@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sdo: . @prefix iisgv: . @prefix rico: . @prefix dcm: . iisgv:nativeViewer a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "nativeViewer"@en ; rdfs:comment "URL of the page with the item/record details in the native website"@en ; sdo:domainIncludes dcm:PhysicalObject, sdo:Article, sdo:AudioObject, sdo:CreativeWorkSeries, sdo:Book, sdo:DataCatalog, sdo:Dataset, sdo:ImageObject, sdo:MusicRecording, sdo:VideoObject, sdo:WebPage, rico:RecordSet; sdo:rangeIncludes sdo:URL . iisgv:dateOfPublication a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "dateOfPublication"@en ; rdfs:comment "Used for dates (as strings) to indicate the publication date of an item or object"@en ; sdo:domainIncludes dcm:PhysicalObject, sdo:Article, sdo:AudioObject, sdo:CreativeWorkSeries, sdo:Book, sdo:ImageObject, sdo:MusicRecording, sdo:VideoObject, sdo:WebPage; sdo:rangeIncludes sdo:Text . iisgv:dateOfManufacture a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "dateOfManufacture"@en ; rdfs:comment "Used for dates (as strings) to indicate the creation date of an item or object"@en ; sdo:domainIncludes sdo:Article, sdo:AudioObject, sdo:Book, sdo:ImageObject, sdo:MusicRecording, sdo:VideoObject; sdo:rangeIncludes sdo:Text .