HOW TO WRITE A PLUGIN FOR LINTALIST BUNDLES/SNIPPETS (and functions) # Introduction A Lintalist plugin is basically a AutoHotkey v1 script which is included in the main Lintalist script at startup. You can learn more about AutoHotkey at - there you will find an introduction, tutorials, full documentation and support forum to get you started. # General information Call a plugin from a snippet by using [[PLUGINNAME=parameter(s)]] You can not use [[]] in a plugins' name or in the parameters as it will most likely fail. If you want to pass on multiple parameters, using a vertical bar or pipe (|) as separator is recommended. Note: You can start with a template: copy the file "template.plugin" to a new ahk file and start from there. # PLUGIN SPECS A Plugin script-file must have the following characteristics: ## 1 - A label such as GetSnippetPLUGINNAME: The label has to start with GetSnippet followed by PLUGINNAME, where PLUGINNAME is both the filename of the script (minus the .ahk extenstion) and the code you will use in the snippets to call your plugin. These are always wrapped in [[]] as in [[pluginname=]] See note above or the "Interactive bundle text" section in the Lintalist documentation (docs\index.html) Example, from input.ahk: Label: GetSnippetInput: Filename of plugin: Input.ahk Snippet code [[Input=...]] ## 2 - #Include your plugin script Once you've written your plugin, you need to add it to MyPlugins.ahk and #include your ahk file, example: #Include %A_ScriptDir%\plugins\input.ahk Now you can call your Plugin from a snippet by using [[PLUGINNAME=parameter(s)]]. Reload Lintalist to ensure your Plugin is active. If there is an error in your Plugin you can always remove it again from MyPlugins.ahk and the plugins directory. Finally, study the existing plugins. File.ahk, Input.ahk and DateTime.ahk are among the easier examples. Don't forget to post on the forum if you've written a plugin, have any suggestions and/or requests. Have fun! Note: if you add an an include to MyPlugins.ahk in this format: #Include %A_ScriptDir%\plugins\YourPlugin.ahk YourPlugin will automatically be added to a "MyPlugins" submenu (Plugins- and contextmenus in the Editor) ## 3 - Example (by FanaticGuru @ /* Plugin : Example Purpose : Add two options separated by | together Version : 1.0 Author : You */ ; In the snippet the [[Example]] Plugin below will pass on two options which ; will be joined as one word, the snippet looks like this: ; Hello I will join two words: [[Example=Linta|list]] GetSnippetExample: ; GetSnippet is Standard followed by {Plugin File Name} (here Example) Loop ; Standard Loop for All Plugins { If (InStr(Clip, "[[Example=") = 0) or (A_Index > 100) ; Standard Break condition for All Plugins, replace "Example" with {Plugin File Name} Break ; Reminder: ; Clip, PluginOptions, PluginText and ProcessTextString are set in Lintalist mainscript (ProcessText label) ; we can use these to process the plugin and any options/parameters passed onto the plugin ; Here: ; Clip is set to: Hello I will join two words: [[Example=Linta|list]] ; PluginText and ProcessTextString are set to: [[Example=Linta|list]] ; PluginOptions is set to: Linta|list PluginX := StrSplit(PluginOptions,"|").1 + StrSplit(PluginOptions,"|").2 ; Access options divided by | to add two options together StringReplace, clip, clip, %PluginText%, %PluginX%, All ; Insert User Defined Variable into Lintalist Clip in place of Plugin Markup PluginX:="" ; Clear User Defined Variable PluginOptions:="" ; Clear Standard Plugin Variable PluginText:="" ; Clear Standard Plugin Variable ProcessTextString:="" ; Clear Standard Plugin Variable } Return # Functions - [v1.9.4+] Functions should return a value which is then placed in the snippet at the location(s) of the function call. A simple snippet like this: Hello, your name spelled backwards is: [[MyFunc([[Input=Your Name?]])]] -> MyFunc is called which returns a string, and it replaces [[MyFunc([[Input=Your Name?]])]] MyFunc in #include-d or part of plugins\MyFunctions.ahk MyFunc(in) { Loop, Parse, in result=%A_LoopField%result% Return result } If you want to update the entire snippet and not simply process the returned value from a function you need to make clip a global variable in your function. MyFunc(parameters) { global clip ; make clip global ; ... your code ; ... changing clip Return } # Extending Snippet processing ## Method 1, using "Alt-Enter" You can get a selected snippet into the clipboard by using the Alt-Enter functionality (=copy snippet to clipboard shortcut and label in lintalist.ahk) Example code: Add this to your plugins\MyFunctions.ahk or plugins\MyPlugins.ahk file and it won't be overwritten when Lintalist updates. #IfWinActive, ahk_group AppTitle ; Hotkeys only work while Lintalist is active F11:: ; example hotkey, here F11, so if you press this ; key it will process the snippet copy it to the clipboard ClipSet("s",1,SendMethod,Clipboard) ; store current clipboard contents ClearClipboard() ; clear it Gosub, !Enter ; get processed snippet into the clipboard Sleep 250 ; just give it a bit of additional time MsgBox % clipboard ; just to illustrate we have it ; your code here to ; modify the clipboard content, ; e.g. the actual purpose SendKey(SendMethod, ShortcutPaste) ; paste current clipboard using SendMethod and ShortcutPaste defined in Lintalist settings Clipboard:=ClipSet("g",1) ; restore original clipboard contents Return #IfWinActive ## Method 2, using a Script Use the [[llpart1]] and/or [[llpart2]] plugins in scripts, Example: #NoEnv #SingleInstance, force SetBatchLines, -1 ListLines, off LLInit() ; fake call to load global variables from Lintalist main script - see Docs ClipSet("s",1,SendMethod,Clipboard) ; store current clipboard contents ClearClipboard() ; clear it [[llpart1]] Clipboard:=llpart1 Sleep 200 SendKey(SendMethod, ShortcutPaste) ; paste current clipboard using SendMethod and ShortcutPaste defined in Lintalist settings Clipboard:=ClipSet("g",1) ; restore original clipboard contents ExitApp Note: If you need the same script in many snippets, you can save the script in a local variable and use that as script code, simply as [[Var=MyScript]]