#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 """Python script to automate running commands on switches. Cisco Remote Automation via Secure Shell... or C.R.A.SSH for short! .. currentmodule:: crassh .. moduleauthor:: Nick Bettison - www.linickx.com """ # Import libs import getpass # Hide Password Entry import socket # TCP/Network/Socket import time # Time import datetime # Date import sys # import getopt # Command line options import os # import stat # File system import re # Regex import paramiko # SSH # I don't care about long line, deal with it ;) # pylint: disable=C0301 # Global variables crassh_version = "2.8" # Version Control in a Variable remote_conn = "" # Paramiko Remote Connection remote_conn_pre = "" # Paramiko Remote Connection Settings (pre-connect) # Python 2 & 3 input compatibility # pylint: disable=W0622 try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass """ Functions """ def send_command(command="show ver", hostname="Switch", bail_timeout=60): """Sending commands to a switch, router, device, whatever! Args: command (str): The Command you wish to run on the device. hostname (str): The hostname of the device (*expected in the* ``prompt``). bail_timeout (int): How long to wait for ``command`` to finish before giving up. Returns: str. A text blob from the device, including line breaks. REF: http://blog.timmattison.com/archives/2014/06/25/automating-cisco-switch-interactions/ """ global remote_conn, remote_conn_pre # Start with empty var & loop output = "" keeplooping = True # Regex for either config or enable regex = '^' + hostname[:20] + '(.*)(\ )?#' theprompt = re.compile(regex) # Time when the command started, prepare for timeout. now = int(time.time()) timeout = now + bail_timeout # Send the command remote_conn.send(command + "\n") # loop the output while keeplooping: # Setup bail timer now = int(time.time()) if now == timeout: print("\n Command %s took %s secs to run, bailing!" % (command, str(bail_timeout))) output += "crassh bailed on command: " + command keeplooping = False break # update receive buffer whilst waiting for the prompt to come back if remote_conn.recv_ready(): output += remote_conn.recv(2048).decode('utf-8') # Search the output for our prompt theoutput = output.splitlines() for lines in theoutput: myregmatch = theprompt.search(lines) if myregmatch: keeplooping = False return output def do_no_harm(command): """Check Commands for dangerous things Args: command (str): The Command you wish to run on the device. Returns: Nothing This function will ``sys.exit()`` if an *evil* command is found >>> crassh.do_no_harm("show ver") >>> So, good commands just pass through with no response... maybe I should oneday make it a True/False kind of thing. """ # Innocent until proven guilty harmful = False # Regex match each "command" if re.match("rel", command): harmful = True error = "reload" if re.match("wr(.*)\ e", command): harmful = True error = "write erase" if re.match("del", command): harmful = True error = "delete" if harmful: print("") print("Harmful Command found - Aborting!") print(" \"%s\" tripped the do no harm sensor => %s" % (command, error)) print("\n To force the use of dangerous things, use -X") print_help() # Simple help print and exit def print_help(exitcode=0): """Prints the Help for the CLI tool Args: exit (int): Exit Code Returns: None When called this function will ``sys.exit()`` """ global crassh_version print("\n Usage: %s -s switches.txt -c commands.txt -p -w -t 45 -e" % sys.argv[0]) print(" -s supply a text file of switch hostnames or IP addresses [optional]") print(" -c supply a text file of commands to run on switches [optional]") print(" -w write the output to a file [optional | Default: True]") print(" -p print the output to the screen [optional | Default: False]") print(" -pw is supported, print to both file & screen [optional]") print(" -t set a command timeout in seconds [optional | Default: 60]") print(" -T set a connection timeout in seconds [optional | Default: 10]") print(" -X disable \"do no harm\" [optional]") print(" -Q disable \"quit on failure\" [optional]") print(" -e set an enable password [optional]") print(" -d set a delay (in seconds) between commands [optional]") print(" -A set an Authentication file for SSH credentials [optional]") print(" -U set a Username for SSH Authentication [optional]") print(" -P set a Password for SSH Authentication [optional]") print(" -B set a BACKUP Username for SSH Authentication [optional]") print(" -b set a BACKUP Password for SSH Authentication [optional]") print(" -E set a BACKUP ENABLE Password [optional]") print(" ") print("Version: %s" % crassh_version) print(" ") sys.exit(exitcode) def isgroupreadable(filepath): """Checks if a file is *Group* readable Args: filepath (str): Full path to file Returns: bool. True/False Example: >>> print(str(isgroupreadable("file.txt"))) True REF: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1861836/checking-file-permissions-in-linux-with-python """ st = os.stat(filepath) return bool(st.st_mode & stat.S_IRGRP) def isotherreadable(filepath): """Checks if a file is *Other* readable Args: filepath (str): Full path to file Returns: bool. True/False Example: >>> print(str(isotherreadable("file.txt"))) True """ st = os.stat(filepath) return bool(st.st_mode & stat.S_IROTH) def readtxtfile(filepath): """Read lines of a text file into an array Each line is stripped of whitepace. Args: filepath (str): Full path to file Returns: array. Contents of file Example: >>> print(readtxtfile("./routers.txt")) """ # Check if file exists if os.path.isfile(filepath) is False: print("Cannot find %s" % filepath) sys.exit() # setup return array txtarray = [] # open our file f = open(filepath, 'r') # Loop thru the array for line in f: # Append each line to array txtarray.append(line.strip()) # Return results return txtarray # Read a Crassh Authentication File def readauthfile(filepath): """Read C.R.A.SSH Authentication File The file format is a simple, one entry per line, colon separated affair:: username: nick password: cisco Args: filepath (str): Full path to file Returns: tuple. ``username`` and ``password`` Example: >>> username, password = readauthfile("~/.crasshrc") >>> print(username) nick >>> print(password) cisco """ # Check if file exists if os.path.isfile(filepath) is False: print("Cannot find %s" % filepath) sys.exit() # Open file f = open(filepath, 'r') # Loop thru the array for fline in f: thisline = fline.strip().split(":") if thisline[0].strip() == "username": username = thisline[1].strip() if thisline[0].strip() == "password": if isgroupreadable(filepath): print("** Password not read from %s - file is GROUP readable ** " % filepath) else: if isotherreadable(filepath): print("** Password not read from %s - file is WORLD readable **"% filepath) else: password = thisline[1].strip() return username, password def connect(device="", username="cisco", password="cisco", enable=False, enable_password="cisco", sysexit=False, timeout=10): """Connect and get Hostname of Cisco Device This function wraps up ``paramiko`` and returns the hostname of the **Cisco** device. The function creates two global variables ``remote_conn_pre`` and ``remote_conn`` which are the paramiko objects for direct manipulation if necessary. Args: device (str): IP Address or Fully Qualifed Domain Name of Device username (str): Username for SSH Authentication password (str): Password for SSH Authentication enable (bool): Is enable going to be needed? enable_password (str): The enable password sysexit (bool): Should the connecton exit the script on failure? Returns: str. The hostname of the device Example: >>> hostname = connect("", "nick", "cisco") >>> print(hostname) r1 REF: * https://pynet.twb-tech.com/blog/python/paramiko-ssh-part1.html * http://yenonn.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/python-in-action-paramiko-handling-ssh.html """ # Global variables - Paramiko Stuff. global remote_conn_pre, remote_conn hostname = False """ """ # Create paramiko object remote_conn_pre = paramiko.SSHClient() # Change default paramiko object settings remote_conn_pre.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) print("Connecting to %s ... " % device) try: remote_conn_pre.connect( device, username=username, password=password, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False, timeout=timeout) except paramiko.AuthenticationException as e: print("Authentication Error: %s" % e) if sysexit: sys.exit() return False except paramiko.SSHException as e: print("SSH Error: %s" % e) if sysexit: sys.exit() return False except socket.error as e: print("Connection Failed: %s" % e) if sysexit: sys.exit() return False except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) if sysexit: sys.exit() return False # Connected! (invoke_shell) remote_conn = remote_conn_pre.invoke_shell() # Flush buffer. output = remote_conn.recv(1000).decode('utf-8') del output output = "" # If we have enable password, send it. if enable: remote_conn.send("enable\n") time.sleep(0.5) remote_conn.send(enable_password + "\n") # Disable <-- More --> on Output remote_conn.sendall("terminal length 0\n") time.sleep(0.5) while "#" not in output: # update receive buffer if remote_conn.recv_ready(): output += remote_conn.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') # Clear the Var. del output output = "" # Ok, let's find the device hostname remote_conn.sendall("show run | inc hostname \n") time.sleep(0.5) keeplooping = True while keeplooping: if remote_conn.recv_ready(): output += remote_conn.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') for subline in output.splitlines(): if re.match("^hostname", subline): #print("Match %s" % subline) thisrow = subline.split() try: gotdata = thisrow[1] if thisrow[0] == "hostname": hostname = thisrow[1] #prompt = hostname + "#" except IndexError: gotdata = 'null' keeplooping = False # Catch looping failures. if hostname is False: print("Hostname Lookup Failed: \n %s \n" % output) if sysexit: sys.exit() # Found it! Return it! return hostname def disconnect(): """Disconnect an SSH Session Crassh wrapper for paramiko disconnect No Argumanets, disconnects the current global variable ``remote_conn_pre`` """ global remote_conn_pre remote_conn_pre.close() def main(): """Main Code Block This is the main script that Network Administrators will run. No Argumanets. Input is used for missing CLI Switches. """ # import Global Vars global input # Main Vars (local scope) switches = [] # Switches, devices, routers, whatever! commands = [] filenames = [] sfile = '' # Switch File cfile = '' # Command File # Default variables (values) play_safe = True enable = False delay_command = False writeo = True printo = False bail_timeout = 60 connect_timeout = 10 sysexit = True backup_credz = False backup_enable = False # Default Authentication File Path crasshrc = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.crasshrc" # Get script options - http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/python-command-line-arguments-argv-example/ try: myopts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:s:t:T:d:A:U:P:B:b:E:hpwXeQ") except getopt.GetoptError as e: print("\n ERROR: %s" % str(e)) print_help(2) for o, a in myopts: if o == '-s': sfile = a switches = readtxtfile(sfile) if o == '-c': cfile = a commands = readtxtfile(cfile) if o == '-t': bail_timeout = int(a) if o == '-T': connect_timeout = int(a) if o == '-h': print("\n Nick\'s Cisco Remote Automation via Secure Shell- Script, or C.R.A.SSH for short!") print_help() if o == '-p': writeo = False printo = True if o == '-w': writeo = True if o == '-X': play_safe = False if o == '-Q': sysexit = False if o == '-e': enable = True if o == '-d': delay_command = True delay_command_time = int(a) if o == '-A': crasshrc = str(a) if o == '-U': username = str(a) if o == '-P': password = str(a) if o == '-B': backup_credz = True backup_username = str(a) if o == '-b': backup_credz = True backup_password = str(a) if o == '-E': backup_enable = True backup_enable_password = str(a) # See if we have an Authentication File if os.path.isfile(crasshrc) is True: try: username, password = readauthfile(crasshrc) except: pass # Do we have any switches? if sfile == "": try: iswitch = input("Enter the switch to connect to: ") switches.append(iswitch) except: sys.exit() # Do we have any commands? if cfile == "": try: icommand = input("The switch command you want to run: ") commands.append(icommand) except: sys.exit() """ Check the commands are safe """ if play_safe: for command in commands: do_no_harm(command) else: print("\n--\n Do no Harm checking DISABLED! \n--\n") """ Capture Switch log in credentials... """ try: username except: try: username = input("Enter your username: ") except: sys.exit() try: password except: try: password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password:") except: sys.exit() if enable: try: enable_password = getpass.getpass("Enable password:") except: sys.exit() if backup_credz: try: backup_password except: try: backup_password = getpass.getpass("Enter your backup SSH password:") except: sys.exit() """ Time estimations for those delaying commands """ if delay_command: time_estimate = datetime.timedelta(0, (len(commands) * (len(switches) * 2) * delay_command_time)) + datetime.datetime.now() print(" Start Time: %s" % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S (%y-%m-%d)")) print(" Estimatated Completion Time: %s" % time_estimate.strftime("%H:%M:%S (%y-%m-%d)")) """ Progress calculations - for big jobs only """ if (len(commands) * len(switches)) > 100: counter = 0 """ Ready to loop thru switches """ for switch in switches: if backup_credz: tmp_sysexit = sysexit # re-assign so, don't bail on authentication failure sysexit = False if enable: hostname = connect(switch, username, password, enable, enable_password, sysexit, connect_timeout) else: hostname = connect(switch, username, password, False, "", sysexit, connect_timeout) if isinstance(hostname, bool): # Connection failed, function returned False if backup_credz: sysexit = tmp_sysexit # put it back, so fail or not (-Q) works as expected on backup credz print("Trying backup credentials") if backup_enable: hostname = connect(switch, backup_username, backup_password, enable, backup_enable_password, sysexit, connect_timeout) else: hostname = connect(switch, backup_username, backup_password, False, "", sysexit, connect_timeout) if isinstance(hostname, bool): # Connection failed, function returned False continue else: continue # Write the output to a file (optional) - prepare file + filename before CMD loop if writeo: filetime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S") filename = hostname + "-" + filetime + ".txt" filenames.append(filename) f = open(filename, 'a') # Command Loop for cmd in commands: # Send the Command print("%s: Running: %s" % (hostname, cmd)) output = send_command(cmd, hostname, bail_timeout) # Print the output (optional) if printo: print(output) if writeo: f.write(output) # delay next command (optional) if delay_command: time.sleep(delay_command_time) # Print progress try: counter # Random calculation to find 10 percent if (counter % 10) == 0: completion = ((float(counter) / (float(len(commands)) * float(len(switches)))) * 100) if int(completion) > 9: print("\n %s%% Complete" % int(completion)) if delay_command: time_left = datetime.timedelta(0, (((int(len(commands)) * int(len(switches))) + (len(switches) * 0.5)) - counter)) + datetime.datetime.now() print(" Estimatated Completion Time: %s" % time_left.strftime("%H:%M:%S (%y-%m-%d)")) print(" ") counter += 1 except: pass # /end Command Loop if writeo: # Close the File f.close() # Disconnect from SSH disconnect() if writeo: print("Switch %s done, output: %s" % (switch, filename)) else: print("Switch %s done" % switch) # Sleep between SSH connections time.sleep(1) print("\n") # Random line break print(" ********************************** ") if writeo: print(" Output files: ") for ofile in filenames: print(" - %s" % ofile) print(" ---------------------------------- ") print(" Script FINISHED ! ") if delay_command: print(" Finish Time: %s" % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S (%y-%m-%d)")) print(" ********************************** ") # If run from interpreter, run main code function. if __name__ == "__main__": main()