#!/bin/bash # Usage: # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linhua55/lkl_study/master/get-rinetd.sh | bash # export RINET_URL="https://github.com/linhua55/lkl_study/releases/download/v1.2/rinetd_bbr_powered" export RINET_URL="https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B0D0hDHteoksVzZ4MG5hRkhqYlk" if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: Please run as root" exit 1 fi for CMD in curl iptables grep cut xargs systemctl ip awk do if ! type -p ${CMD}; then echo -e "\e[1;31mtool ${CMD} is not installed, abort.\e[0m" exit 1 fi done echo -e "1. Clean up rinetd-bbr" systemctl disable rinetd-bbr.service killall -9 rinetd-bbr rm -rf /usr/bin/rinetd-bbr /etc/rinetd-bbr.conf /etc/systemd/system/rinetd-bbr.service echo "2. Download rinetd-bbr from $RINET_URL" curl -L "${RINET_URL}" >/usr/bin/rinetd-bbr chmod +x /usr/bin/rinetd-bbr echo "3. Generate /etc/rinetd-bbr.conf" read -p "Input ports you want to speed up: " PORTS > /etc/rinetd-bbr.conf $d $d EOF done IFACE=$(ip -4 addr | awk '{if ($1 ~ /inet/ && $NF ~ /^[ve]/) {a=$NF}} END{print a}') echo "4. Generate /etc/systemd/system/rinetd-bbr.service" cat < /etc/systemd/system/rinetd-bbr.service [Unit] Description=rinetd with bbr Documentation=https://github.com/linhua55/lkl_study [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/rinetd-bbr -f -c /etc/rinetd-bbr.conf raw ${IFACE} Restart=always User=root [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF echo "4. Enable rinetd-bbr Service" systemctl enable rinetd-bbr.service echo "5. Start rinetd-bbr Service" systemctl start rinetd-bbr.service if systemctl status rinetd-bbr >/dev/null; then echo "rinetd-bbr started." echo "$PORTS speed up completed." echo "vi /etc/rinetd-bbr.conf as needed." echo "killall -9 rinetd-bbr for restart." else echo "rinetd-bbr failed." fi