folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C > Member List

This is the complete list of members for folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >, including all inherited members.

addValue(TimePoint now, const ValueType &value)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
addValue(TimePoint now, const ValueType &value, uint64_t times)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
addValue(Duration now, const ValueType &value)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
addValue(Duration now, const ValueType &value, uint64_t times)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
addValues(TimePoint now, const folly::Histogram< ValueType > &values)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
addValues(Duration now, const folly::Histogram< ValueType > &values)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
avg(size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
avg(TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
Bucket typedeffolly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
buckets_folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
clear()folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
Clock typedeffolly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
computeAvgData(ValueType *total, uint64_t *nsamples, size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
computeAvgData(ValueType *total, uint64_t *nsamples, TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
computeRateData(ValueType *total, Duration *elapsed, size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
computeRateData(ValueType *total, Duration *elapsed, TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
ContainerType typedeffolly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
count(size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
count(TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
Duration typedeffolly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
firstValue_folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
getBucket(size_t bucketIdx) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getBucketMin(size_t bucketIdx) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getBucketSize() const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getMax() const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getMin() const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getNumBuckets() const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getNumLevels() const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getPercentileBucketIdx(double pct, size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
getPercentileBucketIdx(double pct, TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
getPercentileBucketMin(double pct, size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getPercentileBucketMin(double pct, TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
getPercentileEstimate(double pct, size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
getPercentileEstimate(double pct, TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
getString(size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
getString(TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
haveNotSeenValue_folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
maybeHandleSingleUniqueValue(const ValueType &value)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
rate(size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
rate(TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
singleUniqueValue_folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >private
sum(size_t level) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
sum(TimePoint start, TimePoint end) const folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
TimePoint typedeffolly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
TimeseriesHistogram(ValueType bucketSize, ValueType min, ValueType max, const ContainerType &defaultContainer)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
update(TimePoint now)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >
update(Duration now)folly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >inline
ValueType typedeffolly::TimeseriesHistogram< T, CT, C >