apiVersion: litmuschaos.io/v1alpha1 kind: ChaosEngine metadata: name: openebs-chaos namespace: default spec: # It can be true/false annotationCheck: 'false' # It can be active/stop engineState: 'active' #ex. values: ns1:name=percona,ns2:run=nginx auxiliaryAppInfo: '' appinfo: appns: 'default' applabel: 'app=nginx' appkind: 'deployment' chaosServiceAccount: -sa monitoring: false # It can be delete/retain jobCleanUpPolicy: 'delete' experiments: - name: spec: components: env: - name: TARGET_CONTAINER value: 'cstor-istgt' - name: APP_PVC value: 'demo-nginx-claim' configMaps: - name: map1 mountPath: '/mnt' secrets: - name: secret1 mountPath: '/tmp'