# Android - App Links: [Documentation](https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/verify-android-applinks) - Deep Links: [Documentation](https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/deep-linking) **Notes:** - By default, flutter Activity is set with `android:launchMode="singleTop"`. This is perfectly fine and expected, but this launches another instance of your app, specifically for the requested view. If you don't want this behaviour, you can set `android:launchMode="singleInstance"` in your `AndroidManifest.xml` and avoid another flutter warmup. ## SETUP In AndroidManifest.xml Don't use go_router deep linking feature: https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/navigation/set-up-app-links#2-modify-androidmanifest-xml by removing this: ```xml ``` ```xml ``` # Testing ```sh adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW \ -d "sample://open.my.app/#/book/hello-world" ``` For App Links, you can also test it from Android Studio: [Documentation](https://developer.android.com/studio/write/app-link-indexing#testindent). Android 13 and beyond: - While in development, you may need to manually activate your links. - Go to your app info/settings: Open by default > Add link > (your links should be already filled).