# CopyAsHtml
This is a fork of [ExportHtml](https://github.com/facelessuser/ExportHtml).
This plugin allows you copy your code in HTML format to preserve its syntax highlighting.
It uses Sublime's theme colors and font styles.
\* For the moment, it only supports Windows. Pull requests are welcome.
## Install
Use the **Sublime Package Control** and search for `Copy as HTML`.
Download this repo and place the whole folder in Sublime's `Packages` directory.
Sublime will automatically download the dependencies and when it's done, restart Sublime.
## Usage
Just choose `Copy as HTML` from the context menu.
You can also bind the command to a key combination, for example:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+c"], "command": "copy_as_html" }
Tip: Use it with [Snipaste](https://snipaste.com). :wink:
## Credits
- [ExportHtml](https://github.com/facelessuser/ExportHtml)
- [SublimeHighlight](https://github.com/n1k0/SublimeHighlight)
- [PrintHtml](https://github.com/agibsonsw/PrintHtml)
## License