This is the complete list of members for folly::IOBuf, including all inherited members.
advance(std::size_t amount) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
allocExtBuffer(std::size_t minCapacity, uint8_t **bufReturn, SharedInfo **infoReturn, std::size_t *capacityReturn) | folly::IOBuf | privatestatic |
append(std::size_t amount) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
appendChain(std::unique_ptr< IOBuf > &&iobuf) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
appendToIov(folly::fbvector< struct iovec > *iov) const | folly::IOBuf | |
begin() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
buf_ | folly::IOBuf | private |
buffer() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
bufferEnd() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
capacity() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
capacity_ | folly::IOBuf | private |
cbegin() const | folly::IOBuf | |
cend() const | folly::IOBuf | |
clear() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
clearFlags(uintptr_t flags) const | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivate |
clone() const | folly::IOBuf | |
cloneAsValue() const | folly::IOBuf | |
cloneCoalesced() const | folly::IOBuf | |
cloneCoalescedAsValue() const | folly::IOBuf | |
cloneCoalescedAsValueWithHeadroomTailroom(std::size_t newHeadroom, std::size_t newTailroom) const | folly::IOBuf | |
cloneCoalescedWithHeadroomTailroom(std::size_t newHeadroom, std::size_t newTailroom) const | folly::IOBuf | |
cloneInto(IOBuf &other) const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
cloneOne() const | folly::IOBuf | |
cloneOneAsValue() const | folly::IOBuf | |
cloneOneInto(IOBuf &other) const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
coalesce() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
coalesceAndReallocate(size_t newHeadroom, size_t newLength, IOBuf *end, size_t newTailroom) | folly::IOBuf | private |
coalesceAndReallocate(size_t newLength, IOBuf *end) | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivate |
coalesceSlow() | folly::IOBuf | private |
coalesceSlow(size_t maxLength) | folly::IOBuf | private |
coalesceWithHeadroomTailroom(std::size_t newHeadroom, std::size_t newTailroom) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
computeChainDataLength() const | folly::IOBuf | |
const_iterator typedef | folly::IOBuf | |
COPY_BUFFER enum value | folly::IOBuf | |
copyBuffer(const void *buf, std::size_t size, std::size_t headroom=0, std::size_t minTailroom=0) | folly::IOBuf | inlinestatic |
copyBuffer(ByteRange br, std::size_t headroom=0, std::size_t minTailroom=0) | folly::IOBuf | inlinestatic |
copyBuffer(const std::string &buf, std::size_t headroom=0, std::size_t minTailroom=0) | folly::IOBuf | inlinestatic |
CopyBufferOp enum name | folly::IOBuf | |
countChainElements() const | folly::IOBuf | |
CREATE enum value | folly::IOBuf | |
create(std::size_t capacity) | folly::IOBuf | static |
createChain(size_t totalCapacity, std::size_t maxBufCapacity) | folly::IOBuf | static |
createCombined(std::size_t capacity) | folly::IOBuf | static |
CreateOp enum name | folly::IOBuf | |
createSeparate(std::size_t capacity) | folly::IOBuf | static |
data() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
data_ | folly::IOBuf | private |
decrementRefcount() | folly::IOBuf | private |
destroy(std::unique_ptr< IOBuf > &&data) | folly::IOBuf | inlinestatic |
empty() const | folly::IOBuf | |
end() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
fillIov(struct iovec *iov, size_t len) const | folly::IOBuf | |
flags() const | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivate |
flagsAndSharedInfo_ | folly::IOBuf | mutableprivate |
FlagsEnum enum name | folly::IOBuf | private |
freeExtBuffer() | folly::IOBuf | private |
FreeFunction typedef | folly::IOBuf | |
freeInternalBuf(void *buf, void *userData) | folly::IOBuf | privatestatic |
freeUniquePtrBuffer(void *ptr, void *userData) | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivatestatic |
gather(std::size_t maxLength) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
getIov() const | folly::IOBuf | |
goodExtBufferSize(std::size_t minCapacity) | folly::IOBuf | privatestatic |
headroom() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
initExtBuffer(uint8_t *buf, size_t mallocSize, SharedInfo **infoReturn, std::size_t *capacityReturn) | folly::IOBuf | privatestatic |
IOBuf(CreateOp, std::size_t capacity) | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(TakeOwnershipOp op, void *buf, std::size_t capacity, FreeFunction freeFn=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, bool freeOnError=true) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
IOBuf(TakeOwnershipOp, void *buf, std::size_t capacity, std::size_t length, FreeFunction freeFn=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, bool freeOnError=true) | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(WrapBufferOp op, const void *buf, std::size_t capacity) noexcept | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(WrapBufferOp op, ByteRange br) noexcept | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(CopyBufferOp op, const void *buf, std::size_t size, std::size_t headroom=0, std::size_t minTailroom=0) | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(CopyBufferOp op, ByteRange br, std::size_t headroom=0, std::size_t minTailroom=0) | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(CopyBufferOp op, const std::string &buf, std::size_t headroom=0, std::size_t minTailroom=0) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
IOBuf() noexcept | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(IOBuf &&other) noexcept | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(const IOBuf &other) | folly::IOBuf | |
IOBuf(InternalConstructor, uintptr_t flagsAndSharedInfo, uint8_t *buf, std::size_t capacity, uint8_t *data, std::size_t length) noexcept | folly::IOBuf | private |
isChained() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
isManaged() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
isManagedOne() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
isShared() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
isSharedOne() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
iterator typedef | folly::IOBuf | |
kFlagFreeSharedInfo enum value | folly::IOBuf | private |
kFlagMask enum value | folly::IOBuf | private |
kFlagMaybeShared enum value | folly::IOBuf | private |
length() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
length_ | folly::IOBuf | private |
makeManaged() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
makeManagedChained() | folly::IOBuf | private |
makeManagedOne() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
markExternallyShared() | folly::IOBuf | |
markExternallySharedOne() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
maybeCopyBuffer(const std::string &buf, std::size_t headroom=0, std::size_t minTailroom=0) | folly::IOBuf | inlinestatic |
moveToFbString() | folly::IOBuf | |
next() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
next() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
next_ | folly::IOBuf | private |
operator delete(void *ptr) | folly::IOBuf | |
operator delete(void *ptr, void *placement) | folly::IOBuf | |
operator new(size_t size) | folly::IOBuf | |
operator new(size_t size, void *ptr) | folly::IOBuf | |
operator=(IOBuf &&other) noexcept | folly::IOBuf | |
operator=(const IOBuf &other) | folly::IOBuf | |
packFlagsAndSharedInfo(uintptr_t flags, SharedInfo *info) | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivatestatic |
pop() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
prepend(std::size_t amount) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
prependChain(std::unique_ptr< IOBuf > &&iobuf) | folly::IOBuf | |
prev() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
prev() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
prev_ | folly::IOBuf | private |
releaseStorage(HeapStorage *storage, uint16_t freeFlags) | folly::IOBuf | privatestatic |
reserve(std::size_t minHeadroom, std::size_t minTailroom) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
reserveSlow(std::size_t minHeadroom, std::size_t minTailroom) | folly::IOBuf | private |
retreat(std::size_t amount) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
separateChain(IOBuf *head, IOBuf *tail) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
setFlags(uintptr_t flags) const | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivate |
setFlagsAndSharedInfo(uintptr_t flags, SharedInfo *info) | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivate |
setSharedInfo(SharedInfo *info) | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivate |
sharedInfo() const | folly::IOBuf | inlineprivate |
tail() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
tailroom() const | folly::IOBuf | inline |
TAKE_OWNERSHIP enum value | folly::IOBuf | |
takeOwnership(void *buf, std::size_t capacity, FreeFunction freeFn=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, bool freeOnError=true) | folly::IOBuf | inlinestatic |
takeOwnership(void *buf, std::size_t capacity, std::size_t length, FreeFunction freeFn=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, bool freeOnError=true) | folly::IOBuf | static |
takeOwnership(UniquePtr &&buf, size_t count=1) | folly::IOBuf | static |
takeOwnershipIov(const iovec *vec, size_t count, FreeFunction freeFn=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, bool freeOnError=true) | folly::IOBuf | static |
TakeOwnershipOp enum name | folly::IOBuf | |
trimEnd(std::size_t amount) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
trimStart(std::size_t amount) | folly::IOBuf | inline |
unlink() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
unshare() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
unshareChained() | folly::IOBuf | private |
unshareOne() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
unshareOneSlow() | folly::IOBuf | private |
value_type typedef | folly::IOBuf | |
WRAP_BUFFER enum value | folly::IOBuf | |
wrapBuffer(const void *buf, std::size_t capacity) | folly::IOBuf | static |
wrapBuffer(ByteRange br) | folly::IOBuf | inlinestatic |
wrapBufferAsValue(const void *buf, std::size_t capacity) noexcept | folly::IOBuf | static |
wrapBufferAsValue(ByteRange br) noexcept | folly::IOBuf | inlinestatic |
WrapBufferOp enum name | folly::IOBuf | |
wrapIov(const iovec *vec, size_t count) | folly::IOBuf | static |
writableBuffer() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
writableData() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
writableTail() | folly::IOBuf | inline |
~IOBuf() | folly::IOBuf |