lioshiTheme =========== A dark scheme for sublime text based on Tommorrow night by . Theme added with help of Material Theme by Mattia Astorino . ![screenshot 1 lioshiTheme on sublime Text 3](images/example1.png) ![screenshot 2 lioshiTheme on sublime Text 3](images/example2.png) ![screenshot 3 lioshiTheme on sublime Text 3](images/example3.png) ![screenshot 4 lioshiTheme on sublime Text 3](images/example0.png) #Easy installation You can install this theme through the Package Control : Search for “lioshiTheme”, install, restart Sublime Text. Edit user settings like followed { "color_scheme": "Packages/lioshiTheme/schemes/lioshi.tmTheme", "theme": "lioshi.sublime-theme", "lioshi_big_tab": false, // default option value "lioshi_disable_fileicons": false, // default option value // smart options "always_show_minimap_viewport": true, "bold_folder_labels": true, "font_size": 10, "indent_guide_options": [ "draw_normal", "draw_active" ], "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled" }