# CSS to SASS and Stylus converter for Sublime Text 3 [![5k](https://cdn.rawgit.com/lnikell/wiki/master/5k.svg)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/CSS%20To%20SASS%20And%20Stylus%20Converter) **STOP WASTING YOUR TIME** removing brackets, semicolons and formating any css inserted from your browser to Sublime Text. ![Example usage] (https://habrastorage.org/files/1cc/aa6/0bb/1ccaa60bb0924c8b8976b99acf0e5fd9.gif) You could also copy something like this: ```css { display: block; color: #ffffff; } ``` And plugin will transform it to: ```css display: block color: #ffffff ``` ## Features - works without any gems or npm packages - supports nested selectors - unprefixing (comming soon) ## Installation ### via Package Control - Open the Command Pallete (ctrl+shift+P or cmd+shift+P); - Type "Install Package" - Type "css to sass converter" and hit return. ## Configuration options ### colon **Default**: `true`. Add semicolon after property name or not. Makes sense only for stylus. ## Default key bindings `Ctrl+V` on Windows/Linux `Cmd+V` on OS X