/* * Copyright (c) 2015 LingoChamp Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.liulishuo.filedownloader; import android.app.Application; import android.app.Notification; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.os.IBinder; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.download.CustomComponentHolder; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.event.DownloadServiceConnectChangedEvent; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.model.FileDownloadStatus; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.model.FileDownloadTaskAtom; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.services.DownloadMgrInitialParams; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.util.FileDownloadHelper; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.util.FileDownloadLog; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.util.FileDownloadProperties; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.util.FileDownloadUtils; import java.io.File; import java.util.List; /** * The basic entrance for FileDownloader. * * @see com.liulishuo.filedownloader.services.FileDownloadService The service for FileDownloader. * @see FileDownloadProperties */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public class FileDownloader { /** * You can invoke this method anytime before you using the FileDownloader. *

* If you want to register your own customize components please using * {@link #setupOnApplicationOnCreate(Application)} on the {@link Application#onCreate()} * instead. * * @param context the context of Application or Activity etc.. */ public static void setup(Context context) { FileDownloadHelper.holdContext(context.getApplicationContext()); } /** * Using this method to setup the FileDownloader only you want to register your own customize * components for Filedownloader, otherwise just using {@link #setup(Context)} instead. *

* Please invoke this method on the {@link Application#onCreate()} because of the customize * components must be assigned before FileDownloader is running. *

* Such as: *

* class MyApplication extends Application { * ... * public void onCreate() { * ... * FileDownloader.setupOnApplicationOnCreate(this) * .idGenerator(new MyIdGenerator()) * .database(new MyDatabase()) * ... * .commit(); * ... * } * ... * } * @param application the application. * @return the customize components maker. */ public static DownloadMgrInitialParams.InitCustomMaker setupOnApplicationOnCreate( Application application) { final Context context = application.getApplicationContext(); FileDownloadHelper.holdContext(context); DownloadMgrInitialParams.InitCustomMaker customMaker = new DownloadMgrInitialParams.InitCustomMaker(); CustomComponentHolder.getImpl().setInitCustomMaker(customMaker); return customMaker; } /** * @deprecated please use {@link #setup(Context)} instead. */ public static void init(final Context context) { if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the provided context must not be null!"); } setup(context); } /** * @deprecated please using {@link #setupOnApplicationOnCreate(Application)} instead. */ public static void init(final Context context, final DownloadMgrInitialParams.InitCustomMaker maker) { if (FileDownloadLog.NEED_LOG) { FileDownloadLog.d(FileDownloader.class, "init Downloader with params: %s %s", context, maker); } if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the provided context must not be null!"); } FileDownloadHelper.holdContext(context.getApplicationContext()); CustomComponentHolder.getImpl().setInitCustomMaker(maker); } private static final class HolderClass { private static final FileDownloader INSTANCE = new FileDownloader(); } public static FileDownloader getImpl() { return HolderClass.INSTANCE; } /** * For avoiding missing screen frames. *

* This mechanism is used for avoid methods in {@link FileDownloadListener} is invoked too * frequent in result the system missing screen frames in the main thread. *

* We wrap the message package which size is {@link FileDownloadMessageStation#SUB_PACKAGE_SIZE} * and post the package to the main thread with the interval: * {@link FileDownloadMessageStation#INTERVAL} milliseconds. *

* The default interval is 10ms, if {@code intervalMillisecond} equal to or less than 0, each * callback in {@link FileDownloadListener} will be posted to the main thread immediately. * * @param intervalMillisecond The time interval between posting two message packages. * @see #enableAvoidDropFrame() * @see #disableAvoidDropFrame() * @see #setGlobalHandleSubPackageSize(int) */ public static void setGlobalPost2UIInterval(final int intervalMillisecond) { FileDownloadMessageStation.INTERVAL = intervalMillisecond; } /** * For avoiding missing screen frames. *

* This mechanism is used for avoid methods in {@link FileDownloadListener} is invoked too * frequent in result the system missing screen frames in the main thread. *

* We wrap the message package which size is {@link FileDownloadMessageStation#SUB_PACKAGE_SIZE} * and post the package to the main thread with the interval: * {@link FileDownloadMessageStation#INTERVAL} milliseconds. *

* The default count of message for a message package is 5. * * @param packageSize The count of message for a message package. * @see #setGlobalPost2UIInterval(int) */ public static void setGlobalHandleSubPackageSize(final int packageSize) { if (packageSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sub package size must more than 0"); } FileDownloadMessageStation.SUB_PACKAGE_SIZE = packageSize; } /** * Avoid missing screen frames, this leads to all callbacks in {@link FileDownloadListener} do * not be invoked at once when it has already achieved to ensure callbacks don't be too frequent * * @see #isEnabledAvoidDropFrame() * @see #setGlobalPost2UIInterval(int) */ public static void enableAvoidDropFrame() { setGlobalPost2UIInterval(FileDownloadMessageStation.DEFAULT_INTERVAL); } /** * Disable avoiding missing screen frames, let all callbacks in {@link FileDownloadListener} * can be invoked at once when it achieve. * * @see #isEnabledAvoidDropFrame() * @see #setGlobalPost2UIInterval(int) */ public static void disableAvoidDropFrame() { setGlobalPost2UIInterval(-1); } /** * @return {@code true} if enabled the function of avoiding missing screen frames. * @see #enableAvoidDropFrame() * @see #disableAvoidDropFrame() * @see #setGlobalPost2UIInterval(int) */ public static boolean isEnabledAvoidDropFrame() { return FileDownloadMessageStation.isIntervalValid(); } /** * Create a download task. */ public BaseDownloadTask create(final String url) { return new DownloadTask(url); } /** * Start the download queue by the same listener. * * @param listener Used to assemble tasks which is bound by the same {@code listener} * @param isSerial Whether start tasks one by one rather than parallel. * @return {@code true} if start tasks successfully. */ public boolean start(final FileDownloadListener listener, final boolean isSerial) { if (listener == null) { FileDownloadLog.w(this, "Tasks with the listener can't start, because the listener " + "provided is null: [null, %B]", isSerial); return false; } return isSerial ? getQueuesHandler().startQueueSerial(listener) : getQueuesHandler().startQueueParallel(listener); } /** * Pause the download queue by the same {@code listener}. * * @param listener the listener. * @see #pause(int) */ public void pause(final FileDownloadListener listener) { FileDownloadTaskLauncher.getImpl().expire(listener); final List taskList = FileDownloadList.getImpl().copy(listener); for (BaseDownloadTask.IRunningTask task : taskList) { task.getOrigin().pause(); } } /** * Pause all tasks running in FileDownloader. */ public void pauseAll() { FileDownloadTaskLauncher.getImpl().expireAll(); final BaseDownloadTask.IRunningTask[] downloadList = FileDownloadList.getImpl().copy(); for (BaseDownloadTask.IRunningTask task : downloadList) { task.getOrigin().pause(); } // double check, for case: File Download progress alive but ui progress has died and relived // so FileDownloadList not always contain all running task exactly. if (FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().isConnected()) { FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().pauseAllTasks(); } else { PauseAllMarker.createMarker(); } } /** * Pause downloading tasks with the {@code id}. * * @param id the {@code id} . * @return The size of tasks has been paused. * @see #pause(FileDownloadListener) */ public int pause(final int id) { List taskList = FileDownloadList.getImpl() .getDownloadingList(id); if (null == taskList || taskList.isEmpty()) { FileDownloadLog.w(this, "request pause but not exist %d", id); return 0; } for (BaseDownloadTask.IRunningTask task : taskList) { task.getOrigin().pause(); } return taskList.size(); } /** * Clear the data with the provided {@code id}. * Normally used to deleting the data in filedownloader database, when it is paused or in * downloading status. If you want to re-download it clearly. *

* Note: YOU NO NEED to clear the data when it is already completed downloading * because the data would be deleted when it completed downloading automatically by * FileDownloader. *

* If there are tasks with the {@code id} in downloading, will be paused first; * If delete the data with the {@code id} in the filedownloader database successfully, will try * to delete its intermediate downloading file and downloaded file. * * @param id the download {@code id}. * @param targetFilePath the target path. * @return {@code true} if the data with the {@code id} in filedownloader database was deleted, * and tasks with the {@code id} was paused; {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean clear(final int id, final String targetFilePath) { pause(id); if (FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().clearTaskData(id)) { // delete the task data in the filedownloader database successfully or no data with the // id in filedownloader database. final File intermediateFile = new File(FileDownloadUtils.getTempPath(targetFilePath)); if (intermediateFile.exists()) { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored intermediateFile.delete(); } final File targetFile = new File(targetFilePath); if (targetFile.exists()) { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored targetFile.delete(); } return true; } return false; } /** * Clear all data in the filedownloader database. *

* Note: Normally, YOU NO NEED to clearAllTaskData manually, because the * FileDownloader will maintain those data to ensure only if the data available for resuming * can be kept automatically. * * @see #clear(int, String) */ public void clearAllTaskData() { pauseAll(); FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().clearAllTaskData(); } /** * Get downloaded bytes so far by the downloadId. */ public long getSoFar(final int downloadId) { BaseDownloadTask.IRunningTask task = FileDownloadList.getImpl().get(downloadId); if (task == null) { return FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().getSofar(downloadId); } return task.getOrigin().getLargeFileSoFarBytes(); } /** * Get the total bytes of the target file for the task with the {code id}. */ public long getTotal(final int id) { BaseDownloadTask.IRunningTask task = FileDownloadList.getImpl().get(id); if (task == null) { return FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().getTotal(id); } return task.getOrigin().getLargeFileTotalBytes(); } /** * @param id The downloadId. * @return The downloading status without cover the completed status (if completed you will * receive * {@link FileDownloadStatus#INVALID_STATUS} ). * @see #getStatus(String, String) * @see #getStatus(int, String) */ public byte getStatusIgnoreCompleted(final int id) { return getStatus(id, null); } /** * @param url The downloading URL. * @param path The downloading file's path. * @return The downloading status. * @see #getStatus(int, String) * @see #getStatusIgnoreCompleted(int) */ public byte getStatus(final String url, final String path) { return getStatus(FileDownloadUtils.generateId(url, path), path); } /** * @param id The downloadId. * @param path The target file path. * @return the downloading status. * @see FileDownloadStatus * @see #getStatus(String, String) * @see #getStatusIgnoreCompleted(int) */ public byte getStatus(final int id, final String path) { byte status; BaseDownloadTask.IRunningTask task = FileDownloadList.getImpl().get(id); if (task == null) { status = FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().getStatus(id); } else { status = task.getOrigin().getStatus(); } if (path != null && status == FileDownloadStatus.INVALID_STATUS) { if (FileDownloadUtils.isFilenameConverted(FileDownloadHelper.getAppContext()) && new File(path).exists()) { status = FileDownloadStatus.completed; } } return status; } /** * Find the running task by {@code url} and default path, and replace its listener with * the new one {@code listener}. * * @return The target task's DownloadId, if not exist target task, and replace failed, will be 0 * @see #replaceListener(int, FileDownloadListener) * @see #replaceListener(String, String, FileDownloadListener) */ public int replaceListener(String url, FileDownloadListener listener) { return replaceListener(url, FileDownloadUtils.getDefaultSaveFilePath(url), listener); } /** * Find the running task by {@code url} and {@code path}, and replace its listener with * the new one {@code listener}. * * @return The target task's DownloadId, if not exist target task, and replace failed, will be 0 * @see #replaceListener(String, FileDownloadListener) * @see #replaceListener(int, FileDownloadListener) */ public int replaceListener(String url, String path, FileDownloadListener listener) { return replaceListener(FileDownloadUtils.generateId(url, path), listener); } /** * Find the running task by {@code id}, and replace its listener width the new one * {@code listener}. * * @return The target task's DownloadId, if not exist target task, and replace failed, will be 0 * @see #replaceListener(String, FileDownloadListener) * @see #replaceListener(String, String, FileDownloadListener) */ public int replaceListener(int id, FileDownloadListener listener) { final BaseDownloadTask.IRunningTask task = FileDownloadList.getImpl().get(id); if (task == null) { return 0; } task.getOrigin().setListener(listener); return task.getOrigin().getId(); } /** * Start and bind the FileDownloader service. *

* Tips: The FileDownloader service will start and bind automatically when any * task is request to start. * * @see #bindService(Runnable) * @see #isServiceConnected() * @see #addServiceConnectListener(FileDownloadConnectListener) */ public void bindService() { if (!isServiceConnected()) { FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl() .bindStartByContext(FileDownloadHelper.getAppContext()); } } /** * Start and bind the FileDownloader service and run {@code runnable} as soon as the binding is * successful. *

* Tips: The FileDownloader service will start and bind automatically when any * task is request to start. * * @param runnable the command will be executed as soon as the FileDownloader Service is * successfully bound. * @see #isServiceConnected() * @see #bindService() * @see #addServiceConnectListener(FileDownloadConnectListener) */ public void bindService(final Runnable runnable) { if (isServiceConnected()) { runnable.run(); } else { FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl(). bindStartByContext(FileDownloadHelper.getAppContext(), runnable); } } /** * Unbind and stop the downloader service. */ public void unBindService() { if (isServiceConnected()) { FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().unbindByContext(FileDownloadHelper.getAppContext()); } } /** * Unbind and stop the downloader service when there is no task running in the FileDownloader. * * @return {@code true} if unbind and stop the downloader service successfully, {@code false} * there are some tasks running in the FileDownloader. */ public boolean unBindServiceIfIdle() { // check idle if (!isServiceConnected()) { return false; } if (FileDownloadList.getImpl().isEmpty() && FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().isIdle()) { unBindService(); return true; } return false; } /** * @return {@code true} if the downloader service has been started and connected. */ public boolean isServiceConnected() { return FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().isConnected(); } /** * Add the listener for listening when the status of connection with the downloader service is * changed. * * @param listener The downloader service connection listener. * @see #removeServiceConnectListener(FileDownloadConnectListener) */ public void addServiceConnectListener(final FileDownloadConnectListener listener) { FileDownloadEventPool.getImpl().addListener(DownloadServiceConnectChangedEvent.ID, listener); } /** * Remove the listener for listening when the status of connection with the downloader service * is changed. * * @param listener The downloader service connection listener. * @see #addServiceConnectListener(FileDownloadConnectListener) */ public void removeServiceConnectListener(final FileDownloadConnectListener listener) { FileDownloadEventPool.getImpl().removeListener(DownloadServiceConnectChangedEvent.ID, listener); } /** * Start the {@code notification} with the {@code id}. This will let the downloader service * change to a foreground service. *

* In foreground status, will save the FileDownloader alive, even user kill the application * from recent apps. *

* Make FileDownloader service run in the foreground, supplying the ongoing * notification to be shown to the user while in this state. * By default FileDownloader services are background, meaning that if the system needs to * kill them to reclaim more memory (such as to display a large page in a * web browser), they can be killed without too much harm. You can set this * flag if killing your service would be disruptive to the user, such as * if your service is performing background downloading, so the user * would notice if their app stopped downloading. * * @param id The identifier for this notification as per * {@link android.app.NotificationManager#notify(int, Notification) * NotificationManager.notify(int, Notification)}; must not be 0. * @param notification The notification to be displayed. * @see #stopForeground(boolean) */ public void startForeground(int id, Notification notification) { FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().startForeground(id, notification); } /** * Remove the downloader service from the foreground state, allowing it to be killed if * more memory is needed. * * @param removeNotification {@code true} if the notification previously provided * to {@link #startForeground} will be removed. {@code false} it will * be remained until a later call removes it (or the service is * destroyed). * @see #startForeground(int, Notification) */ public void stopForeground(boolean removeNotification) { FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().stopForeground(removeNotification); } /** * @param url The url of the completed task. * @param path The absolute path of the completed task's save file. * @param totalBytes The content-length of the completed task, the length of the file in the * {@code path} must be equal to this value. * @return Whether is successful to set the task completed. If the {@code path} not exist will * be false; If the length of the file in {@code path} is not equal to {@code totalBytes} will * be false; If the task with {@code url} and {@code path} is downloading will be false. * Otherwise will be true. * @see FileDownloadUtils#isFilenameConverted(Context) *


* Recommend used to telling the FileDownloader Engine that the task with the {@code url} and * the {@code path} has already completed downloading, in case of your task has already * downloaded by other ways(not by FileDownloader Engine), and after success to set the task * completed, FileDownloader will check the task with {@code url} and the {@code path} whether * completed by {@code totalBytes}. *

* Otherwise, If FileDownloader Engine isn't know your task's status, whatever your task with * the {@code url} and the {@code path} has already downloaded in other way, FileDownloader * Engine will ignore the exist file and redownload it, because FileDownloader Engine don't know * the exist file whether it is valid. * @see #setTaskCompleted(List) * @deprecated If you invoked this method, please remove the code directly feel free, it doesn't * need any longer. In new mechanism(filedownloader 0.3.3 or higher), FileDownloader doesn't * store completed tasks in Database anymore, because all downloading files have temp a file * name. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") public boolean setTaskCompleted(String url, String path, long totalBytes) { FileDownloadLog.w(this, "If you invoked this method, please remove it directly feel free, " + "it doesn't need any longer"); return true; } /** * Recommend used to telling the FileDownloader Engine that a bulk of tasks have already * downloaded by other ways(not by the FileDownloader Engine). *

* The FileDownloader Engine need to know the status of completed, because if you want to * download any tasks, FileDownloader Engine judges whether the task need downloads or not * according its status which existed in DB. * * @param taskAtomList The bulk of tasks. * @return Whether is successful to update all tasks' status to the Filedownloader Engine. If * one task atom among them is not match the Rules in * FileDownloadMgr#obtainCompletedTaskShelfModel(String, String, long) * will receive false, and non of them would be updated to DB. * @see #setTaskCompleted(String, String, long) * @deprecated If you invoked this method, please remove the code directly feel free, it doesn't * need any longer. In new mechanism(filedownloader 0.3.3 or higher), FileDownloader doesn't * store completed tasks in Database anymore, because all downloading files have temp a file * name. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") public boolean setTaskCompleted( @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") List taskAtomList) { FileDownloadLog.w(this, "If you invoked this method, please remove it directly feel free, " + "it doesn't need any longer"); return true; } /** * Set the maximum count of the network thread, what is the number of simultaneous downloads in * FileDownloader. * * @param count the number of simultaneous downloads, scope: [1, 12]. * @return whether is successful to set the max network thread count. * If there are any actively executing tasks in FileDownloader, you will receive a warn * priority log int the logcat and this operation would be failed. */ public boolean setMaxNetworkThreadCount(final int count) { if (!FileDownloadList.getImpl().isEmpty()) { FileDownloadLog.w(this, "Can't change the max network thread count, because there " + "are actively executing tasks in FileDownloader, please try again after all" + " actively executing tasks are completed or invoking FileDownloader#pauseAll" + " directly."); return false; } return FileDownloadServiceProxy.getImpl().setMaxNetworkThreadCount(count); } /** * If the FileDownloader service is not started and connected, FileDownloader will try to start * it and try to bind with it. The current thread will also be blocked until the FileDownloader * service is started and a connection is established, and then the request you * invoke in {@link FileDownloadLine} will be executed. *

* If the FileDownloader service has been started and connected, the request you invoke in * {@link FileDownloadLine} will be executed immediately. *

* Note: FileDownloader can not block the main thread, because the system is * also call-backs the {@link ServiceConnection#onServiceConnected(ComponentName, IBinder)} * method in the main thread. *

* Tips: The FileDownloader service will start and bind automatically when any * task is request to start. * * @see FileDownloadLine * @see #bindService(Runnable) */ public FileDownloadLine insureServiceBind() { return new FileDownloadLine(); } /** * If the FileDownloader service is not started and connected will return {@code false} * immediately, and meanwhile FileDownloader will try to start FileDownloader service and try to * bind with it, and after it is bound successfully the request you invoke in * {@link FileDownloadLineAsync} will be executed automatically. *

* If the FileDownloader service has been started and connected, the request you invoke in * {@link FileDownloadLineAsync} will be executed immediately. * * @see FileDownloadLineAsync * @see #bindService(Runnable) */ public FileDownloadLineAsync insureServiceBindAsync() { return new FileDownloadLineAsync(); } private static final Object INIT_QUEUES_HANDLER_LOCK = new Object(); private IQueuesHandler mQueuesHandler; IQueuesHandler getQueuesHandler() { if (mQueuesHandler == null) { synchronized (INIT_QUEUES_HANDLER_LOCK) { if (mQueuesHandler == null) { mQueuesHandler = new QueuesHandler(); } } } return mQueuesHandler; } private static final Object INIT_LOST_CONNECTED_HANDLER_LOCK = new Object(); private ILostServiceConnectedHandler mLostConnectedHandler; ILostServiceConnectedHandler getLostConnectedHandler() { if (mLostConnectedHandler == null) { synchronized (INIT_LOST_CONNECTED_HANDLER_LOCK) { if (mLostConnectedHandler == null) { mLostConnectedHandler = new LostServiceConnectedHandler(); addServiceConnectListener((FileDownloadConnectListener) mLostConnectedHandler); } } } return mLostConnectedHandler; } }