io.liri.Text Liri Text Liri Tekst Liri Text Liri Text Liri 텍스트 Liri Tekst Liri Text Liri Text Liri Metin Edit text files Rediger tekstfiler Textdateien bearbeiten 텍스트 파일 편집 Bewerk tekstbestanden Edite arquivos de texto Редактировать текстовые файлы Metin dosyalarını düzenle The Liri developers Liri-udviklerne Die Liri-Entwickler Gli sviluppatori di Liri Liri 개발자들 De Liri-ontwikkelaars Os desenvolvedores do Liri Разработчики Liri Liri geliştiricileri CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later

Liri Text is a cross-platform text editor made in accordance with Material Design, aiming at simplicity and ease of use.

Liri Tekst er en tekstredigering på tværs af platforme som er lavet i henhold til Material Design, hvor målet er enkelthed og at være letanvendelig.

Liri 텍스트는 머티리얼 디자인에 따라 제작된, 단순하며 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 만들어진 다중 플랫폼 텍스트 편집기입니다.

Liri Tekst is een platform-onafhankelijke tekstbewerker, gemaakt met de ontwerptaal Material Design, waarbij de focus ligt op eenvoud(ig in het gebruik).

O Liri Text é um editor de texto multiplataforma feito de acordo com o Material Design, visando simplicidade e facilidade de uso.

Liri Text - это кросс-платформенный текстовый редактор, следующий принципам Material Design, имеющий целью простоту и легкость в использовании.

Liri Metin; basitliği ve kolay kullanımı hedefleyen, Materyal Tasarıma uygun çapraz platformlu metin düzenleyicidir.

It is best suited for taking notes, writing text documents or quick programming with its syntax highlighting feature.

Den er bedst egnet til at tage noter, skrive tekstdokumenter eller hurtig programmering med dens syntaksfremhævningsfunktionalitet.

구문 강조 기능으로 메모 작성, 텍스트 문서 작성 또는 빠른 프로그래밍에 가장 적합합니다.

Liri Tekst is vooral geschikt voor het maken van notities en aantekeningen, het schrijven van korte documenten en korte programmeropdrachten met syntaxismarkering.

É mais adequado para fazer anotações, escrever documentos de texto ou programação rápida com o recurso de realce de sintaxe.

Not alma, metin belgeleri yazma veya sözdizimi vurgulama özelliğiyle hızlı programlama yapmak için harika çözümdür.

io.liri.Text.desktop liri-text HiDpiIcon ModernToolkit

Notable changes:

  • Migrate build system from the now deprecated Qbs to CMake
  • Add missing OARS information to appdata and remove deprecated .desktop suffix from component ID
  • Fix the translation loading by using the correct file name

Add missing summary to appdata file in order to fix validation.

Notable changes:

  • Add versioning to the languages database
  • Read language metadata only for new and changed spec files
  • Generate resources with qbs
  • Fix icons installation
  • Fix translations installation
  • Fix build on WinRT by disabling unsupported file system watchers
  • Update translations from Transifex

Notable changes:

  • Fix errors discovered by Clazy
  • Fix memory leaks discovered by Clazy
  • Follow Fluid 1.0 changes
  • Allow cross-language references to define-regexes with %{lang:id}
  • Experimental QML highlighting
  • Update appdata and desktop file
  • Fix context menu positioning
  • Enable text selection by mouse in search overlay
  • Backward search (Shift+Enter in search field)
  • Use fixed line heights for file previews
  • Add Next/Prev buttons to search overlay
  • Add 8dp margin to the right of search overlay
  • Hide search overlay after 5 seconds without focus

Notable changes:

  • Transition to Qt Quick Controls 2 and Fluid framework
  • New icon by Corbin Crutchley
  • Syntax highlighting support
  • Search through file (Ctrl+F shortcut available)
  • Add new translations
  • Several minor improvements and bugfixes

The first release of Liri Text, providing only the basic functionality essential for a text editor. Liri liri-text none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none