#!/bin/bash VER='1.0.0' UA_BROWSER="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" UA_SEC_CH_UA='"Google Chrome";v="125", "Chromium";v="125", "Not.A/Brand";v="24"' UA_ANDROID="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Pixel 4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36" color_print() { Font_Black="\033[30m" Font_Red="\033[31m" Font_Green="\033[32m" Font_Yellow="\033[33m" Font_Blue="\033[34m" Font_Purple="\033[35m" Font_SkyBlue="\033[36m" Font_White="\033[37m" Font_Suffix="\033[0m" } command_exists() { command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 } gen_uuid() { if [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid ]; then local genuuid=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) echo "${genuuid}" return 0 fi if command_exists uuidgen; then local genuuid=$(uuidgen) echo "${genuuid}" return 0 fi if command_exists powershell && [ "$OS_WINDOWS" == 1 ]; then local genuuid=$(powershell -c "[guid]::NewGuid().ToString()") echo "${genuuid}" return 0 fi return 1 } gen_random_str() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Length missing.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi local randomstr=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c "$1") echo "${randomstr}" } resolve_ip_address() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Domain missing.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}DNS Record type missing.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi local domain="$1" local recordType="$2" if command_exists nslookup && [ "$OS_WINDOWS" != 1 ]; then local nslookupExists=1 fi if command_exists dig; then local digExists=1 fi if [ "$OS_IOS" == 1 ]; then local nslookupExists=0 local digExists=0 fi if [ "$nslookupExists" == 1 ]; then if [ "$recordType" == 'AAAA' ]; then local result=$(nslookup -q=AAAA "${domain}" | grep -woP "Address: \K[\d:a-f]+") echo "${result}" return else local result=$(nslookup -q=A "${domain}" | grep -woP "Address: \K[\d.]+") echo "${result}" return fi fi if [ "$digExists" == 1 ]; then if [ "$recordType" == 'AAAA' ]; then local result=$(dig +short "${domain}" AAAA) echo "${result}" return else local result=$(dig +short "${domain}" A) echo "${result}" return fi fi if [ "$recordType" == 'AAAA' ]; then local pingArgs='-6 -c 1 -w 1 -W 1' [ "$OS_ANDROID" == 1 ] && pingArgs='-c 1 -w 1 -W 1' local result=$(ping6 ${pingArgs} "${domain}" 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | grep -woP '\s\(\K[\d:a-f]+') echo "${result}" return else local pingArgs='-4 -c 1 -w 1 -W 1' [ "$OS_ANDROID" == 1 ] && pingArgs='-c 1 -w 1 -W 1' local result=$(ping ${pingArgs} "${domain}" 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | grep -woP '\s\(\K[\d.]+') echo "${result}" return fi } validate_proxy() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Param Proxy Address is missing.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi local tmpresult=$(echo "$1" | grep -P '^(socks|socks4|socks5|http)://([^:]+:[^@]+@)?(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|(\[[0-9a-fA-F:]+\]|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|((([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6})|::(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}))([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}))):(0|[1-9][0-9]{0,4})$') if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Proxy IP invalid.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi local port=$(echo "$1" | grep -woP ':\K[0-9]+$') if [ "$port" -ge 65535 ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Proxy Port invalid.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi } validate_ip_address() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Param IP Address is missing.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi if echo "$1" | awk '{$1=$1; print}' | grep -Eq '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$'; then return 4 fi echo "$1" | awk '{$1=$1; print}' | grep -Eq '^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$|^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}|:):([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}|:$|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}$|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}$|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}$|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}$|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6}$|:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}$|((([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:|:):(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4})$' if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then return 6 fi return 1 } validate_intranet() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Param missing.${Font_Suffix}" fi # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_IP_addresses local tmpresult=$(echo "$1" | grep -E '(^|\s)(10\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|192\.168\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|100\.([6-9][4-9]|1[0-2][0-7])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|169\.254\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|192\.88\.99\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|192\.0\.(0|2)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|198\.(1[89])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|198\.51\.100\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|203\.0\.113\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|2[23][4-9]\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|233\.252\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])|(24[0-9]|25[0-5])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9]))(\s|$)') if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } validate_region_id() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Param missing.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi local regionid="$1" local result=$(echo "$regionid" | grep -E '^[0-9]$|^1[0-1]$|^99$|^88$|^66$') if [ -z "$result" ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } validate_net_type() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Param missing.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi local netType="$1" local result=$(echo "$netType" | grep -E '^4$|^6$|^0$') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Invalid Network Type.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi return 0 } check_proxy_connectivity() { local result1=$(curl $USE_NIC $USE_PROXY -s 'https://ip.sb' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}" ) local result2=$(curl $USE_NIC $USE_PROXY -s '' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -n "$result1" ] && [ -n "$result2" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } check_net_connctivity() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Param missing.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi if [ "$1" == 4 ]; then local result1=$(curl -4 ${CURL_OPTS} -fs 'http://www.msftconnecttest.com/connecttest.txt' -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ "$result1" == '200' ]; then return 0 fi fi if [ "$1" == 6 ]; then local result2=$(curl -6 ${CURL_OPTS} -fs 'http://ipv6.msftconnecttest.com/connecttest.txt' -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ "$result2" == '200' ]; then return 0 fi fi return 1 } check_os_type() { OS_TYPE='' local ifLinux=$(uname -a | grep -i 'linux') local ifFreeBSD=$(uname -a | grep -i 'freebsd') local ifTermux=$(echo "$PWD" | grep -i 'termux') local ifMacOS=$(uname -a | grep -i 'Darwin') local ifMinGW=$(uname -a | grep -i 'MINGW') local ifCygwin=$(uname -a | grep -i 'CYGWIN') local ifAndroid=$(uname -a | grep -i 'android') local ifiSh=$(uname -a | grep -i '\-ish') if [ -n "$ifLinux" ] && [ -z "$ifAndroid" ] && [ -z "$ifiSh" ]; then OS_TYPE='linux' OS_LINUX=1 return fi if [ -n "$ifTermux" ]; then OS_TYPE='termux' OS_TERMUX=1 OS_ANDROID=1 return fi if [ -n "$ifMacOS" ]; then OS_TYPE='macos' OS_MACOS=1 return fi if [ -n "$ifMinGW" ]; then OS_TYPE='msys' OS_WINDOWS=1 return fi if [ -n "$ifCygwin" ]; then OS_TYPE='cygwin' OS_WINDOWS=1 return fi if [ -n "$ifFreeBSD" ]; then OS_TYPE='freebsd' OS_FREEBSD=1 return fi if [ -n "$ifAndroid" ]; then OS_TYPE='android' OS_ANDROID=1 return fi if [ -n "$ifiSh" ]; then OS_TYPE='ish' OS_IOS=1 return fi echo -e "${Font_Red}Unsupported OS Type.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 } check_dependencies() { CURL_SSL_CIPHERS_OPT='' if [ "$OS_TYPE" == 'linux' ]; then source /etc/os-release if [ -z "$ID" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Unsupported Linux OS Type.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi case "$ID" in debian|devuan|kali) OS_NAME='debian' PKGMGR='apt' ;; ubuntu) OS_NAME='ubuntu' PKGMGR='apt' ;; centos|fedora|rhel|almalinux|rocky|amzn) OS_NAME='rhel' PKGMGR='dnf' ;; arch|archarm) OS_NAME='arch' PKGMGR='pacman' ;; alpine) OS_NAME='alpine' PKGMGR='apk' ;; *) OS_NAME="$ID" PKGMGR='apt' ;; esac fi if [ -z $(echo 'e' | grep -P 'e' 2>/dev/null) ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}command 'grep' function is incomplete, please install the full version first.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi if ! command_exists curl; then echo -e "${Font_Red}command 'curl' is missing, please install it first.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi if ! gen_uuid >/dev/null; then echo -e "${Font_Red}command 'uuidgen' is missing, please install it first.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi if ! command_exists openssl; then echo -e "${Font_Red}command 'openssl' is missing, please install it first.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi if [ "$OS_MACOS" == 1 ]; then if ! command_exists md5sum; then echo -e "${Font_Red}command 'md5sum' is missing, please install it first.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi if ! command_exists sha256sum; then echo -e "${Font_Red}command 'sha256sum' is missing, please install it first.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$OS_NAME" == 'debian' ] || [ "$OS_NAME" == 'ubuntu' ]; then local os_version=$(echo "$VERSION_ID" | tr -d '.') if [ "$os_version" == "2004" ] || [ "$os_version" == "10" ] || [ "$os_version" == "11" ]; then CURL_SSL_CIPHERS_OPT='-k --ciphers DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1' fi fi if command_exists usleep; then USE_USLEEP=1 fi } process() { local iface='' local xip='' local proxy='' USE_NIC='' NETWORK_TYPE='' LANGUAGE='' X_FORWARD='' USE_PROXY='' while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -I | --interface) local iface="$2" USE_NIC="--interface $2" shift ;; -M | --network-type) local netType="$2" shift ;; -E | --language) LANGUAGE="$2" shift ;; -X | --x-forwarded-for) local xip="$2" shift ;; -P | --proxy) local proxy="$2" shift ;; -R | --region) local regionid="$2" shift ;; *) echo -e "${Font_Red}Unknown error while processing options.${Font_Suffix}" exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ -z "$iface" ]; then USE_NIC='' fi if [ -z "$xip" ]; then X_FORWARD='' fi if [ -n "$xip" ]; then local xip=$(echo "$xip" | awk '{$1=$1; print}') validate_ip_address "$xip" local result="$?" if [ "$result" == 4 ] || [ "$result" == 6 ]; then X_FORWARD="--header X-Forwarded-For:$xip" fi fi if [ -z "$proxy" ]; then USE_PROXY='' fi if [ -n "$proxy" ]; then local proxy=$(echo "$proxy" | awk '{$1=$1; print}') if validate_proxy "$proxy"; then USE_PROXY="-x $proxy" fi fi if [ -z "$netType" ]; then NETWORK_TYPE='' fi if [ -n "$netType" ]; then local netType=$(echo "$netType" | awk '{$1=$1; print}') if validate_net_type "$netType"; then NETWORK_TYPE="$netType" fi fi if [ -z "$LANGUAGE" ]; then LANGUAGE='zh' fi if [ -n "$regionid" ]; then if validate_region_id "$regionid"; then REGION_ID="$regionid" fi fi CURL_OPTS="$USE_NIC $USE_PROXY $X_FORWARD ${CURL_SSL_CIPHERS_OPT} --max-time 10 --retry 3 --retry-max-time 20" } delay() { if [ -z $1 ]; then exit 1 fi local val=$1 if [ "$USE_USLEEP" == 1 ]; then usleep $(awk 'BEGIN{print '$val' * 1000000}') return 0 fi sleep $val return 0 } count_run_times() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_OPTS} -s "https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcheck.unclock.media&count_bg=%2379C83D&title_bg=%23555555&icon=&icon_color=%23E7E7E7&title=visit&edge_flat=false") TODAY_RUN_TIMES=$(echo "$tmpresult" | tail -3 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $5}') TOTAL_RUN_TIMES=$(($(echo "$tmpresult" | tail -3 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $7}') + 2527395)) } download_extra_data() { MEDIA_COOKIE=$(curl ${CURL_OPTS} -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck/main/cookies") IATACODE=$(curl ${CURL_OPTS} -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck/main/reference/IATACode.txt") IATACODE2=$(curl ${CURL_OPTS} -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck/main/reference/IATACode2.txt") if [ -z "$MEDIA_COOKIE" ] || [ -z "$IATACODE" ] || [ -z "$IATACODE2" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Extra data download failed.${Font_Suffix}" delay 3 fi } get_ip_info() { LOCAL_IP_ASTERISK='' LOCAL_ISP='' local local_ip=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s https://api64.ipify.org --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local get_local_isp=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://api.ip.sb/geoip/${local_ip}" -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$local_ip" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Failed to Query IP Address.${Font_Suffix}" fi if [ -z "$get_local_isp" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}Failed to Query IP Info.${Font_Suffix}" fi validate_ip_address "$local_ip" local resp="$?" if [ "$resp" == 4 ]; then LOCAL_IP_ASTERISK=$(awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2".*.*"}' <<<"${local_ip}") fi if [ "$resp" == 6 ]; then LOCAL_IP_ASTERISK=$(awk -F":" '{print $1":"$2":"$3":*:*"}' <<<"${local_ip}") fi LOCAL_ISP=$(echo "$get_local_isp" | grep 'organization' | cut -f4 -d '"') } show_region() { echo -e "${Font_Yellow} ---${1}---${Font_Suffix}" } function GameTest_Steam() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Steam Currency:\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/761830' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Steam Currency:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'priceCurrency' | cut -d '"' -f4) if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Steam Currency:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Steam Currency:\t\t\t${Font_Green}${result}${Font_Suffix}\n" } # 流媒体解锁测试-动画疯 function MediaUnlockTest_BahamutAnime() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bahamut Anime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://ani.gamer.com.tw/ajax/getdeviceid.php' --cookie-jar bahamut_cookie.txt --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bahamut Anime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" rm -f bahamut_cookie.txt return fi local tempdeviceid=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"deviceid"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') # I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince local sn='37783' local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "https://ani.gamer.com.tw/ajax/token.php?adID=89422&sn=${sn}&device=${tempdeviceid}" -b bahamut_cookie.txt --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://ani.gamer.com.tw/' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-model: ""' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform-version: "15.0.0"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -b bahamut_cookie.txt --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") rm -f bahamut_cookie.txt if [ -z "$tmpresult1" ] || [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bahamut Anime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep 'animeSn') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bahamut Anime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -woP 'data-geo="\K[^"]+') if [ -n "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bahamut Anime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Bahamut Anime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } # 流媒体解锁测试-哔哩哔哩大陆限定 function MediaUnlockTest_BilibiliChinaMainland() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r BiliBili China Mainland Only:\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local randsession=$(gen_uuid | md5sum | head -c 32) # 尝试获取成功的结果 local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL "https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl?avid=82846771&qn=0&type=&otype=json&ep_id=307247&fourk=1&fnver=0&fnval=16&session=${randsession}&module=bangumi" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r BiliBili China Mainland Only:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K[-\d]+' | head -n 1) case "$result" in '0') echo -n -e "\r BiliBili China Mainland Only:\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '-10403') echo -n -e "\r BiliBili China Mainland Only:\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r BiliBili China Mainland Only:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } # 流媒体解锁测试-哔哩哔哩港澳台限定 function MediaUnlockTest_BilibiliHKMCTW() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local randsession=$(gen_uuid | md5sum | head -c 32) # 尝试获取成功的结果 local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL "https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl?avid=18281381&cid=29892777&qn=0&type=&otype=json&ep_id=183799&fourk=1&fnver=0&fnval=16&session=${randsession}&module=bangumi" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K[-\d]+' | head -n 1) case "$result" in '0') echo -n -e "\r BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '-10403') echo -n -e "\r BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } # 流媒体解锁测试-哔哩哔哩台湾限定 function MediaUnlockTest_BilibiliTW() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bilibili Taiwan Only:\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local randsession=$(gen_uuid | md5sum | head -c 32) # 尝试获取成功的结果 local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL "https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl?avid=50762638&cid=100279344&qn=0&type=&otype=json&ep_id=268176&fourk=1&fnver=0&fnval=16&session=${randsession}&module=bangumi" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bilibili Taiwan Only:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K[-\d]+' | head -n 1) case "$result" in '0') echo -n -e "\r Bilibili Taiwan Only:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '-10403') echo -n -e "\r Bilibili Taiwan Only:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Bilibili Taiwan Only:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_AbemaTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Abema.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://api.abema.io/v1/ip/check?device=android' --user-agent "${UA_ANDROID}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Abema.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"isoCountryCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Abema.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$region" == 'JP' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Abema.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" else echo -n -e "\r Abema.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}Oversea Only (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" fi } function GameTest_PCRJP() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://api-priconne-redive.cygames.jp/' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_ANDROID}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '404') echo -n -e "\r Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function GameTest_UMAJP() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://api-umamusume.cygames.jp/' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_ANDROID}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Pretty Derby Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '404') echo -n -e "\r Pretty Derby Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Pretty Derby Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Pretty Derby Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function GameTest_Kancolle() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Kancolle Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL '' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_ANDROID}") # curl '' \ # -H 'Accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' \ # -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \ # -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' \ # --insecure case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Kancolle Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Kancolle Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Kancolle Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Kancolle Japan:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Lemino() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://if.lemino.docomo.ne.jp/v1/user/delivery/watch/ready' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'origin: https://lemino.docomo.ne.jp' -H 'referer: https://lemino.docomo.ne.jp/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H 'x-service-token: f365771afd91452fa279863f240c233d' -H 'x-trace-id: 556db33f-d739-4a82-84df-dd509a8aa179' --data-raw '{"inflow_flows":[null,"crid://plala.iptvf.jp/group/b100ce3"],"play_type":1,"key_download_only":null,"quality":null,"groupcast":null,"avail_status":"1","terminal_type":3,"test_account":0,"content_list":[{"kind":"main","service_id":null,"cid":"00lm78dz30","lid":"a0lsa6kum1","crid":"crid://plala.iptvf.jp/vod/0000000000_00lm78dymn","preview":0,"trailer":0,"auto_play":0,"stop_position":0}]}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Lemino:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Lemino:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Lemino:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Lemino:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } MediaUnlockTest_AnimeFesta() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://api-animefesta.iowl.jp/v1/titles/1305' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H 'Origin: https://animefesta.iowl.jp' -H 'Priority: u=1, i' -H 'Referer: https://animefesta.iowl.jp/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r AnimeFesta:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r AnimeFesta:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r AnimeFesta:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r AnimeFesta:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_mora() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Mora:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://mora.jp/buy?__requestToken=1713764407153&returnUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fmora.jp%2Fpackage%2F43000087%2FTFDS01006B00Z%2F%3Ffmid%3DTOPRNKS%26trackMaterialNo%3D31168909&fromMoraUx=false&deleteMaterial=' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H 'host: mora.jp' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Mora:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Mora:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Mora:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '500') echo -n -e "\r Mora:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Mora:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_BBCiPLAYER() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r BBC iPLAYER:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/6/select/version/2.0/mediaset/pc/vpid/bbc_one_london/format/json/jsfunc/JS_callbacks0' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r BBC iPLAYER:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'geolocation') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'vs-hls-push-uk') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r BBC iPLAYER:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r BBC iPLAYER:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r BBC iPLAYER:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r BBC iPLAYER:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Netflix() { # LEGO Ninjago local result1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.netflix.com/title/81280792' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H 'host: www.netflix.com' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") # Breaking bad local result2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.netflix.com/title/70143836' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H 'host: www.netflix.com' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ "${result1}" == '000' ] || [ "$result2" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result1" == '404' ] && [ "$result2" == '404' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}Originals Only${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result1" == '403' ] || [ "$result2" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result1" == '200' ] || [ "$result2" == '200' ]; then local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.netflix.com/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -oP '"id":"\K[^"]+' | grep -E '^[A-Z]{2}$' | head -n 1) echo -n -e "\r Netflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Netflix:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result1}_${result2})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_DisneyPlus() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tempresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://disney.api.edge.bamgrid.com/devices' -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer ZGlzbmV5JmJyb3dzZXImMS4wLjA.Cu56AgSfBTDag5NiRA81oLHkDZfu5L3CKadnefEAY84" -H "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d '{"deviceFamily":"browser","applicationRuntime":"chrome","deviceProfile":"windows","attributes":{}}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tempresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local is403=$(echo "$tempresult" | grep -i '403 ERROR') if [ -n "$is403" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No (IP Banned By Disney+)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local assertion=$(echo "$tempresult" | grep -woP '"assertion"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$assertion" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local preDisneyCookie=$(echo "$MEDIA_COOKIE" | sed -n '1p') local disneyCookie=$(echo "$preDisneyCookie" | sed "s/DISNEYASSERTION/${assertion}/g") local tokenContent=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://disney.api.edge.bamgrid.com/token' -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer ZGlzbmV5JmJyb3dzZXImMS4wLjA.Cu56AgSfBTDag5NiRA81oLHkDZfu5L3CKadnefEAY84" -d "${disneyCookie}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local isBlocked=$(echo "$tokenContent" | grep -i 'forbidden-location') local is403=$(echo "$tokenContent" | grep -i '403 ERROR') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ] || [ -n "$is403" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No (IP Banned By Disney+ 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local fakeContent=$(echo "$MEDIA_COOKIE" | sed -n '8p') local refreshToken=$(echo "$tokenContent" | grep -woP '"refresh_token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local disneyContent=$(echo "$fakeContent" | sed "s/ILOVEDISNEY/${refreshToken}/g") local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://disney.api.edge.bamgrid.com/graph/v1/device/graphql' -X POST -H "authorization: ZGlzbmV5JmJyb3dzZXImMS4wLjA.Cu56AgSfBTDag5NiRA81oLHkDZfu5L3CKadnefEAY84" -d "${disneyContent}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local previewcheck=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://disneyplus.com' -w '%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local isUnavailable=$(echo "$previewcheck" | grep -E 'preview|unavailable') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"countryCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local inSupportedLocation=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"inSupportedLocation"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$region" == 'JP' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: JP)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isUnavailable" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$inSupportedLocation" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}Available For [Disney+ ${region}] Soon${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$inSupportedLocation" == 'true' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Disney+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${inSupportedLocation}_${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Dazn() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Dazn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://startup.core.indazn.com/misl/v5/Startup' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"LandingPageKey":"generic","languages":"en-US,en","Platform":"web","PlatformAttributes":{},"Manufacturer":"","PromoCode":"","Version":"2"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Dazn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"isAllowed"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"GeolocatedCountry"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | tr a-z A-Z) case "$result" in 'false') echo -n -e "\r Dazn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'true') echo -n -e "\r Dazn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Dazn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_HuluJP() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Hulu Japan:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://id.hulu.jp/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null -H 'Accept: */*;q=0.8' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: none' -H 'Sec-GPC: 1' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: document' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: none' -H 'Sec-Fetch-User: ?1' -H 'Priority: u=1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Hulu Japan:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local isBlocked=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep 'restrict') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Hulu Japan:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Hulu Japan:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Hulu Japan:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Hulu Japan:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_MyTVSuper() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r MyTVSuper:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.mytvsuper.com/api/auth/getSession/self/' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MyTVSuper:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"country_code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ "$result" == 'HK' ]; then echo -n -e "\r MyTVSuper:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return else echo -n -e "\r MyTVSuper:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r MyTVSuper:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_NowE() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Now E:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://webtvapi.nowe.com/16/1/getVodURL' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"contentId":"202403181904703","contentType":"Vod","pin":"","deviceName":"Browser","deviceId":"w-663bcc51-913c-913c-913c-913c913c","deviceType":"WEB","secureCookie":null,"callerReferenceNo":"W17151951620081575","profileId":null,"mupId":null}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Now E:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"responseCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'GEO_CHECK_FAIL') echo -n -e "\r Now E:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'SUCCESS') echo -n -e "\r Now E:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Now E:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_ViuTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Viu.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.viu.now.com/p8/3/getLiveURL' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"callerReferenceNo":"20210726112323","contentId":"099","contentType":"Channel","channelno":"099","mode":"prod","deviceId":"29b3cb117a635d5b56","deviceType":"ANDROID_WEB"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Viu.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"responseCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'GEO_CHECK_FAIL') echo -n -e "\r Viu.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'SUCCESS') echo -n -e "\r Viu.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Viu.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_unext() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://cc.unext.jp' -H 'content-type: application/json' --data-raw '{"operationName":"cosmo_getPlaylistUrl","variables":{"code":"ED00479780","playMode":"caption","bitrateLow":192,"bitrateHigh":null,"validationOnly":false},"query":"query cosmo_getPlaylistUrl($code: String, $playMode: String, $bitrateLow: Int, $bitrateHigh: Int, $validationOnly: Boolean) {\n webfront_playlistUrl(\n code: $code\n playMode: $playMode\n bitrateLow: $bitrateLow\n bitrateHigh: $bitrateHigh\n validationOnly: $validationOnly\n ) {\n subTitle\n playToken\n playTokenHash\n beaconSpan\n result {\n errorCode\n errorMessage\n __typename\n }\n resultStatus\n licenseExpireDate\n urlInfo {\n code\n startPoint\n resumePoint\n endPoint\n endrollStartPosition\n holderId\n saleTypeCode\n sceneSearchList {\n IMS_AD1\n IMS_L\n IMS_M\n IMS_S\n __typename\n }\n movieProfile {\n cdnId\n type\n playlistUrl\n movieAudioList {\n audioType\n __typename\n }\n licenseUrlList {\n type\n licenseUrl\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n umcContentId\n movieSecurityLevelCode\n captionFlg\n dubFlg\n commodityCode\n movieAudioList {\n audioType\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r U-NEXT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"resultStatus"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K\d+') case "$result" in '475') echo -n -e "\r U-NEXT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r U-NEXT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '467') echo -n -e "\r U-NEXT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r U-NEXT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_wowow() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local timestamp=$[$(date +%s%N)/1000000] # 取原创剧集列表 local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://www.wowow.co.jp/drama/original/json/lineup.json?_=${timestamp}" -H 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' -H 'Referer: https://www.wowow.co.jp/drama/original/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取无料剧集来播放 example: https://www.wowow.co.jp/drama/original/hakubo/ local playUrlList=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"link"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | grep 'drama/original' | head -n 4 | xargs) if [ -z "$playUrlList" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi for playUrl in $playUrlList ; do # 访问并获取真实链接 local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "${playUrl}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取得真实链接 local wodUrl=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -o '"https://wod.wowow.co.jp/content/.*"' | cut -f2 -d'"' | head -n 1) if [ -n "$wodUrl" ]; then break fi done if [ -z "$wodUrl" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 访问并获取 meta_id local tmpresult3=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "$wodUrl" -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult3" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local metaId=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP '"https://wod.wowow.co.jp/watch/\K\d{0,}[^"]+') # Fake Vistor UID local vUid=$(echo -n "$timestamp" | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' ') # 最终测试 local tmpresult4=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://mapi.wowow.co.jp/api/v1/playback/auth' -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -H 'origin: https://wod.wowow.co.jp' -H 'referer: https://wod.wowow.co.jp/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H 'x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest' --data-raw "{\"meta_id\":${metaId},\"vuid\":\"${vUid}\",\"device_code\":1,\"app_id\":1,\"ua\":\"${UA_BROWSER}\"}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult4" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 3)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult4" | grep -i 'VPN') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult4" | grep -i 'playback_session_id') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r WOWOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_TVer() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://platform-api.tver.jp/v2/api/platform_users/browser/create' -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'origin: https://s.tver.jp' -H 'referer: https://s.tver.jp/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' --data-raw 'device_type=pc' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 先取 UID 和 TOKEN local platformUid=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"platform_uid"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local platformToken=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"platform_token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') # 根据 UID 和 TOKEN 取得当前正在播放的剧集 local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://platform-api.tver.jp/service/api/v1/callHome?platform_uid=${platformUid}&platform_token=${platformToken}&require_data=mylist%2Cresume%2Clater" -H 'origin: https://tver.jp' -H 'referer: https://tver.jp/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H 'x-tver-platform-type: web' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 返回结果取新电视剧第一个值 # echo "$tmpresult2" | jq -r '.result.components.[] | select(.componentID | contains("newer-drama")) | limit(1; .contents.[].content.id)' local episodeId=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | sed -E 's/.*"newer-drama([.]{0,})"//' | sed 's/"componentID".*//' | sed 's/"id"/_TAG_/;s/.*_TAG_//' | cut -f2 -d'"' | grep -E '[a-z0-9]{10}') if [ -z "$episodeId" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取得该剧集信息 local tmpresult3=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://statics.tver.jp/content/episode/${episodeId}.json" -H 'origin: https://tver.jp' -H 'referer: https://tver.jp/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult3" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取 accountID / playerID / videoID / videoRefID local accountID=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP '"accountID"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local playerID=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP '"playerID"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local videoID=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP '"videoID"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local videoRefID=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP '"videoRefID"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') # 取得 brightcove 播放器信息 local tmpresult4=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://players.brightcove.net/${accountID}/${playerID}_default/index.min.js" -H 'Referer: https://tver.jp/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: script' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult4" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 3)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取 policy_key local policyKey=$(echo "$tmpresult4" | sed 's/.*policyKey:"//' | awk -F'"' '{print $1}') if [ -z "${videoRefID}" ]; then # 取 deliveryConfigId local deliveryConfigId=$(echo "$tmpresult4" | sed 's/.*deliveryConfigId:"//' | awk -F'"' '{print $1}') # 最终检查 local tmpresult5=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://edge.api.brightcove.com/playback/v1/accounts/${accountID}/videos/${videoID}?config_id=${deliveryConfigId}" -H "accept: application/json;pk=${policyKey}" -H 'origin: https://tver.jp' -H 'referer: https://tver.jp/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") else # 最终检查 local tmpresult5=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://edge.api.brightcove.com/playback/v1/accounts/${accountID}/videos/ref%3A${videoRefID}" -H "accept: application/json;pk=${policyKey}" -H 'origin: https://tver.jp' -H 'referer: https://tver.jp/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") fi if [ -z "$tmpresult5" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 4)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult5" | grep -woP '"error_subcode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'CLIENT_GEO') echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r TVer:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_HamiVideo() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Hami Video:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://hamivideo.hinet.net/api/play.do?id=OTT_VOD_0000249064&freeProduct=1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Hami Video:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in '06001-106') echo -n -e "\r Hami Video:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '06001-107') echo -n -e "\r Hami Video:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Hami Video:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_4GTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r 4GTV.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} --tlsv1.3 -s 'https://api2.4gtv.tv/Web/IsTaiwanArea' -H 'origin: https://www.4gtv.tv' -H 'referer: https://www.4gtv.tv/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r 4GTV.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"Data"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'N') echo -n -e "\r 4GTV.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'Y') echo -n -e "\r 4GTV.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r 4GTV.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_SlingTV() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.sling.com/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Sling TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local isBlocked=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -i 'geo-block') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Sling TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Sling TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Sling TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_PlutoTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Pluto TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://pluto.tv/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Pluto TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local isBlocked=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep 'plutotv-is-not-available') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Pluto TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Pluto TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Pluto TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_HBOMax() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sLi 'https://www.max.com/' -w "_TAG_%{http_code}_TAG_" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r HBO Max:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local countryList=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"url":"/[a-z]{2}/[a-z]{2}"' | cut -f4 -d'"' | cut -f2 -d'/' | sort -n | uniq | xargs | tr a-z A-Z) local countryList="${countryList} US" local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'countryCode=\K[A-Z]{2}' | head -n 1) local isUnavailable=$(echo "$countryList" | grep "$region") if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r HBO Max:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Country Code Not Found)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isUnavailable" ]; then echo -n -e "\r HBO Max:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r HBO Max:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Showmax() { local region=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -si 'https://www.showmax.com/' -H 'host: www.showmax.com' -H 'connection: keep-alive' -H 'sec-ch-ua: "Chromium";v="124", "Microsoft Edge";v="124", "Not-A.Brand";v="99"' -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' -H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/' -H 'accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'accept-language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9' 2>&1 | grep 'activeTerritory'| awk -F'[=;]' '{print $2}') if [[ "$region" == "curl"* ]]; then echo -n -e "\r Showmax:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Showmax:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: $region)${Font_Suffix}\n" return elif [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Showmax:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return else echo -n -e "\r Showmax:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi } function MediaUnlockTest_Channel4() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 4:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.channel4.com/simulcast/channels/C4' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Channel 4:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Channel 4:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Channel 4:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Channel 4:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_ITVHUB() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r ITV Hub:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://magni.itv.com/playlist/itvonline/ITV/10_4782_0001.001' -H 'Accept: application/vnd.itv.vod.playlist.v2+json' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Origin: https://www.itv.com' -H 'Referer: https://www.itv.com/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' --data-raw '{"user":{"entitlements":[]},"device":{"manufacturer":"Chrome","model":"","os":{"name":"Windows","version":"10","type":"desktop"}},"client":{"version":"4.1","id":"browser","supportsAdPods":true,"service":"itv.x","appversion":"2.237.0"},"variantAvailability":{"player":"dash","featureset":{"min":["mpeg-dash","widevine","outband-webvtt","hd","single-track"],"max":["mpeg-dash","widevine","outband-webvtt","hd","single-track"]},"platformTag":"dotcom"}}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ITV Hub:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Outside Of Allowed Geographic') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Playlist') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ITV Hub:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ITV Hub:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ITV Hub:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r ITV Hub:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_DSTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r DSTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL --tlsv1.3 'https://authentication.dstv.com/favicon.ico' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r DSTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403'|'451') echo -n -e "\r DSTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '404') echo -n -e "\r DSTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r DSTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function RegionTest_iQYI() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r iQyi Oversea Region:\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.iq.com/' -w "_TAG_%{http_code}_TAG_" -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}" -D -) local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r iQyi Oversea Region:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'mod=\K[a-z]+' | tr a-z A-Z) if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r iQyi Oversea Region:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Country Code Not Found)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$region" == 'NTW' ]; then region='TW' fi echo -n -e "\r iQyi Oversea Region:\t\t\t${Font_Green}${region}${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_HuluUS() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://auth.hulu.com/v4/web/password/authenticate' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' -H 'Cookie: _hulu_at=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhc3NpZ25tZW50cyI6ImV5SjJNU0k2VzExOSIsInJlZnJlc2hfaW50ZXJ2YWwiOjg2NDAwMDAwLCJ0b2tlbl9pZCI6IjQyZDk0YzA5LWYyZTEtNDdmNC1iYzU4LWUwNTA2NGNhYTdhZCIsImFub255bW91c19pZCI6IjYzNDUzMjA2LWFmYzgtNDU4Yi1iODBkLWNiMzk2MmYzZGQyZCIsImlzc3VlZF9hdCI6MTcwNjYwOTUzODc5MiwidHRsIjozMTUzNjAwMDAwMCwiZGV2aWNlX3VwcGVyIjoxfQ.e7sRCOndgn1j30XYkenLcLSQ7vwc2PXk-gFHMIF2gu_3UNEJ3pp3xNOZMN0n7DQRw5Jv68WiGxIvf65s8AetOoD4NLt4sZUDDz9HCRmFHzpmAJdtXWZ-HZ4fYucENuqDDDrsdQ-FCc0mgIe2IXkmQJ6tpIN3Zgcgmpmbeoq6jYyLlqg6f8eMsI1bNAsBGGj-9DXw2PMotlYHWB22pw2NRfJw1TjWXwywRBodAOve7rsu2Vhx-A2-OH4GplRvxLqzCpl2pcjkYg9atmUB7jnNIf_jHqlek4oRRawahWq-2vWnWmb1eMQcH-v2IHs3YdVk7I-t4iS19auPQrdgo6jPaA; 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then echo -n -e "\r Hulu:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"name"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'LOGIN_FORBIDDEN') echo -n -e "\r Hulu:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'GEO_BLOCKED') echo -n -e "\r Hulu:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '' ) echo -n -e "\r Hulu:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Hulu:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_encoreTVB() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r encoreTVB:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://edge.api.brightcove.com/playback/v1/accounts/5324042807001/videos/6005570109001' -H "Accept: application/json;pk=BCpkADawqM2Gpjj8SlY2mj4FgJJMfUpxTNtHWXOItY1PvamzxGstJbsgc-zFOHkCVcKeeOhPUd9MNHEGJoVy1By1Hrlh9rOXArC5M5MTcChJGU6maC8qhQ4Y8W-QYtvi8Nq34bUb9IOvoKBLeNF4D9Avskfe9rtMoEjj6ImXu_i4oIhYS0dx7x1AgHvtAaZFFhq3LBGtR-ZcsSqxNzVg-4PRUI9zcytQkk_YJXndNSfhVdmYmnxkgx1XXisGv1FG5GOmEK4jZ_Ih0riX5icFnHrgniADr4bA2G7TYh4OeGBrYLyFN_BDOvq3nFGrXVWrTLhaYyjxOr4rZqJPKK2ybmMsq466Ke1ZtE-wNQ" -H "Origin: https://www.encoretvb.com" -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r encoreTVB:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"error_subcode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'CLIENT_GEO') echo -n -e "\r encoreTVB:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r encoreTVB:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r encoreTVB:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Molotov() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://fapi.molotov.tv/v1/open-europe/is-france' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Molotov:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"is_france"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') case "$result" in 'false') echo -n -e "\r Molotov:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'true') echo -n -e "\r Molotov:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r Molotov:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Molotov:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_LineTVTW() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r LineTV.TW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.linetv.tw/' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r LineTV.TW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 找 main js 的链接 local mainJsUrl=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'src="\K[^"]+' | grep -E '/main-[a-z0-9]{8}') # 下载 main js local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "${mainJsUrl}" -H 'referer: https://www.linetv.tw/' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r LineTV.TW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 从 main js 里找 appId local appId=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -woP 'appId:"\K[^"]+' | head -n 1) # 正式测试 local tmpresult3=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://www.linetv.tw/api/part/11829/eps/1/part?appId=${appId}&productType=FAST&version=10.38.0" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult3" ]; then echo -n -e "\r LineTV.TW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP '"countryCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K\d+') case "$result" in '228') echo -n -e "\r LineTV.TW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r LineTV.TW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Country Code Not Found)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r LineTV.TW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_ViuCom() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Viu.com:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.viu.com/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Viu.com:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local region=$(echo "$urlEffective" | cut -f5 -d'/' | tr a-z A-Z) if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Viu.com:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Country Code Not Found)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$region" == 'NO-SERVICE' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Viu.com:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Viu.com:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Viu.com:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Niconico() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/so23017073' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 获取直播网页 local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://live.nicovideo.jp/?cmnhd_ref=device=pc&site=nicolive&pos=header_servicelink&ref=WatchPage-Anchor' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 从直播网页中找到第一个官方直播剧 # echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -woP 'id="DAT-csr-data" data-value="[^"]+' | sed 's/id="DAT-csr-data" data-value="//;s/"/"/g' | \ # jq -r '.props.view.popularBeforeOpenBroadcastStatusProgramListSectionState.programList.[] | select(.isOfficialChannelMemberFree == false) | .id' | head -n 1 local liveID=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | sed 's/"isOfficialChannelMemberFree":false/"isOfficialChannelMemberFree":false\r\n/g' | grep -v '"isOfficialChannelMemberFree":true' | grep -v -E 'playerProgram|"ON_AIR"' | grep '話' | grep -woP '"id":"\Klv[0-9]+' | head -n 1) if [ -z "$liveID" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult3=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/${liveID}" -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult3" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '同じ地域') local isJapanOnly=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep 'notAllowedCountry') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isJapanOnly" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (LiveID: $liveID)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isJapanOnly" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}No (Official Live Unavailable. LiveID: ${liveID})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Niconico:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_ParamountPlus() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.paramountplus.com/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Paramount+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local region=$(echo "$urlEffective" | cut -f4 -d'/' | tr a-z A-Z) if [ "$region" == 'INTL' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Paramount+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then if [ -z "$region" ]; then local region='US' fi echo -n -e "\r Paramount+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Paramount+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_KKTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r KKTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.kktv.me/v3/ipcheck' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r KKTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"country"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ "$result" == 'TW' ]; then echo -n -e "\r KKTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r KKTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_PeacockTV() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.peacocktv.com/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Peacock TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local result=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -i 'unavailable') if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Peacock TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Peacock TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Peacock TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_FOD() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r FOD(Fuji TV):\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://geocontrol1.stream.ne.jp/fod-geo/check.xml?time=1624504256' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r FOD(Fuji TV):\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '\K[^<(]+') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Google Play Store:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed${Font_Suffix}\n" return else echo -n -e "\r Google Play Store:\t\t\t${Font_Green}${result}${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi } function RegionTest_YouTubeCDN() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://redirector.googlevideo.com/report_mapping' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r YouTube CDN:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local iata=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '=>' | awk "NR==1" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -f2 -d'-' | cut -c 1-3 | tr a-z A-Z) local isIDC=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'router') local isIataFound1=$(echo "$IATACODE" | grep -w "$iata") local isIataFound2=$(echo "$IATACODE2" | grep -w "$iata") if [ -z "$iata" ]; then echo -n -e "\r YouTube CDN:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Location Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -z "$isIataFound1" ] && [ -z "$isIataFound2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r YouTube CDN:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: IATA: ${iata} Not Found)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isIataFound1" ]; then local location=$(echo "$IATACODE" | grep -w "$iata" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}' | awk '{$1=$1; print}') fi if [ -z "$isIataFound1" ] && [ -n "$isIataFound2" ]; then local location=$(echo "$IATACODE2" | grep -w "$iata" | awk -F',' '{print $2}' | awk '{$1=$1; print}' | tr A-Z a-z | sed 's/\b[a-z]/\U&/g') fi if [ -z "$isIDC" ]; then local cdnISP=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk 'NR==1' | awk '{print $3}' | cut -f1 -d'-' | tr a-z A-Z) echo -n -e "\r YouTube CDN:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}[${cdnISP}] in [${location}]${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isIDC" ]; then echo -n -e "\r YouTube CDN:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}${location}${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r YouTube CDN:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function WebTest_GoogleSearchCAPTCHA() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.google.com/search?q=curl&oq=curl&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBBzg1MmowajGoAgCwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-model: ""' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform-version: "15.0.0"' -H 'sec-ch-ua-wow64: ?0' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Google Search CAPTCHA Free:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -iE 'unusual traffic from|is blocked|unaddressed abuse') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'curl') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Google Search CAPTCHA Free:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Google Search CAPTCHA Free:\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Google Search CAPTCHA Free:\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Google Search CAPTCHA Free:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_BritBox() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.britbox.com/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r BritBox:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local result=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -E 'locationnotsupported|locationnotvalidated|britbox.co.uk') if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r BritBox:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r BritBox:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r BritBox:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_PrimeVideo() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amazon Prime Video:\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.primevideo.com' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amazon Prime Video:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'isServiceRestricted') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"currentTerritory":"\K[^"]+' | head -n 1) if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amazon Prime Video:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amazon Prime Video:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No (Service Not Available)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amazon Prime Video:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Amazon Prime Video:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown Region)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Radiko() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Radiko:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://radiko.jp/area?_=1625406539531' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Radiko:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'class="OUT"') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'JAPAN') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Radiko:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Radiko:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then local area=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/.*>//') echo -n -e "\r Radiko:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (City: $area)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Radiko:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_DMM() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://bitcoin.dmm.com/' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'This page is not available in your area') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '暗号資産') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r DMM:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_DMMTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.beacon.dmm.com/v1/streaming/start' -X POST -d '{"player_name":"dmmtv_browser","player_version":"0.0.0","content_type_detail":"VOD_SVOD","content_id":"11uvjcm4fw2wdu7drtd1epnvz","purchase_product_id":null}' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'FOREIGN') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'UNAUTHORIZED') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DMM TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r DMM TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Catchplay() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r CatchPlay+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://sunapi.catchplay.com/geo' -H "authorization: Basic NTQ3MzM0NDgtYTU3Yi00MjU2LWE4MTEtMzdlYzNkNjJmM2E0Ok90QzR3elJRR2hLQ01sSDc2VEoy" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r CatchPlay+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r CatchPlay+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$result" in '0') echo -n -e "\r CatchPlay+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '100016') echo -n -e "\r CatchPlay+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Now E:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_HotStar() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sLi 'https://www.hotstar.com' -w '\n_TAG_%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}_TAG_\n' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -o '_TAG_.*_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r HotStar:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r HotStar:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '475' ]; then echo -n -e "\r HotStar:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -o '_TAG_.*_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $3}') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'geo=\K[A-Z]+' | head -n 1) local siteRegion=$(echo "$urlEffective" | sed 's@.*com/@@' | tr a-z A-Z) if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r HotStar:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$region" == 'US' ]; then echo -n -e "\r HotStar:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}No (Discontinued in the US)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$region" == "$siteRegion" ]; then echo -n -e "\r HotStar:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r HotStar:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: REGION ERROR ${region}_${siteRegion})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_LiTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r LiTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local fakePUid=$(gen_uuid) local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.litv.tv/api/get-urls-no-auth' -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.litv.tv' -H 'referer: https://www.litv.tv/drama/watch/VOD00328856' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' --data-raw "{\"AssetId\":\"vod70810-000001M001_1500K\",\"MediaType\":\"vod\",\"puid\":\"${fakePUid}\"}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r LiTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'AssetURLs') local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K[^"][0-9]{0,}') if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r LiTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$result" in '42000087') echo -n -e "\r LiTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '42000075') echo -n -e "\r LiTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; # 剧集不存在 '') echo -n -e "\r LiTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r LiTV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_FuboTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Fubo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fs "https://api.fubo.tv/v3/location" -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.fubo.tv' -H 'referer: https://www.fubo.tv/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Fubo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local noService=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'NO_SERVICE_IN_COUNTRY') local isAllowed=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -o '"network_allowed":true') local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -o '"network_allowed":false') local countryCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -oP '"country_code2":"\K[^"]+') if [ -n "$noService" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Fubo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Fubo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isAllowed" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Fubo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region:${countryCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Fubo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Fox() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://x-live-fox-stgec.uplynk.com/ausw/slices/8d1/d8e6eec26bf544f084bad49a7fa2eac5/8d1de292bcc943a6b886d029e6c0dc87/G00000000.ts?pbs=c61e60ee63ce43359679fb9f65d21564&cloud=aws&si=0' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r FOX:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r FOX:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r FOX:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r FOX:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Joyn() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Joyn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpauth=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://auth.joyn.de/auth/anonymous' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"client_id":"b74b9f27-a994-4c45-b7eb-5b81b1c856e7","client_name":"web","anon_device_id":"b74b9f27-a994-4c45-b7eb-5b81b1c856e7"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpauth" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Joyn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local auth=$(echo "$tmpauth" | grep -woP '"access_token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.joyn.de/content/entitlement-token' -H "x-api-key: 36lp1t4wto5uu2i2nk57ywy9on1ns5yg" -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"content_id":"daserste-de-hd","content_type":"LIVE"}' -H "authorization: Bearer ${auth}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Joyn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'entitlement_token') local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'ENT_AssetNotAvailableInCountry') if [ -z "$isOK" ] && [ -z "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Joyn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Joyn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Joyn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Joyn:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_SpotvNow() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r SPOTV NOW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://edge.api.brightcove.com/playback/v1/accounts/5764318566001/videos/6349973203112' -H 'accept: application/json;pk=BCpkADawqM0U3mi_PT566m5lvtapzMq3Uy7ICGGjGB6v4Ske7ZX_ynzj8ePedQJhH36nym_5mbvSYeyyHOOdUsZovyg2XlhV6rRspyYPw_USVNLaR0fB_AAL2HSQlfuetIPiEzbUs1tpNF9NtQxt3BAPvXdOAsvy1ltLPWMVzJHiw9slpLRgI2NUufc' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.spotvnow.co.kr' -H 'referer: https://www.spotvnow.co.kr/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SPOTV NOW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"error_subcode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'CLIENT_GEO') echo -n -e "\r SPOTV NOW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r SPOTV NOW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r SPOTV NOW:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_SKY_DE() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r SKY DE:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://edge.api.brightcove.com/playback/v1/accounts/1050888051001/videos/6247131490001' -H "Accept: application/json;pk=BCpkADawqM0OXCLe4eIkpyuir8Ssf3kIQAM62a1KMa4-1_vTOWQIxoHHD4-oL-dPmlp-rLoS-WIAcaAMKuZVMR57QY4uLAmP4Ov3V416hHbqr0GNNtzVXamJ6d4-rA3Xi98W-8wtypdEyjGEZNepUCt3D7UdMthbsG-Ean3V4cafT4nZX03st5HlyK1chp51SfA-vKcAOhHZ4_Oa9TTN61tEH6YqML9PWGyKrbuN5myICcGsFzP3R2aOF8c5rPCHT2ZAiG7MoavHx8WMjhfB0QdBr2fphX24CSpUKlcjEnQJnBiA1AdLg9iyReWrAdQylX4Eyhw5OwKiCGJznfgY6BDtbUmeq1I9r9RfmhP5bfxVGjILSEFZgXbMqGOvYdrdare0aW2fTCxeHdHt0vyKOWTC6CS1lrGJF2sFPKn1T1csjVR8s4MODqCBY1PTbHY4A9aZ-2MDJUVJDkOK52hGej6aXE5b9N9_xOT2B9wbXL1B1ZB4JLjeAdBuVtaUOJ44N0aCd8Ns0o02E1APxucQqrjnEociLFNB0Bobe1nkGt3PS74IQcs-eBvWYSpolldMH6TKLu8JqgdnM4WIp3FZtTWJRADgAmvF9tVDUG9pcJoRx_CZ4im-rn-AzN3FeOQrM4rTlU3Q8YhSmyEIoxYYqsFDwbFlhsAcvqQkgaElYtuciCL5i3U8N4W9rIhPhQJzsPafmLdWxBP_FXicyek25GHFdQzCiT8nf1o860Jv2cHQ4xUNcnP-9blIkLy9JmuB2RgUXOHzWsrLGGW6hq9wLUtqwEoxcEAAcNJgmoC0k8HE-Ga-NHXng6EFWnqiOg_mZ_MDd7gmHrrKLkQV" -H "Origin: https://www.sky.de" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SKY DE:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"error_subcode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'CLIENT_GEO') echo -n -e "\r SKY DE:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r SKY DE:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r SKY DE:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_ZDF() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r ZDF: \t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://ssl.zdf.de/geo/de/geo.txt/' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_ANDROID}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r ZDF: \t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '404') echo -n -e "\r ZDF: \t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r ZDF: \t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r ZDF: \t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_HBOGO_ASIA() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r HBO GO Asia:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api2.hbogoasia.com/v1/geog?lang=undefined&version=0&bundleId=www.hbogoasia.com' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r HBO GO Asia:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"territory"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r HBO GO Asia:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"country"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -n "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r HBO GO Asia:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r HBO GO Asia:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Country Code Not Found)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_EPIX() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r MGM+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpToken=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.epix.com/v2/sessions' -X POST -H 'host: api.epix.com' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'traceparent: 00-000000000000000015b7efdb572b7bf2-4aefaea90903bd1f-01' -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'x-datadog-origin: rum' -H 'x-datadog-sampling-priority: 1' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'x-datadog-trace-id: 1564983120873880562' -H 'x-datadog-parent-id: 5399726519264460063' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'origin: https://www.mgmplus.com' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'referer: https://www.mgmplus.com/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"device":{"guid":"7a0baaaf-384c-45cd-a21d-310ca5d3002a","format":"console","os":"web","display_width":1865,"display_height":942,"app_version":"1.0.2","model":"browser","manufacturer":"google"},"apikey":"53e208a9bbaee479903f43b39d7301f7"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpToken" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MGM+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local is403=$(echo "$tmpToken" | grep -i '403 ERROR') if [ -n "$is403" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MGM+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local epixToken=$(echo "$tmpToken" | grep -woP '"session_token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$epixToken" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MGM+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.epix.com/graphql' -X POST -H 'host: api.epix.com' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'traceparent: 00-0000000000000000603047c112148412-32d64f8c890631ef-01' -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'x-datadog-origin: rum' -H 'x-datadog-sampling-priority: 1' -H 'accept: application/json' -H "x-session-token: ${epixToken}" -H 'x-datadog-trace-id: 6931118721080787986' -H 'x-datadog-parent-id: 3663202811925377519' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'origin: https://www.mgmplus.com' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'referer: https://www.mgmplus.com/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"operationName":"PlayFlow","variables":{"id":"c2VyaWVzOzEwMTc=","supportedActions":["open_url","show_notice","start_billing","play_content","log_in","noop","confirm_provider","unlinked_provider"],"streamTypes":[{"encryptionScheme":"CBCS","packagingSystem":"DASH"},{"encryptionScheme":"CENC","packagingSystem":"DASH"},{"encryptionScheme":"NONE","packagingSystem":"HLS"},{"encryptionScheme":"SAMPLE_AES","packagingSystem":"HLS"}]},"query":"fragment ShowNotice on ShowNotice {\n type\n actions {\n continuationContext\n text\n __typename\n }\n description\n title\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment OpenUrl on OpenUrl {\n type\n url\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment Content on Content {\n title\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment Movie on Movie {\n id\n shortName\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment Episode on Episode {\n id\n series {\n shortName\n __typename\n }\n seasonNumber\n number\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment Preroll on Preroll {\n id\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment ContentUnion on ContentUnion {\n ...Content\n ...Movie\n ...Episode\n ...Preroll\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment PlayContent on PlayContent {\n type\n continuationContext\n heartbeatToken\n currentItem {\n content {\n ...ContentUnion\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n nextItem {\n content {\n ...ContentUnion\n __typename\n }\n showNotice {\n ...ShowNotice\n __typename\n }\n showNoticeAt\n __typename\n }\n amazonPlaybackData {\n pid\n playbackToken\n materialType\n __typename\n }\n playheadPosition\n vizbeeStreamInfo {\n customStreamInfo\n __typename\n }\n closedCaptions {\n ttml {\n location\n __typename\n }\n vtt {\n location\n __typename\n }\n xml {\n location\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n hints {\n duration\n seekAllowed\n trackingEnabled\n trackingId\n __typename\n }\n streams(types: $streamTypes) {\n playlistUrl\n closedCaptionsEmbedded\n packagingSystem\n encryptionScheme\n videoQuality {\n height\n width\n __typename\n }\n widevine {\n authenticationToken\n licenseServerUrl\n __typename\n }\n playready {\n authenticationToken\n licenseServerUrl\n __typename\n }\n fairplay {\n authenticationToken\n certificateUrl\n licenseServerUrl\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment StartBilling on StartBilling {\n type\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment LogIn on LogIn {\n type\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment Noop on Noop {\n type\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment PreviewContent on PreviewContent {\n type\n title\n description\n stream {\n sources {\n hls {\n location\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment ConfirmProvider on ConfirmProvider {\n type\n __typename\n}\n\nfragment UnlinkedProvider on UnlinkedProvider {\n type\n __typename\n}\n\nquery PlayFlow($id: String!, $supportedActions: [PlayFlowActionEnum!]!, $context: String, $behavior: BehaviorEnum = DEFAULT, $streamTypes: [StreamDefinition!]) {\n playFlow(\n id: $id\n supportedActions: $supportedActions\n context: $context\n behavior: $behavior\n ) {\n ...ShowNotice\n ...OpenUrl\n ...PlayContent\n ...StartBilling\n ...LogIn\n ...Noop\n ...PreviewContent\n ...ConfirmProvider\n ...UnlinkedProvider\n __typename\n }\n}"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'MGM+ is only available in the United States') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'StartBilling') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MGM+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MGM+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MGM+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r MGM+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_NLZIET() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r NLZIET:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.nlziet.nl/v7/stream/handshake/Widevine/Dash/VOD/rzIL9rb-TkSn-ek_wBmvaw?playerName=BitmovinWeb' -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkM4M0YzQUFGOTRCOTM0ODA2NkQwRjZDRTNEODhGQkREIiwidHlwIjoiYXQrand0In0.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.bk-ziFPJM00bpE7TcgPmIYFFx-2Q5N3BkUzEvQ_dDMK9O1F9f7DEe-Qzmnb5ym7ChlnXwrCV3QyOOA24hu_gCrlNlD7-vI3XGZR-54zFD-F7cRDOoL-1-iO_10tmgwb5Io-svY0bn0EDYKeRxYYBi0w_3bFVFDM2CxxA6tWeBYIfN5rCSzBHd3RPPjYtqX-sogyh_5W_7KJ83GK5kpsywT3mz8q7Cs1mtKs9QA1-o01N0RvTxZAcfzsHg3-qGgLnvaAuZ_XqRK9kLWqJWeJTWKWtUI6OlPex22sY3keKFpfZnUtFv-BvkCM6tvbIlMZAClk3lhI8rMFAWDpUcbcS3w' -H 'nlziet-appname: WebApp' -H 'nlziet-appversion: 5.43.24' -H 'origin: https://app.nlziet.nl' -H 'referer: https://app.nlziet.nl/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NLZIET:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'CountryNotAllowed') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'streamSessionId') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NLZIET:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NLZIET:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NLZIET:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r NLZIET:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_videoland() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.videoland.com/subscribe/videoland-account/graphql' -X POST -H 'host: api.videoland.com' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'apollographql-client-name: apollo_accounts_base' -H 'traceparent: 00-cab2dbd109bf1e003903ec43eb4c067d-623ef8e56174b85a-01' -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'accept: */*' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'origin: https://www.videoland.com' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'referer: https://www.videoland.com/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"operationName":"IsOnboardingGeoBlocked","variables":{},"query":"query IsOnboardingGeoBlocked {\n isOnboardingGeoBlocked\n}\n"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r videoland:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"isOnboardingGeoBlocked"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') case "$result" in 'false') echo -n -e "\r videoland:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'true') echo -n -e "\r videoland:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r videoland:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r videoland:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_NPO_Start_Plus() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.npo.nl/start/api/domain/player-token?productId=LI_NL1_4188102' -H 'host: www.npo.nl' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'referer: https://www.npo.nl/start/live?channel=NPO1' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NPO Start Plus:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local token=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://prod.npoplayer.nl/stream-link' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H 'accept: */*' -H "authorization: ${token}" -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'origin: https://npo.nl' -H 'referer: https://npo.nl/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --data-raw '{"profileName":"dash","drmType":"playready","referrerUrl":"https://npo.nl/start/live?channel=NPO1"}' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r NPO Start Plus:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r NPO Start Plus:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '451') echo -n -e "\r NPO Start Plus:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r NPO Start Plus:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_RakutenTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rakuten TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local fakeUuid=$(gen_uuid) local fakeIfaId=$(gen_uuid) local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://gizmo.rakuten.tv/v3/me/start?device_identifier=web&device_stream_audio_quality=2.0&device_stream_hdr_type=NONE&device_stream_video_quality=FHD' -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'origin: https://www.rakuten.tv' -H 'referer: https://www.rakuten.tv/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' --data-raw '{"device_identifier":"web","device_metadata":{"app_version":"v5.5.30","audio_quality":"2.0","brand":"chrome","firmware":"XX.XX.XX","hdr":false,"model":"GENERIC","os":"Windows 10","sdk":"125.0.0","serial_number":"not implemented","trusted_uid":false,"uid":"824b3fe9-e080-4c33-912b-3f67d96f5f99","video_quality":"FHD","year":1970},"ifa_id":"4ac8a156-b857-4335-96c1-fa8930430092"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rakuten TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -iE 'VPN|forbidden|is not available') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rakuten TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"iso3166_code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rakuten TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'streaming_drm_types') if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rakuten TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Rakuten TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_MoviStarPlus() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Movistar+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://contratar.movistarplus.es/' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Movistar+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Movistar+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Movistar+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Movistar+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Starz() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Starz:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local authorization=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.starz.com/sapi/header/v1/starz/us/09b397fc9eb64d5080687fc8a218775b' -H "Referer: https://www.starz.com/us/en/" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$authorization" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Starz:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://auth.starz.com/api/v4/User/geolocation' -H "AuthTokenAuthorization: $authorization") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Starz:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isAllowedAccess=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"isAllowedAccess"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') local isAllowedCountry=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"isAllowedCountry"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') local isKnownProxy=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"isKnownProxy"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$isAllowedAccess" ] || [ -z "$isAllowedCountry" ] || [ -z "$isKnownProxy" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Starz:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$isAllowedAccess" == 'true' ] && [ "$isAllowedCountry" == 'true' ] && [ "$isKnownProxy" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Starz:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$isAllowedAccess" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Starz:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$isKnownProxy" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Starz:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Starz:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_CanalPlus() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Canal+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://boutique-tunnel.canalplus.com/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Canal+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local result=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -i 'other-country-blocking') if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Canal+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Canal+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Canal+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Sky_CH() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://sky.ch/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r SKY CH:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r SKY CH:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local result=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -i 'out-of-country') if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SKY CH:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r SKY CH:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r SKY CH:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_CBCGem() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r CBC Gem:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.cbc.ca/g/stats/js/cbc-stats-top.js' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r CBC Gem:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"country"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "${result}" ]; then echo -n -e "\r CBC Gem:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'CA' ]; then echo -n -e "\r CBC Gem:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r CBC Gem:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_AcornTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Acorn TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://acorn.tv/' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Acorn TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -iE 'not yet available in your|unavailable in your') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'signup.acorn.tv') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Acorn TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Acorn TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Acorn TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Acorn TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Crave() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crave:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://capi.9c9media.com/destinations/crave_atexace/platforms/desktop/playback/contents/2917721/contentPackages/6642701/manifest.mpd?action=reference&ssl=true&filter=fe&mca=false&uhd=false&mcv=false&hd=true&tpt=true&mta=true&stt=true&multilang=true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Origin: https://www.crave.ca' -H 'Referer: https://www.crave.ca/' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crave:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'video.9c9media.com') local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Geo Constraint Restrictions') if [ -z "$isOK" ] && [ -z "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crave:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crave:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crave:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Crave:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Amediateka() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amediateka:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.amediateka.ru/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amediateka:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local result=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -i 'unavailable') if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amediateka:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '503' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amediateka:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Amediateka:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Amediateka:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_MegogoTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Megogo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://megogo.net/en' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Megogo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local vpnDetected=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'VPN') if [ -n "$vpnDetected" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Abema.TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}Yes (VPN Detected)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Megogo TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_RaiPlay() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rai Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://mediapolisvod.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm?cont=VxXwi7UcqjApssSlashbjsAghviAeeqqEEqualeeqqEEqual&output=64' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rai Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '\K[^<]+') local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'video_no_available') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rai Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Rai Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$result" in 'Y') echo -n -e "\r Rai Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'N') echo -n -e "\r Rai Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Rai Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_TVBAnywhere() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVBAnywhere+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://uapisfm.tvbanywhere.com.sg/geoip/check/platform/android' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVBAnywhere+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"allow_in_this_country"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TVBAnywhere+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$result" in 'true') echo -n -e "\r TVBAnywhere+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'false') echo -n -e "\r TVBAnywhere+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r TVBAnywhere+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function GameTest_ProjectSekai() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Project Sekai: Colorful Stage:\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://game-version.sekai.colorfulpalette.org/1.8.1/3ed70b6a-8352-4532-b819-108837926ff5' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H "User-Agent: pjsekai/48 CFNetwork/1240.0.4 Darwin/20.6.0") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Project Sekai: Colorful Stage:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Project Sekai: Colorful Stage:\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Project Sekai: Colorful Stage:\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Project Sekai: Colorful Stage:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function GameTest_KonosubaFD() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Konosuba Fantastic Days:\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://api.konosubafd.jp/api/masterlist' -X POST -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H "User-Agent: pj0007/212 CFNetwork/1240.0.4 Darwin/20.6.0") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Konosuba Fantastic Days:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Konosuba Fantastic Days:\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Konosuba Fantastic Days:\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Konosuba Fantastic Days:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_NBATV() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.nba.com/watch/' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NBA TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Service is not available in your region') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NBA TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r NBA TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Directv() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://stream.directv.com/watchnow' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Directv Stream:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Directv Stream:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Directv Stream:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Directv Stream:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function RegionTest_NetflixCDN() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.fast.com/netflix/speedtest/v2?https=true&token=YXNkZmFzZGxmbnNkYWZoYXNkZmhrYWxm&urlCount=1' -w '_TAG_%{http_code}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local respContent=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (IP Banned By Netflix)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local cdnDomain=$(echo "$respContent" | grep -woP '"url":"\K[^"]+' | awk -F'[/:]' '{print $4}') if [ -z "$cdnDomain" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then local cdnIP=$(resolve_ip_address "$cdnDomain" 'AAAA') else local cdnIP=$(resolve_ip_address "$cdnDomain" 'A') fi if [ -z "$cdnIP" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (CDN IP Not Found)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if ! validate_intranet "$cdnIP"; then local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://api.ip.sb/geoip/${cdnIP}" -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult1" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local cdnISP=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -woP '"isp"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$cdnISP" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: No ISP Info Found)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi else cdnISP='Hidden by a VPN' fi local iata=$(echo "$cdnDomain" | cut -f3 -d'-' | sed 's/.\{3\}$//' | tr a-z A-Z) # local IATACODE2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck/main/reference/IATACODE2.txt" 2>&1) local isIataFound1=$(echo "$IATACODE" | grep -w "$iata") local isIataFound2=$(echo "$IATACODE2" | grep -w "$iata") if [ -n "$isIataFound1" ]; then local location=$(echo "$IATACODE" | grep -w "$iata" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}' | awk '{$1=$1; print}') fi if [ -z "$isIataFound1" ] && [ -n "$isIataFound2" ]; then local location=$(echo "$IATACODE2" | grep -w "$iata" | awk -F',' '{print $2}' | awk '{$1=$1; print}' | tr A-Z a-z | sed 's/\b[a-z]/\U&/g') fi if [ -z "$location" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: IATA CODE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$cdnISP" == 'Netflix Streaming Services' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Green}${location}${Font_Suffix}\n" return else echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}[${cdnISP}] in [${location}]${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Netflix Preferred CDN:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_SkyGo() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Sky Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://skyid.sky.com/authorise/skygo?response_type=token&client_id=sky&appearance=compact&redirect_uri=skygo://auth' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Sky Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isSignIn=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -E "Sign in|skygoSignin") if [ -n "$isSignIn" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Sky Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -E "Access Denied.*You don't have permission to access") if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Sky Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Sky Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_DirecTVGO() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r DirecTV Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.directvgo.com/registrarse' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r DirecTV Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local isForbidden=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep 'proximamente') local region=$(echo "$urlEffective" | cut -f4 -d'/' | tr a-z A-Z) if [ -n "$isForbidden" ]; then echo -n -e "\r DirecTV Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r DirecTV Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r DirecTV Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r DirecTV Go:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_DAM() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Karaoke@DAM:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'http://cds1.clubdam.com/vhls-cds1/site/xbox/sample_1.mp4.m3u8' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Karaoke@DAM:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Karaoke@DAM:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Karaoke@DAM:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Karaoke@DAM:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_DiscoveryPlus() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取得 API 网址 local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://global-prod.disco-api.com/bootstrapInfo' -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.discoveryplus.com' -H 'referer: https://www.discoveryplus.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' -H 'x-disco-client: WEB:UNKNOWN:dplus_us:2.46.0' -H 'x-disco-params: bid=dplus,hn=www.discoveryplus.com' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local baseApiUrl=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"baseApiUrl"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local realm=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"realm"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$baseApiUrl" ] || [ -z "$realm" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$realm" == 'dplusapac' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No (Not Yet Available in Asia Pacific)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local fakeDeviceId=$(gen_uuid | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' ') local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "${baseApiUrl}/token?deviceId=${fakeDeviceId}&realm=${realm}&shortlived=true" -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.discoveryplus.com' -H 'referer: https://www.discoveryplus.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H "x-device-info: dplus_us/2.46.0 (desktop/desktop; Windows/NT 10.0; ${fakeDeviceId})" -H 'x-disco-client: WEB:UNKNOWN:dplus_us:2.46.0' -H "x-disco-params: realm=${realm},bid=dplus,hn=www.discoveryplus.com,hth=,features=ar" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult1" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local token=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -woP '"token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$token" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "${baseApiUrl}/cms/routes/tabbed-home?include=default&decorators=viewingHistory,isFavorite,playbackAllowed,contentAction" -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.discoveryplus.com' -H 'referer: https://www.discoveryplus.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H 'x-disco-client: WEB:UNKNOWN:dplus_us:2.46.0' -H 'x-disco-params: realm=dplay,bid=dplus,hn=www.discoveryplus.com,hth=,features=ar' -b "st=${token}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -iE 'is unavailable in your|not yet available') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -i 'relationships') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -woP '"mainTerritoryCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | tr a-z A-Z) if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Discovery+:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_ESPNPlus() { local espnCookies=$(echo "$MEDIA_COOKIE" | sed -n '11p') local tokenContent=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://espn.api.edge.bamgrid.com/token' -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer ZXNwbiZicm93c2VyJjEuMC4w.ptUt7QxsteaRruuPmGZFaJByOoqKvDP2a5YkInHrc7c" -d "$espnCookies" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tokenContent" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ESPN+:${Font_SkyBlue}[Sponsored by Jam]${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tokenContent" | grep 'forbidden-location') local is403=$(echo "$tokenContent" | grep '403 ERROR') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ] || [ -n "$is403" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ESPN+:${Font_SkyBlue}[Sponsored by Jam]${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local fakeContent=$(echo "$MEDIA_COOKIE" | sed -n '10p') local refreshToken=$(echo "$tokenContent" | grep -woP '"refresh_token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$refreshToken" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ESPN+:${Font_SkyBlue}[Sponsored by Jam]${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local espnContent=$(echo "$fakeContent" | sed "s/ILOVESTAR/${refreshToken}/g") local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://espn.api.edge.bamgrid.com/graph/v1/device/graphql' -X POST -H "authorization: ZXNwbiZicm93c2VyJjEuMC4w.ptUt7QxsteaRruuPmGZFaJByOoqKvDP2a5YkInHrc7c" -d "$espnContent" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ESPN+:${Font_SkyBlue}[Sponsored by Jam]${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"countryCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local inSupportedLocation=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"inSupportedLocation"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$region" ] || [ -z "$inSupportedLocation" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ESPN+:${Font_SkyBlue}[Sponsored by Jam]${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$region" == 'US' ] && [ "$inSupportedLocation" == 'true' ]; then echo -n -e "\r ESPN+:${Font_SkyBlue}[Sponsored by Jam]${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r ESPN+:${Font_SkyBlue}[Sponsored by Jam]${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Stan() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Stan:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.stan.com.au/login/v1/sessions/web/account' -X POST -w '_TAG_%{http_code}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local respContent=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Stan:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Stan:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '411' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Stan:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -z "$respContent" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Stan:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$respContent" | grep -i 'VPNDetected') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Stan:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Stan:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Binge() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://auth.streamotion.com.au' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Binge:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Binge:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Binge:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Binge:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Docplay() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Docplay:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.docplay.com/subscribe' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Docplay:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local isBlocked=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -i 'geoblocked') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Docplay:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Docplay:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Docplay:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Docplay:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_OptusSports() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://sport.optus.com.au/api/userauth/validate/web/username/restriction.check@gmail.com' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Optus Sports:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Optus Sports:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Optus Sports:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Optus Sports:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_KayoSports() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://billingapi.streamotion.com.au/v2/offers/kayo/' -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://kayosports.com.au' -H 'referer: https://kayosports.com.au/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Kayo Sports:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Kayo Sports:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Kayo Sports:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Kayo Sports:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_NeonTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Neon TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local neonHeader=$(echo "$MEDIA_COOKIE" | sed -n '12p') local neonContent=$(echo "$MEDIA_COOKIE" | sed -n '13p') local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.neontv.co.nz/api/client/gql?' -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -H "$neonHeader" -d "$neonContent" -w '_TAG_%{http_code}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local respContent=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Neon TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Neon TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -z "$respContent" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Neon TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$respContent" | grep -i 'RESTRICTED_GEOLOCATION') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Neon TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Neon TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_SkyGONZ() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r SkyGo NZ:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://login.sky.co.nz/authorize?audience=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.sky.co.nz&client_id=dXhXjmK9G90mOX3B02R1kV7gsC4bp8yx&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.skygo.co.nz&connection=Sky-Internal-Connection&scope=openid%20profile%20email%20offline_access&response_type=code&response_mode=query&state=OXg3QjBGTHpoczVvdG1fRnJFZXVoNDlPc01vNzZjWjZsT3VES2VhN1dDWA%3D%3D&nonce=OEdvci4xZHBHU3VLb1M0T1JRbTZ6WDZJVGQ3R3J0TTdpTndvWjNMZDM5ZA%3D%3D&code_challenge=My5fiXIl-cX79KOUe1yDFzA6o2EOGpJeb6w1_qeNkpI&code_challenge_method=S256&auth0Client=eyJuYW1lIjoiYXV0aDAtcmVhY3QiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMS4zLjAifQ%3D%3D' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r SkyGo NZ:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r SkyGo NZ:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r SkyGo NZ:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r SkyGo NZ:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_ThreeNow() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r ThreeNow:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://bravo-livestream.fullscreen.nz/index.m3u8' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r ThreeNow:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r ThreeNow:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r ThreeNow:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r ThreeNow:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_MaoriTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.maoriplus.co.nz/live-tv/whakaata-maori' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 找出 index-*.js local indexJsPath=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'src="\K/assets/index-[a-z0-9]{8}[^"]+') if [ -z "$indexJsPath" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 下载 index-*.js local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://www.maoriplus.co.nz${indexJsPath}" -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.maoriplus.co.nz' -H 'referer: https://www.maoriplus.co.nz/live-tv/whakaata-maori' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: script' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取得 brightcove 播放器链接 local playerJsUrl=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -woP 'players.brightcove.net/[0-9]{13}/\w{9}_default/index.min.js') local accountId=$(echo "$playerJsUrl" | grep -woP 'players.brightcove.net/\K[0-9]{13}') if [ -z "$playerJsUrl" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取得 brightcove 播放器信息 local tmpresult3=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://${playerJsUrl}" -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'referer: https://www.maoriplus.co.nz/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: script' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: no-cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult3" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取 policy_key local policyKey=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP 'policyKey\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\KBCpk[^"]+') # 由于频道 ID 换的不是特别勤,直接固定,少几个请求 # 该值从该 API 获取:https://api.one.accedo.tv/content/entries?typeAlias=live-channels local bcChannelId='6278939271001' # 最终检查 local tmpresult4=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://edge.api.brightcove.com/playback/v1/accounts/${accountId}/videos/${bcChannelId}" -H "accept: application/json;pk=${policyKey}" -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.maoriplus.co.nz' -H 'referer: https://www.maoriplus.co.nz/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult4" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 3)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult4" | grep -woP '"error_subcode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'CLIENT_GEO') echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'SUCCESS') echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Maori TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_SBSonDemand() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r SBS on Demand:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.sbs.com.au/api/v3/network?context=odwebsite' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SBS on Demand:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"country_code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SBS on Demand:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'AU' ]; then echo -n -e "\r SBS on Demand:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r SBS on Demand:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_ABCiView() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r ABC iView:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.iview.abc.net.au/v2/show/abc-kids-live-stream/video/LS1604H001S00?embed=highlightVideo,selectedSeries' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ABC iView:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'unavailable outside Australia') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"playable"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ABC iView:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ] ; then echo -n -e "\r ABC iView:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$isOK" == 'true' ]; then echo -n -e "\r ABC iView:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r ABC iView:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Channel9() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://login.nine.com.au' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 9:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Geoblock') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Log in to') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 9:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 9:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 9:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Channel 9:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Telasa() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api-videopass-anon.kddi-video.com/v1/playback/system_status' -H "X-Device-ID: d36f8e6b-e344-4f5e-9a55-90aeb3403799" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Telasa:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isForbidden=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'IPLocationNotAllowed') local isAllowed=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"type"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$isAllowed" ] && [ -z "$isForbidden" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Telasa:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isForbidden" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Telasa:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$isAllowed" == 'OK' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Telasa:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Telasa:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_SetantaSports() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Setanta Sports:\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://dce-frontoffice.imggaming.com/api/v2/consent-prompt' -H 'Realm: dce.adjara' -H 'x-api-key: 857a1e5d-e35e-4fdf-805b-a87b6f8364bf' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Setanta Sports:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"outsideAllowedTerritories"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Setanta Sports:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'true' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Setanta Sports:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Setanta Sports:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Setanta Sports:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_MolaTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Mola TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://mola.tv/api/v2/videos/geoguard/check/vd30491025' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Mola TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"isAllowed"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Mola TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'true' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Mola TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Mola TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Mola TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_BeinConnect() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bein Sports Connect:\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://proxies.bein-mena-production.eu-west-2.tuc.red/proxy/availableOffers' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Bein Sports Connect:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '500') echo -n -e "\r Bein Sports Connect:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '451') echo -n -e "\r Bein Sports Connect:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Bein Sports Connect:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_EurosportRO() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Eurosport RO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local fakeUuid=$(gen_uuid) # 取得 Bearer 认证 token local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://eu3-prod-direct.eurosport.ro/token?realm=eurosport' -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://www.eurosport.ro' -H 'referer: https://www.eurosport.ro/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H "x-device-info: escom/0.295.1 (unknown/unknown; Windows/10; ${fakeUuid})" -H 'x-disco-client: WEB:UNKNOWN:escom:0.295.1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Eurosport RO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local token=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$token" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Eurosport RO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGER ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 随便选的视频 local sourceSystemId='eurosport-vid2133403' local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://eu3-prod-direct.eurosport.ro/playback/v2/videoPlaybackInfo/sourceSystemId/${sourceSystemId}?usePreAuth=true" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep 'access.denied.geoblocked') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep 'eurosport-vod') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Eurosport RO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Eurosport RO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Eurosport RO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Eurosport RO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Channel5() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 5:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local timestamp=$(date +%s) local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "https://cassie.channel5.com/api/v2/live_media/my5desktopng/C5.json?timestamp=${timestamp}&auth=0_rZDiY0hp_TNcDyk2uD-Kl40HqDbXs7hOawxyqPnbI" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 5:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in '3000') echo -n -e "\r Channel 5:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '4003') echo -n -e "\r Channel 5:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r Channel 5:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Channel 5:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_MyVideo() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r MyVideo:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.myvideo.net.tw/login.do' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r MyVideo:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local isBlocked=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -i 'serviceAreaBlock') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MyVideo:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r MyVideo:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r MyVideo:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r MyVideo:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_7plus() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r 7plus:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL "https://7plus-sevennetwork.akamaized.net/media/v1/dash/live/cenc/5303576322001/68dca38b-85d7-4dae-b1c5-c88acc58d51c/f4ea4711-514e-4cad-824f-e0c87db0a614/225ec0a0-ef18-4b7c-8fd6-8dcdd16cf03a/1x/segment0.m4f?akamai_token=exp=1672500385~acl=/media/v1/dash/live/cenc/5303576322001/68dca38b-85d7-4dae-b1c5-c88acc58d51c/f4ea4711-514e-4cad-824f-e0c87db0a614/*~hmac=800e1e1d1943addf12b71339277c637c7211582fe12d148e486ae40d6549dbde" -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ "$result1" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r 7plus:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result1" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r 7plus:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return else echo -n -e "\r 7plus:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi } function MediaUnlockTest_Channel10() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 10:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://e410fasadvz.global.ssl.fastly.net/geo' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 10:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"allow"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 10:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'true' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 10:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Channel 10:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Channel 10:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Spotify() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://spclient.wg.spotify.com/signup/public/v1/account' -d "birth_day=11&birth_month=11&birth_year=2000&collect_personal_info=undefined&creation_flow=&creation_point=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spotify.com%2Fhk-en%2F&displayname=Gay%20Lord&gender=male&iagree=1&key=a1e486e2729f46d6bb368d6b2bcda326&platform=www&referrer=&send-email=0&thirdpartyemail=0&identifier_token=AgE6YTvEzkReHNfJpO114514" -X POST -H "Accept-Language: en" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Spotify Registration:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local statusCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"status"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K\d+') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"country"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local isLaunched=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"is_country_launched"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$statusCode" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Spotify Registration:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$statusCode" == '320' ] || [ "$statusCode" == '120' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Spotify Registration:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -z "$isLaunched" ] || [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Spotify Registration:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$isLaunched" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Spotify Registration:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$statusCode" == '311' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Spotify Registration:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Spotify Registration:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: $statusCode)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_VideoMarket() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r VideoMarket:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.videomarket.jp/graphql' -H 'authority: www.videomarket.jp' -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6' -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjQ4MTkxNTkyMDIsImlhdCI6MTY2NTU1OTIwMiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hdXRoLnZpZGVvbWFya2V0LmpwIiwic3ViIjoiY2ZjZDIwODQ5NWQ1NjVlZjY2ZTdkZmY5Zjk4NzY0ZGEiLCJ1c2VyX3R5cGUiOjAsInNpdGVfdHlwZSI6MiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiYmVkNDdkOTFiMDVhYjgzMGM4YzBhYmFiYjQwNTg5MTFhY2E5NTdkMDBkMTUzNjA2MjI3NzNhOTQ0Y2RlNzRhNSIsInZtaWQiOjB9.Tq18RCxpVz1oV1lja52uRmF0nT6Oa0QsZMTVlPfANwb-RrcSn7PwE9vh7GdNIBc0ydDxRoUMuhStz_Kbu8KxvAh25eafFh7hf0DDqWKKU4ayPMueaR12t74SjFIRC7Cla1NR4uRn3_mgJfZFqOkIf6L5OR9LOVIBhrQPkhbMyqwZyh_kxTH7ToJIQoINb036ftqcF1KfR8ndtBlkrrWWnDpfkmE7-fJQHh92oKKd9l98W5awuEQo0MFspIdSNgt3gLi9t1RRKPDISGlzJkwMLPkHIUlWWZaAmnEkwSeZCPj_WJaqUqBATYKhi3yJZNGlHsScQ_KgAopxlsI6-c88Gps8i6yHvPVYw3hQ9XYq9gVL_SpyW9dKKSPE9MY6I19JHLBXuFXi5OJccqtQzTnKm_ZQM3EcKt5s0cNlXm9RMt0fNdRTQdJ53noD9o-b6hUIxDcHScJ_-30Emiv-55g5Sq9t5KPWO6o0Ggokkj42zin69MxCiUSHXk5FgeY8rX76yGBeLPLPIaaRPXEC1Jeo1VO56xNnQpyX_WHqHWDKhmOh1qSzaxiAiC5POMsTfwGr19TwXHUldYXxuNMIfeAaPZmNTzR5J6XdenFkLnrssVzXdThdlqHpfguLFvHnXTCAm0ZhFIJmacMNw1IxGmCQfkM4HtgKB9ZnWm6P0jIISdg' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'cookie: _gid=GA1.2.1853799793.1706147718; VM_REGIST_BANNER_REF_LINK=%2Ftitle%2F292072; __ulfpc=202401250957239984; _im_vid=01HMZ5C5GNNC6VWSPKD3E4W7YP; __td_signed=true; _td_global=0d11678b-5151-473e-b3a8-4f4d780f26a6; __juicer_sesid_9i3nsdfP_=d36a2e17-0117-47ce-95de-fbd5ffcda2d9; __juicer_session_referrer_9i3nsdfP_=d36a2e17-0117-47ce-95de-fbd5ffcda2d9___https%253A%252F%252Fwww.videomarket.jp%252Fplayer%252F292072%252FA292072001999H01; _gat_UA-221872486-2=1; _ga=GA1.2.777206008.1706147718; _ga_8HZQ9F8HV0=GS1.1.1706147717.1.1.1706147941.0.0.0; _td=3317738c-2329-4b61-ad5a-4e0ad230841d; dc_cl_id=ab38GzrmoV7muvtI' -H 'origin: https://www.videomarket.jp' -H 'referer: https://www.videomarket.jp/player/292072/A292072001999H01' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' -H 'x-videomarket-requested: spa' --data-raw $'{"operationName":"repPacks","variables":{"repFullPackIds":["A292072001999H01"],"isOnSale":false,"isOnlyLatest":true},"query":"query repPacks($repFullPackIds: [String], $fullPacksIds: [String], $isOnSale: Boolean\u0021, $isOnlyLatest: Boolean\u0021) {\\n repPacks(\\n repFullPackIds: $repFullPackIds\\n fullPackIds: $fullPacksIds\\n onSale: $isOnSale\\n onlyLatest: $isOnlyLatest\\n ) {\\n repFullPackId\\n groupType\\n packName\\n fullTitleId\\n titleName\\n storyImageUrl16x9\\n playTime\\n subtitleDubType\\n outlines\\n courseIds\\n price\\n discountRate\\n couponPrice\\n couponDiscountRate\\n rentalDays\\n viewDays\\n deliveryExpiredAt\\n salesType\\n counter {\\n currentPage\\n currentResult\\n totalPages\\n totalResults\\n __typename\\n }\\n undiscountedPrice\\n packs {\\n undiscountedPrice\\n canPurchase\\n fullPackId\\n subGroupType\\n fullTitleId\\n qualityConsentType\\n courseIds\\n price\\n discountRate\\n couponPrice\\n couponDiscountRate\\n rentalDays\\n viewDays\\n deliveryExpiredAt\\n salesType\\n extId\\n stories {\\n fullStoryId\\n subtitleDubType\\n encodeVersion\\n isDownloadable\\n isBonusMaterial\\n fileSize\\n __typename\\n }\\n __typename\\n }\\n status {\\n hasBeenPlayed\\n isCourseRegistered\\n isEstPurchased\\n isNowPlaying\\n isPlayable\\n isRented\\n playExpiredAt\\n playableQualityType\\n rentalExpiredAt\\n __typename\\n }\\n __typename\\n }\\n}\\n"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r VideoMarket:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'OverseasAccess') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '292072') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r VideoMarket:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r VideoMarket:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r VideoMarket:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r VideoMarket:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_JCOM_ON_DEMAND() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://auth.id2.zaq.ne.jp/login' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r J:com On Demand:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r J:com On Demand:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r J:com On Demand:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r J:com On Demand:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_musicjp() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r music.jp:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://overseaauth.music-book.jp/globalIpcheck.js' -w '_TAG_%{http_code}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local respContent=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') local isOK=$(echo "$respContent" | grep -i 'checkIp') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r music.jp:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r music.jp:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -z "$respContent" ]; then echo -n -e "\r music.jp:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r music.jp:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r music.jp:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_InstagramMusic() { ARCH=$(uname -m) if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then curl -sL -o ./ins https://github.com/lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck/raw/refs/heads/main/binary/ins_amd64 chmod +x ./ins clear ./ins elif [ "$ARCH" = "aarch64" ]; then curl -sL -o ./ins https://github.com/lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck/raw/refs/heads/main/binary/ins_arm64 chmod +x ./ins clear ./ins else echo "Unsupported architecture: $ARCH" exit 1 fi rm ./ins exit 0 } function WebTest_Reddit() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Reddit:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.reddit.com/' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r Reddit:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r Reddit:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Reddit:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Reddit:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Popcornflix() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Popcornflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://popcornflix-prod.cloud.seachange.com/cms/popcornflix/clientconfiguration/versions/2' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ "$result" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Popcornflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$result" in '403') echo -n -e "\r Popcornflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Popcornflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Popcornflix:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_TubiTV() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://tubitv.com/home' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tubi TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'not currently available in your area') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'manifest') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tubi TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tubi TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tubi TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Tubi TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Philo() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Philo:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://content-us-east-2-fastly-b.www.philo.com/geo' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Philo:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"status"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Philo:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$result" in 'FAIL') echo -n -e "\r Philo:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'SUCCESS') echo -n -e "\r Philo:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Philo:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_FXNOW() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r FXNOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://fxnow.fxnetworks.com/' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r FXNOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'is not accessible') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i "FX Movies") if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r FXNOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r FXNOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r FXNOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r FXNOW:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Crunchyroll() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crunchyroll:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://c.evidon.com/geo/country.js' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crunchyroll:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep "'code':'us'") if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crunchyroll:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" else echo -n -e "\r Crunchyroll:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" fi } function MediaUnlockTest_CWTV() { local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL "https://www.cwtv.com/" -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r CW TV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403'|'451') echo -n -e "\r CW TV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r CW TV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r CW TV:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Shudder() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.shudder.com/' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Shudder:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -iE 'not available|not yet available|403 ERROR') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'movies') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Shudder:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Shudder:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Shudder:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Shudder:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_TLCGO() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r TLC GO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local fakeDeviceId=$(gen_uuid) local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://us1-prod-direct.tlc.com/token?deviceId=${fakeDeviceId}&realm=go&shortlived=true" -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'origin: https://go.tlc.com' -H 'referer: https://go.tlc.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H 'x-device-info: tlc/3.17.0 (desktop/desktop; Windows/NT 10.0; ${fakeDeviceId})' -H 'x-disco-client: WEB:UNKNOWN:tlc:3.17.0' -H 'x-disco-params: realm=go,siteLookupKey=tlc,bid=tlc,hn=go.tlc.com,hth=us,features=ar' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TLC GO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local token=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$token" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TLC GO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://us1-prod-direct.tlc.com/cms/routes/home?include=default&decorators=viewingHistory,isFavorite,playbackAllowed&page\[items.number\]=1&page\[items.size\]=8' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" -H 'origin: https://go.tlc.com' -H 'referer: https://go.tlc.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H 'x-disco-client: WEB:UNKNOWN:tlc:3.17.0' -H 'x-disco-params: realm=go,siteLookupKey=tlc,bid=tlc,hn=go.tlc.com,hth=us,features=ar' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -i 'is not yet available') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -i 'Episodes') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -woP '"mainTerritoryCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | tr a-z A-Z) if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TLC GO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TLC GO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TLC GO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r TLC GO:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function RegionTest_oneTrust() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://geolocation.onetrust.com/cookieconsentpub/v1/geo/location' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r OneTrust Region:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"country"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local stateName=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"stateName"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r OneTrust Region:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -z "$stateName" ]; then local stateName='Unknown' fi echo -n -e "\r OneTrust Region:\t\t\t${Font_Green}${region} [${stateName}]${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Wavve() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Wavve:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://apis.wavve.com/fz/streaming?device=pc&partner=pooq&apikey=E5F3E0D30947AA5440556471321BB6D9&credential=none&service=wavve&pooqzone=none®ion=kor&drm=pr&targetage=all&contentid=MV_C3001_C300000012559&contenttype=movie&hdr=sdr&videocodec=avc&audiocodec=ac3&issurround=n&format=normal&withinsubtitle=n&action=dash&protocol=dash&quality=auto&deviceModelId=Windows%2010&guid=1a8e9c88-6a3b-11ed-8584-eed06ef80652&lastplayid=none&authtype=cookie&isabr=y&ishevc=n' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ "$result" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Wavve:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$result" in '403'|'550') echo -n -e "\r Wavve:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r Wavve:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Wavve:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Tving() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tving:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://api.tving.com/v2a/media/stream/info?apiKey=1e7952d0917d6aab1f0293a063697610&mediaCode=RV60891248' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tving:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'available in South Korea') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'vod_type') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tving:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tving:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Tving:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Tving:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_CoupangPlay() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Coupang Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.coupangplay.com/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Coupang Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local isBlocked=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -i 'not-available') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Coupang Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Coupang Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Coupang Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Coupang Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_NaverTV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Naver TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local ts=$(date +%s%3N) local base_url='https://apis.naver.com/' local key='nbxvs5nwNG9QKEWK0ADjYA4JZoujF4gHcIwvoCxFTPAeamq5eemvt5IWAYXxrbYM' local sign_text="https://apis.naver.com/now_web2/now_web_api/v1/clips/31030608/play-info${ts}" local signature=$(printf "%s" "${sign_text}" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac "${key}" -binary | openssl base64) local signature_encoded=$(printf "%s" "${signature}" | sed 's/ /%20/g;s/!/%21/g;s/"/%22/g;s/#/%23/g;s/\$/%24/g;s/\&/%26/g;s/'\''/%27/g;s/(/%28/g;s/)/%29/g;s/\*/%2a/g;s/+/%2b/g;s/,/%2c/g;s/\//%2f/g;s/:/%3a/g;s/;/%3b/g;s/=/%3d/g;s/?/%3f/g;s/@/%40/g;s/\[/%5b/g;s/\]/%5d/g') local req_url="${base_url}now_web2/now_web_api/v1/clips/31030608/play-info?msgpad=${ts}&md=${signature_encoded}" local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "${req_url}" --user-agent "${UA_Browser}" -H 'host: apis.naver.com' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SecCHUA}" -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'origin: https://tv.naver.com' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'referer: https://tv.naver.com/v/31030608' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9') if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Naver TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"playable"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'NOT_COUNTRY_AVAILABLE') echo -n -e "\r Naver TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'PLAYABLE') echo -n -e "\r Naver TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r Naver TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r Naver TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Afreeca() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r Afreeca TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://vod.afreecatv.com/player/97464151' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Afreeca TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep "document.location.href='https://vod.afreecatv.com'" ) if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Afreeca TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" else echo -n -e "\r Afreeca TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" fi } function MediaUnlockTest_KBSDomestic() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS Domestic:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://vod.kbs.co.kr/index.html?source=episode&sname=vod&stype=vod&program_code=T2022-0690&program_id=PS-2022164275-01-000&broadcast_complete_yn=N&local_station_code=00§ion_code=03' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS Domestic:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'ipck' | grep -woP 'Domestic\\\"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS Domestic:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'true' ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS Domestic:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS Domestic:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r KBS Domestic:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_KBSAmerican() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS American:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://vod.kbs.co.kr/index.html?source=episode&sname=vod&stype=vod&program_code=T2022-0690&program_id=PS-2022164275-01-000&broadcast_complete_yn=N&local_station_code=00§ion_code=03' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS American:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'ipck' | grep -woP 'Domestic\\\"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS American:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'true' ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS American:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$result" == 'false' ]; then echo -n -e "\r KBS American:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r KBS American:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Watcha() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r WATCHA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://watcha.com/' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null -H 'host: watcha.com' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") case "$result" in '000') echo -n -e "\r WATCHA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r WATCHA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '451') echo -n -e "\r WATCHA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r WATCHA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_KOCOWA() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r KOCOWA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.kocowa.com/' -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ "$result" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r KOCOWA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$result" in '200') echo -n -e "\r KOCOWA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '403') echo -n -e "\r KOCOWA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r KOCOWA:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_NBCTV() { local fakeUuid=$(gen_uuid | tr a-z A-Z) local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://geolocation.digitalsvc.apps.nbcuni.com/geolocation/live/usa' -H 'accept: application/media.geo-v2+json' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "app-session-id: ${fakeUuid}" -H 'authorization: NBC-Basic key="usa_live", version="3.0", type="cpc"' -H 'client: oneapp' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'origin: https://www.nbc.com' -H 'referer: https://www.nbc.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --data-raw '{"adobeMvpdId":null,"serviceZip":null,"device":"web"}' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NBC TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"restricted"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K(false|true)') case "$result" in 'false') echo -n -e "\r NBC TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'true') echo -n -e "\r NBC TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r NBC TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r NBC TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_Crackle() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sLi 'https://prod-api.crackle.com/appconfig' -w "_TAG_%{http_code}_TAG_" -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Origin: https://www.crackle.com' -H 'Referer: https://www.crackle.com/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'x-crackle-apiversion: v2.0.0' -H 'x-crackle-brand: crackle' -H 'x-crackle-platform: 5FE67CCA-069A-42C6-A20F-4B47A8054D46' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crackle:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'x-crackle-region:\s{0,}\K[A-Z]+') if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crackle:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$region" == 'US' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Crackle:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" else echo -n -e "\r Crackle:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" fi } function MediaUnlockTest_AETV() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r A&E TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://link.theplatform.com/s/xc6n8B/UR27JDU0bu2s/' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r A&E TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'GeoLocationBlocked') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r A&E TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://play.aetv.com/' -o /dev/null -D - --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local region=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -woP 'AETN-Country-Code=\K[A-Z]+' | head -n 1) if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r A&E TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$region" in 'CA'|'US') echo -n -e "\r A&E TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r A&E TV:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_NFLPlus() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r NFL+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.nfl.com/plus/' -w '%{http_code}_TAG_%{url_effective}\n' -o dev/null --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $1}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r NFL+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local urlEffective=$(echo "$tmpresult" | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') local isBlocked=$(echo "$urlEffective" | grep -iE 'nfl-game-pass|gpi.nfl.com') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r NFL+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r NFL+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r NFL+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_SkyShowTime() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://www.skyshowtime.com/' -w "_TAG_%{http_code}_TAG_" -o /dev/null -D - -H 'accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r SkyShowTime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '403' ]; then echo -n -e "\r SkyShowTime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'where-can-i-stream') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SkyShowTime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'activeTerritory=\K[A-Z]+' | head -n 1) if [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SkyShowTime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$httpCode" == '200' ]; then echo -n -e "\r SkyShowTime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r SkyShowTime:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Faild (Error: ${httpCode})${Font_Suffix}\n" } function GameTest_MathsSpot() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://mathsspot.com/' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'FailureServiceNotInRegion') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local apiPath=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'fetch\("\K[^"]+' | grep 'reportEvent' | sed 's/\/reportEvent//;s/^\///') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"countryCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local nggFeVersion=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"NEXT_PUBLIC_FE_VERSION"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$apiPath" ] || [ -z "$nggFeVersion" ] || [ -z "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local fakeUAId=$(gen_random_str 21) local fakeSessId=$(gen_random_str 21) local fakeFesessId=$(gen_random_str 21) local fakeVisitId=$(gen_random_str 21) local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "https://mathsspot.com/${apiPath}/startSession?appId=5349&uaId=ua-${fakeUAId}&uaSessionId=uasess-${fakeSessId}&feSessionId=fesess-${fakeFesessId}&visitId=visitid-${fakeVisitId}&initialOrientation=landscape&utmSource=NA&utmMedium=NA&utmCampaign=NA&deepLinkUrl=&accessCode=&ngReferrer=NA&pageReferrer=NA&ngEntryPoint=https%3A%2F%2Fmathsspot.com%2F&ntmSource=NA&customData=&appLaunchExtraData=&feSessionTags=nowgg&sdpType=&eVar=&isIframe=false&feDeviceType=desktop&feOsName=window&userSource=direct&visitSource=direct&userCampaign=NA&visitCampaign=NA" -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'referer: https://mathsspot.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' -H 'x-ngg-skip-evar-check: true' -H "x-ngg-fe-version: ${nggFeVersion}") if [ -z "$tmpresult1" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local status=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -woP '"status"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | head -n 1) if [ -z "$status" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi case "$status" in 'FailureServiceNotInRegion') echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'FailureProxyUserLimitExceeded') echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No (Proxy/VPN Detected)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'Success') echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r MathsSpot Roblox:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: $status)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_BGlobalSEA() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r B-Global SouthEastAsia:\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://api.bilibili.tv/intl/gateway/web/playurl?s_locale=en_US&platform=web&ep_id=347666' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r B-Global SouthEastAsia:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K[-\d]+' | head -n 1) case "$result" in '0') echo -n -e "\r B-Global SouthEastAsia:\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '10003003'|'10004001') echo -n -e "\r B-Global SouthEastAsia:\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r B-Global SouthEastAsia:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_BGlobalTH() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r B-Global Thailand Only:\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://api.bilibili.tv/intl/gateway/web/playurl?s_locale=en_US&platform=web&ep_id=10077726' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r B-Global Thailand Only:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K[-\d]+' | head -n 1) case "$result" in '0') echo -n -e "\r B-Global Thailand Only:\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '10003003'|'10004001') echo -n -e "\r B-Global Thailand Only:\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r B-Global Thailand Only:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_BGlobalID() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r B-Global Indonesia Only:\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -fsL 'https://api.bilibili.tv/intl/gateway/web/playurl?s_locale=en_US&platform=web&ep_id=11130043' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r B-Global Indonesia Only:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K[-\d]+' | head -n 1) case "$result" in '0') echo -n -e "\r B-Global Indonesia Only:\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '10003003'|'10004001') echo -n -e "\r B-Global Indonesia Only:\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r B-Global Indonesia Only:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_BGlobalVN() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r B-Global Việt Nam Only:\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://api.bilibili.tv/intl/gateway/web/playurl?s_locale=en_US&platform=web&ep_id=11405745' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r B-Global Việt Nam Only:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K[-\d]+' | head -n 1) case "$result" in '0') echo -n -e "\r B-Global Việt Nam Only:\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '10003003'|'10004001') echo -n -e "\r B-Global Việt Nam Only:\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r B-Global Việt Nam Only:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_AISPlay() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local userId='09e8b25510' local userPasswd='e49e9f9e7f' local fakeApiKey=$(gen_uuid | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' ') local fakeUdid=$(gen_uuid | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' ') local timestamp=$(date +%s) local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "https://web-tls.ais-vidnt.com/device/login/?d=gstweb&gst=1&user=${userId}&pass=${userPasswd}" -H 'accept-language: th' -H 'api-version: 2.8.2' -H "api_key: ${fakeApiKey}" -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryBj2RhUIW7BtRvfK0' -H 'device-info: com.vimmi.ais.portal, Windows + Chrome, AppVersion: 4.9.97, 10, language: tha' -H 'origin: https://aisplay.ais.co.th' -H "privateid: ${userId}" -H 'referer: https://aisplay.ais.co.th/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' -H "time: ${timestamp}" -H "udid: ${fakeUdid}" --data-raw $'------WebKitFormBoundaryBj2RhUIW7BtRvfK0--\r\n' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local sId=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"sid"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local datAuth=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"dat"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') # 新时间戳 local timestamp=$(date +%s) # 取播放模板 local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://web-sila.ais-vidnt.com/playtemplate/?d=gstweb' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'api-version: 2.8.2' -H "api_key: ${fakeApiKey}" -H "dat: ${datAuth}" -H 'device-info: com.vimmi.ais.portal, Windows + Chrome, AppVersion: 0.0.0, 10, Language: unknown' -H 'origin: https://web-player.ais-vidnt.com' -H "privateid: ${userId}" -H 'referer: https://web-player.ais-vidnt.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' -H "sid: ${sId}" -H "time: ${timestamp}" -H "udid: ${fakeUdid}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult1" ]; then echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpLiveUrl=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -woP '"live"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -z "$tmpLiveUrl" ]; then echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local mediaId='B0006' local realLiveUrl=$(echo "$tmpLiveUrl" | sed "s/{MID}/${mediaId}/g;s/metadata.xml/metadata.json/g" ) local realLiveUrl="${realLiveUrl}-https&tuid=${userId}&tdid=${fakeUdid}&chunkHttps=true&origin=anevia" # example: 'https://redirector.ais-vidnt.com/live/ais/B0006/hls/metadata.json?https_streaming=true&tt=f0037b2dae1b884e32fa90f00f146b7e&tpbk=DOGPcIOg1bIpIIrW&tfa=f0-fc&tttlt=1716631179&cdn=live_free-https&tuid=09e8b25510&tdid=01552b8e90f7e9f9e94ea4779cec29e6&chunkHttps=true&origin=anevia' # 取剧集播放网址 local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "$realLiveUrl" -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Origin: https://web-player.ais-vidnt.com' -H 'Referer: https://web-player.ais-vidnt.com/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") # 取第一优先级播放地址 local playUrl=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -woP '"url"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | grep 'rewriter' | head -n 1) if [ -z "$playUrl" ]; then echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult3=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sLi "$playUrl" -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Origin: https://web-player.ais-vidnt.com' -H 'Referer: https://web-player.ais-vidnt.com/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") # X-Base-Request-Check-Status: INCORRECT X-Geo-Protection-System-Status: BLOCK local baseRequstCheckStatus=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP 'X-Base-Request-Check-Status:\s{0,}\K\w+') if [ -z "$baseRequstCheckStatus" ]; then echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ "$baseRequstCheckStatus" == 'INCORRECT' ]; then echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result="$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP 'X-Geo-Protection-System-Status:\s{0,}\K\w+')" case "$result" in 'BLOCK') echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'ALLOW') echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '') echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r AIS Play:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function WebTest_OpenAI() { local tmpresult1=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://api.openai.com/compliance/cookie_requirements' -H 'authority: api.openai.com' -H 'accept: */*' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'authorization: Bearer null' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'origin: https://platform.openai.com' -H 'referer: https://platform.openai.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://ios.chat.openai.com/' -H 'authority: ios.chat.openai.com' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult1" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ChatGPT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ChatGPT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result1=$(echo "$tmpresult1" | grep -i 'unsupported_country') local result2=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -i 'VPN') if [ -z "$result2" ] && [ -z "$result1" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ChatGPT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$result2" ] && [ -n "$result1" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ChatGPT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -z "$result1" ] && [ -n "$result2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ChatGPT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}No (Only Available with Web Browser)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$result1" ] && [ -z "$result2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r ChatGPT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}No (Only Available with Mobile APP)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r ChatGPT:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function WebTest_Gemini() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "https://gemini.google.com" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [[ "$tmpresult" = "curl"* ]]; then echo -n -e "\r Google Gemini:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -q '45631641,null,true' && echo "Yes" || echo "") countrycode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -o ',2,1,200,"[A-Z]\{3\}"' | sed 's/,2,1,200,"//;s/"//' || echo "") if [ -n "$result" ] && [ -n "$countrycode" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Google Gemini:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: $countrycode)${Font_Suffix}\n" return elif [ -n "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Google Gemini:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return else echo -n -e "\r Google Gemini:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi } function WebTest_MetaAI() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.meta.ai/' -H 'accept: */*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Meta AI:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'AbraGeoBlockedErrorRoot') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'AbraHomeRootConversationQuery') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Meta AI:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Meta AI:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | cut -d'_' -f2) echo -n -e "\r Meta AI:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Meta AI:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function RegionTest_Bing() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://www.bing.com/search?q=curl' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bing Region:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isCN=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'cn.bing.com') local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'Region\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') if [ -n "$isCN" ]; then local region='CN' echo -n -e "\r Bing Region:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}${region}${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isRisky=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'sj_cook.set("SRCHHPGUSR","HV"') if [ -n "$isRisky" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Bing Region:\t\t\t\t${Font_Yellow}${region} (Risky)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Bing Region:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}${region}${Font_Suffix}\n" } function WebTest_Wikipedia_Editable() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia%3A%E6%B2%99%E7%9B%92&action=edit' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Wikipedia Editability:\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Banned') if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Wikipedia Editability:\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Wikipedia Editability:\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_K_PLUS() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r K+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local token=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s -H "Origin: https://xem.kplus.vn" -H "Referer: https://xem.kplus.vn/" -X POST -d '{"osVersion":"Windows NT 10.0","appVersion":"","deviceModel":"Chrome","deviceType":"PC","deviceSerial":"w39db81c0-a2e9-11ed-952a-49b91c9e6f09","deviceOem":"Chrome","devicePrettyName":"Chrome","ssoToken":"eyJrZXkiOiJ2c3R2IiwiZW5jIjoiQTEyOENCQy1IUzI1NiIsImFsZyI6ImRpciJ9..MWbBlLuci2KNLl9lvMe63g.IbBX7-dg3BWaXzzoxTQz-pJFulm_Y8axWLuG5DcJxQ9jTUPOhA2e6dzOP2hryAFVPFoIRs97ONGTHEYTFQgUtRlvqvx53jyTi3yegU6zWhJnhYZA2sdaj9khsNvVAth0zcWFoWA9GGwfNE5TZLOwczAexIxqC1Ee-tQDILC4XklFrJfvdzoCQBABRXpD_O4HHHIYFs0jBMtYSyD9Vq7dTD61sAVca_83lav7jvpP17PuAo3HHIFQtUdcugpgkB91mJbABIDTPdo0mqdzbgTA_FilwO1Z5qnpwqIZIXy0bhVXFFcwUZPIUxjLEVzP3SyHceFF5N-v7OeYhYZRLYuBKxWj1cRb3LAa3FGJvefqRsBadlsr0cZnOgx0TsL51a2SaIpNyyGtaq8KTTLULIZBb2Zsq2jmBkZtxjoPxUR8ku7J4sL0tfLDoMlWVZkrX4_1tls3E-l8Ael-wd0kbS1i2vpf-Vdh80lRClpDg3ibSSUFPsp3wYMFsuKfyY8vpHrCfYDJDDbYOSv20sfnU7q7gcmizTCFBuiszmXbFX9_aH8UOaCGeqkYDV1ZZ3mQ26TM7JEquuZTV09wdi81ABoM8RZcb2ua0cuocaO4-asMh8KQWNea9BCYlKK5NSPz--oGgGxSdvxZ63qQz1Lr4QZytA2buoQV5OlMoEP7k87fPcig5rPqsK7aeWUXJSmfiOBbSLztoiamvvHClMpds3frv0ud8NWUUoijmS_JUGfF7XYNxWWqEGJuDUoSllV5MVwtIb5wM069gR7zknrr5aRVDi3Nho16KHQ_iB3vxoIr-ExajWLNlvo44CopGhxhgOAKPkULV356uamZpB7twY_iEVrwGMQA1_hEH4usO-UbzuxL_pssLhJKD4NjVcTe86Z08Bfm0IyiNWESmFkA6FVfsxu57Yfd4bXT8mxnfXXmklb7u7vB0RVYRo4i26QGJbPknybHdfgQWEvRCMoAjEG-E2LymBAMwFneWEpPTwBMpfvlTHnGnUtfViA4Zy1xqF2q95g9AF9nF3sE4YpYuSFSkUQB4sZd8emDApIdP6Avqsq809Gg06_R2sUGrD9SQ-XbXhvtAYMcaUcSv54hJvRcSUkygqU8tdg4tJHR23UBb-I.UfpC5BKhvt8EE5gpIFMQoQ","brand":"vstv","environment":"p","language":"en_US","memberId":"0","featureLevel":4,"provisionData":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYyI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNjg2NTc4NzYyLCJ1cCI6ImNwaSIsImRlIjoiYnJhbmRNYXBwaW5nIiwiYnIiOiJ2c3R2IiwiZHMiOiJ3MzlkYjgxYzAtYTJlOS0xMWVkLTk1MmEtNDliOTFjOWU2ZjA5In0.3mbI7wnJKtRf3493yc_ZEMEvzUXldwDx0sSZdwQnlNk"}' "https://tvapi-sgn.solocoo.tv/v1/session" | grep -woP '"token"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f2 -d'"') if [ -z "$token" ]; then echo -n -e "\r K+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s -X POST -d '{"player":{"name":"RxPlayer","version":"3.29.0","capabilities":{"mediaTypes":["DASH","DASH"],"drmSystems":["PlayReady","Widevine"],"smartLib":true}}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" "https://tvapi-sgn.solocoo.tv/v1/assets/BJO0h8jMwJWg5Id_4VLxIJ-VscUzRry_myp4aC21/play") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r K+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'geoblock') if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r K+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r K+:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_TV360() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r TV360:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'http://api-v2.tv360.vn/public/v1/composite/get-link?childId=998335&device_type=WEB_IPHONE&id=19474&network_device_id=prIUMaumjI7dNWKSUxFkEViFygs%3D&t=1686572228&type=film' -H "userid: 182551343" -H "devicetype: WEB_IPHONE" -H "deviceName: iPad Air 5th Gen (WiFi)" -H "profileid: 182733455" -H "s: cSkV/vwUfX6tahDwe6xh9Bl0yhNs/TdWTaOJiWDt3gHekijGnNYh9i4YaUmdfBfI4oKOwvioKJ7PuKMH7ctWA6rEHeGXH/nUYOY1g7l4Umh6zoed5bBwWCgUuh5eMqdNNoptwaeCee58USTteOkbHQ==" -H "deviceid: 69FFABD6-F9D8-4C2E-8C44-7195CF0A2930" -H "devicedrmid: prIUMaumjI7dNWKSUxFkEViFygs=" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxODI1NTEzNDMiLCJ1c2VySWQiOjE4MjU1MTM0MywicHJvZmlsZUlkIjoxODI3MzM0NTUsImR2aSI6MjY5NDY3MTUzLCJjb250ZW50RmlsdGVyIjoiMTAwIiwiZ25hbWUiOiIiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODY1NzIyMDEsImV4cCI6MTY4NzE3NzAwMX0.oi0BKvATgBzPEkqR_liBrvMKXBUiWzp2BQme-biDnwiVhuta0qn_aZo6z3azLdjW5kH6PfEwEkc4K9jCfAK5rw" -H "osappversion: 1.9.27" -H "sessionid: C5017358-5327-4185-999A-CA3291CC66AC" -H "zoneid: 1" -H "Accept: application/json, text/html" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "osapptype: IPAD" -H "tv360transid: 1686572228_69FFABD6-F9D8-4C2E-8C44-7195CF0A2930" -H "User-Agent: TV360/31 CFNetwork/1402.0.8 Darwin/22.2.0") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r TV360:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"errorCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K\d+') case "$result" in '310') echo -n -e "\r TV360:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; '200') echo -n -e "\r TV360:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r TV360:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_MeWatch() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r MeWatch:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://cdn.mewatch.sg/api/items/97098/videos?delivery=stream%2Cprogressive&ff=idp%2Cldp%2Crpt%2Ccd&lang=en&resolution=External&segments=all' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MeWatch:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}\K\d+') local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Stream') if [ -z "$isBlocked" ] && [ -z "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MeWatch:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: PAGE ERROR)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MeWatch:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MeWatch:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r MeWatch:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_trueID() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r trueID:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "https://tv.trueid.net/th-en/live/thairathtv-hd" -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r trueID:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local channelId=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"channelId"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | head -n 1) local authUser=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP '"buildId"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+' | head -n 1) local authKey=${authUser:10} local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://tv.trueid.net/api/stream/checkedPlay?channelId=${channelId}&lang=en&country=th" -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' -u ${authUser}:${authKey} -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'referer: https://tv.trueid.net/th-en/live/thairathtv-hd' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local result=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -woP '"billboardType"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in 'GEO_BLOCK') echo -n -e "\r trueID:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; 'LOADING') echo -n -e "\r trueID:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r trueID:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_SonyLiv() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL 'https://www.sonyliv.com/' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: none' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SonyLiv:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'geolocation_notsupported') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SonyLiv:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi # 取得 JWT Token local jwtToken=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'securityToken' | sed 's/.*securityToken//' | sed 's/.*resultObj//' | cut -f2 -d'"' | head -n 1) # 取得国家代码 local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://apiv2.sonyliv.com/AGL/1.4/A/ENG/WEB/ALL/USER/ULD' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'referer: https://www.sonyliv.com/' -H 'device_id: 25a417c3b5f246a393fadb022adc82d5-1715309762699' -H 'app_version: 3.5.59' -H "security_token: ${jwtToken}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SonyLiv:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -woP '"country_code"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') # 取得播放详情 local tmpresult3=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s "https://apiv2.sonyliv.com/AGL/3.8/A/ENG/WEB/${region}/ALL/CONTENT/VIDEOURL/VOD/1000045427/prefetch" -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' -H 'sec-fetch-dest: document' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: navigate' -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' -H 'sec-fetch-user: ?1' -H 'upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'origin: https://www.sonyliv.com' -H 'referer: https://www.sonyliv.com/' -H 'device_id: 25a417c3b5f246a393fadb022adc82d5-1715309762699' -H "security_token: ${jwtToken}" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult3" ]; then echo -n -e "\r SonyLiv:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 2)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP '"resultCode"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') local reason=$(echo "$tmpresult3" | grep -woP '"message"\s{0,}:\s{0,}"\K[^"]+') case "$result" in "KO") echo -n -e "\r SonyLiv:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No (${reason})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; "OK") echo -n -e "\r SonyLiv:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; *) echo -n -e "\r SonyLiv:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: ${result})${Font_Suffix}\n" ;; esac } function MediaUnlockTest_JioCinema() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://apis-jiocinema.voot.com/location' -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Origin: https://www.jiocinema.com' -H 'Referer: https://www.jiocinema.com/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' -H "sec-ch-ua: ${UA_SEC_CH_UA}" -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Jio Cinema:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult2=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -s 'https://content-jiovoot.voot.com/psapi/voot/v1/voot-web//view/show/3500210?subNavId=38fa57ba_1706064514668&excludeTray=player-tray,subnav&responseType=common&devicePlatformType=desktop&page=1&layoutCohort=default&supportedChips=comingsoon' -X 'OPTIONS' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -H 'Access-Control-Request-Headers: app-version' -H 'Access-Control-Request-Method: GET' -H 'Origin: https://www.jiocinema.com' -H 'Referer: https://www.jiocinema.com/' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Jio Cinema:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection 1)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isBlocked1=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Access Denied') local isOK1=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i 'Success') local isBlocked2=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -i 'is unavailable at your') local isOK2=$(echo "$tmpresult2" | grep -i 'Ok') if [ -n "$isBlocked1" ] || [ -n "$isBlocked2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Jio Cinema:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK1" ] && [ -n "$isOK2" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Jio Cinema:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Jio Cinema:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_MXPlayer() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r MX Player:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sLi 'https://www.mxplayer.in/' -w "_TAG_%{http_code}_TAG_" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r MX Player:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local isOK=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep 'set-cookie') local isBlocked=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -iE '403 ERROR|not available in your') if [ -n "$isBlocked" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MX Player:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi if [ -n "$isOK" ]; then echo -n -e "\r MX Player:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r MX Player:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_Zee5() { local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sLi 'https://www.zee5.com/' -w "_TAG_%{http_code}_TAG_" -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") local httpCode=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep '_TAG_' | awk -F'_TAG_' '{print $2}') if [ "$httpCode" == '000' ]; then echo -n -e "\r Zee5:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local region=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -woP 'country=\K[A-Z]{2}' | head -n 1) if [ -n "$region" ]; then echo -n -e "\r Zee5:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes (Region: ${region})${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r Zee5:\t\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Error: Unknown)${Font_Suffix}\n" } function WebTest_EroGameSpace() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r EroGameSpace:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(curl ${CURL_DEFAULT_OPTS} -sL "https://erogamescape.org" --user-agent "${UA_BROWSER}") if [ -z "$tmpresult" ]; then echo -n -e "\r EroGameSpace:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local result=$(echo "$tmpresult" | grep -i '18歳') if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo -n -e "\r EroGameSpace:\t\t\t\t${Font_Green}Yes${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi echo -n -e "\r EroGameSpace:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}No${Font_Suffix}\n" } function MediaUnlockTest_DAnimeStore() { if [ "${USE_IPV6}" == 1 ]; then echo -n -e "\r D Anime Store:\t\t\t\t${Font_Red}IPv6 Is Not Currently Supported${Font_Suffix}\n" return fi local tmpresult=$(OPENSSL_CONF=<(cat <