#! /usr/bin/env bash # GTK3 environment variables: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk-running.html # GTK4 environment variables: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk4/stable/gtk-running.html # abort on all errors set -e if [ "$DEBUG" != "" ]; then set -x verbose="--verbose" fi SCRIPT="$(basename "$(readlink -f "$0")")" show_usage() { echo "Usage: $SCRIPT --appdir " echo echo "Bundles resources for applications that use GTK into an AppDir" echo echo "Required variables:" echo " LINUXDEPLOY=\".../linuxdeploy\" path to linuxdeploy (e.g., AppImage); set automatically when plugin is run directly by linuxdeploy" echo echo "Optional variables:" echo " DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION (major version of GTK to deploy, e.g. '2', '3' or '4'; auto-detect by default)" } variable_is_true() { local var="$1" if [ -n "$var" ] && { [ "$var" == "true" ] || [ "$var" -gt 0 ]; } 2> /dev/null; then return 0 # true else return 1 # false fi } get_pkgconf_variable() { local variable="$1" local library="$2" local default_value="$3" pkgconfig_ret="$("$PKG_CONFIG" --variable="$variable" "$library")" if [ -n "$pkgconfig_ret" ]; then echo "$pkgconfig_ret" elif [ -n "$default_value" ]; then echo "$default_value" else echo "$0: there is no '$variable' variable for '$library' library." > /dev/stderr echo "Please check the '$library.pc' file is present in \$PKG_CONFIG_PATH (you may need to install the appropriate -dev/-devel package)." > /dev/stderr exit 1 fi } copy_tree() { local src=("${@:1:$#-1}") local dst="${*:$#}" for elem in "${src[@]}"; do mkdir -p "${dst::-1}$elem" cp "$elem" --archive --parents --target-directory="$dst" $verbose done } copy_lib_tree() { # The source lib directory could be /usr/lib, /usr/lib64, or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu # Therefore, when copying lib directories, we need to transform that target path # to a consistent /usr/lib local src=("${@:1:$#-1}") local dst="${*:$#}" for elem in "${src[@]}"; do mkdir -p "${dst::-1}${elem/$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH//usr/lib}" pushd "$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH" cp "$(realpath --relative-to="$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH" "$elem")" --archive --parents --target-directory="$dst/usr/lib" $verbose popd done } get_triplet_path() { if command -v dpkg-architecture > /dev/null; then echo "/usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)" fi } search_library_path() { PATH_ARRAY=( "$(get_triplet_path)" "/usr/lib64" "/usr/lib" ) for path in "${PATH_ARRAY[@]}"; do if [ -d "$path" ]; then echo "$path" return 0 fi done } search_tool() { local tool="$1" local directory="$2" if command -v "$tool"; then return 0 fi PATH_ARRAY=( "$(get_triplet_path)/$directory/$tool" "/usr/lib64/$directory/$tool" "/usr/lib/$directory/$tool" "/usr/bin/$tool" "/usr/bin/$tool-64" "/usr/bin/$tool-32" ) for path in "${PATH_ARRAY[@]}"; do if [ -x "$path" ]; then echo "$path" return 0 fi done } DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION="${DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION:-0}" # When not set by user, this variable use the integer '0' as a sentinel value APPDIR= while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case "$1" in --plugin-api-version) echo "0" exit 0 ;; --appdir) APPDIR="$2" shift shift ;; --help) show_usage exit 0 ;; *) echo "Invalid argument: $1" echo show_usage exit 1 ;; esac done if [ "$APPDIR" == "" ]; then show_usage exit 1 fi APPDIR="$(realpath "$APPDIR")" mkdir -p "$APPDIR" . /etc/os-release if [ "$ID" = "debian" ] || [ "$ID" = "ubuntu" ]; then if ! command -v dpkg-architecture &>/dev/null; then echo -e "$0: dpkg-architecture not found.\nInstall dpkg-dev then re-run the plugin." exit 1 fi fi if command -v pkgconf > /dev/null; then PKG_CONFIG="pkgconf" elif command -v pkg-config > /dev/null; then PKG_CONFIG="pkg-config" else echo "$0: pkg-config/pkgconf not found in PATH, aborting" exit 1 fi # GTK's library path *must not* have a trailing slash for later parameter substitution to work properly LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH="$(realpath "${LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH:-$(search_library_path)}")" if ! command -v find &>/dev/null && ! type find &>/dev/null; then echo -e "$0: find not found.\nInstall findutils then re-run the plugin." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$LINUXDEPLOY" ]; then echo -e "$0: LINUXDEPLOY environment variable is not set.\nDownload a suitable linuxdeploy AppImage, set the environment variable and re-run the plugin." exit 1 fi gtk_versions=0 # Count major versions of GTK when auto-detect GTK version if [ "$DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Determining which GTK version to deploy" while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do if [ "$DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION" -ne 2 ] && ldd "$file" | grep -q "libgtk-x11-2.0.so"; then DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION=2 gtk_versions="$((gtk_versions+1))" fi if [ "$DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION" -ne 3 ] && ldd "$file" | grep -q "libgtk-3.so"; then DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION=3 gtk_versions="$((gtk_versions+1))" fi if [ "$DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION" -ne 4 ] && ldd "$file" | grep -q "libgtk-4.so"; then DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION=4 gtk_versions="$((gtk_versions+1))" fi done < <(find "$APPDIR/usr/bin" -executable -type f -print0) fi if [ "$gtk_versions" -gt 1 ]; then echo "$0: can not deploy multiple GTK versions at the same time." echo "Please set DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION to {2, 3, 4}." exit 1 elif [ "$DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION" -eq 0 ]; then echo "$0: failed to auto-detect GTK version." echo "Please set DEPLOY_GTK_VERSION to {2, 3, 4}." exit 1 fi echo "Installing AppRun hook" HOOKSDIR="$APPDIR/apprun-hooks" HOOKFILE="$HOOKSDIR/linuxdeploy-plugin-gtk.sh" mkdir -p "$HOOKSDIR" cat > "$HOOKFILE" <<\EOF #! /usr/bin/env bash COLOR_SCHEME="$(dbus-send --session --dest=org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop --type=method_call --print-reply --reply-timeout=1000 /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop org.freedesktop.portal.Settings.Read 'string:org.freedesktop.appearance' 'string:color-scheme' 2> /dev/null | tail -n1 | cut -b35- | cut -d' ' -f2 || printf '')" if [ -z "$COLOR_SCHEME" ]; then COLOR_SCHEME="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme 2> /dev/null || printf '')" fi case "$COLOR_SCHEME" in "1"|"'prefer-dark'") GTK_THEME_VARIANT="dark";; "2"|"'prefer-light'") GTK_THEME_VARIANT="light";; *) GTK_THEME_VARIANT="light";; esac APPIMAGE_GTK_THEME="${APPIMAGE_GTK_THEME:-"Adwaita:$GTK_THEME_VARIANT"}" # Allow user to override theme (discouraged) export APPDIR="${APPDIR:-"$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")"}" # Workaround to run extracted AppImage export GTK_DATA_PREFIX="$APPDIR" export GTK_THEME="$APPIMAGE_GTK_THEME" # Custom themes are broken export GDK_BACKEND=x11 # Crash with Wayland backend on Wayland export XDG_DATA_DIRS="$APPDIR/usr/share:/usr/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS" # g_get_system_data_dirs() from GLib EOF echo "Installing GLib schemas" # Note: schemasdir is undefined on Ubuntu 16.04 glib_schemasdir="$(get_pkgconf_variable "schemasdir" "gio-2.0" "/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas")" copy_tree "$glib_schemasdir" "$APPDIR/" glib-compile-schemas "$APPDIR/$glib_schemasdir" cat >> "$HOOKFILE" <> "$HOOKFILE" <> "$HOOKFILE" < "$APPDIR/${gtk3_immodules_cache_file/$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH//usr/lib}" else echo "WARNING: gtk-query-immodules-3.0 not found" fi if [ ! -f "$APPDIR/${gtk3_immodules_cache_file/$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH//usr/lib}" ]; then echo "WARNING: immodules.cache file is missing" fi sed -i "s|$gtk3_libdir/3.0.0/immodules/||g" "$APPDIR/${gtk3_immodules_cache_file/$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH//usr/lib}" ;; 4) echo "Installing GTK 4.0 modules" gtk4_exec_prefix="$(get_pkgconf_variable "exec_prefix" "gtk4" "/usr")" gtk4_libdir="$(get_pkgconf_variable "libdir" "gtk4")/gtk-4.0" gtk4_path="$gtk4_libdir" copy_lib_tree "$gtk4_libdir" "$APPDIR/" cat >> "$HOOKFILE" <> "$HOOKFILE" < "$APPDIR/${gdk_pixbuf_cache_file/$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH//usr/lib}" else echo "WARNING: gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders not found" fi if [ ! -f "$APPDIR/${gdk_pixbuf_cache_file/$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH//usr/lib}" ]; then echo "WARNING: loaders.cache file is missing" fi sed -i "s|$gdk_pixbuf_moduledir/||g" "$APPDIR/${gdk_pixbuf_cache_file/$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH//usr/lib}" echo "Copying more libraries" gobject_libdir="$(get_pkgconf_variable "libdir" "gobject-2.0" "$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH")" gio_libdir="$(get_pkgconf_variable "libdir" "gio-2.0" "$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH")" librsvg_libdir="$(get_pkgconf_variable "libdir" "librsvg-2.0" "$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH")" pango_libdir="$(get_pkgconf_variable "libdir" "pango" "$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH")" pangocairo_libdir="$(get_pkgconf_variable "libdir" "pangocairo" "$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH")" pangoft2_libdir="$(get_pkgconf_variable "libdir" "pangoft2" "$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH")" FIND_ARRAY=( "$gdk_libdir" "libgdk_pixbuf-*.so*" "$gobject_libdir" "libgobject-*.so*" "$gio_libdir" "libgio-*.so*" "$librsvg_libdir" "librsvg-*.so*" "$pango_libdir" "libpango-*.so*" "$pangocairo_libdir" "libpangocairo-*.so*" "$pangoft2_libdir" "libpangoft2-*.so*" ) LIBRARIES=() for (( i=0; i<${#FIND_ARRAY[@]}; i+=2 )); do directory=${FIND_ARRAY[i]} library=${FIND_ARRAY[i+1]} while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do LIBRARIES+=( "--library=$file" ) done < <(find "$directory" \( -type l -o -type f \) -name "$library" -print0) done env LINUXDEPLOY_PLUGIN_MODE=1 "$LINUXDEPLOY" --appdir="$APPDIR" "${LIBRARIES[@]}" # Create symbolic links as a workaround # Details: https://github.com/linuxdeploy/linuxdeploy-plugin-gtk/issues/24#issuecomment-1030026529 echo "Manually setting rpath for GTK modules" PATCH_ARRAY=( "$gtk3_immodulesdir" "$gtk3_printbackendsdir" "$gdk_pixbuf_moduledir" ) for directory in "${PATCH_ARRAY[@]}"; do while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do ln $verbose -sf "${file/$LD_GTK_LIBRARY_PATH\//}" "$APPDIR/usr/lib" done < <(find "$directory" -name '*.so' -print0) done