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# InsightFace Paddle ## 1. Introduction ### 1.1 Overview `InsightFacePaddle` is an open source deep face detection and recognition toolkit, powered by PaddlePaddle. `InsightFacePaddle` provide three related pretrained models now, include `BlazeFace` for face detection, `ArcFace` and `MobileFace` for face recognition. - This tutorial is mainly about Whl package inference using `PaddleInfernence`. - For face recognition task, please refer to: [Face recognition tuturial](https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/blob/master/recognition/arcface_paddle/README_en.md). - For face detection task, please refer to: [Face detection tuturial](https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/blob/master/detection/blazeface_paddle/README_en.md). ### 1.2 Benchmark For face detection task, on WiderFace dataset, the following table shows mAP, speed and time cost for BlazeFace. | Model structure | Model size | WiderFace mAP | CPU time cost | GPU time cost | | :-------------------------: | :-----: | :-----: | :--------: | :--------: | | BlazeFace-FPN-SSH-Paddle | 0.65MB | 0.9187/0.8979/0.8168 | 31.7ms | 5.6ms | | RetinaFace | 1.68MB | -/-/0.825 | 182.0ms | 17.4ms | For face recognition task, on MSAM dataset, the following table shows precision, speed and time cost for MobileFaceNet. | Model structure | lfw | cfp_fp | agedb30 | CPU time cost | GPU time cost | | :-------------------------: | :-----: | :------: | :-------: | :-------: | :--------: | | MobileFaceNet-Paddle | 0.9945 | 0.9343 | 0.9613 | 4.3ms | 2.3ms | | MobileFaceNet-mxnet | 0.9950 | 0.8894 | 0.9591 | 7.3ms | 4.7ms | **Benchmark environment:** * CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6184 CPU @ 2.40GHz * GPU: a single NVIDIA Tesla V100 **Note:** Performance of `RetinaFace` is tested using script [test.py](https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/blob/master/detection/retinaface/test.py). The image shape is modified to `640x480` here. Performance of `MobileFaceNet-mxnet` is tested using script [verification.py](https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/blob/master/recognition/arcface_mxnet/verification.py). ### 1.3 Visualization One example result predicted by `InsightFacePaddle` is as follow. Please refer to the [Demo](./demo/friends/output/) for more.
### 1.4 Community Scan the QR code below with your QQ (QQ group number: `705899115`) to discuss more about deep learning together.
## 2. Installation 1. Install PaddlePaddle PaddlePaddle 2.1 or later is required for `InsightFacePaddle`. You can use the following steps to install PaddlePaddle. ```bash # for GPU pip3 install paddlepaddle-gpu # for CPU pip3 install paddlepaddle ``` For more details about installation. please refer to [PaddlePaddle](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/). 2. Install requirements `InsightFacePaddle` dependencies are listed in `requirements.txt`, you can use the following command to install the dependencies. ```bash pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple ``` 3. Install `InsightFacePaddle` * [Recommanded] You can use `pip` to install the lastest version `InsightFacePaddle` from `pypi`. ```bash pip3 install --upgrade insightface-paddle ``` * You can also build whl package and install by following commands. ```bash cd ./InsightFacePaddle python3 setup.py bdist_wheel pip3 install dist/* ``` ## 3. Quick Start `InsightFacePaddle` support two ways of use, including `Commad Line` and `Python API`. ### 3.1 Command Line You can use `InsightFacePaddle` in Command Line. #### 3.1.1 Get help You can get the help about `InsightFacePaddle` by following command. ```bash insightfacepaddle -h ``` The args are as follows: | args | type | default | help | | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | | det_model | str | BlazeFace | The detection model. | | rec_model | str | MobileFace | The recognition model. | | use_gpu | bool | True | Whether use GPU to predict. Default by `True`. | | enable_mkldnn | bool | False | Whether use MKLDNN to predict, valid only when `--use_gpu` is `False`. Default by `False`. | | cpu_threads | int | 1 | The num of threads with CPU, valid only when `--use_gpu` is `False` and `--enable_mkldnn` is `True`. Default by `1`. | | input | str | - | The path of video to be predicted. Or the path or directory of image file(s) to be predicted. | | output | str | - | The directory to save prediction result. | | det | bool | False | Whether to detect. | | det_thresh | float | 0.8 | The threshold of detection postprocess. Default by `0.8`. | | rec | bool | False | Whether to recognize. | | index | str | - | The path of index file. | | cdd_num | int | 5 | The number of candidates in the recognition retrieval. Default by `5`. | | rec_thresh | float | 0.45 | The threshold of match in recognition, use to remove candidates with low similarity. Default by `0.45`. | | max_batch_size | int | 1 | The maxium of batch_size to recognize. Default by `1`. | | build_index | str | - | The path of index to be build. | | img_dir | str | - | The img(s) dir used to build index. | | label | str | - | The label file path used to build index. | #### 3.1.2 Build index If use recognition, before start predicting, you have to build the index. ```bash insightfacepaddle --build_index ./demo/friends/index.bin --img_dir ./demo/friends/gallery --label ./demo/friends/gallery/label.txt ``` An example used to build index is as follows:
#### 3.1.3 Predict 1. Detection only * Image(s) Use the image below to predict:
The prediction command: ```bash insightfacepaddle --det --input ./demo/friends/query/friends1.jpg --output ./output ``` The result is under the directory `./output`:
* Video ```bash insightfacepaddle --det --input ./demo/friends/query/friends.mp4 --output ./output ``` 2. Recognition only * Image(s) Use the image below to predict:
The prediction command: ```bash insightfacepaddle --rec --index ./demo/friends/index.bin --input ./demo/friends/query/Rachel.png ``` The result is output in the terminal: ```bash INFO:root:File: Rachel., predict label(s): ['Rachel'] ``` 3. Detection and recognition * Image(s) Use the image below to predict:
The prediction command: ```bash insightfacepaddle --det --rec --index ./demo/friends/index.bin --input ./demo/friends/query/friends2.jpg --output ./output ``` The result is under the directory `./output`:
* Video ```bash insightfacepaddle --det --rec --index ./demo/friends/index.bin --input ./demo/friends/query/friends.mp4 --output ./output ``` ### 3.2 Python You can use `InsightFacePaddle` in Python. First, import `InsightFacePaddle` and `logging` because `InsightFacePaddle` using that to control log. ```python import insightface_paddle as face import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) ``` #### 3.2.1 Get help ```python parser = face.parser() help_info = parser.print_help() print(help_info) ``` #### 3.2.2 Building index ```python parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.build_index = "./demo/friends/index.bin" args.img_dir = "./demo/friends/gallery" args.label = "./demo/friends/gallery/label.txt" predictor = face.InsightFace(args) predictor.build_index() ``` #### 3.2.3 Prediction 1. Detection only * Image(s) ```python parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.det = True args.output = "./output" input_path = "./demo/friends/query/friends1.jpg" predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(input_path) print(next(res)) ``` * NumPy ```python import cv2 parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.det = True args.output = "./output" path = "./demo/friends/query/friends1.jpg" img = cv2.imread(path)[:, :, ::-1] predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(img) print(next(res)) ``` The prediction result saved as `"./output/tmp.png"`. * Video ```python parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.det = True args.output = "./output" input_path = "./demo/friends/query/friends.mp4" predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(input_path) for _ in res: print(_) ``` 2. Recognition only * Image(s) ```python parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.rec = True args.index = "./demo/friends/index.bin" input_path = "./demo/friends/query/Rachel.png" predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(input_path, print_info=True) next(res) ``` * NumPy ```python import cv2 parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.rec = True args.index = "./demo/friends/index.bin" path = "./demo/friends/query/Rachel.png" img = cv2.imread(path)[:, :, ::-1] predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(img, print_info=True) next(res) ``` 3. Detection and recognition * Image(s) ```python parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.det = True args.rec = True args.index = "./demo/friends/index.bin" args.output = "./output" input_path = "./demo/friends/query/friends2.jpg" predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(input_path, print_info=True) next(res) ``` * NumPy ```python import cv2 parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.det = True args.rec = True args.index = "./demo/friends/index.bin" args.output = "./output" path = "./demo/friends/query/friends2.jpg" img = cv2.imread(path)[:, :, ::-1] predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(img, print_info=True) next(res) ``` The prediction result saved as `"./output/tmp.png"`. * Video ```python parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.det = True args.rec = True args.index = "./demo/friends/index.bin" args.output = "./output" input_path = "./demo/friends/query/friends.mp4" predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(input_path, print_info=True) for _ in res: pass ```