# A template to use Docker instead of containerd & nerdctl # $ limactl start ./docker.yaml # $ limactl shell docker docker run -it -v $HOME:$HOME --rm alpine # To run `docker` on the host (assumes docker-cli is installed): # $ export DOCKER_HOST=$(limactl list docker --format 'unix://{{.Dir}}/sock/docker.sock') # $ docker ... # This template requires Lima v0.8.0 or later images: # Try to use release-yyyyMMdd image if available. Note that release-yyyyMMdd will be removed after several months. - location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/24.04/release-20240821/ubuntu-24.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" arch: "x86_64" digest: "sha256:0e25ca6ee9f08ec5d4f9910054b66ae7163c6152e81a3e67689d89bd6e4dfa69" - location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/24.04/release-20240821/ubuntu-24.04-server-cloudimg-arm64.img" arch: "aarch64" digest: "sha256:5ecac6447be66a164626744a87a27fd4e6c6606dc683e0a233870af63df4276a" # Fallback to the latest release image. # Hint: run `limactl prune` to invalidate the cache - location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/24.04/release/ubuntu-24.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" arch: "x86_64" - location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/24.04/release/ubuntu-24.04-server-cloudimg-arm64.img" arch: "aarch64" mounts: - location: "~" - location: "/tmp/lima" writable: true # containerd is managed by Docker, not by Lima, so the values are set to false here. containerd: system: false user: false provision: - mode: system # This script defines the host.docker.internal hostname when hostResolver is disabled. # It is also needed for lima 0.8.2 and earlier, which does not support hostResolver.hosts. # Names defined in /etc/hosts inside the VM are not resolved inside containers when # using the hostResolver; use hostResolver.hosts instead (requires lima 0.8.3 or later). script: | #!/bin/sh sed -i 's/host.lima.internal.*/host.lima.internal host.docker.internal/' /etc/hosts - mode: system script: | #!/bin/bash set -eux -o pipefail command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 0 export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh # NOTE: you may remove the lines below, if you prefer to use rootful docker, not rootless systemctl disable --now docker apt-get install -y uidmap dbus-user-session - mode: user script: | #!/bin/bash set -eux -o pipefail systemctl --user start dbus dockerd-rootless-setuptool.sh install docker context use rootless probes: - script: | #!/bin/bash set -eux -o pipefail if ! timeout 30s bash -c "until command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 3; done"; then echo >&2 "docker is not installed yet" exit 1 fi if ! timeout 30s bash -c "until pgrep rootlesskit; do sleep 3; done"; then echo >&2 "rootlesskit (used by rootless docker) is not running" exit 1 fi hint: See "/var/log/cloud-init-output.log" in the guest hostResolver: # hostResolver.hosts requires lima 0.8.3 or later. Names defined here will also # resolve inside containers, and not just inside the VM itself. hosts: host.docker.internal: host.lima.internal portForwards: - guestSocket: "/run/user/{{.UID}}/docker.sock" hostSocket: "{{.Dir}}/sock/docker.sock" message: | To run `docker` on the host (assumes docker-cli is installed), run the following commands: ------ docker context create lima-{{.Name}} --docker "host=unix://{{.Dir}}/sock/docker.sock" docker context use lima-{{.Name}} docker run hello-world ------