# Enable catalog logging - default is 'on' pgaudit.log_catalog='off' # Specify the verbosity of log information (INFO, NOTICE, LOG, WARNING, DEBUG) pgaudit.log_level='log' # Log the parameters being passed pgaudit.log_parameter='on' # Log each relation (TABLE, VIEW, etc) mentioned in a SELECT or DML statement pgaudit.log_relation='on' # For every statement and substatement, log the statement and parameters every time pgaudit.log_statement_once='off' # Define the master role to use for object logging # pgaudit.role='' # Choose the statements to log: # READ - SELECT, COPY # WRITE - INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, COPY # FUNCTION - Function Calls and DO Blocks # ROLE - GRANT, REVOKE, CREATE/ALTER/DROP ROLE # DDL - All DDL not included in ROLE # MISC - DISCARD, FETCH, CHECKPOINT, VACUUM pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write'