# Containerize Steam with systemd-nspawn - Published: 2021-08-16 - Updated: 2022-07-02 - [Markdown][raw] - [Simplified Chinese][zhs] [raw]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liolok/liolok.com/master/containerize-steam-with-systemd-nspawn/index.md [zhs]: https://liolok.com/zhs/containerize-steam-with-systemd-nspawn/ --- - [Create Btrfs Subvolume](#create-btrfs-subvolume) - [Install Minimal Ubuntu](#install-minimal-ubuntu) - [Network](#network) - [Locale](#locale) - [Install Steam](#install-steam) - [Other Preparation](#other-preparation) - [Passthrough Devices](#passthrough-devices) - [Graphic Cards](#graphic-cards) - [Joysticks](#joysticks) - [Wrap Up](#wrap-up) - [Game Issues](#game-issues) - [Don't Starve Together](#dont-starve-together) - [No Sound](#no-sound) - [Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition](#plants-vs-zombies-goty-edition) - [FPS Drop During Plant Selection](#fps-drop-during-plant-selection) - [Beholder](#beholder) - [Blank CJK Fonts](#blank-cjk-fonts) --- ## Create Btrfs Subvolume ```console # su # switch to root user # cd /var/lib/machines # container_name=steam # btrfs subvolume create $container_name ``` Then it will be easy to [snapshot][snapshot] and [migrate][migrate] the container. [snapshot]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Btrfs#Snapshots [migrate]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Btrfs#Send/receive ## Install Minimal Ubuntu > Reference: [systemd-nspawn - ArchWiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Systemd-nspawn#Create_a_Debian_or_Ubuntu_environment) Codename of current latest LTS version of Ubuntu is `jammy`. Feel free to use your preferred repository. ```console # codename=jammy # repository_url='https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/' # debootstrap --include=systemd-container \ --components=main,universe,multiverse \ $codename $container_name $repository_url ``` After installation, run `systemd-nspawn --machine=$container_name` to boot into brand new container. ## Network You may need to add `--bind-ro=/etc/resolv.conf` option to make DNS work in container. To check network status, consider commands `ping` and `ping archlinux.org`: if former works and latter doesn't, it would be DNS problem. ## Locale > Reference: [Generating locales - ArchWiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Locale#Generating_locales) Without `en_US.UTF-8` locale, steam will complain some errors. ## Install Steam Inside container, [enable i386 architecture][multiarch] and install the [package][package] from Ubuntu official repository: [multiarch]: https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation#Using_multiarch [package]: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/steam ```console # dpkg --add-architecture i386 # apt update # apt install steam ``` According to [file list][filelist], its startup script is located at `/usr/games/steam`. Let's create a symbol link to make it convenient to launch: [filelist]: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/i386/steam/filelist ```console # file /usr/games/steam # ln --verbose --symbolic /usr/games/steam /usr/local/bin/ ``` Inside container, add a dedicated normal user named "steam" and create user base directories: ```console # useradd --create-home steam # su --login steam # mkdir --parents ~/.config ~/.local/share ``` Later I also created `~/library` to customize Steam default library folder location, and mounted a folder `~/screenshots` to store screenshots on host. ## Other Preparation - Display: [Xorg][xorg] - System tray: [DBus][dbus] - Audio: [PulseAudio][pulseaudio] - Cursor: [icon theme][styles] Command options become just too many, from this step we need start to actually write up a shell script to run Steam in GUI. [xorg]: https://liolok.com/run-desktop-app-with-systemd-nspawn-container/#xorg [dbus]: https://liolok.com/run-desktop-app-with-systemd-nspawn-container/#dbus-tray [pulseaudio]: https://liolok.com/run-desktop-app-with-systemd-nspawn-container/#pulseaudio [styles]: https://liolok.com/run-desktop-app-with-systemd-nspawn-container/#styles ## Passthrough Devices ### Graphic Cards - Device files: - For Intel or AMD: `--bind=/dev/dri/card0` and so on - For NVIDIA: `--bind=/dev/nvidia0` and so on - Access: `--property=DeviceAllow='char-drm rw'` > Note for NVIDIA card user: > 1. ~~Stop using it and save your time~~ > 2. Mount `/dev/nvidia*` > 3. Make sure user space driver version is exactly the same with kernel module in host. ### Joysticks - Device files: `--bind-ro=/dev/input/js0` and so on - Access: `--property=DeviceAllow='char-input r'` ## Wrap Up - [fish-shell script][script]: my `systemd-nspawn` wrap-up - [desktop entry][desktop-entry] [script]: https://github.com/liolok/dotfiles/blob/master/.local/bin/steam [desktop-entry]: https://github.com/liolok/dotfiles/blob/master/.local/share/applications/steam.desktop ## Game Issues ### Don't Starve Together #### No Sound This game uses [FMOD engine][fmod] and seems to *[explicitly depend on ALSA][alsa]*. It doesn't play any audio and constantly resets volumes to 0. [alsa]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Steam/Troubleshooting#Configure_PulseAudio [fmod]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Steam/Troubleshooting#FMOD_sound_engine Solutions: - Debian/Ubuntu: `apt install pulseaudio` - Arch Linux: `pacman --sync pulseaudio-alsa --assume-installed pulseaudio` ### Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition (Run through Steam Play) #### FPS Drop During Plant Selection > Source: [AngrySpaceElf@ProtonDB](https://www.protondb.com/app/3590#l7L1gAH52v) Replace DRM version executable (5.1MiB) with non-DRM version (3.4MiB). I uploaded my non-DRM version executable [here](pvz-non-drm.tar.xz) along with its SHA-256 checksum: `cdddfb30f50510afa389de4966089a1ac1a9a2bf09fb8d0aa0793178b0814cd1` Here's complete steps to extract non-DRM version executable and replace then: 1. Fresh installation; 2. Startup game (for the very first time) and **do not exit**; 3. Change to corresponding library folder, like mine: `cd /home/steam/library`; 4. Copy `steamapps/compatdata/3590/pfx/drive_c/ProgramData/PopCap Games/PlantsVsZombies/popcapgame1.exe` to `/tmp/`; 5. Exit game; 6. Copy `/tmp/popcapgame1.exe` to overwrite `steamapps/common/Plants\ Vs\ Zombies/PlantsVsZombies.exe`, done. Where is library folder? Go to "Settings->Downloads->Content Libraries" to open library folders configuration dialog: ![library-folders](steam-library-folders.webp) ### Beholder #### Blank CJK Fonts > Source: [求助,游戏打开后没有字 :: Beholder General Discussions](https://steamcommunity.com/app/475550/discussions/0/2592234299563997618/?ctp=2#c1480982971155734475) This game exactly depends on font "WenQuanYi Micro Hei", on Ubuntu 20.04 its package is `fonts-wqy-microhei`: ```console # systemd-nspawn --machine=steam --bind-ro=/etc/resolv.conf apt install fonts-wqy-microhei ``` If not working, you may need a manually refresh of `fontconfig`: ```console # systemd-nspawn --machine=steam fc-cache --force --verbose ```