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# ApkToolPlus
ApkToolPlus is a visual cross-platform apk analysis tool.
## Features
### 1. ApkTool
Apk decompile, compile, and sign.

### 2. Apk protection
Dex encryption, anti-reverse, prevent secondary packaging.

> Note: Protected apk will do when the signature verification, if the original signature does not match and will fail to start.
### 3. ApkInfoPrinter
Apk common information viewing tools, such as: AndroidManifest.xml, apk signature, version number and so on. Support drag directly to view apk information.

### 4. Apk source view tool
Apk source view tool, support multi-dex.

### 5.Format conversion tool
In the setup interface, you can associate [Sublime](http://www.sublimetext.com/2), and the files that are converted by tools after the association are automatically displayed in Sublime.

### 6. Angle generation tool
Icon angle generation tool

### 7. Other
- JD (Java decompiler)
- JAD (Java decompiler)
- JBE (Java bytecode editing tool)
- Proguard (Java code obfuscation tool)
## Project structure
- app:main module.
- app.Builder:build module。
- lib.ApkParser:[apk-parser](https://github.com/clearthesky/apk-parser)。
- lib.AXMLPrinter: [AXMLPrinter2](https://code.google.com/archive/p/android4me/downloads),Binary xml file parsing library。
- lib.Jad: [Jad](https://varaneckas.com/jad/) ,Java decompiler。
- lib.JBE: [JBE](http://cs.ioc.ee/~ando/jbe/) ,Java bytecode editing tool。
- lib.JiaGu:apk protection module。
- lib.Proguard: [Proguard](https://sourceforge.net/projects/proguard/files/) ,Java code obfuscation tool, [Usage](https://www.guardsquare.com/en/proguard/manual/usage) 。
- lib.Res:resource module。
- lib.Utils:utils module。
> ApkToolPlus.jks
> - alias: ApkToolPlus
> - password: linchaolong
> - keystore password: linchaolong
## Build
> This is a IntelliJ IDEA project。
> Build the project dependent ant, [click here to download ant](https://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi),Configure the bin directory to the environment Path variable,Execute the `ant -version` command to check if the configuration is complete.
### 1. Run
Run `app` module's `com.linchaolong.apktoolplus.Main`。
### 2. Update apk protection module
`lib.JiaGu` is apk protection module,if have updated,run `com.linchaolong.apktoolplus.builder.UpdateJiaGu` in the `app.Builder` module, update apk protection library to app module。
### 3. Pack ApkToolPlus
`Build -> Artifacts... -> ApkToolPlus -> Build`,ApkToolPlus.jar will be generated in the `out\artifacts\ApkToolPlus` directory, if you have installed jdk can click the jar directly to run.
## Download
> Github:https://github.com/linchaolong/ApkToolPlus
Click [here](release) to download release version of ApkToolPlus。
## Related Links
[dexknife-wj](https://github.com/godlikewangjun/dexknife-wj):apk protect plugin, supports signature verification and dex encryption.
## Contact
- Email:linchaolong.dev@gmail.com
- Blog:http://www.jianshu.com/u/149dc6683cc7