folly::Range< Iter > Member List

This is the complete list of members for folly::Range< Iter >, including all inherited members.

advance(size_type n)folly::Range< Iter >inline
assign(Iter start, Iter end)folly::Range< Iter >inline
at(size_t i)folly::Range< Iter >inline
at(size_t i) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
b_folly::Range< Iter >private
back()folly::Range< Iter >inline
back() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
begin() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
castToConst() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
cbegin() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
cend() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
clear()folly::Range< Iter >inline
compare(const const_range_type &o) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
const_iterator typedeffolly::Range< Iter >
const_range_type typedeffolly::Range< Iter >
contains(const const_range_type &other) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
contains(const value_type &other) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
data() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
difference_type typedeffolly::Range< Iter >
e_folly::Range< Iter >private
empty() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
end() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
endsWith(const const_range_type &other) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
endsWith(value_type c) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
endsWith(const const_range_type &other, Comp &&eq) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
equals(const const_range_type &other, Comp &&eq) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
erase(Iter b, Iter e)folly::Range< Iter >inline
find(const_range_type str) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find(const_range_type str, size_t pos) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find(Iter s, size_t pos, size_t n) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find(const Iter s) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find(const Iter s, size_t pos) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find(value_type c) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find(value_type c, size_t pos) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find_first_of(const_range_type needles) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find_first_of(const_range_type needles, size_t pos) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find_first_of(Iter needles) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find_first_of(Iter needles, size_t pos) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find_first_of(Iter needles, size_t pos, size_t n) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find_first_of(value_type c) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
find_first_of(value_type c, size_t pos) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
front()folly::Range< Iter >inline
front() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
hash() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
IsConstructibleViaStringView typedeffolly::Range< Iter >private
iterator typedeffolly::Range< Iter >
nposfolly::Range< Iter >static
operator Tgt() const noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< Tgt, Iter const &, size_type >::value)folly::Range< Iter >inlineexplicit
operator Tgt() const noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< Tgt, Iter const &, Iter const & >::value)folly::Range< Iter >inlineexplicit
operator=(const Range &rhs)&=defaultfolly::Range< Iter >
operator=(Range &&rhs)&=defaultfolly::Range< Iter >
operator=(std::string &&rhs)=deletefolly::Range< Iter >
operator[](size_t i)folly::Range< Iter >inline
operator[](size_t i) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
pop_back()folly::Range< Iter >inline
pop_front()folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range()folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const Range &)=defaultfolly::Range< Iter >
Range(Range &&)=defaultfolly::Range< Iter >
Range(Iter start, Iter end)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(Iter start, size_t size)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(std::nullptr_t)=deletefolly::Range< Iter >
Range(Iter str)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const std::string &str)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const std::string &str, std::string::size_type startFrom)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const std::string &str, std::string::size_type startFrom, std::string::size_type size)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const Range &other, size_type first, size_type length=npos)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(Container const &container)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(Container const &container, typename Container::size_type startFrom)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(Container const &container, typename Container::size_type startFrom, typename Container::size_type size)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const Range< OtherIter > &other)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const Range< OtherIter > &other)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const Range< OtherIter > &other)folly::Range< Iter >inlineexplicit
Range(const Range< OtherIter > &other)folly::Range< Iter >inlineexplicit
Range(const Range< OtherIter > &other)folly::Range< Iter >inline
Range(const Range< OtherIter > &other)folly::Range< Iter >inlineexplicit
Range(const std::array< T, N > &array)folly::Range< Iter >inlineexplicit
Range(std::array< T, N > &array)folly::Range< Iter >inlineexplicit
reference typedeffolly::Range< Iter >
removePrefix(const const_range_type &prefix)folly::Range< Iter >inline
removePrefix(value_type prefix)folly::Range< Iter >inline
removeSuffix(const const_range_type &suffix)folly::Range< Iter >inline
removeSuffix(value_type suffix)folly::Range< Iter >inline
replaceAll(const_range_type source, const_range_type dest)folly::Range< Iter >inline
replaceAt(size_t pos, const_range_type replacement)folly::Range< Iter >inline
reset(Iter start, size_type size)folly::Range< Iter >inline
reset(const std::string &str)folly::Range< Iter >inline
rfind(value_type c) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
size() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
size_type typedeffolly::Range< Iter >
split_step(value_type delimiter)folly::Range< Iter >inline
split_step(Range delimiter)folly::Range< Iter >inline
split_step(value_type delimiter, TProcess &&process, Args &&...args) -> decltype(process(std::declval< Range >(), std::forward< Args >(args)...))folly::Range< Iter >inline
split_step(Range delimiter, TProcess &&process, Args &&...args) -> decltype(process(std::declval< Range >(), std::forward< Args >(args)...))folly::Range< Iter >inline
start() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
startsWith(const const_range_type &other) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
startsWith(value_type c) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
startsWith(const const_range_type &other, Comp &&eq) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
str() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
subpiece(size_type first, size_type length=npos) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
subtract(size_type n)folly::Range< Iter >inline
swap(Range &rhs)folly::Range< Iter >inline
to(Args &&...args) const noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< Tgt, Iter const &, size_type, Args &&... >::value)folly::Range< Iter >inline
to(Args &&...args) const noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< Tgt, Iter const &, Iter const &, Args &&... >::value)folly::Range< Iter >inline
toString() const folly::Range< Iter >inline
traits_type typedeffolly::Range< Iter >
uncheckedAdvance(size_type n)folly::Range< Iter >inline
uncheckedSubpiece(size_type first, size_type length=npos) const folly::Range< Iter >inline
uncheckedSubtract(size_type n)folly::Range< Iter >inline
value_type typedeffolly::Range< Iter >
walk_size() const folly::Range< Iter >inline