#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Open LiteSpeed is an open source HTTP server. # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc. # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # ############################################################################## ### Author: LiteSpeed TEMPRANDSTR= OSNAMEVER=UNKNOWN OSNAME= OSVER= OSTYPE=$(uname -m) MARIADBCPUARCH= SERVER_ROOT=/usr/local/lsws WEBCF="$SERVER_ROOT/conf/httpd_config.conf" EXAMPLE_VHOSTCONF="$SERVER_ROOT/conf/vhosts/Example/vhconf.conf" RULE_FILE='modsec_includes.conf' OWASP_DIR="${SERVER_ROOT}/conf/owasp" CRS_DIR='owasp-modsecurity-crs' OLSINSTALLED= MYSQLINSTALLED= TESTGETERROR=no DATABASENAME=olsdbname USERNAME=olsdbuser DBPREFIX=wp_ VERBOSE=0 PURE_DB=0 PURE_MYSQL=0 PURE_PERCONA=0 WITH_MYSQL=0 WITH_PERCONA=0 PROXY=0 PROXY_TYPE='' PROXY_SERVER='' WORDPRESSPATH=$SERVER_ROOT/wordpress PWD_FILE=$SERVER_ROOT/password WPPORT=80 SSLWPPORT=443 WORDPRESSINSTALLED= INSTALLWORDPRESS=0 INSTALLWORDPRESSPLUS=0 FORCEYES=0 WPLANGUAGE=en_US WPUSER=wpuser WPTITLE=MySite SITEDOMAIN=* EMAIL= ADMINUSER='admin' ADMINPORT='7080' ADMINPASSWORD= ROOTPASSWORD= USERPASSWORD= WPPASSWORD= LSPHPVERLIST=(71 72 73 74 80 81 82 83) MARIADBVERLIST=(10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3) OLD_SYS_MARIADBVERLIST=(10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5) LSPHPVER=82 MARIADBVER=10.11 MYSQLVER=8.0 PERCONAVER=80 WEBADMIN_LSPHPVER=74 OWASP_V='4.2.0' SET_OWASP= ALLERRORS=0 TEMPPASSWORD= ACTION=INSTALL FOLLOWPARAM= CONFFILE=myssl.conf CSR=example.csr KEY=example.key CERT=example.crt EPACE=' ' FPACE=' ' APT='apt-get -qq' YUM='yum -q' MYGITHUBURL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litespeedtech/ols1clk/master/ols1clk.sh function echoY { FLAG=$1 shift echo -e "\033[38;5;148m$FLAG\033[39m$@" } function echoG { FLAG=$1 shift echo -e "\033[38;5;71m$FLAG\033[39m$@" } function echoB { FLAG=$1 shift echo -e "\033[38;1;34m$FLAG\033[39m$@" } function echoR { FLAG=$1 shift echo -e "\033[38;5;203m$FLAG\033[39m$@" } function echoW { FLAG=${1} shift echo -e "\033[1m${EPACE}${FLAG}\033[0m${@}" } function echoNW { FLAG=${1} shift echo -e "\033[1m${FLAG}\033[0m${@}" } function echoCYAN { FLAG=$1 shift echo -e "\033[1;36m$FLAG\033[0m$@" } function silent { if [ "${VERBOSE}" = '1' ] ; then "$@" else "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } function change_owner { chown -R ${USER}:${GROUP} ${1} } function check_root { local INST_USER=`id -u` if [ $INST_USER != 0 ] ; then echoR "Sorry, only the root user can install." echo exit 1 fi } function update_system(){ echoG 'System update' if [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then silent ${YUM} update -y >/dev/null 2>&1 else disable_needrestart silent ${APT} update && ${APT} upgrade -y >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } function check_wget { which wget >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then if [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then silent ${YUM} -y install wget else ${APT} -y install wget fi which wget >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured during wget installation." ALLERRORS=1 fi fi } function check_curl { which curl >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then if [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then silent ${YUM} -y install curl else ${APT} -y install curl fi which curl >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured during curl installation." ALLERRORS=1 fi fi } function update_email { if [ "$EMAIL" = '' ] ; then if [ "$SITEDOMAIN" = "*" ] ; then EMAIL=root@localhost else EMAIL=root@$SITEDOMAIN fi fi } function restart_lsws { systemctl stop lsws >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start lsws } function usage { echo -e "\033[1mOPTIONS\033[0m" echoW " --adminuser [USERNAME]" "${EPACE} To set the WebAdmin username for OpenLiteSpeed instead of admin." echoNW " -A, --adminpassword [PASSWORD]" "${EPACE}To set the WebAdmin password for OpenLiteSpeed instead of using a random one." echoW " --adminport [PORTNUMBER]" "${EPACE} To set the WebAdmin console port number instead of 7080." echoNW " -E, --email [EMAIL] " "${EPACE} To set the administrator email." echoW " --lsphp [VERSION] " "To set the LSPHP version, such as 82. We currently support versions '${LSPHPVERLIST[@]}'." echoW " --mariadbver [VERSION] " "To set MariaDB version, such as 10.6. We currently support versions '${MARIADBVERLIST[@]}'." echoNW " -W, --wordpress " "${EPACE} To install WordPress. You will still need to complete the WordPress setup by browser" echoW " --wordpressplus [SITEDOMAIN] " "To install, setup, and configure WordPress, also LSCache will be enabled" echoW " --wordpresspath [WP_PATH] " "To specify a location for the new WordPress installation or an existing WordPress." echoNW " -R, --dbrootpassword [PASSWORD] " " To set the database root password instead of using a random one." echoW " --dbname [DATABASENAME] " "To set the database name to be used by WordPress." echoW " --dbuser [DBUSERNAME] " "To set the WordPress username in the database." echoW " --dbpassword [PASSWORD] " "To set the WordPress table password in MySQL instead of using a random one." echoW " --prefix [PREFIXNAME] " "To set the WordPress table prefix." echoW " --listenport [PORT] " "To set the HTTP server listener port, default is 80." echoW " --ssllistenport [PORT] " "To set the HTTPS server listener port, default is 443." echoW " --wpuser [WORDPRESSUSER] " "To set the WordPress admin user for WordPress dashboard login. Default value is wpuser." echoW " --wppassword [PASSWORD] " "To set the WordPress admin user password for WordPress dashboard login." echoW " --wplang [WP_LANGUAGE] " "To set the WordPress language. Default value is \"en_US\" for English." echoW " --sitetitle [WP_TITLE] " "To set the WordPress site title. Default value is mySite." echoW " --pure-mariadb " "To install OpenLiteSpeed and MariaDB" echoW " --pure-mysql " "To install OpenLiteSpeed and MySQL" echoW " --pure-percona " "To install OpenLiteSpeed and Percona" echoW " --with-mysql " "To install OpenLiteSpeed/App with MySQL" echoW " --with-percona " "To install OpenLiteSpeed/App with Percona" echoW " --owasp-enable " "To enable mod_security with OWASP rules. If OLS is installed, then enable the owasp directly" echoW " --owasp-disable " "To disable mod_security with OWASP rules." echoW " --proxy-r " "To set a proxy with rewrite type." echoW " --proxy-c " "To set a proxy with config type." echoNW " -U, --uninstall " "${EPACE} To uninstall OpenLiteSpeed and remove installation directory." echoNW " -P, --purgeall " "${EPACE} To uninstall OpenLiteSpeed, remove installation directory, and purge all data in MySQL." echoNW " -Q, --quiet " "${EPACE} To use quiet mode, won't prompt to input anything." echoNW " -V, --version " "${EPACE} To display the script version information." echoNW " -v, --verbose " "${EPACE} To display more messages during the installation." echoW " --update " "To update ols1clk from github." echoNW " -H, --help " "${EPACE} To display help messages." echo echo -e "\033[1mEXAMPLES\033[0m" echoW "./ols1clk.sh " "To install OpenLiteSpeed with a random WebAdmin password." echoW "./ols1clk.sh --lsphp 83 " "To install OpenLiteSpeed with lsphp83." echoW "./ols1clk.sh -A 123456 -e a@cc.com " "To install OpenLiteSpeed with WebAdmin password \"123456\" and email a@cc.com." echoW "./ols1clk.sh -R 123456 -W " "To install OpenLiteSpeed with WordPress and MySQL root password \"123456\"." echoW "./ols1clk.sh --wordpressplus a.com " "To install OpenLiteSpeed with a fully configured WordPress installation at \"a.com\"." echo exit 0 } function display_license { echoY '**********************************************************************************************' echoY '* Open LiteSpeed One click installation, Version 3.1 *' echoY '* Copyright (C) 2016 - 2024 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc. *' echoY '**********************************************************************************************' } function check_os { if [ -f /etc/centos-release ] ; then OSNAME=centos USER='nobody' GROUP='nobody' case $(cat /etc/centos-release | tr -dc '0-9.'|cut -d \. -f1) in 7) OSNAMEVER=CENTOS7 OSVER=7 ;; 8) OSNAMEVER=CENTOS8 OSVER=8 ;; 9) OSNAMEVER=CENTOS9 OSVER=9 ;; esac elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then OSNAME=centos USER='nobody' GROUP='nobody' case $(cat /etc/redhat-release | tr -dc '0-9.'|cut -d \. -f1) in 7) OSNAMEVER=CENTOS7 OSVER=7 ;; 8) OSNAMEVER=CENTOS8 OSVER=8 ;; 9) OSNAMEVER=CENTOS9 OSVER=9 ;; esac elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] ; then OSNAME=ubuntu USER='nobody' GROUP='nogroup' case $(cat /etc/os-release | grep UBUNTU_CODENAME | cut -d = -f 2) in bionic) OSNAMEVER=UBUNTU18 OSVER=bionic MARIADBCPUARCH="arch=amd64" ;; focal) OSNAMEVER=UBUNTU20 OSVER=focal MARIADBCPUARCH="arch=amd64" ;; jammy) OSNAMEVER=UBUNTU22 OSVER=jammy MARIADBCPUARCH="arch=amd64" ;; noble) OSNAMEVER=UBUNTU24 OSVER=noble MARIADBCPUARCH="arch=amd64" ;; esac elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then OSNAME=debian USER='nobody' GROUP='nogroup' case $(cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION_CODENAME | cut -d = -f 2) in stretch) OSNAMEVER=DEBIAN9 OSVER=stretch MARIADBCPUARCH="arch=amd64,i386" ;; buster) OSNAMEVER=DEBIAN10 OSVER=buster MARIADBCPUARCH="arch=amd64,i386" ;; bullseye) OSNAMEVER=DEBIAN11 OSVER=bullseye MARIADBCPUARCH="arch=amd64,i386" ;; bookworm) OSNAMEVER=DEBIAN12 OSVER=bookworm MARIADBCPUARCH="arch=amd64,i386" ;; esac fi if [ "$OSNAMEVER" = '' ] ; then echoR "Sorry, currently one click installation only supports Centos(7-9), Debian(10-12) and Ubuntu(18,20,22,24)." echoR "You can download the source code and build from it." echoR "The url of the source code is https://github.com/litespeedtech/openlitespeed/releases." exit 1 else if [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then echoG "Current platform is " "$OSNAME $OSVER." else export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive echoG "Current platform is " "$OSNAMEVER $OSNAME $OSVER." fi fi } function fst_match_line { FIRST_LINE_NUM=$(grep -n -m 1 "${1}" ${2} | awk -F ':' '{print $1}') } function fst_match_after { FIRST_NUM_AFTER=$(tail -n +${1} ${2} | grep -n -m 1 ${3} | awk -F ':' '{print $1}') } function lst_match_line { fst_match_after ${1} ${2} ${3} LAST_LINE_NUM=$((${FIRST_LINE_NUM}+${FIRST_NUM_AFTER}-1)) } function update_centos_hashlib { if [ "$OSNAME" = 'centos' ] ; then silent ${YUM} -y install python-hashlib fi } function get_memory { RAM_KB=$(grep "MemTotal" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') } function check_memory { if [ "${OSNAMEVER}" = 'CENTOS9' ]; then get_memory if [ "$RAM_KB" -lt "1800000" ]; then echoR 'remi package needs at least 2GB RAM to install it. Exit!' exit 1 fi fi } function install_ols_centos { local action=install if [ "$1" = "Update" ] ; then action=update elif [ "$1" = "Reinstall" ] ; then action=reinstall fi local JSON= if [ "x$LSPHPVER" = "x70" ] || [ "x$LSPHPVER" = "x71" ] || [ "x$LSPHPVER" = "x72" ] || [ "x$LSPHPVER" = "x73" ] || [ "x$LSPHPVER" = "x74" ]; then JSON=lsphp$LSPHPVER-json fi if [ "${OSNAMEVER}" = 'CENTOS9' ]; then echoB "${FPACE} - add remi repo" else echoB "${FPACE} - add epel repo" silent ${YUM} -y $action epel-release fi echoB "${FPACE} - add litespeedtech repo" sudo wget -q -O - https://repo.litespeed.sh | sudo bash >/dev/null 2>&1 echoB "${FPACE} - $1 OpenLiteSpeed" silent ${YUM} -y $action openlitespeed if [ ! -e $SERVER_ROOT/lsphp$LSPHPVER/bin/lsphp ] ; then action=install fi echoB "${FPACE} - $1 lsphp$LSPHPVER" if [ "$action" = "reinstall" ] ; then silent ${YUM} -y remove lsphp$LSPHPVER-mysqlnd fi silent ${YUM} -y install lsphp$LSPHPVER-mysqlnd if [[ "$LSPHPVER" == 8* ]]; then silent ${YUM} -y $action lsphp$LSPHPVER lsphp$LSPHPVER-common lsphp$LSPHPVER-gd lsphp$LSPHPVER-process lsphp$LSPHPVER-mbstring \ lsphp$LSPHPVER-xml lsphp$LSPHPVER-pdo lsphp$LSPHPVER-imap else silent ${YUM} -y $action lsphp$LSPHPVER lsphp$LSPHPVER-common lsphp$LSPHPVER-gd lsphp$LSPHPVER-process lsphp$LSPHPVER-mbstring \ lsphp$LSPHPVER-xml lsphp$LSPHPVER-mcrypt lsphp$LSPHPVER-pdo lsphp$LSPHPVER-imap $JSON fi if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured during OpenLiteSpeed installation." ALLERRORS=1 else echoB "${FPACE} - Setup lsphp symlink" ln -sf $SERVER_ROOT/lsphp$LSPHPVER/bin/lsphp $SERVER_ROOT/fcgi-bin/lsphpnew sed -i -e "s/fcgi-bin\/lsphp/fcgi-bin\/lsphpnew/g" "${WEBCF}" sed -i -e "s/lsphp${WEBADMIN_LSPHPVER}\/bin\/lsphp/lsphp$LSPHPVER\/bin\/lsphp/g" "${WEBCF}" if [ ! -f /usr/bin/php ]; then ln -s ${SERVER_ROOT}/lsphp${LSPHPVER}/bin/php /usr/bin/php fi fi if [ ${INSTALLWORDPRESS} = 1 ]; then silent ${YUM} -y $action lsphp$LSPHPVER-imagick lsphp$LSPHPVER-opcache lsphp$LSPHPVER-redis lsphp$LSPHPVER-memcached lsphp$LSPHPVER-intl fi } function uninstall_ols_centos { echoB "${FPACE} - Remove OpenLiteSpeed" silent ${YUM} -y remove openlitespeed if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured while uninstalling OpenLiteSpeed." ALLERRORS=1 fi rm -rf $SERVER_ROOT/ } function uninstall_php_centos { ls "${SERVER_ROOT}" | grep lsphp >/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then local LSPHPSTR="$(ls ${SERVER_ROOT} | grep -i lsphp | tr '\n' ' ')" for LSPHPVER in ${LSPHPSTR}; do echoB "${FPACE} - Detect LSPHP version $LSPHPVER" if [ "$LSPHPVER" = "lsphp80" ]; then silent ${YUM} -y remove lsphp$LSPHPVER lsphp$LSPHPVER-common lsphp$LSPHPVER-gd lsphp$LSPHPVER-process lsphp$LSPHPVER-mbstring \ lsphp$LSPHPVER-mysqlnd lsphp$LSPHPVER-xml lsphp$LSPHPVER-pdo lsphp$LSPHPVER-imap lsphp* else silent ${YUM} -y remove lsphp$LSPHPVER lsphp$LSPHPVER-common lsphp$LSPHPVER-gd lsphp$LSPHPVER-process lsphp$LSPHPVER-mbstring \ lsphp$LSPHPVER-mysqlnd lsphp$LSPHPVER-xml lsphp$LSPHPVER-mcrypt lsphp$LSPHPVER-pdo lsphp$LSPHPVER-imap $JSON lsphp* fi if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured while uninstalling lsphp$LSPHPVER" ALLERRORS=1 fi done else echoB "${FPACE} - Uinstall LSPHP" ${YUM} -y remove lsphp* echoR "Uninstallation cannot get the currently installed LSPHP version." echoY "May not uninstall LSPHP correctly." LSPHPVER= fi } function install_ols_debian { local action= local INSTALL_STATUS=0 if [ "$1" = "Update" ] ; then action="--only-upgrade" elif [ "$1" = "Reinstall" ] ; then action="--reinstall" fi echoB "${FPACE} - add litespeedtech repo" sudo wget -q -O - https://repo.litespeed.sh | sudo bash >/dev/null 2>&1 echoB "${FPACE} - update list" ${APT} -y update echoB "${FPACE} - $1 OpenLiteSpeed" silent ${APT} -y install $action openlitespeed if [ ${?} != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured during OpenLiteSpeed installation." ALLERRORS=1 INSTALL_STATUS=1 fi if [ ! -e $SERVER_ROOT/lsphp$LSPHPVER/bin/lsphp ] ; then action= fi echoB "${FPACE} - $1 lsphp$LSPHPVER" silent ${APT} -y install $action lsphp$LSPHPVER lsphp$LSPHPVER-mysql lsphp$LSPHPVER-imap lsphp$LSPHPVER-curl if [ "$LSPHPVER" = "56" ]; then silent ${APT} -y install $action lsphp$LSPHPVER-gd lsphp$LSPHPVER-mcrypt elif [[ "$LSPHPVER" == 8* ]]; then silent ${APT} -y install $action lsphp$LSPHPVER-common else silent ${APT} -y install $action lsphp$LSPHPVER-common lsphp$LSPHPVER-json fi if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured during lsphp$LSPHPVER installation." ALLERRORS=1 fi if [ -e $SERVER_ROOT/bin/openlitespeed ]; then echoB "${FPACE} - Setup lsphp symlink" ln -sf $SERVER_ROOT/lsphp$LSPHPVER/bin/lsphp $SERVER_ROOT/fcgi-bin/lsphpnew sed -i -e "s/fcgi-bin\/lsphp/fcgi-bin\/lsphpnew/g" "${WEBCF}" sed -i -e "s/lsphp${WEBADMIN_LSPHPVER}\/bin\/lsphp/lsphp$LSPHPVER\/bin\/lsphp/g" "${WEBCF}" if [ ! -f /usr/bin/php ]; then ln -s ${SERVER_ROOT}/lsphp${LSPHPVER}/bin/php /usr/bin/php fi fi if [ ${INSTALLWORDPRESS} = 1 ]; then silent ${APT} -y install $action lsphp$LSPHPVER-imagick lsphp$LSPHPVER-opcache lsphp$LSPHPVER-redis lsphp$LSPHPVER-memcached lsphp$LSPHPVER-intl fi } function uninstall_ols_debian { echoB "${FPACE} - Uninstall OpenLiteSpeed" silent ${APT} -y purge openlitespeed silent ${APT} -y remove openlitespeed ${APT} clean #rm -rf $SERVER_ROOT/ } function uninstall_php_debian { echoB "${FPACE} - Uninstall LSPHP" silent ${APT} -y --purge remove lsphp* if [ -e /usr/bin/php ] && [ -L /usr/bin/php ]; then rm -f /usr/bin/php fi } function action_uninstall { if [ "$ACTION" = "UNINSTALL" ] ; then uninstall_warn uninstall uninstall_result exit 0 fi } function action_purgeall { if [ "$ACTION" = "PURGEALL" ] ; then uninstall_warn if [ "$ROOTPASSWORD" = '' ] ; then passwd= echoY "Please input the MySQL root password: " read passwd ROOTPASSWORD=$passwd fi uninstall purgedatabase uninstall_result exit 0 fi } function config_php { echoB "${FPACE} - Config php.ini" if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then PHPINICONF="${SERVER_ROOT}/lsphp${LSPHPVER}/etc/php.ini" else PHPMVER=$(php -v | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -f1-2 -d".") PHPINICONF="${SERVER_ROOT}/lsphp${LSPHPVER}/etc/php/${PHPMVER}/litespeed/php.ini" fi if [ -e "${PHPINICONF}" ]; then sed -i 's|memory_limit = 128M|memory_limit = 256M|g' ${PHPINICONF} sed -i 's|max_execution_time = 30|max_execution_time = 120|g' ${PHPINICONF} sed -i 's|max_input_time = 60|max_input_time = 240|g' ${PHPINICONF} sed -i 's|post_max_size = 8M|post_max_size = 256M|g' ${PHPINICONF} sed -i 's|upload_max_filesize = 2M|upload_max_filesize = 256M|g' ${PHPINICONF} else echoY "${PHPINICONF} does not exist, skip!" fi } function disable_needrestart { if [ -d /etc/needrestart/conf.d ]; then echoG 'List Restart services only' cat >> /etc/needrestart/conf.d/disable.conf <> ${PWD_FILE} set_ols_password } function test_mysql_password { CURROOTPASSWORD=$ROOTPASSWORD TESTPASSWORDERROR=0 mysqladmin -uroot -p$CURROOTPASSWORD password $CURROOTPASSWORD if [ $? != 0 ] ; then #Sometimes, mysql will treat the password error and restart will fix it. service mysql restart if [ $? != 0 ] && [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then service mysqld restart fi mysqladmin -uroot -p$CURROOTPASSWORD password $CURROOTPASSWORD if [ $? != 0 ] ; then printf '\033[31mPlease input the current root password:\033[0m' read answer mysqladmin -uroot -p$answer password $answer if [ $? = 0 ] ; then CURROOTPASSWORD=$answer else echoR "root password is incorrect. 2 attempts remaining." printf '\033[31mPlease input the current root password:\033[0m' read answer mysqladmin -uroot -p$answer password $answer if [ $? = 0 ] ; then CURROOTPASSWORD=$answer else echoR "root password is incorrect. 1 attempt remaining." printf '\033[31mPlease input the current root password:\033[0m' read answer mysqladmin -uroot -p$answer password $answer if [ $? = 0 ] ; then CURROOTPASSWORD=$answer else echoR "root password is incorrect. 0 attempts remaining." echo TESTPASSWORDERROR=1 fi fi fi fi fi export TESTPASSWORDERROR=$TESTPASSWORDERROR if [ "x$TESTPASSWORDERROR" = "x1" ] ; then export CURROOTPASSWORD= else export CURROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD fi } function centos_install_mariadb { echoB "${FPACE} - Add MariaDB repo" curl -LsS https://r.mariadb.com/downloads/mariadb_repo_setup | sudo bash -s -- --mariadb-server-version="mariadb-$MARIADBVER" >/dev/null 2>&1 # local REPOFILE=/etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo # if [ ! -f $REPOFILE ] ; then # local CENTOSVER= # if [ "$OSTYPE" != "x86_64" ] ; then # CENTOSVER=centos$OSVER-x86 # else # CENTOSVER=centos$OSVER-amd64 # fi # if [ "$OSNAMEVER" = "CENTOS8" ] || [ "$OSNAMEVER" = "CENTOS9" ]; then # rpm --quiet --import https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/MariaDB-Server-GPG-KEY # cat >> $REPOFILE <> $REPOFILE </dev/null yum-config-manager --disable mysql57-community >/dev/null yum-config-manager --enable mysql80-community >/dev/null if yum search 'mysql-community-server' | grep 'mysql-community-server\.' >/dev/null 2>&1; then silent ${YUM} install -y mysql-community-server else silent ${YUM} install -y mysql-server fi service mysqld start 2>/dev/null } function centos_install_percona { echoB "${FPACE} - Add Percona repo" silent ${YUM} install -y https://repo.percona.com/yum/percona-release-latest.noarch.rpm echoB "${FPACE} - Enable Percona repo" percona-release setup ps${PERCONAVER} -y >/dev/null 2>&1 silent ${YUM} install -y percona-server-server service mysqld start 2>/dev/null } function centos_install_unzip { if [ ! -f /usr/bin/unzip ]; then echoB "${FPACE} - Install Unzip" yum update >/dev/null 2>&1 yum install unzip -y >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } function debian_install_mariadb { echoB "${FPACE} - Install software properties" if [ "$OSNAMEVER" = "DEBIAN8" ]; then silent ${APT} -y -f install software-properties-common elif [ "$OSNAME" = "debian" ]; then silent ${APT} -y -f install software-properties-common gnupg elif [ "$OSNAME" = "ubuntu" ]; then silent ${APT} -y -f install software-properties-common fi #MARIADB_KEY='/usr/share/keyrings/mariadb.gpg' #wget -q -O- https://mariadb.org/mariadb_release_signing_key.asc | gpg --dearmor > "${MARIADB_KEY}" #if [ ! -e "${MARIADB_KEY}" ]; then # echoR "${MARIADB_KEY} does not exist, please check the key, exit!" # exit 1 #fi echoB "${FPACE} - Add MariaDB repo" if [ "${OSNAMEVER}" = 'UBUNTU24' ]; then #https://forum.hestiacp.com/t/mariadb-repos-failing/13097 echoB "${FPACE} - Skip adding MariaDB repo" else echoB "${FPACE} - Add MariaDB repo" curl -LsS https://r.mariadb.com/downloads/mariadb_repo_setup | sudo bash -s -- --mariadb-server-version="mariadb-$MARIADBVER" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi #if [ -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list ]; then # grep -Fq "mirror.mariadb.org" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list >/dev/null 2>&1 # if [ $? != 0 ] ; then # echo "deb [$MARIADBCPUARCH signed-by=${MARIADB_KEY}] http://mirror.mariadb.org/repo/$MARIADBVER/$OSNAME $OSVER main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list # fi #else # echo "deb [$MARIADBCPUARCH signed-by=${MARIADB_KEY}] http://mirror.mariadb.org/repo/$MARIADBVER/$OSNAME $OSVER main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list #fi echoB "${FPACE} - Update packages" ${APT} update echoB "${FPACE} - Install MariaDB" silent ${APT} -y -f install mariadb-server if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured during installation of MariaDB. Please fix this error and try again." echoR "You may want to manually run the command 'apt-get -y -f --allow-unauthenticated install mariadb-server' to check. Aborting installation!" exit 1 fi echoB "${FPACE} - Start MariaDB" service mysql start if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then service mariadb start fi } function debian_install_mysql { echoB "${FPACE} - Install software properties" local MYSQL_REPO='/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list' silent ${APT} -y -f install software-properties-common apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3A79BD29 >/dev/null 2>&1 apt-key list 2>&1 | grep MySQL >/dev/null if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then echoY 'Key add failed from keyserver.ubuntu.com, try pgp.mit.edu!' apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 3A79BD29 apt-key list 2>&1 | grep MySQL >/dev/null if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then echoR 'Key add failed from pgp.mit.edu, please check the key issue, exit!' exit 1 fi fi echoB "${FPACE} - Add mysql ${MYSQLVER} repo" if [ -e "${MYSQL_REPO}" ]; then grep -Fq "repo.mysql.com" "${MYSQL_REPO}" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/$OSNAME $OSVER mysql-${MYSQLVER}" > "${MYSQL_REPO}" fi else echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/$OSNAME $OSVER mysql-${MYSQLVER}" > "${MYSQL_REPO}" fi echoB "${FPACE} - Update packages" ${APT} update echoB "${FPACE} - Install Mysql" debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/root-pass password ${ROOTPASSWORD}" debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/re-root-pass password ${ROOTPASSWORD}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install mysql-server > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured during installation of MYSQL. Please fix this error and try again." echoR "You may want to manually run the command 'apt-get -y -f --allow-unauthenticated install mysql-server' to check. Aborting installation!" exit 1 fi echoB "${FPACE} - Start Mysql" service mysql start } function debian_install_percona { echoB "${FPACE} - Install software properties" curl -sO https://repo.percona.com/apt/percona-release_latest.generic_all.deb silent ${APT} -y -f install gnupg2 lsb-release ./percona-release_latest.generic_all.deb echoB "${FPACE} - Update packages" ${APT} update echoB "${FPACE} - Install Percona" percona-release setup ps${PERCONAVER} > /dev/null 2>&1 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install percona-server-server > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured during installation of Percona. Please fix this error and try again." echoR "You may want to manually run the command 'apt-get -y -f --allow-unauthenticated install percona-server' to check. Aborting installation!" exit 1 fi echoB "${FPACE} - Start Percona" service mysql start } function debian_install_unzip { if [ ! -f /usr/bin/unzip ]; then echoB "${FPACE} - Install Unzip" apt update >/dev/null 2>&1 apt-get install unzip -y >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } function mk_owasp_dir { echoB "${FPACE} - Create owasp dir" if [ -d ${OWASP_DIR} ] ; then rm -rf ${OWASP_DIR} fi mkdir -p ${OWASP_DIR} if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Unable to create directory: ${OWASP_DIR}, exit!" exit 1 fi } function enable_ols_modsec { grep 'module mod_security {' ${WEBCF} >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] ; then echoB "${FPACE} - Already configured for modsecurity." else echoB "${FPACE} - Enable modsecurity" sed -i "s=module cache=module mod_security {\nmodsecurity on\ \nmodsecurity_rules \`\nSecRuleEngine On\n\`\nmodsecurity_rules_file \ ${OWASP_DIR}/${RULE_FILE}\n ls_enabled 1\n}\ \n\nmodule cache=" ${WEBCF} fi } function disable_ols_modesec { grep 'module mod_security {' ${WEBCF} >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] ; then echo 'Disable modsecurity' fst_match_line 'module mod_security' ${WEBCF} lst_match_line ${FIRST_LINE_NUM} ${WEBCF} '}' sed -i "${FIRST_LINE_NUM},${LAST_LINE_NUM}d" ${WEBCF} else echo 'Already disabled for modsecurity' fi restart_lsws } function backup_owasp { if [ -d ${OWASP_DIR} ]; then echoY "Detect ${OWASP_DIR} folder exist, move to ${OWASP_DIR}.$(date +%F).bk" if [ -d ${OWASP_DIR}.$(date +%F).bk ]; then rm -rf ${OWASP_DIR}.$(date +%F).bk fi mv ${OWASP_DIR} ${OWASP_DIR}.$(date +%F).bk fi } function install_owasp { cd ${OWASP_DIR} echoB "${FPACE} - Download OWASP rules" wget -q https://github.com/coreruleset/coreruleset/archive/refs/tags/v${OWASP_V}.zip unzip -qq v${OWASP_V}.zip rm -f v${OWASP_V}.zip mv coreruleset-* ${CRS_DIR} } function centos_install_modsecurity { ${YUM} -y install ols-modsecurity >/dev/null 2>&1 } function debian_install_modsecurity { ${APT} -y install ols-modsecurity >/dev/null 2>&1 } function install_modsecurity { if [ ! -f ${SERVER_ROOT}/modules/mod_security.so ]; then echoB "${FPACE} - Install Mod_security Package" if [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then centos_install_modsecurity else debian_install_modsecurity fi fi } function configure_owasp { echoB "${FPACE} - Config OWASP rules" cd ${OWASP_DIR} if [ -f ${CRS_DIR}/rules/REQUEST-900-EXCLUSION-RULES-BEFORE-CRS.conf.example ]; then mv ${CRS_DIR}/rules/REQUEST-900-EXCLUSION-RULES-BEFORE-CRS.conf.example ${CRS_DIR}/rules/REQUEST-900-EXCLUSION-RULES-BEFORE-CRS.conf fi if [ -f ${CRS_DIR}/rules/RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf.example ]; then mv ${CRS_DIR}/rules/RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf.example ${CRS_DIR}/rules/RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf fi if [ -f "${RULE_FILE}" ]; then mv ${RULE_FILE} ${RULE_FILE}.bk fi echo 'include modsecurity.conf' >> ${RULE_FILE} if [ -f ${CRS_DIR}/crs-setup.conf.example ]; then mv ${CRS_DIR}/crs-setup.conf.example ${CRS_DIR}/crs-setup.conf echo "include ${CRS_DIR}/crs-setup.conf" >> ${RULE_FILE} fi ALL_RULES="$(ls ${CRS_DIR}/rules/ | grep 'REQUEST-\|RESPONSE-')" echo "${ALL_RULES}" | while read LINE; do echo "include ${CRS_DIR}/rules/${LINE}" >> ${RULE_FILE}; done echo 'SecRuleEngine On' > modsecurity.conf chown -R lsadm ${OWASP_DIR} } function centos_install_postfix { if [ -z /usr/sbin/sendmail ]; then echoG 'Install Postfix' yum install postfix -y > /dev/null 2>&1 else echoG 'sendmail is already exist, skip!' fi } function debian_install_postfix { echoG 'Install Postfix' DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' \ -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install postfix > /dev/null 2>&1 } function install_postfix { if [ "$OSNAME" = 'centos' ] ; then centos_install_postfix else debian_install_postfix fi } function install_mariadb { echoG "Start Install MariaDB" if [ "$OSNAME" = 'centos' ] ; then centos_install_mariadb else debian_install_mariadb fi if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured when starting the MariaDB service. " echoR "Please fix this error and try again. Aborting installation!" exit 1 fi echoB "${FPACE} - Set MariaDB root" mysql -uroot -e "flush privileges;" mysqladmin -uroot password $ROOTPASSWORD if [ $? = 0 ] ; then CURROOTPASSWORD=$ROOTPASSWORD else #test it is the current password mysqladmin -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD password $ROOTPASSWORD if [ $? = 0 ] ; then #echoG "MySQL root password is $ROOTPASSWORD" CURROOTPASSWORD=$ROOTPASSWORD else echoR "Failed to set MySQL root password to $ROOTPASSWORD, it may already have a root password." printf '\033[31mInstallation must know the password for the next step.\033[0m' test_mysql_password if [ "$TESTPASSWORDERROR" = "1" ] ; then echoY "If you forget your password you may stop the mysqld service and run the following command to reset it," echoY "mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &" echoY "mysql --user=root mysql" echoY "update user set Password=PASSWORD('new-password') where user='root'; flush privileges; exit; " echoR "Aborting installation." echo exit 1 fi if [ "$CURROOTPASSWORD" != "$ROOTPASSWORD" ] ; then echoY "Current MySQL root password is $CURROOTPASSWORD, it will be changed to $ROOTPASSWORD." printf '\033[31mDo you still want to change it?[y/N]\033[0m ' read answer echo if [ "$answer" != "Y" ] && [ "$answer" != "y" ] ; then echoG "OK, MySQL root password not changed." ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD else mysqladmin -uroot -p$CURROOTPASSWORD password $ROOTPASSWORD if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echoG "OK, MySQL root password changed to $ROOTPASSWORD." else echoR "Failed to change MySQL root password, it is still $CURROOTPASSWORD." ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD fi fi fi fi fi save_db_root_pwd echoG "End Install MariaDB" } function install_mysql { echoG "Start Install MySQL" if [ "$OSNAME" = 'centos' ] ; then centos_install_mysql else debian_install_mysql fi if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured when starting the MySQL service. " echoR "Please fix this error and try again. Aborting installation!" exit 1 fi echoB "${FPACE} - Set MySQL root" if [ "$OSNAME" = 'centos' ] ; then TMP_LOG_ROOT_PASS=$(grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log | awk '{print $NF}') mysqladmin -uroot -p$TMP_LOG_ROOT_PASS password $ROOTPASSWORD 2>/dev/null fi mysql -uroot -p${ROOTPASSWORD} -e 'status' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ] ; then CURROOTPASSWORD=$ROOTPASSWORD else mysqladmin -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD password $ROOTPASSWORD 2>/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then CURROOTPASSWORD=$ROOTPASSWORD else echoR "Failed to set MySQL root password to $ROOTPASSWORD, it may already have a root password." printf '\033[31mInstallation must know the password for the next step.\033[0m' test_mysql_password if [ "$TESTPASSWORDERROR" = "1" ] ; then echoY "If you forget your password you may stop the mysqld service and run the following command to reset it," echoY "mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &" echoY "mysql --user=root mysql" echoY "update user set Password=PASSWORD('new-password') where user='root'; flush privileges; exit; " echoR "Aborting installation." echo exit 1 fi if [ "$CURROOTPASSWORD" != "$ROOTPASSWORD" ] ; then echoY "Current MySQL root password is $CURROOTPASSWORD, it will be changed to $ROOTPASSWORD." printf '\033[31mDo you still want to change it?[y/N]\033[0m ' read answer echo if [ "$answer" != "Y" ] && [ "$answer" != "y" ] ; then echoG "OK, MySQL root password not changed." ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD else mysqladmin -uroot -p$CURROOTPASSWORD password $ROOTPASSWORD if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echoG "OK, MySQL root password changed to $ROOTPASSWORD." else echoR "Failed to change MySQL root password, it is still $CURROOTPASSWORD." ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD fi fi fi fi fi save_db_root_pwd echoG "End Install MySQL" } function install_percona { echoG "Start Install Percona" if [ "$OSNAME" = 'centos' ] ; then centos_install_percona else debian_install_percona fi if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "An error occured when starting the Percona service. " echoR "Please fix this error and try again. Aborting installation!" exit 1 fi echoB "${FPACE} - Set Percona root" if [ "$OSNAME" = 'centos' ] ; then TMP_LOG_ROOT_PASS=$(grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log | awk '{print $NF}') mysqladmin -uroot -p$TMP_LOG_ROOT_PASS password $ROOTPASSWORD 2>/dev/null fi mysql -uroot -p${ROOTPASSWORD} -e 'status' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ] ; then CURROOTPASSWORD=$ROOTPASSWORD else mysqladmin -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD password $ROOTPASSWORD 2>/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then CURROOTPASSWORD=$ROOTPASSWORD else echoR "Failed to set MySQL root password to $ROOTPASSWORD, it may already have a root password." printf '\033[31mInstallation must know the password for the next step.\033[0m' test_mysql_password if [ "$TESTPASSWORDERROR" = "1" ] ; then echoY "If you forget your password you may stop the mysqld service and run the following command to reset it," echoY "mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &" echoY "mysql --user=root mysql" echoY "update user set Password=PASSWORD('new-password') where user='root'; flush privileges; exit; " echoR "Aborting installation." echo exit 1 fi if [ "$CURROOTPASSWORD" != "$ROOTPASSWORD" ] ; then echoY "Current Percona root password is $CURROOTPASSWORD, it will be changed to $ROOTPASSWORD." printf '\033[31mDo you still want to change it?[y/N]\033[0m ' read answer echo if [ "$answer" != "Y" ] && [ "$answer" != "y" ] ; then echoG "OK, Percona root password not changed." ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD else mysqladmin -uroot -p$CURROOTPASSWORD password $ROOTPASSWORD if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echoG "OK, Percona root password changed to $ROOTPASSWORD." else echoR "Failed to change Percona root password, it is still $CURROOTPASSWORD." ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD fi fi fi fi fi save_db_root_pwd echoG "End Install Percona" } function setup_mariadb_user { echoG "Start setup MariaDB" local ERROR= #delete user if exists mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '$USERNAME@localhost';" echo `mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "SELECT user FROM mysql.user"` | grep "$USERNAME" >/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echoG "user $USERNAME exists in mysql.user" else mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "CREATE USER $USERNAME@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$USERPASSWORD';" if [ $? = 0 ] ; then mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$USERNAME'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$USERPASSWORD';" else echoR "Failed to create MySQL user $USERNAME. This user may already exist. If it does not, another problem occured." echoR "Please check this and update the wp-config.php file." ERROR="Create user error" fi fi mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $DATABASENAME;" if [ $? = 0 ] ; then mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $DATABASENAME.* TO '$USERNAME'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$USERPASSWORD';" else echoR "Failed to create database $DATABASENAME. It may already exist. If it does not, another problem occured." echoR "Please check this and update the wp-config.php file." if [ "x$ERROR" = "x" ] ; then ERROR="Create database error" else ERROR="$ERROR and create database error" fi fi mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "flush privileges;" if [ "x$ERROR" = "x" ] ; then echoG "Finished MySQL setup without error." else echoR "Finished MySQL setup - some error(s) occured." fi save_db_user_pwd echoG "End setup mysql" } function setup_mysql_user { echoG "Start setup MySQL" local ERROR= #delete user if exists mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '$USERNAME@localhost';" 2>/dev/null echo `mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "SELECT user FROM mysql.user" 2>/dev/null` | grep "$USERNAME" >/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echoG "user $USERNAME exists in mysql.user" else mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "CREATE USER $USERNAME@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$USERPASSWORD';" 2>/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$USERNAME'@localhost;" 2>/dev/null else echoR "Failed to create MySQL user $USERNAME. This user may already exist. If it does not, another problem occured." echoR "Please check this and update the wp-config.php file." ERROR="Create user error" fi fi mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $DATABASENAME;" 2>/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $DATABASENAME.* TO '$USERNAME'@localhost;" 2>/dev/null else echoR "Failed to create database $DATABASENAME. It may already exist. If it does not, another problem occured." echoR "Please check this and update the wp-config.php file." if [ "x$ERROR" = "x" ] ; then ERROR="Create database error" else ERROR="$ERROR and create database error" fi fi mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "flush privileges;" 2>/dev/null if [ "x$ERROR" = "x" ] ; then echoG "Finished MySQL setup without error." else echoR "Finished MySQL setup - some error(s) occured." fi save_db_user_pwd echoG "End setup mysql" } function setup_percona_user { echoG "Start setup Percona" local ERROR= #delete user if exists mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '$USERNAME@localhost';" 2>/dev/null echo `mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "SELECT user FROM mysql.user" 2>/dev/null` | grep "$USERNAME" >/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echoG "user $USERNAME exists in mysql.user" else mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "CREATE USER $USERNAME@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$USERPASSWORD';" 2>/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$USERNAME'@localhost;" 2>/dev/null else echoR "Failed to create MySQL user $USERNAME. This user may already exist. If it does not, another problem occured." echoR "Please check this and update the wp-config.php file." ERROR="Create user error" fi fi mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $DATABASENAME;" 2>/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] ; then mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $DATABASENAME.* TO '$USERNAME'@localhost;" 2>/dev/null else echoR "Failed to create database $DATABASENAME. It may already exist. If it does not, another problem occured." echoR "Please check this and update the wp-config.php file." if [ "x$ERROR" = "x" ] ; then ERROR="Create database error" else ERROR="$ERROR and create database error" fi fi mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "flush privileges;" 2>/dev/null if [ "x$ERROR" = "x" ] ; then echoG "Finished Percona setup without error." else echoR "Finished Percona setup - some error(s) occured." fi save_db_user_pwd echoG "End setup Percona" } function resetmysqlroot { if [ "x$OSNAMEVER" = "xCENTOS8" ]; then MYSQLNAME='mariadb' else MYSQLNAME=mysql fi service $MYSQLNAME stop if [ $? != 0 ] && [ "x$OSNAME" = "xcentos" ] ; then service $MYSQLNAME stop fi DEFAULTPASSWD=$1 echo "update user set Password=PASSWORD('$DEFAULTPASSWD') where user='root'; flush privileges; exit; " > /tmp/resetmysqlroot.sql mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & #mysql --user=root mysql < /tmp/resetmysqlroot.sql mysql --user=root mysql -e "update user set Password=PASSWORD('$DEFAULTPASSWD') where user='root'; flush privileges; exit; " sleep 1 service $MYSQLNAME restart } function purgedatabase { if [ "$MYSQLINSTALLED" != "1" ] ; then echoY "MySQL-server not installed." else local ERROR=0 test_mysql_password if [ "$TESTPASSWORDERROR" = "1" ] ; then echoR "Failed to purge database." echo ERROR=1 ALLERRORS=1 else ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD fi if [ "$ERROR" = "0" ] ; then mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '$USERNAME@localhost';" mysql -uroot -p$ROOTPASSWORD -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $DATABASENAME;" echoY "Database purged." fi fi } function save_db_root_pwd { echo "mysql root password is [$ROOTPASSWORD]." >> ${PWD_FILE} } function save_db_user_pwd { echo "mysql WordPress DataBase name is [$DATABASENAME], username is [$USERNAME], password is [$USERPASSWORD]." >> ${PWD_FILE} } function pure_mariadb { if [ "$MYSQLINSTALLED" = "0" ] ; then install_mariadb ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD else echoG 'MariaDB already exist, skip!' fi } function pure_mysql { if [ "$MYSQLINSTALLED" = "0" ] ; then install_mysql ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD else echoG 'MySQL already exist, skip!' fi } function pure_percona { if [ "$MYSQLINSTALLED" = "0" ] ; then install_percona ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD else echoG 'PERCONA already exist, skip!' fi } function uninstall_result { if [ "$ALLERRORS" != "0" ] ; then echoY "Some error(s) occured. Please check these as you may need to manually fix them." fi echoCYAN 'End OpenLiteSpeed one click Uninstallation << << << << << << <<' } function install_openlitespeed { echoG "Start setup OpenLiteSpeed" local STATUS=Install if [ "$OLSINSTALLED" = "1" ] ; then OLS_VERSION=$(cat "$SERVER_ROOT"/VERSION) wget -qO "$SERVER_ROOT"/release.tmp http://open.litespeedtech.com/packages/release?ver=$OLS_VERSION LATEST_VERSION=$(cat "$SERVER_ROOT"/release.tmp) rm "$SERVER_ROOT"/release.tmp if [ "$OLS_VERSION" = "$LATEST_VERSION" ] ; then STATUS=Reinstall echoY "OpenLiteSpeed is already installed with the latest version, will attempt to reinstall it." else STATUS=Update echoY "OpenLiteSpeed is already installed and newer version is available, will attempt to update it." fi fi if [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then install_ols_centos $STATUS else install_ols_debian $STATUS fi silent killall -9 lsphp echoG "End setup OpenLiteSpeed" } function install_unzip { if [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then centos_install_unzip else debian_install_unzip fi } function gen_selfsigned_cert { if [ -e $CONFFILE ] ; then source $CONFFILE 2>/dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then . $CONFFILE fi fi SSL_COUNTRY="${SSL_COUNTRY:-US}" SSL_STATE="${SSL_STATE:-New Jersey}" SSL_LOCALITY="${SSL_LOCALITY:-Virtual}" SSL_ORG="${SSL_ORG:-LiteSpeedCommunity}" SSL_ORGUNIT="${SSL_ORGUNIT:-Testing}" SSL_HOSTNAME="${SSL_HOSTNAME:-webadmin}" SSL_EMAIL="${SSL_EMAIL:-.}" COMMNAME=$(hostname) cat << EOF > $CSR [req] prompt=no distinguished_name=openlitespeed [openlitespeed] commonName = ${COMMNAME} countryName = ${SSL_COUNTRY} localityName = ${SSL_LOCALITY} organizationName = ${SSL_ORG} organizationalUnitName = ${SSL_ORGUNIT} stateOrProvinceName = ${SSL_STATE} emailAddress = ${SSL_EMAIL} name = openlitespeed initials = CP dnQualifier = openlitespeed [server_exts] extendedKeyUsage= EOF openssl req -x509 -config $CSR -extensions 'server_exts' -nodes -days 820 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ${KEY} -out ${CERT} >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f $CSR mv ${KEY} $SERVER_ROOT/conf/$KEY mv ${CERT} $SERVER_ROOT/conf/$CERT chmod 0600 $SERVER_ROOT/conf/$KEY chmod 0600 $SERVER_ROOT/conf/$CERT } function set_ols_password { ENCRYPT_PASS=`"$SERVER_ROOT/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php" -q "$SERVER_ROOT/admin/misc/htpasswd.php" $ADMINPASSWORD` if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo "${ADMINUSER}:$ENCRYPT_PASS" > "$SERVER_ROOT/admin/conf/htpasswd" if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echoG "Set OpenLiteSpeed Web Admin access." else echoG "OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin password not changed." fi fi } function config_server { echoB "${FPACE} - Config OpenLiteSpeed" if [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESS" != "1" ]; then if [ -e "${WEBCF}" ] ; then sed -i -e "s/adminEmails/adminEmails $EMAIL\n#adminEmails/" "${WEBCF}" sed -i -e "s/8088/$WPPORT/" "${WEBCF}" sed -i -e "s/ls_enabled/ls_enabled 1\n#/" "${WEBCF}" cat >> ${WEBCF} < "$SERVER_ROOT/PLAT" fi if [ ${PROXY} = '1' ]; then cat >> ${WEBCF} </dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] ; then sed -i -e "s/adminEmails/adminEmails $EMAIL\n#adminEmails/" "${WEBCF}" sed -i -e "s/ls_enabled/ls_enabled 1\n#/" "${WEBCF}" VHOSTCONF=$SERVER_ROOT/conf/vhosts/wordpress/vhconf.conf echoB "${FPACE} - Check existing port" grep "address.*:${WPPORT}$\|${SSLWPPORT}$" ${WEBCF} >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then echoY "Detect port ${WPPORT} || ${SSLWPPORT}, will skip domain setup!" else echoB "${FPACE} - Create wordpress listener" cat >> ${WEBCF} <> ${WEBCF} < $VHOSTCONF < "$SERVER_ROOT/PLAT" echoG 'End setup virtual host config' } function config_admin_port { echoG 'Start updating web admin port number' if [ -e ${SERVER_ROOT}/admin/conf/admin_config.conf ]; then sed -i "s/7080/${ADMINPORT}/g" ${SERVER_ROOT}/admin/conf/admin_config.conf else echoR "${SERVER_ROOT}/admin/conf/admin_config.conf is not found, skip!" fi } function activate_cache { cat >> $WORDPRESSPATH/activate_cache.php <> ${EXAMPLE_VHOSTCONF} </dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ] ; then MYSQLINSTALLED=1 else MYSQLINSTALLED=0 fi } function changeOlsPassword { LSWS_HOME=$SERVER_ROOT ENCRYPT_PASS=`"$LSWS_HOME/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php" -q "$LSWS_HOME/admin/misc/htpasswd.php" $ADMINPASSWORD` echo "$ADMIN_USER:$ENCRYPT_PASS" > "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/htpasswd" echoY "Finished setting OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin password to $ADMINPASSWORD." } function uninstall { if [ "$OLSINSTALLED" = "1" ] ; then echoB "${FPACE} - Stop OpenLiteSpeed" silent $SERVER_ROOT/bin/lswsctrl stop echoB "${FPACE} - Stop LSPHP" silent killall -9 lsphp if [ "$OSNAME" = "centos" ] ; then uninstall_php_centos uninstall_ols_centos else uninstall_php_debian uninstall_ols_debian fi echoG Uninstalled. else echoY "OpenLiteSpeed not installed." fi } function read_password { if [ "$1" != "" ] ; then TEMPPASSWORD=$1 else passwd= echoY "Please input password for $2(press enter to get a random one):" read passwd if [ "$passwd" = "" ] ; then TEMPPASSWORD=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16 ; echo '') else TEMPPASSWORD=$passwd fi fi } function check_dbversion_param { if [ "$OSNAMEVER" = "DEBIAN8" ] || [ "$OSNAMEVER" = "UBUNTU14" ] || [ "$OSNAMEVER" = "UBUNTU16" ]; then if [ "$MARIADBVER" != '10.2' -o "$MARIADBVER" != '10.3' -o "$MARIADBVER" != '10.4' -o "$MARIADBVER" != '10.5'] ; then echoY "We do not support "$MARIADBVER" on $OSNAMEVER, 10.5 will be used instead." MARIADBVER=10.5 fi fi } function check_value_follow { FOLLOWPARAM=$1 local PARAM=$1 local KEYWORD=$2 if [ "$1" = "-n" ] || [ "$1" = "-e" ] || [ "$1" = "-E" ] ; then FOLLOWPARAM= else local PARAMCHAR=$(echo $1 | awk '{print substr($0,1,1)}') if [ "$PARAMCHAR" = "-" ] ; then FOLLOWPARAM= fi fi if [ -z "$FOLLOWPARAM" ] ; then if [ ! -z "$KEYWORD" ] ; then echoR "Error: '$PARAM' is not a valid '$KEYWORD', please check and try again." usage fi fi } function fixLangTypo { WP_LOCALE="af ak sq am ar hy rup_MK as az az_TR ba eu bel bn_BD bs_BA bg_BG my_MM ca bal zh_CN \ zh_HK zh_TW co hr cs_CZ da_DK dv nl_NL nl_BE en_US en_AU en_CA en_GB eo et fo fi fr_BE fr_FR \ fy fuc gl_ES ka_GE de_DE de_CH el gn gu_IN haw_US haz he_IL hi_IN hu_HU is_IS ido id_ID ga it_IT \ ja jv_ID kn kk km kin ky_KY ko_KR ckb lo lv li lin lt_LT lb_LU mk_MK mg_MG ms_MY ml_IN mr xmf mn \ me_ME ne_NP nb_NO nn_NO ory os ps fa_IR fa_AF pl_PL pt_BR pt_PT pa_IN rhg ro_RO ru_RU ru_UA rue \ sah sa_IN srd gd sr_RS sd_PK si_LK sk_SK sl_SI so_SO azb es_AR es_CL es_CO es_MX es_PE es_PR es_ES \ es_VE su_ID sw sv_SE gsw tl tg tzm ta_IN ta_LK tt_RU te th bo tir tr_TR tuk ug_CN uk ur uz_UZ vi \ wa cy yor" LANGSTR=$(echo "$WPLANGUAGE" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') if [ "$LANGSTR" = "zh_cn" ] || [ "$LANGSTR" = "zh-cn" ] || [ "$LANGSTR" = "cn" ] ; then WPLANGUAGE=zh_CN fi if [ "$LANGSTR" = "zh_tw" ] || [ "$LANGSTR" = "zh-tw" ] || [ "$LANGSTR" = "tw" ] ; then WPLANGUAGE=zh_TW fi echo ${WP_LOCALE} | grep -w "${WPLANGUAGE}" -q if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then echoR "${WPLANGUAGE} language not found." echo "Please check $WP_LOCALE" exit 1 fi } function updatemyself { local CURMD=$(md5sum "$0" | cut -d' ' -f1) local SERVERMD=$(md5sum <(wget $MYGITHUBURL -O- 2>/dev/null) | cut -d' ' -f1) if [ "$CURMD" = "$SERVERMD" ] ; then echoG "You already have the latest version installed." else wget -O "$0" $MYGITHUBURL CURMD=$(md5sum "$0" | cut -d' ' -f1) if [ "$CURMD" = "$SERVERMD" ] ; then echoG "Updated." else echoG "Tried to update but seems to be failed." fi fi exit 0 } function uninstall_warn { if [ "$FORCEYES" != "1" ] ; then echo printf "\033[31mAre you sure you want to uninstall? Type 'Y' to continue, otherwise will quit.[y/N]\033[0m " read answer echo if [ "$answer" != "Y" ] && [ "$answer" != "y" ] ; then echoG "Uninstallation aborted!" exit 0 fi echo fi echoCYAN 'Start OpenLiteSpeed one click Uninstallation >> >> >> >> >> >> >>' } function befor_install_display { echo echoCYAN "Starting to install OpenLiteSpeed to $SERVER_ROOT/ with the parameters below," echoY "WebAdmin Console URL: " "https://$(curl -s http://checkip.amazonaws.com || printf ""):$ADMINPORT" echoY "WebAdmin username: " "$ADMINUSER" echoY "WebAdmin password: " "$ADMINPASSWORD" echoY "WebAdmin email: " "$EMAIL" echoY "LSPHP version: " "$LSPHPVER" if [ ${WITH_MYSQL} = 0 ] && [ "${PURE_MYSQL}" = 0 ] && [ "${WITH_PERCONA}" = 0 ] && [ "${PURE_PERCONA}" = 0 ] && [ "${PURE_DB}" = 0 ]; then if [ ${INSTALLWORDPRESS} = 1 ]; then echoY "MariaDB version: " "$MARIADBVER" fi elif [ "${PURE_DB}" = 1 ]; then echoY "MariaDB version: " "$MARIADBVER" echoY "MariaDB root Password: " "$ROOTPASSWORD" elif [ "${PURE_MYSQL}" = 1 ]; then echoY "MySQL version: " "$MYSQLVER" echoY "MySQL root Password: " "$ROOTPASSWORD" elif [ "${PURE_PERCONA}" = 1 ]; then echoY "PERCONA version: " "$PERCONAVER" echoY "PERCONA root Password: " "$ROOTPASSWORD" elif [ "${WITH_PERCONA}" = 1 ]; then echoY "PERCONA version: " "$PERCONAVER" elif [ "${WITH_MYSQL}" = 1 ]; then echoY "MySQL version: " "$MYSQLVER" fi if [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESS" = "1" ] ; then echoY "Install WordPress: " Yes echoY "WordPress HTTP port: " "$WPPORT" echoY "WordPress HTTPS port: " "$SSLWPPORT" echoY "WordPress language: " "$WPLANGUAGE" echoY "Web site domain: " "$SITEDOMAIN" echoY "MySQL root Password: " "$ROOTPASSWORD" echoY "Database name: " "$DATABASENAME" echoY "Database username: " "$USERNAME" echoY "Database password: " "$USERPASSWORD" if [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESSPLUS" = "1" ] ; then echoY "WordPress plus: " Yes echoY "WordPress site title: " "$WPTITLE" echoY "WordPress username: " "$WPUSER" echoY "WordPress password: " "$WPPASSWORD" else echoY "WordPress plus: " No fi if [ -e "$WORDPRESSPATH/wp-config.php" ] ; then echoY "WordPress location: " "$WORDPRESSPATH (Existing)" WORDPRESSINSTALLED=1 else echoY "WordPress location: " "$WORDPRESSPATH (New install)" WORDPRESSINSTALLED=0 fi else echoY "Server HTTP port: " "$WPPORT" echoY "Server HTTPS port: " "$SSLWPPORT" fi echoNW "Your password will be written to file: ${PWD_FILE}" echo if [ "$FORCEYES" != "1" ] ; then printf 'Are these settings correct? Type n to quit, otherwise will continue. [Y/n] ' read answer if [ "$answer" = "N" ] || [ "$answer" = "n" ] ; then echoG "Aborting installation!" exit 0 fi fi echo echoCYAN 'Start OpenLiteSpeed one click installation >> >> >> >> >> >> >>' } function main_owasp { if [ "${SET_OWASP}" = 'ON' ]; then echoG "Start Enable OWASP" backup_owasp mk_owasp_dir install_unzip install_owasp install_modsecurity configure_owasp enable_ols_modsec restart_lsws echoG "End Enable OWASP" fi } function install_wp_cli { if [ -e /usr/local/bin/wp ] || [ -e /usr/bin/wp ]; then echoG 'WP CLI already exist' else echoG "Install wp_cli" curl -sO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar chmod +x wp-cli.phar echo $PATH | grep '/usr/local/bin' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp else mv wp-cli.phar /usr/bin/wp fi fi if [ ! -e /usr/bin/php ] && [ ! -L /usr/bin/php ]; then ln -s ${SERVER_ROOT}/lsphp${LSPHPVER}/bin/php /usr/bin/php elif [ ! -e /usr/bin/php ]; then rm -f /usr/bin/php ln -s ${SERVER_ROOT}/lsphp${LSPHPVER}/bin/php /usr/bin/php else echoG '/usr/bin/php symlink exist, skip symlink.' fi } function main_pure_db { if [ "${PURE_DB}" = '1' ]; then echoG 'Install MariaDB only' pure_mariadb elif [ "${PURE_MYSQL}" = '1' ]; then echoG 'Install MySQL only' pure_mysql elif [ "${PURE_PERCONA}" = '1' ]; then echoG 'Install Percona only' pure_percona fi } function main_install_wordpress { if [ "${PURE_DB}" = '1' ] || [ "${PURE_MYSQL}" = '1' ] || [ "${PURE_PERCONA}" = '1' ]; then echoG 'Skip WordPress setup.' else if [ "$WORDPRESSINSTALLED" = '1' ] ; then echoY 'Skip WordPress installation!' else if [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESS" = "1" ] ; then install_wp_cli config_vh_wp check_port_usage if [ "$MYSQLINSTALLED" != "1" ] ; then if [ "${WITH_MYSQL}" = '1' ]; then install_mysql elif [ "${WITH_PERCONA}" = '1' ]; then install_percona else install_mariadb fi else test_mysql_password fi if [ "$TESTPASSWORDERROR" = "1" ] ; then echoY "MySQL setup bypassed, can not get root password." else ROOTPASSWORD=$CURROOTPASSWORD if [ "${WITH_MYSQL}" = '1' ]; then setup_mysql_user elif [ "${WITH_PERCONA}" = '1' ]; then setup_percona_user else setup_mariadb_user fi fi download_wordpress create_wordpress_cf if [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESSPLUS" = "1" ] ; then install_wordpress_core echo "WordPress administrator username is [$WPUSER], password is [$WPPASSWORD]." >> ${PWD_FILE} fi change_owner ${WORDPRESSPATH} install_postfix fi fi fi } function check_port_usage { if [ "$WPPORT" = "80" ] || [ "$SSLWPPORT" = "443" ]; then echoG "Avoid port 80/443 conflict." killall -9 apache >/dev/null 2>&1 killall -9 apache2 >/dev/null 2>&1 killall -9 httpd >/dev/null 2>&1 killall -9 nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } function after_install_display { chmod 600 "${PWD_FILE}" if [ "$ALLERRORS" = "0" ] ; then echoG "Congratulations! Installation finished." else echoY "Installation finished. Some errors seem to have occured, please check this as you may need to manually fix them." fi if [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESSPLUS" = "0" ] && [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESS" = "1" ] && [ "${PURE_DB}" = '0' ] && [ "${PURE_MYSQL}" = '0' ]; then echo "Please access http://server_IP:$WPPORT/ to finish setting up your WordPress site." echo "Also, you may want to activate the LiteSpeed Cache plugin to get better performance." fi if [ "${PROXY_TYPE}" = 'r' ]; then echo "Please substitute the Default proxy address [${PROXY_SERVER}] and domain [WWW.EXAMPLE.COM] with your own value. More," echoB "https://docs.openlitespeed.org/docs/advanced/proxy" elif [ "${PROXY_TYPE}" = 'c' ]; then echo "Please substitute the Default proxy address [${PROXY_SERVER}] with your own value." echo "More, https://docs.openlitespeed.org/docs/advanced/proxy" fi echoCYAN 'End OpenLiteSpeed one click installation << << << << << << <<' echo } function test_page { local URL=$1 local KEYWORD=$2 local PAGENAME=$3 curl -skL $URL | grep -i "$KEYWORD" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echoR "Error: $PAGENAME failed." TESTGETERROR=yes else echoG "OK: $PAGENAME passed." fi } function test_ols_admin { test_page https://localhost:${ADMINPORT}/ "LiteSpeed WebAdmin" "test webAdmin page" } function test_ols { if [ ${PROXY} = 0 ]; then test_page http://localhost:$WPPORT/ Congratulation "test Example HTTP vhost page" test_page https://localhost:$SSLWPPORT/ Congratulation "test Example HTTPS vhost page" else echoG 'Proxy is on, skip the test!' fi } function test_wordpress { if [ ${PROXY} = 0 ]; then test_page http://localhost:8088/ Congratulation "test Example vhost page" else echoG 'Proxy is on, skip the test!' fi test_page http://localhost:$WPPORT/ "WordPress" "test wordpress HTTP first page" test_page https://localhost:$SSLWPPORT/ "WordPress" "test wordpress HTTPS first page" } function test_wordpress_plus { if [ ${PROXY} = 0 ]; then test_page http://localhost:8088/ Congratulation "test Example vhost page" else echoG 'Proxy is on, skip the test!' fi test_page "http://$SITEDOMAIN:$WPPORT/ --resolve $SITEDOMAIN:$WPPORT:" WordPress "test wordpress HTTP first page" test_page "https://$SITEDOMAIN:$SSLWPPORT/ --resolve $SITEDOMAIN:$SSLWPPORT:" WordPress "test wordpress HTTPS first page" } function main_ols_test { echoCYAN "Start auto testing >> >> >> >>" test_ols_admin if [ "${PURE_DB}" = '1' ] || [ "${PURE_MYSQL}" = '1' ]; then test_ols elif [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESS" = "1" ] ; then if [ "$INSTALLWORDPRESSPLUS" = "1" ] ; then test_wordpress_plus else test_wordpress fi else test_ols fi if [ "${TESTGETERROR}" = "yes" ] ; then echoG "Errors were encountered during testing. In many cases these errors can be solved manually by referring to installation logs." echoG "Service loading issues can sometimes be resolved by performing a restart of the web server." echoG "Reinstalling the web server can also help if neither of the above approaches resolve the issue." fi echoCYAN "End auto testing << << << <<" echoG 'Thanks for using OpenLiteSpeed One click installation!' echo } function main_init_check { check_root check_os check_cur_status check_dbversion_param check_memory } function main_init_package { update_centos_hashlib update_system check_wget check_curl } function main { display_license main_init_check action_uninstall action_purgeall update_email main_gen_password befor_install_display main_init_package install_openlitespeed main_ols_password gen_selfsigned_cert main_pure_db main_install_wordpress config_server config_php main_owasp set_proxy_vh restart_lsws after_install_display main_ols_test } while [ ! -z "${1}" ] ; do case "${1}" in --adminuser ) check_value_follow "$2" "" if [ ! -z "$FOLLOWPARAM" ] ; then shift; fi ADMINUSER=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; -[aA] | --adminpassword ) check_value_follow "$2" "" if [ ! -z "$FOLLOWPARAM" ] ; then shift; fi ADMINPASSWORD=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --adminport ) check_value_follow "$2" "" if [ ! -z "$FOLLOWPARAM" ] ; then shift; fi ADMINPORT=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; -[eE] | --email ) check_value_follow "$2" "email address" shift EMAIL=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --lsphp ) check_value_follow "$2" "LSPHP version" shift cnt=${#LSPHPVERLIST[@]} for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ )); do if [ "$1" = "${LSPHPVERLIST[$i]}" ] ; then LSPHPVER=$1; fi done ;; --mariadbver ) check_value_follow "$2" "MariaDB version" shift cnt=${#MARIADBVERLIST[@]} for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ )); do if [ "$1" = "${MARIADBVERLIST[$i]}" ] ; then MARIADBVER=$1; fi done ;; --pure-mariadb ) PURE_DB=1 ;; --pure-mysql ) PURE_MYSQL=1 ;; --pure-percona ) PURE_PERCONA=1 ;; --with-mysql ) WITH_MYSQL=1 ;; --with-percona ) WITH_PERCONA=1 ;; -[wW] | --wordpress ) INSTALLWORDPRESS=1 ;; --wordpressplus ) check_value_follow "$2" "domain" shift SITEDOMAIN=$FOLLOWPARAM INSTALLWORDPRESS=1 INSTALLWORDPRESSPLUS=1 ;; --wordpresspath ) check_value_follow "$2" "WordPress path" shift WORDPRESSPATH=$FOLLOWPARAM INSTALLWORDPRESS=1 ;; -[rR] | --dbrootpassword ) check_value_follow "$2" "" if [ ! -z "$FOLLOWPARAM" ] ; then shift; fi ROOTPASSWORD=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --dbname ) check_value_follow "$2" "database name" shift DATABASENAME=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --dbuser ) check_value_follow "$2" "database username" shift USERNAME=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --dbpassword ) check_value_follow "$2" "" if [ ! -z "$FOLLOWPARAM" ] ; then shift; fi USERPASSWORD=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --listenport ) check_value_follow "$2" "HTTP listen port" shift WPPORT=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --ssllistenport ) check_value_follow "$2" "HTTPS listen port" shift SSLWPPORT=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --wpuser ) check_value_follow "$2" "WordPress user" shift WPUSER=$1 ;; --wppassword ) check_value_follow "$2" "" if [ ! -z "$FOLLOWPARAM" ] ; then shift; fi WPPASSWORD=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --wplang ) check_value_follow "$2" "WordPress language" shift WPLANGUAGE=$FOLLOWPARAM fixLangTypo ;; --prefix ) check_value_follow "$2" "Table Prefix" shift DBPREFIX=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; --sitetitle ) check_value_follow "$2" "WordPress website title" shift WPTITLE=$FOLLOWPARAM ;; -[Uu] | --uninstall ) ACTION=UNINSTALL ;; --proxy-r ) PROXY=1 PROXY_TYPE='r' ;; --proxy-c ) PROXY=1 PROXY_TYPE='c' ;; --owasp-enable ) if [ -e ${WEBCF} ]; then SET_OWASP='ON' main_owasp exit 0 else SET_OWASP='ON' fi ;; --owasp-disable ) disable_ols_modesec exit 0 ;; -[Pp] | --purgeall ) ACTION=PURGEALL ;; -[qQ] | --quiet ) FORCEYES=1 ;; -V | --version ) display_license exit 0 ;; --update ) updatemyself ;; -v | --verbose ) VERBOSE=1 APT='apt-get' YUM='yum' ;; -[hH] | --help ) usage ;; * ) usage ;; esac shift done main