# vim ~/.config/starship.toml # https://starship.rs/config/#git-branch # # In case you want to modify the order of the items you can do this # format = """ # $username\ # $hostname\ # $directory\ # $git_branch\ # $git_status\ # $git_commit\ # $git_state\ # $all\ # $time\ # $character # """ # This will show the time on a 2nd line format = """ $all\ $time\ $character """ [battery] disabled = true [gcloud] disabled = true [time] style = 'purple bold' disabled = false format = '[\[$time\]]($style) ' time_format = '%T' [username] style_user = '#a6aaf1 bold' style_root = 'white bold' format = '[$user]($style)' show_always = true [hostname] ssh_only = false format = '[@](white bold)[$hostname](#50fa7b bold)' [directory] style = '#00a5ff bold' truncation_length = 0 truncate_to_repo = false