#!/bin/bash #please do this script as root. ###################################################################### #Check option while : do case "$1" in -v | --version) version="$2" #get version data shift 2 ;; -u | --update) install=0 update=1 shift ;; -i | --install) install=1 update=0 shift ;; -g | --generate) generate=1 shift ;; -*) echo "Error: Invalid option: $1" > $2 exit 1 ;; *) break ;; esac done # Generate masternode private key function generate_privkey() { mkdir -p /etc/masternodes/ echo -e "rpcuser=test\nrpcpassword=passtest" >> /etc/masternodes/phore_test.conf phored -daemon -conf=/etc/masternodes/phore_test.conf -datadir=/etc/masternodes >> mn.log sleep 5 mngenkey=$(phore-cli -conf=/etc/masternodes/phore_test.conf -datadir=/etc/masternodes masternode genkey) phore-cli -conf=/etc/masternodes/phore_test.conf -datadir=/etc/masternodes stop >> mn.log sleep 5 rm -r /etc/masternodes/ } # Make masternode.conf for ppl function create_mnconf() { echo phore-MN01 $ipaddress:11771 $mngenkey TRANSACTION_ID TRANSACTION_INDEX >> tmp_masternode.conf cat tmp_masternode.conf } echo " " echo "*********** Welcome to the Phore (PHR) Masternode Setup Script ***********" echo 'This script will install all required updates & package for Ubuntu 16.04 !' echo 'This script will install phore masternode.' echo 'You can run this script on VPS only.' echo '****************************************************************************' echo '*** Installing package ***' apt-get update -qqy apt-get upgrade -qqy apt-get dist-upgrade -qqy apt-get install -qqy nano htop git wget echo '*** Step 2/4 ***' echo '*** Configuring firewall ***' apt-get install -qqy ufw ufw allow ssh/tcp >> mn.log ufw limit ssh/tcp >> mn.log ufw allow 11771/tcp >> mn.log ufw logging on >> mn.log ufw --force enable >> mn.log ufw status >> mn.log phore-cli stop &>> mn.log ./phore-cli stop &>> mn.log echo '*** Step 3/4 ***' if [ -e /usr/local/bin/phored -o -e phored ]; then echo '***Backup your existing phored. If you want to restore, please check PHORE_DATE ***' mkdir PHORE_`date '+%Y%m%d'` >> mn.log mv /usr/local/bin/phored /usr/local/bin/phore-cli /usr/local/bin/phore-tx ~/PHORE_`date '+%Y%m%d'` &>> mn.log mv ~/phored ~/phore-cli ~/phore-tx ~/PHORE_`date '+%Y%m%d'` &>> mn.log fi echo '*** Step 4/4 ***' echo '***Installing phore wallet daemon***' wget -nv https://github.com/phoreproject/Phore/releases/download/v${version}/phore-${version}-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz >> mn.log tar -xvzf phore-${version}-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz >> mn.log version=${version:0:5} cd phore-${version}/bin mv phore* /usr/local/bin/ cd rm phore-${version}-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz rm -r phore-${version} if [ $update -eq 1 ]; then echo "Updating" phored -daemon phore-cli getinfo echo "Finish Updating" echo "Check version data." echo "After checking, please restart Phore masternode from phore-qt" echo "***End***" elif [ $install -eq 1 ]; then echo '*** Install and configuring masternode settings ***' mkdir .phore rpcusr=$(more /dev/urandom | tr -d -c '[:alnum:]' | fold -w 20 | head -1) rpcpass=$(more /dev/urandom | tr -d -c '[:alnum:]' | fold -w 20 | head -1) ipaddress=$(curl -s inet-ip.info) if [ $generate -eq 1 ]; then generate_privkey else echo "Enter or paste masternode private key" read mngenkey while [ ${#mngenkey} -ne 51 ] do echo "Invalid masternode private key. please reinput." read mngenkey done fi echo -e "rpcuser=$rpcusr\nrpcpassword=$rpcpass\nrpcallowip=\nlisten=1\nserver=1\ndaemon=1\nstaking=0\nmasternode=1\nlogtimestamps=1\nmaxconnections=256\nexternalip=$ipaddress\nbind=$ipaddress\nmasternodeaddr=$ipaddress:11771\nmasternodeprivkey=$mngenkey\n" > ~/.phore/phore.conf echo '*** Start syncing ***' phored -daemon &>> mn.log echo 'After 10sec, I will show you the outputs of getinfo' sleep 10 phore-cli getinfo echo 'After fully syncing, you can start phore masternode.' echo 'There is example line for masternode.conf. Please copy this line and paste to your masternode.conf' echo " " create_mnconf echo " " echo 'You can check the line by entering **cat tmp_masternode.conf** ' else echo "Invalid command, or argument. If you want to update, use '-u', to install, use '-i'."  echo "**END**" fi