files from this directory when the engine is started # (only on startup, will not reload unless engine is restarted) # avoidSgfPatternDirs = path/to/directory/with/sgfs/ # You can also surround the file path in double quotes if the file path contains trailing spaces or hash signs. # Within double quotes, backslashes are escape characters. # avoidSgfPatternDirs = "path/to/directory/with/sgfs/" # Penalize this much utility per matching move. # Set this negative if you instead want to favor SGF patterns instead of # penalizing them. This number does not need to be large, even 0.001 will # make a difference. Values that are too large may lead to bad play. # avoidSgfPatternUtility = 0.001 # Optional - load only the newest this many files # avoidSgfPatternMaxFiles = 20 # Optional - Penalty is multiplied by this per each older SGF file, so that # old SGF files matter less than newer ones. # avoidSgfPatternLambda = 0.90 # Optional - pay attention only to moves made by players with this name. # For example, set it to the name that your bot's past games will show up # as in the SGF, so that the bot will only avoid repeating moves that itself # made in past games, not the moves that its opponents made. # avoidSgfPatternAllowedNames = my-ogs-bot-name1,my-ogs-bot-name2 # Optional - Ignore moves in SGF files that occurred before this turn number. # avoidSgfPatternMinTurnNumber = 0 # For more avoid patterns: # You can also specify a second set of parameters, and a third, fourth, # etc. by numbering 2,3,4,... # # avoidSgf2PatternDirs = ... # avoidSgf2PatternUtility = ... # avoidSgf2PatternMaxFiles = ... # avoidSgf2PatternLambda = ... # avoidSgf2PatternAllowedNames = ... # avoidSgf2PatternMinTurnNumber = ...