NodeAuto< Atom > Member List

This is the complete list of members for NodeAuto< Atom >, including all inherited members.

acquire_link() noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj_linked< Atom >inline
acquire_link_safe() noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj_linked< Atom >inline
acquire_ref() noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj_linked< Atom >inline
acquire_ref_safe() noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj_linked< Atom >inline
delete_obj(NodeAuto< Atom > *p)folly::hazptr_deleter< NodeAuto< Atom >, D >inline
hazptr_obj() noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj< Atom >inline
hazptr_obj(const hazptr_obj< Atom > &) noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj< Atom >inline
hazptr_obj(hazptr_obj< Atom > &&) noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj< Atom >inline
link(size_t i)NodeAuto< Atom >inline
link_NodeAuto< Atom >private
NodeAuto(NodeAuto *l1=nullptr, NodeAuto *l2=nullptr) noexceptNodeAuto< Atom >inlineexplicit
operator=(const hazptr_obj< Atom > &) noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj< Atom >inline
operator=(hazptr_obj< Atom > &&) noexceptfolly::hazptr_obj< Atom >inline
push_links(bool m, S &s)NodeAuto< Atom >inline
retire()folly::hazptr_obj_base_linked< NodeAuto< Atom >, Atom >inline
set_deleter(D d={})folly::hazptr_deleter< NodeAuto< Atom >, D >inline
unlink()folly::hazptr_obj_base_linked< NodeAuto< Atom >, Atom >inline
unlink_and_reclaim_unchecked()folly::hazptr_obj_base_linked< NodeAuto< Atom >, Atom >inline
~NodeAuto()NodeAuto< Atom >inline