#!/usr/bin/env bash # /******************************************************************** # LiteSpeed WordPress setup Script # @Author: LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc. (https://www.litespeedtech.com) # @Copyright: (c) 2019-2024 # *********************************************************************/ LSWSFD='/usr/local/lsws' DOCHM='/var/www/html.old' DOCLAND='/var/www/html' PHPCONF='/var/www/phpmyadmin' LSWSCONF="${LSWSFD}/conf/httpd_config.conf" WPVHCONF="${LSWSFD}/conf/vhosts/wordpress/vhconf.conf" EXAMPLECONF="${LSWSFD}/conf/vhosts/wordpress/vhconf.conf" MEMCACHECONF='/etc/memcached.conf' REDISSERVICE='/lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service' REDISCONF='/etc/redis/redis.conf' WPCONSTCONF="${DOCHM}/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/data/const.default.ini" MARIADBSERVICE='/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service' PHPVER=83 FIREWALLLIST="22 80 443" USER='www-data' GROUP='www-data' THEME='twentytwenty' PLUGINLIST="litespeed-cache.zip all-in-one-wp-migration.zip google-analytics-for-wordpress.zip jetpack.zip dologin.zip" root_mysql_pass=$(openssl rand -hex 24) ALLERRORS=0 EXISTSQLPASS='' NOWPATH=$(pwd) echoY() { echo -e "\033[38;5;148m${1}\033[39m" } echoG() { echo -e "\033[38;5;71m${1}\033[39m" } echoR() { echo -e "\033[38;5;203m${1}\033[39m" } linechange(){ LINENUM=$(grep -n "${1}" ${2} | cut -d: -f 1) if [ -n "$LINENUM" ] && [ "$LINENUM" -eq "$LINENUM" ] 2>/dev/null; then sed -i "${LINENUM}d" ${2} sed -i "${LINENUM}i${3}" ${2} fi } cked() { if [ -f /bin/ed ]; then echoG "ed exist" else echoG "no ed, ready to install" if [ "${OSNAME}" = 'ubuntu' ] || [ "${OSNAME}" = 'debian' ]; then apt-get install ed -y > /dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "${OSNAME}" = 'centos' ]; then yum install ed -y > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi } get_sql_ver(){ SQLDBVER=$(/usr/bin/mysql -V | awk '{match($0,"([^ ]+)-MariaDB",a)}END{print a[1]}') SQL_MAINV=$(echo ${SQLDBVER} | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') SQL_SECV=$(echo ${SQLDBVER} | awk -F '.' '{print $2}') } check_sql_ver(){ if (( ${SQL_MAINV} >=11 && ${SQL_MAINV}<=99 )); then echoG '[OK] Mariadb version -ge 11' elif (( ${SQL_MAINV} >=10 )) && (( ${SQL_SECV} >=3 )); then echoG '[OK] Mariadb version -ge 10.3' else echoR "Mariadb version ${SQLDBVER} is lower than 10.3, please check!" fi } check_os() { if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then OSNAME=centos USER='nobody' GROUP='nobody' REDISSERVICE='/lib/systemd/system/redis.service' REDISCONF='/etc/redis.conf' MEMCACHESERVICE='/etc/systemd/system/memcached.service' MEMCACHECONF='/etc/sysconfig/memcached' OSVER=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{print substr($4,1,1)}') elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] ; then OSNAME=ubuntu OSNAMEVER="UBUNTU$(lsb_release -sr | awk -F '.' '{print $1}')" elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then OSNAME=debian fi } providerck() { if [ ${OSNAME} = 'centos' ] && [ ! -e /usr/sbin/dmidecode ]; then yum install -y dmidecode > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ -e /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid ] && [[ "$(sudo cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid | cut -c 1-3)" =~ (EC2|ec2) ]]; then PROVIDER='aws' elif [ "$(dmidecode -s bios-vendor)" = 'Google' ];then PROVIDER='google' elif [ "$(dmidecode -s bios-vendor)" = 'DigitalOcean' ];then PROVIDER='do' elif [ "$(dmidecode -s bios-vendor)" = 'Vultr' ];then PROVIDER='vultr' elif [ "$(dmidecode -s system-product-name | cut -c 1-7)" = 'Alibaba' ];then PROVIDER='aliyun' elif [ "$(dmidecode -s system-manufacturer)" = 'Microsoft Corporation' ];then PROVIDER='azure' elif [ -e /etc/oracle-cloud-agent/ ]; then PROVIDER='oracle' else PROVIDER='undefined' fi } oshmpath() { if [ ${PROVIDER} = 'aws' ] && [ -d /home/ubuntu ]; then HMPATH='/home/ubuntu' elif [ ${PROVIDER} = 'google' ] && [ -d /home/ubuntu ]; then HMPATH='/home/ubuntu' elif [ ${PROVIDER} = 'aliyun' ] && [ -d /home/ubuntu ]; then HMPATH='/home/ubuntu' elif [ ${PROVIDER} = 'oracle' ] && [ -d /home/ubuntu ]; then HMPATH='/home/ubuntu' else HMPATH='/root' fi DBPASSPATH="${HMPATH}/.db_password" } change_owner(){ chown -R ${USER}:${GROUP} ${1} } prepare(){ mkdir -p "${DOCLAND}" change_owner /var/www } system_upgrade() { echoG 'Updating system' if [ "${OSNAME}" = 'ubuntu' ] || [ "${OSNAME}" = 'debian' ]; then apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne '##### (33%)\r' DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne '############# (66%)\r' DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' dist-upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne '#################### (99%)\r' apt-get clean > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-get autoclean > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne '####################### (100%)\r' else echo -ne '# (5%)\r' yum update -y > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne '####################### (100%)\r' fi } wp_conf_path(){ if [ -f "${LSWSCONF}" ]; then if [ ! -f $(grep 'configFile.*wordpress' "${LSWSCONF}" | awk '{print $2}') ]; then WPVHCONF="${EXAMPLECONF}" fi else echo 'Can not find LSWS Config, exit script' exit 1 fi } rm_dummy(){ echoG 'Remove dummy file' rm -f "/tmp/example.csr" "/tmp/privkey.pem" } install_ols_wp(){ cd /tmp/; wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litespeedtech/ols1clk/master/ols1clk.sh chmod +x ols1clk.sh echo 'Y' | bash ols1clk.sh \ --lsphp ${PHPVER} \ --wordpress \ --wordpresspath ${DOCHM} \ --dbrootpassword ${root_mysql_pass} \ --dbname wordpress \ --dbuser wordpress \ --dbpassword wordpress rm -f ols1clk.sh wp_conf_path rm_dummy } restart_lsws(){ echoG 'Restart LiteSpeed Web Server' ${LSWSFD}/bin/lswsctrl stop >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl stop lsws >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start lsws >/dev/null 2>&1 } centos_install_basic(){ yum -y install wget unzip > /dev/null 2>&1 } centos_install_ols(){ install_ols_wp } centos_install_memcached(){ echoG 'Install Memcached' yum -y install memcached > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start memcached > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl enable memcached > /dev/null 2>&1 } centos_install_redis(){ echoG 'Install Redis' yum -y install redis > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start redis > /dev/null 2>&1 } centos_install_certbot(){ echoG "Install CertBot" if [ ${OSVER} = 8 ]; then wget -q https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto mv certbot-auto /usr/local/bin/certbot chown root /usr/local/bin/certbot chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/certbot echo "y" | /usr/local/bin/certbot > /dev/null 2>&1 else yum -y install certbot > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ -e /usr/bin/certbot ] || [ -e /usr/local/bin/certbot ]; then if [ ! -e /usr/bin/certbot ]; then ln -s /usr/local/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot fi echoG 'Install CertBot finished' else echoR 'Please check CertBot' fi } ubuntu_install_basic(){ apt-get -y install wget unzip ufw > /dev/null 2>&1 } ubuntu_install_ols(){ install_ols_wp } ubuntu_install_memcached(){ echoG 'Install Memcached' apt-get -y install memcached > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start memcached > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl enable memcached > /dev/null 2>&1 } ubuntu_install_redis(){ echoG 'Install Redis' apt-get -y install redis > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start redis > /dev/null 2>&1 } ubuntu_install_certbot(){ echoG "Install CertBot" if [ "${OSNAMEVER}" = 'UBUNTU18' ]; then add-apt-repository universe > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne '\n' | add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot > /dev/null 2>&1 fi apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-get -y install certbot > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -e /usr/bin/certbot ] || [ -e /usr/local/bin/certbot ]; then if [ ! -e /usr/bin/certbot ]; then ln -s /usr/local/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot fi echoG 'Install CertBot finished' else echoR 'Please check CertBot' fi } install_phpmyadmin(){ if [ ! -f ${PHPCONF}/changelog.php ]; then cd /tmp/ echoG 'Download phpmyadmin' wget -q https://www.phpmyadmin.net/downloads/phpMyAdmin-latest-all-languages.zip unzip phpMyAdmin-latest-all-languages.zip > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f phpMyAdmin-latest-all-languages.zip echoG "move phpmyadmin to ${PHPCONF}" mv phpMyAdmin-*-all-languages ${PHPCONF} mv ${PHPCONF}/config.sample.inc.php ${PHPCONF}/config.inc.php fi change_owner ${PHPCONF} } install_wp_cli(){ if [ -e /usr/local/bin/wp ]; then echoG 'WP CLI already exist' else echoG "Install wp_cli" curl -sO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar chmod +x wp-cli.phar mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp fi if [ ! -f /usr/bin/php ]; then ln -s ${LSWSFD}/lsphp${PHPVER}/bin/php /usr/bin/php fi } centos_config_ols(){ echoG 'Setting Web Server config' yum -y install --reinstall openlitespeed > /dev/null 2>&1 NEWKEY=' vhRoot /var/www/html' linechange 'www/html' ${LSWSCONF} "${NEWKEY}" sed -i '/errorlog logs\/error.log/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ keepDays 1' ${LSWSCONF} sed -i 's/maxStaleAge 200/maxStaleAge 0/g' ${LSWSCONF} cat > ${WPVHCONF} < /dev/null 2>&1 NEWKEY=' vhRoot /var/www/html' linechange 'www/html' ${LSWSCONF} "${NEWKEY}" sed -i '/errorlog logs\/error.log/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ keepDays 1' ${LSWSCONF} sed -i 's/maxStaleAge 200/maxStaleAge 0/g' ${LSWSCONF} cat > ${WPVHCONF} < /dev/null 2>&1 cat >> "${MEMCACHECONF}" < /dev/null 2>&1 service memcached start > /dev/null 2>&1 } ubuntu_config_redis(){ service redis-server stop > /dev/null 2>&1 NEWKEY="Group=${GROUP}" linechange 'Group=' ${REDISSERVICE} "${NEWKEY}" cat >> "${REDISCONF}" < /dev/null 2>&1 service redis-server start > /dev/null 2>&1 echoG 'Finish Object Cache' } centos_config_memcached(){ echoG 'Setting Object Cache' service memcached stop > /dev/null 2>&1 cat >> "${MEMCACHESERVICE}" < "${MEMCACHECONF}" < /dev/null 2>&1 fi semanage permissive -a memcached_t setsebool -P httpd_can_network_memcache 1 systemctl daemon-reload > /dev/null service memcached start > /dev/null } centos_config_redis(){ service redis stop > /dev/null 2>&1 NEWKEY="Group=${GROUP}" linechange 'Group=' ${REDISSERVICE} "${NEWKEY}" cat >> "${REDISCONF}" < /dev/null service redis start > /dev/null echoG 'Finish Object Cache' } config_mysql(){ echoG 'Setting DataBase' get_sql_ver if [ -f ${DBPASSPATH} ]; then EXISTSQLPASS=$(grep root_mysql_passs ${HMPATH}/.db_password | awk -F '"' '{print $2}'); fi if [ "${EXISTSQLPASS}" = '' ]; then if (( ${SQL_MAINV} >=10 )) && (( ${SQL_SECV} >=4 )); then mysql -u root -p${root_mysql_pass} \ -e "ALTER USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA mysql_native_password USING PASSWORD('${root_mysql_pass}');" else mysql -u root -p${root_mysql_pass} \ -e "update mysql.user set authentication_string=password('${root_mysql_pass}') where user='root';" fi else if (( ${SQL_MAINV} >=10 )) && (( ${SQL_SECV} >=4)); then mysql -u root -p${EXISTSQLPASS} \ -e "ALTER USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA mysql_native_password USING PASSWORD('${root_mysql_pass}');" else mysql -u root -p${EXISTSQLPASS} \ -e "update mysql.user set authentication_string=password('${root_mysql_pass}') where user='root';" fi fi #if [ -e ${MARIADBSERVICE} ]; then # grep -i LogLevelMax ${MARIADBSERVICE} >/dev/null 2>&1 # if [ ${?} = 1 ]; then # echo 'LogLevelMax=1' >> ${MARIADBSERVICE} # fi #fi #if [ ! -e ${MARIADBCNF} ]; then #touch ${MARIADBCNF} #cat > ${MARIADBCNF} < /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl restart mariadb > /dev/null echoG 'Finish DataBase' } install_wp_plugin(){ echoG 'Setting WordPress' for PLUGIN in ${PLUGINLIST}; do echoG "Install ${PLUGIN}" wget -q -P ${DOCHM}/wp-content/plugins/ https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/${PLUGIN} if [ $? = 0 ]; then unzip -qq -o ${DOCHM}/wp-content/plugins/${PLUGIN} -d ${DOCHM}/wp-content/plugins/ else echoR "${PLUGINLIST} FAILED to download" fi done rm -f ${DOCHM}/wp-content/plugins/*.zip } set_htaccess(){ if [ ! -f ${DOCHM}/.htaccess ]; then touch ${DOCHM}/.htaccess fi cat << EOM > ${DOCHM}/.htaccess # BEGIN WordPress RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] # END WordPress EOM } get_theme_name(){ THEME_NAME=$(grep WP_DEFAULT_THEME ${DOCHM}/wp-includes/default-constants.php | grep -v '!' | awk -F "'" '{print $4}') echo "${THEME_NAME}" | grep 'twenty' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then THEME="${THEME_NAME}" fi } set_lscache(){ cat << EOM > "${WPCONSTCONF}" ; ; This is the predefined default LSCWP configuration file ; ; All the keys and values please refer \`src/const.cls.php\` ; ; Comments start with \`;\` ; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- General ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_AUTO_UPGRADE auto_upgrade = true ; O_API_KEY api_key = '' ; O_SERVER_IP server_ip = '' ; O_GUEST guest = false ; O_GUEST_OPTM guest_optm = false ; O_NEWS news = true ; O_GUEST_UAS guest_uas = 'Lighthouse GTmetrix Google Pingdom bot PTST HeadlessChrome' ; O_GUEST_IPS guest_ips = '' ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Cache ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; cache-priv = true cache-commenter = true cache-rest = true cache-page_login = true cache-favicon = true cache-resources = true cache-browser = true cache-mobile = false cache-mobile_rules = 'Mobile Android Silk/ Kindle BlackBerry Opera Mini Opera Mobi' cache-exc_useragents = '' cache-exc_cookies = '' cache-exc_qs = '' cache-exc_cat = '' cache-exc_tag = '' cache-force_uri = '' cache-force_pub_uri = '' cache-priv_uri = '' cache-exc = '' cache-exc_roles = '' cache-drop_qs = 'fbclid gclid utm* _ga' cache-ttl_pub = 604800 cache-ttl_priv = 1800 cache-ttl_frontpage = 604800 cache-ttl_feed = 604800 ; O_CACHE_TTL_REST cache-ttl_rest = 604800 cache-ttl_browser = 31557600 cache-login_cookie = '' cache-vary_group = '' cache-ttl_status = '403 3600 404 3600 500 3600' ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Purge ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_PURGE_ON_UPGRADE purge-upgrade = true ; O_PURGE_STALE purge-stale = false purge-post_all = false purge-post_f = true purge-post_h = true purge-post_p = true purge-post_pwrp = true purge-post_a = true purge-post_y = false purge-post_m = true purge-post_d = false purge-post_t = true purge-post_pt = true purge-timed_urls = '' purge-timed_urls_time = '' purge-hook_all = 'switch_theme wp_create_nav_menu wp_update_nav_menu wp_delete_nav_menu create_term edit_terms delete_term add_link edit_link delete_link' ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- ESI ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_ESI esi = false ; O_ESI_CACHE_ADMBAR esi-cache_admbar = true ; O_ESI_CACHE_COMMFORM esi-cache_commform = true ; O_ESI_NONCE esi-nonce = 'stats_nonce subscribe_nonce' ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Utilities ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; util-heartbeat = true util-instant_click = false util-no_https_vary = false ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Debug ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_DEBUG_DISABLE_ALL debug-disable_all = false ; O_DEBUG debug = false ; O_DEBUG_IPS debug-ips = '' ; O_DEBUG_LEVEL debug-level = false ; O_DEBUG_FILESIZE debug-filesize = 3 ; O_DEBUG_COOKIE debug-cookie = false ; O_DEBUG_COLLAPS_QS debug-collaps_qs = false ; O_DEBUG_INC debug-inc = '' ; O_DEBUG_EXC debug-exc = '' ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- DB Optm ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_DB_OPTM_REVISIONS_MAX db_optm-revisions_max = 0 ; O_DB_OPTM_REVISIONS_AGE db_optm-revisions_age = 0 ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- HTML Optm ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_OPTM_CSS_MIN optm-css_min = false ; O_OPTM_CSS_COMB optm-css_comb = false ; O_OPTM_CSS_COMB_EXT_INL optm-css_comb_ext_inl = true ; O_OPTM_UCSS optm-ucss = false ; O_OPTM_UCSS_INLINE optm-ucss_inline = false ; O_OPTM_UCSS_FILE_EXC_INLINE optm-ucss_file_exc_inline = '' ; O_OPTM_UCSS_SELECTOR_WHITELIST optm-ucss_whitelist = '' ; O_OPTM_UCSS_EXC optm-ucss_exc = '' optm-css_exc = '' ; O_OPTM_JS_MIN optm-js_min = false ; O_OPTM_JS_COMB optm-js_comb = false ; O_OPTM_JS_COMB_EXT_INL optm-js_comb_ext_inl = true optm-js_exc = 'jquery.js jquery.min.js' optm-html_min = false ; O_OPTM_HTML_LAZY optm-html_lazy='' optm-qs_rm = false optm-ggfonts_rm = false ; O_OPTM_CSS_ASYNC optm-css_async = false ; O_OPTM_CCSS_PER_URL optm-ccss_per_url = false ; O_OPTM_CSS_ASYNC_INLINE optm-css_async_inline = true ; O_OPTM_CSS_FONT_DISPLAY optm-css_font_display = false ; O_OPTM_JS_DEFER optm-js_defer = false ; O_OPTM_EMOJI_RM optm-emoji_rm = false ; O_OPTM_NOSCRIPT_RM optm-noscript_rm = false optm-ggfonts_async = false optm-exc_roles = '' optm-ccss_con = '' ; O_OPTM_CCSS_SEP_POSTTYPE optm-ccss_sep_posttype = 'page' ; O_OPTM_CCSS_SEP_URI optm-ccss_sep_uri = '' ; Analytics JS also measure the load-time as it is being loaded on the website itself and Google sends a report each month to the user. If these files are deferred, The Analytics JS shows a longer page-load time, even if the website isn't actually slow. by Shivam optm-js_defer_exc = 'jquery.js jquery.min.js gtm.js analytics.js' ; O_OPTM_GM_JS_EXC optm-gm_js_exc = '' ; O_OPTM_DNS_PREFETCH optm-dns_prefetch = '' ; O_OPTM_DNS_PREFETCH_CTRL optm-dns_prefetch_ctrl = false optm-exc = '' ; O_OPTM_GUEST_ONLY optm-guest_only = true ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Object Cache ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; object = true object-kind = false ;object-host = 'localhost' object-host = '/var/www/memcached.sock' ;object-port = 11211 cache_object_port = '' object-life = 360 object-persistent = true object-admin = true object-transients = true object-db_id = 0 object-user = '' object-pswd = '' object-global_groups = 'users userlogins useremail userslugs usermeta user_meta site-transient site-options site-lookup site-details blog-lookup blog-details blog-id-cache rss global-posts global-cache-test' object-non_persistent_groups = 'comment counts plugins wc_session_id' ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Discussion ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_DISCUSS_AVATAR_CACHE discuss-avatar_cache = false ; O_DISCUSS_AVATAR_CRON discuss-avatar_cron = false ; O_DISCUSS_AVATAR_CACHE_TTL discuss-avatar_cache_ttl = 604800 ; O_OPTM_LOCALIZE optm-localize = false ; O_OPTM_LOCALIZE_DOMAINS optm-localize_domains = '### Popular scripts ### https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js' ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Media ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_MEDIA_LAZY media-lazy = false ; O_MEDIA_LAZY_PLACEHOLDER media-lazy_placeholder = '' ; O_MEDIA_PLACEHOLDER_RESP media-placeholder_resp = false ; O_MEDIA_PLACEHOLDER_RESP_COLOR media-placeholder_resp_color = '#cfd4db' ; O_MEDIA_PLACEHOLDER_RESP_SVG media-placeholder_resp_svg = '' ; O_MEDIA_LQIP media-lqip = false ; O_MEDIA_LQIP_QUAL media-lqip_qual = 4 ; O_MEDIA_LQIP_MIN_W media-lqip_min_w = 150 ; O_MEDIA_LQIP_MIN_H media-lqip_min_h = 150 ; O_MEDIA_PLACEHOLDER_RESP_ASYNC media-placeholder_resp_async = true ; O_MEDIA_IFRAME_LAZY media-iframe_lazy = false ; O_MEDIA_ADD_MISSING_SIZES media-add_missing_sizes = false ; O_MEDIA_LAZY_EXC media-lazy_exc = '' ; O_MEDIA_LAZY_CLS_EXC media-lazy_cls_exc = 'wmu-preview-img' ; O_MEDIA_LAZY_PARENT_CLS_EXC media-lazy_parent_cls_exc = '' ; O_MEDIA_IFRAME_LAZY_CLS_EXC media-iframe_lazy_cls_exc = '' ; O_MEDIA_IFRAME_LAZY_PARENT_CLS_EXC media-iframe_lazy_parent_cls_exc = '' ; O_MEDIA_LAZY_URI_EXC media-lazy_uri_exc = '' ; O_MEDIA_LQIP_EXC media-lqip_exc = '' ; O_MEDIA_VPI media-vpi = false ; O_MEDIA_VPI_CRON media-vpi_cron = false ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Image Optm ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; img_optm-auto = false img_optm-cron = true img_optm-ori = true img_optm-rm_bkup = false img_optm-webp = true img_optm-lossless = false img_optm-exif = true img_optm-webp_attr = 'img.src div.data-thumb img.data-src img.data-lazyload div.data-large_image img.retina_logo_url div.data-parallax-image div.data-vc-parallax-image video.poster' img_optm-webp_replace_srcset = false img_optm-jpg_quality = 82 ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Crawler ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; crawler = false crawler-usleep = 500 crawler-run_duration = 400 crawler-run_interval = 600 crawler-crawl_interval = 302400 crawler-threads = 3 ; O_CRAWLER_TIMEOUT crawler-timeout = 30 crawler-load_limit = 1 ; O_CRAWLER_SITEMAP crawler-sitemap = '' ; O_CRAWLER_DROP_DOMAIN crawler-drop_domain = true ; O_CRAWLER_MAP_TIMEOUT crawler-map_timeout = 120 crawler-roles = '' crawler-cookies = '' ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- Misc ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; O_MISC_HEARTBEAT_FRONT misc-heartbeat_front = false ; O_MISC_HEARTBEAT_FRONT_TTL misc-heartbeat_front_ttl = 60 ; O_MISC_HEARTBEAT_BACK misc-heartbeat_back = false ; O_MISC_HEARTBEAT_BACK_TTL misc-heartbeat_back_ttl = 60 ; O_MISC_HEARTBEAT_EDITOR misc-heartbeat_editor = false ; O_MISC_HEARTBEAT_EDITOR_TTL misc-heartbeat_editor_ttl = 15 ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- CDN ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; cdn = false ; O_CDN_ATTR cdn-attr = '.src .data-src .href .poster source.srcset' cdn-ori = '' cdn-ori_dir = '' cdn-exc = '' cdn-quic = false cdn-quic_email = '' cdn-quic_key = '' cdn-cloudflare = false cdn-cloudflare_email = '' cdn-cloudflare_key = '' cdn-cloudflare_name = '' cdn-cloudflare_zone = '' ; \`cdn-mapping\` needs to be put in the end with a section tag ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; -------------- CDN 2 ----------------- ;; ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ; <------------ CDN Mapping Example BEGIN --------------------> ; Need to keep the section tag \`[cdn-mapping]\` before list. ; ; NOTE 1) Need to set all child options to make all resources to be replaced without missing. ; NOTE 2) \`url[n]\` option must have to enable the row setting of \`n\`. ; NOTE 3) This section needs to be put in the end of this .ini file ; ; To enable the 2nd mapping record by default, please remove the \`;;\` in the related lines. [cdn-mapping] url[0] = '' inc_js[0] = true inc_css[0] = true inc_img[0] = true filetype[0] = '.aac .css .eot .gif .jpeg .js .jpg .less .mp3 .mp4 .ogg .otf .pdf .png .svg .ttf .webp .woff .woff2' ;;url[1] = 'https://2nd_CDN_url.com/' ;;filetype[1] = '.webm' ; <------------ CDN Mapping Example END ------------------> EOM THEME_PATH="${DOCHM}/wp-content/themes/${THEME}" if [ ! -f ${THEME_PATH}/functions.php ]; then cat >> "${THEME_PATH}/functions.php" <> "${THEME_PATH}/functions.php.bk" <>/dev/null 2>&1 2i require_once( WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/../wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); \$path = 'litespeed-cache/litespeed-cache.php' ; if (!is_plugin_active( \$path )) { activate_plugin( \$path ) ; rename( __FILE__ . '.bk', __FILE__ ); } . w q END fi } db_password_file(){ echoG 'Create db fiile' if [ -f ${DBPASSPATH} ]; then echoY "${DBPASSPATH} already exist!, will recreate a new file" rm -f ${DBPASSPATH} fi touch "${DBPASSPATH}" cat >> "${DBPASSPATH}" < /dev/null 2>&1 #if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then for PORT in ${FIREWALLLIST}; do ufw allow ${PORT} > /dev/null 2>&1 done echo "y" | ufw enable > /dev/null 2>&1 ufw status | grep '80.*ALLOW' > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then echoG 'firewalld rules setup success' else echoR 'Please check ufw rules' fi #else # echoG "ufw already enabled" #fi if [ ${PROVIDER} = 'oracle' ]; then oci_iptables fi } centos_firewall_add(){ echoG 'Setting Firewall' if [ ! -e /usr/sbin/firewalld ]; then yum -y install firewalld > /dev/null 2>&1 fi service firewalld start > /dev/null 2>&1 systemctl enable firewalld > /dev/null 2>&1 for PORT in ${FIREWALLLIST}; do firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=${PORT}/tcp > /dev/null 2>&1 done firewall-cmd --reload > /dev/null 2>&1 firewall-cmd --list-all | grep 80 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then echoG 'firewalld rules setup success' else echoR 'Please check firewalld rules' fi if [ ${PROVIDER} = 'oracle' ]; then oci_iptables fi } ubuntu_service_check(){ check_sql_ver for ITEM in lsws memcached redis-server mariadb do service ${ITEM} status | grep "active\|running" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then echoG "Process ${ITEM} is active" else echoR "Please check Process ${ITEM}" ALLERRORS=1 fi done if [[ "${ALLERRORS}" = 0 ]]; then echoG "Congratulations! Installation finished." else echoR "Some errors seem to have occured, please check this as you may need to manually fix them" fi } centos_service_check(){ check_sql_ver for ITEM in lsws memcached redis mariadb do service ${ITEM} status | grep "active\|running" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then echoG "Process ${ITEM} is active" else echoR "Please check Process ${ITEM}" ALLERRORS=1 fi done if [[ "${ALLERRORS}" = 0 ]]; then echoG "Congratulations! Installation finished." else echoR "Some errors seem to have occured, please check this as you may need to manually fix them" fi } init_check(){ START_TIME="$(date -u +%s)" check_os providerck oshmpath } init_setup(){ system_upgrade prepare } centos_main_install(){ centos_install_basic centos_install_ols centos_install_memcached centos_install_redis centos_install_certbot install_phpmyadmin install_wp_cli landing_pg } centos_main_config(){ centos_config_ols centos_config_memcached centos_config_redis wp_main_config } ubuntu_main_install(){ ubuntu_install_basic ubuntu_install_ols ubuntu_install_memcached ubuntu_install_redis ubuntu_install_certbot install_phpmyadmin install_wp_cli landing_pg } ubuntu_main_config(){ ubuntu_config_ols ubuntu_config_memcached ubuntu_config_redis wp_main_config } wp_config(){ install_wp_plugin set_htaccess get_theme_name set_lscache } wp_main_config(){ config_mysql wp_config db_password_file update_final_permission restart_lsws } end_message(){ END_TIME="$(date -u +%s)" ELAPSED="$((${END_TIME}-${START_TIME}))" echoY "***Total of ${ELAPSED} seconds to finish process***" } main(){ init_check init_setup if [ ${OSNAME} = 'centos' ]; then centos_main_install centos_main_config centos_firewall_add centos_service_check else ubuntu_main_install ubuntu_main_config ubuntu_firewall_add ubuntu_service_check fi end_message } main exit 0