# Oculus Quest 2 Usage Note - Published: 2020-11-13 - [Markdown][raw] - [Simplified Chinese][zhs] [raw]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liolok/liolok.com/master/oculus-quest-2-usage-note/index.md [zhs]: https://liolok.com/zhs/oculus-quest-2-usage-note/ ## Facebook Account I've heard that Facebook is evil for a few years. But I couldn't afford any other VR headsets, like HTC Vive or Valve Index. So I chose to compromise and signed up an account with all piracy settings turned off; I won't **give in** any more even if they ban the account. They paid my off to pretend that I bought the device without the ecosystem, which in fact I couldn't get rid of. ## Developer Mode This is the only freedom for now, I can `adb install *.apk` as a fake developer. Official documentation: [Device Setup - Oculus Developers][0] Log into this [page][1], create a fake *organization*. Then open Oculus app on the phone, find the headset device, turn on *Developer Mode* in *More Settings*. *Starting October 8, 2020, all Oculus developers will need to verify their accounts by providing a **payment method** and/or **phone number**.* -- [Official FAQ][4] I **gave in** my Visa card to be this god damn fake developer, shame on me. ## Beat Saber This game is the reason I want a VR headset, it gives me an illusion that I can play rhythm game. [This reddit discussion][2] leads me to [this post][3] of Russian steam underground forum, where I get the `Beat Saber [] patch+savefix+90Hz+CustomRes.apk` to `adb install`. [0]: https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/native/android/mobile-device-setup/?device=QUEST [1]: https://developer.oculus.com/manage/organizations/create/ "Oculus Developer Dashboard" [2]: https://www.reddit.com/r/QuestPiracy/comments/g2udwg/anyone_have_the_latest_beatsaber_apk/ "anyone have the latest beatsaber apk? : QuestPiracy" [3]: https://csrinru3c2ownkep.onion.ws/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2243456#p2243456 [4]: https://developer.oculus.com/faqs/#faq_343265393702048 "Oculus Developer Center - FAQ" [code]: https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/native/android/mobile-adb/ "ADB - Oculus Developers"