
Logging messages with the folly logging library is done with one of a handful of log macros. Macros are used to allow lazily evaluating the log arguments: if the log message is disabled the log message expression will not be executed.

Logging Macros


In most cases, if you want to log a message you will use the XLOG() macro:

1 XLOG(INFO) << "hello world!";

This macro is defined in folly/logging/xlog.h


The XLOG() macro automatically chooses the log category based on the current file name. However, if you want to log to an explicit log category, you can use FB_LOG(). It behaves like XLOG(), except that it requires a folly::Logger as is first argument to specify the log category:

1 folly::Logger eventLogger("");
3 FB_LOG(eventLogger, INFO) << "something happened";

FB_LOG() is defined in folly/logging/Logger.h

Macro Arguments

The XLOG() macro takes a log level as its first argument. See the Log Levels document for a list of available log levels.

If you supply additional arguments they will be converted to strings using folly::to<std::string>() and concatenated together as part of the log message. For example:

1 XLOG(INFO, "the number is ", 2 + 2);

will result in the message "the number is 4".

If desired, you can specify both function argument style and ostream style streaming log arguments together:

1 XLOG(INFO, "the number is ") << 2 + 2);

The FB_LOG() macro accepts requires a Logger object as its first argument, and all subsequent arguments behave the same as the arguments to XLOG().

Python-style string formatting

The XLOGF() and FB_LOGF() macros allow log messages to be formatted using format strings similar to python's str.format() mechanism.

1 XLOGF(DBG1, "cannot engage {} thruster: {}",, err.what());

This uses "`folly::format()`" to perform the formatting internally.

printf-style string formatting

To help existing projects convert from older logging APIs, XLOGC() and FB_LOGC() macros exist to support C-style printf() format strings. You must include folly/logging/printf.h to access these macros.

1 XLOGC(DBG1, "failed to engage thruster %d: %s", thruster.number(), err.what());

Log Category Selection

The XLOG() macro automatically selects a log category to log to based on the current source file name. Directory separators in the path are replaced with . characters to compute the log category name.

For instance, in a source file named src/tiefighter/thruster.cpp the default XLOG() category will be src.tiefighter.thruster.cpp

Inside .cpp files the default XLOG() category name can be overridden using the XLOG_SET_CATEGORY_NAME() macro. XLOG_SET_CATEGORY_NAME() can be specified at top-level scope in the .cpp file to specify an alternate category name for all XLOG() statements in this file. XLOG_SET_CATEGORY_NAME() should not be used in header files, since it would end up affecting all .cpp files that include that header.


The logging library provides several APIs for configuring log categories and handlers. While you can programmatically configure LogCategory and LogHandler objects via their public APIs, there are also APIs to configure the logging library via configuration strings.

folly::parseLogConfig() can parse a configuration string in to a LogConfig object. The configuration string syntax is documented in

You can then apply a LogConfig object to the main LoggerDB singleton by using LoggerDB::get()->updateConfig() to incrementally update the current configuration, or by using LoggerDB::get()->resetConfig() to replace all existing settings with the new configuration.

The folly::initLogging() function provides a convenient API for initially configuring the logging library from a configuration string that was obtained from a command line flag or configuration file.