[{"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 1, "fields": {"title": "1984", "author": 1, "summary": "Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by English writer George Orwell published in June 1949. The novel is set in the year 1984 when most of the world population have become victims of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance and propaganda.", "isbn": "9780451524935", "language": null, "genre": [1, 2]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 2, "fields": {"title": "Dandelion Wine", "author": 2, "summary": "Dandelion Wine is a 1957 novel by Ray Bradbury, taking place in the summer of 1928 in the fictional town of Green Town, Illinois, based upon Bradbury's childhood home of Waukegan, Illinois. The novel developed from the short story \"Dandelion Wine\" which appeared in the June 1953 issue of Gourmet magazine.", "isbn": "9780553277531", "language": null, "genre": [1, 3]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 3, "fields": {"title": "Fahrenheit 451", "author": 2, "summary": "Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. It is regarded as one of his best works. The novel presents a future American society where books are outlawed and \"firemen\" burn any that are found.", "isbn": "9781451673319", "language": null, "genre": [1, 2]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 4, "fields": {"title": "One Hundred Years of Solitude", "author": 3, "summary": "One Hundred Years of Solitude is a landmark 1967 novel by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez that tells the multi-generational story of the Buendía family, whose patriarch, José Arcadio Buendía, founded the town of Macondo, a fictitious town in the country of Colombia.", "isbn": "9780060883287", "language": null, "genre": [4, 5]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 5, "fields": {"title": "To Kill a Mockingbird", "author": 4, "summary": "To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. It was immediately successful, winning the Pulitzer Prize, and has become a classic of modern American literature.", "isbn": "9780060935467", "language": null, "genre": [6, 7, 8, 9]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 6, "fields": {"title": "For Whom The Bell Tolls", "author": 5, "summary": "For Whom the Bell Tolls is a novel by Ernest Hemingway published in 1940. It tells the story of Robert Jordan, a young American volunteer attached to a Republican guerrilla unit during the Spanish Civil War. As a dynamiter, he is assigned to blow up a bridge during an attack on the city of Segovia.", "isbn": "9780784808795", "language": null, "genre": [10]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 7, "fields": {"title": "Go Set a Watchman", "author": 4, "summary": "Go Set a Watchman is a novel by Harper Lee published on July 14, 2015 by HarperCollins, United States and William Heinemann, United Kingdom. Although written before her first and only other published novel, the Pulitzer Prize–winning To Kill a Mockingbird—and initially promoted by its publisher as a sequel—it is now accepted as being a first draft of the famous novel, with many passages being used again in To Kill a Mockingbird", "isbn": "9788491390572", "language": null, "genre": [11]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 8, "fields": {"title": "The Brothers Karamazov", "author": 6, "summary": "The Brothers Karamazov, also translated as The Karamazov Brothers, is the final novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky spent nearly two years writing The Brothers Karamazov, which was published as a serial in The Russian Messenger from January 1879 to November 1880.", "isbn": "9785521005567", "language": null, "genre": [11, 12]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 9, "fields": {"title": "The Idiot", "author": 6, "summary": "The title is an ironic reference to the central character of the novel, Prince (Knyaz) Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin, a young man whose goodness, open-hearted simplicity and guilelessness lead many of the more worldly characters he encounters to mistakenly assume that he lacks intelligence and insight. In the character of Prince Myshkin, Dostoevsky set himself the task of depicting \"the positively good and beautiful man.\"[1] The novel examines the consequences of placing such a unique individual at the centre of the conflicts, desires, passions and egoism of worldly society, both for the man himself and for those with whom he becomes involved.", "isbn": "9780850670356", "language": null, "genre": [13]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 10, "fields": {"title": "Crime and Punishment", "author": 6, "summary": "Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-student in Saint Petersburg who formulates a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her money. Before the killing, Raskolnikov believes that with the money he could liberate himself from poverty and go on to perform great deeds. However, once it is done he finds himself racked with confusion, paranoia, and disgust for what he has done. His ethical justifications disintegrate completely as he struggles with guilt and horror and confronts the real-world moral consequences of his deed.", "isbn": "9788897572657", "language": null, "genre": [12, 14]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 11, "fields": {"title": "Demons", "author": 6, "summary": "Demons is an allegory of the potentially catastrophic consequences of the political and moral nihilism that were becoming prevalent in Russia in the 1860s. A fictional town descends into chaos as it becomes the focal point of an attempted revolution, orchestrated by master conspirator Pyotr Verkhovensky. The mysterious aristocratic figure of Nikolai Stavrogin—Verkhovensky's counterpart in the moral sphere—dominates the book, exercising an extraordinary influence over the hearts and minds of almost all the other characters. The idealistic, western-influenced generation of the 1840s, epitomized in the character of Stepan Verkhovensky (who is both Pyotr Verkhovensky's father and Nikolai Stavrogin's childhood teacher), are presented as the unconscious progenitors and helpless accomplices of the 'demonic' forces that take possession of the town.", "isbn": "9788402040893", "language": null, "genre": [13, 15]}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 12, "fields": {"title": "La economía en 365 preguntas", "author": 7, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788425227974", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 13, "fields": {"title": "Los detectives de elefantes", "author": 8, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788414040874", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 14, "fields": {"title": "Último acto en el teatro de la Ópera", "author": 9, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408038221", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 15, "fields": {"title": "La Agenda 2030 : implicaciones y retos para las administraciones locales", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788412026764", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 16, "fields": {"title": "Las chicas de la 305", "author": 10, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788469891155", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 17, "fields": {"title": "Todo lo que sé sobre fiestas, citas, amigos, trabajo, vida, el amor", "author": 11, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408239321", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 18, "fields": {"title": "Alí Babá y los cuarenta ladrones. (2008)", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788493621650 (obra completa)", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 19, "fields": {"title": "Cuentos de Eva Luna", "author": 12, "summary": "", "isbn": "8439598467", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 20, "fields": {"title": "¡Tómate un respiro! : mindfulness : el arte de mantener la calma en medio de la tempestad", "author": 13, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467048766", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 21, "fields": {"title": "Yo, asesino", "author": 14, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467917246", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 22, "fields": {"title": "Qué es la guerra", "author": 15, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788417178086", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 23, "fields": {"title": "Violeta y su arco iris", "author": 16, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788493478193", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 24, "fields": {"title": "Emocionarte : la doble vida de los cuadros", "author": 17, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467060294", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 25, "fields": {"title": "Los zapatos rojos", "author": 18, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788415130239", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 26, "fields": {"title": "Animal fun! = ¡Los animales!", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788444102849", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 27, "fields": {"title": "Ocultos en el bosque", "author": 19, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788413430546", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 28, "fields": {"title": "Mariano Anós : pinturas : [exposición], Sala Municipal Arte Joven, del 12 de enero al 4 de febrero de 1990", "author": 20, "summary": "", "isbn": "", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 29, "fields": {"title": "Nadie como ella", "author": 21, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788418038204", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 30, "fields": {"title": "Cuento de Navidad", "author": 22, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788431671679", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 31, "fields": {"title": "El delfín", "author": 23, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788468439969", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 32, "fields": {"title": "Anuario Ornitológico de Aragón 2015-17 : AODA. Vol. IX", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 33, "fields": {"title": "El apasionante juego del Ajedrez. (1994)", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "8430577637", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 34, "fields": {"title": "Apocalypse now [Videograbación] : redux", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 35, "fields": {"title": "Guerra y cuchillo : Los Sitios de Zaragoza (1808-1809)", "author": 24, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788413840475", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 36, "fields": {"title": "Utilidad de las desgracias y otros textos", "author": 25, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788490668696", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 37, "fields": {"title": "Emanuela de Dampierre : Esposa y madre de los Borbones que pudieron reinar en España", "author": 26, "summary": "", "isbn": "8497341414", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 38, "fields": {"title": "Eichmann en Jerusalén", "author": 27, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788483460665", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 39, "fields": {"title": "Felicidad con Aristóleles", "author": 28, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788427222656", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 40, "fields": {"title": "Manual de filosofía portátil", "author": 29, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788418807879", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 41, "fields": {"title": "El sistema inmunitario por fin sale del armario : vive una vida plena, larga y saludable", "author": 30, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788413441580", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 42, "fields": {"title": "Arquitectura del agua y territorio en la época moderna", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788413243993", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 43, "fields": {"title": "Arrebato [Videograbación]", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 44, "fields": {"title": "Catalina de Aragón, Reina de Inglaterra", "author": 31, "summary": "", "isbn": "849734085X", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 45, "fields": {"title": "Trilogía de la Fundación", "author": 32, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788499083209", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 46, "fields": {"title": "El país donde florece el limonero : la historia de Italia y sus cítricos", "author": 33, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788416748402", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 47, "fields": {"title": "Las aventuras de Tintín [Videograbación] : el secreto del unicornio", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 48, "fields": {"title": "Babe, el cerdito valiente [Videograbación]", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 49, "fields": {"title": "Laberinto de juegos", "author": 34, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788493672607", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 50, "fields": {"title": "El misterio del cuaderno chino", "author": 35, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788427133846", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 51, "fields": {"title": "Vampiros en el Castillo Colmillos", "author": 36, "summary": "", "isbn": "8423668703", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 52, "fields": {"title": "Bob Esponja va al médico", "author": 37, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788444165592", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 53, "fields": {"title": "Las largas sombras", "author": 38, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788466384773", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 54, "fields": {"title": "Asedio y tormenta", "author": 39, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788418002502", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 55, "fields": {"title": "Ruina y ascenso", "author": 39, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788418002519", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 56, "fields": {"title": "Sombra y hueso", "author": 39, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788418002496", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 57, "fields": {"title": "Seda", "author": 40, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788433976598", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 58, "fields": {"title": "Los crímenes de la carretera", "author": 41, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788423359141", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 59, "fields": {"title": "El último juego", "author": 41, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788423361403", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 60, "fields": {"title": "Género : una guía gráfica", "author": 42, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788418403231", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 61, "fields": {"title": "¡Que me parta un rayo!", "author": 43, "summary": "", "isbn": "8423625559", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 62, "fields": {"title": "La cruzada albigense y el imperio aragonés : la verdadera historia de los cátaros, Jaime I el Conquistador y la expansión de la Corona de Aragón", "author": 44, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788497633659", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 63, "fields": {"title": "El tiempo escondido", "author": 45, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788496778542", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 64, "fields": {"title": "El libro del agua : lo que necesitamos saber sobre esta fuente de vida", "author": 46, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788494058240", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 65, "fields": {"title": "Lo mejor de Aragón : experiencias y lugares auténticos", "author": 47, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408254461", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 66, "fields": {"title": "El bebé del fin del mundo", "author": 48, "summary": "", "isbn": "8434509946", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 67, "fields": {"title": "El arte clásico : de Grecia a Roma", "author": 49, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788413843292", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 68, "fields": {"title": "Never give up : secretos de una muser", "author": 50, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788448024970", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 69, "fields": {"title": "El ejército de la nada", "author": 51, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788420406350", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 70, "fields": {"title": "Los hombres de Putin cómo el KGB se apoderó de Rusia y se enfrentó a Occidente", "author": 52, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788411000697", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 71, "fields": {"title": "Todas esas cosas que te diré mañana", "author": 53, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788491295976", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 72, "fields": {"title": "Descubre el huerto biodinámico : [cultiva siguiendo los ritmos de la naturaleza]", "author": 54, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788494433474", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 73, "fields": {"title": "Elieta", "author": 55, "summary": "", "isbn": "8426319914", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 74, "fields": {"title": "Jardinosofía : una historia filosófica de los jardines", "author": 56, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788416354085", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 75, "fields": {"title": "Big Fish [Videograbación]", "author": null, "summary": "", "isbn": "", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 76, "fields": {"title": "Cuentos navideños", "author": 57, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788490941379", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 77, "fields": {"title": "Acuarela : inspiración y técnicas de artistas contemporáneos", "author": 58, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788425227974", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 78, "fields": {"title": "Dibujar : trucos, técnicas y recursos para la inspiración visual", "author": 58, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788425226939", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 79, "fields": {"title": "Animalotes : Episodios 11 y 12", "author": 59, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788469891452", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 80, "fields": {"title": "Animalotes : Episodios 9 y 10", "author": 59, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788469888858", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 81, "fields": {"title": "Kragos y Kildor : el demonio de dos cabezas", "author": 60, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408120544", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 82, "fields": {"title": "¡Lávate los dientes!", "author": 61, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408246268", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 83, "fields": {"title": "La chica invisible", "author": 62, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408184782", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 84, "fields": {"title": "Los crímenes de Chopin", "author": 62, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408257417", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 85, "fields": {"title": "La promesa de Julia", "author": 62, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408224754", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 86, "fields": {"title": "El puzle de cristal", "author": 62, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788408205692", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 87, "fields": {"title": "Los cinco en el cerro del contrabandista", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788447377985", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 88, "fields": {"title": "Los cinco en la caravana", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788447377992", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 89, "fields": {"title": "Los cinco otra vez en la isla de Kirrin", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788447378005", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 90, "fields": {"title": "Los cinco se escapan", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788447377978", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 91, "fields": {"title": "Los cinco se ven en apuros", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788447378029", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 92, "fields": {"title": "Los cinco van de acampada", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788447378012", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 93, "fields": {"title": "Los cinco viven una nueva aventura", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788447377961", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 94, "fields": {"title": "Claudina en Santa Clara", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225297", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 95, "fields": {"title": "Cuarto curso en Torres de Malory", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225266", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 96, "fields": {"title": "Las mellizas cambian de colegio", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225211", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 97, "fields": {"title": "Las mellizas en Santa Clara", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225259", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 98, "fields": {"title": "Las mellizas O'Sullivan", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225235", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 99, "fields": {"title": "Primer curso en Torres de Malory", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225204", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 100, "fields": {"title": "Quinto grado en Santa Clara", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225310", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 101, "fields": {"title": "Quinto grado en Torres de Malory", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225280", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 102, "fields": {"title": "Segundo curso en Santa Clara", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225273", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 103, "fields": {"title": "Segundo grado en Torres de Malory", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225228", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 104, "fields": {"title": "Tercer año en Torres de Malory", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225242", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 105, "fields": {"title": "Último curso en Torres de Malory", "author": 63, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788467225303", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 106, "fields": {"title": "La curiosa Aylén encuentra un amigo", "author": 64, "summary": "", "isbn": "9500826313", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 107, "fields": {"title": "La baraja de plata", "author": 65, "summary": "", "isbn": "9788418584718", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 108, "fields": {"title": "¿Qué le pasa al tiempo?", "author": 66, "summary": "", "isbn": "9781474987172", "language": null, "genre": []}}, {"model": "catalog.book", "pk": 109, "fields": {"title": "La recaraba", 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