-- mod-version:3 local core = require "core" local translate = require "core.doc.translate" local config = require "core.config" local common = require "core.common" local DocView = require "core.docview" local command = require "core.command" local keymap = require "core.keymap" config.plugins.autoinsert = common.merge({ map = { ["["] = "]", ["{"] = "}", ["("] = ")", ['"'] = '"', ["'"] = "'", ["`"] = "`", } }, config.plugins.autoinsert) local function is_closer(chr) for _, v in pairs(config.plugins.autoinsert.map) do if v == chr then return true end end end local function count_char(text, chr) local count = 0 for _ in text:gmatch(chr) do count = count + 1 end return count end local on_text_input = DocView.on_text_input function DocView:on_text_input(text) -- Don't insert on multiselections if #self.doc.selections > 4 then return on_text_input(self, text) end local mapping = config.plugins.autoinsert.map[text] -- prevents plugin from operating on `CommandView` if getmetatable(self) ~= DocView then return on_text_input(self, text) end -- wrap selection if we have a selection if mapping and self.doc:has_selection() then local l1, c1, l2, c2, swap = self.doc:get_selection(true) self.doc:insert(l2, c2, mapping) self.doc:insert(l1, c1, text) self.doc:set_selection(l1, c1, l2, c2 + 2, swap) return end -- skip inserting closing text local chr = self.doc:get_char(self.doc:get_selection()) if text == chr and is_closer(chr) then self.doc:move_to(1) return end -- don't insert closing quote if we have a non-even number on this line local line = self.doc:get_selection() if text == mapping and count_char(self.doc.lines[line], text) % 2 == 1 then return on_text_input(self, text) end -- auto insert closing bracket if mapping and (chr:find("%s") or is_closer(chr) and chr ~= '"') then on_text_input(self, text) on_text_input(self, mapping) self.doc:move_to(-1) return end on_text_input(self, text) end local function predicate() return core.active_view:is(DocView) and #core.active_view.doc.selections <= 4 and not core.active_view.doc:has_selection(), core.active_view.doc end command.add(predicate, { ["autoinsert:backspace"] = function(doc) local l, c = doc:get_selection() if c > 1 then local chr = doc:get_char(l, c) local mapped = config.plugins.autoinsert.map[doc:get_char(l, c - 1)] if mapped and mapped == chr then doc:delete_to(1) end end command.perform "doc:backspace" end, ["autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start"] = function(doc) local le, ce = translate.previous_word_start(doc, doc:get_selection()) while true do local l, c = doc:get_selection() if l == le and c == ce then break end command.perform "autoinsert:backspace" end end, }) keymap.add { ["backspace"] = "autoinsert:backspace", ["ctrl+backspace"] = "autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start", ["ctrl+shift+backspace"] = "autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start", }